Top 99 Mental Illness Quotes

I’ve thought about my relationship to my body, my body dysmorphia, and what that means as someone who’s like, ‘Oh, I’m going to be on camera.’ Sometimes it makes my body dysmorphia worse, but I’ve also tried to not let my mental illness rob the joy of getting to do something I’ve always wanted to do.
Patti Harrison
I didn’t want to do a zoo show. I didn’t want to do a study of someone with mental illness. I just wanted to show someone who was trying to live their life.
Daniel Craig
Not talking about mental illness is killing people. We need that to stop.
Mauro Ranallo
Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness.
Richard Carlson
People don’t realize how many of the homeless are single moms, and a lot of veterans, and people with mental illness.
Joe Maddon
There are people with much bigger profiles than mine who are talking about mental illness. I am going to try to use whatever platform I have, whatever voice I have to help eliminate the stigma.
Mauro Ranallo
I don’t believe you have to have eating disorders and mental illness to screw up.
Kirstie Alley
Children whose parents return to study do much better at school. Offenders who persist with studies are much less likely to reoffend. The national mental health strategy recognises the important role adult learning can play for people recovering from mental illness.
David Blunkett
Yes, I talk about eating disorders and you know, excessive dieting and excessive exercising can be a sign of a mental illness… but when we talk about eating disorders… the issue is not the food or the exercise, the issue is a lack of healthy conception of self. That is the issue.
Sophie Gregoire Trudeau
We simply want gun legislation in this country that allows law-abiding citizens to still own guns or prevents people with a history of mental illness or a history of a criminal background from owning a firearm.
David Hogg
Mental illness, hate and anger exist everywhere, but in America too often it comes armed.
Lucy McBath
I am bipolar, and I am proud. And that is why I wanted to write a book. To shine a light on mental illness, to be vulnerable about the days I let it take control and paid dearly for it, and to tell anyone fighting a similar battle: You are not alone. You are not broken.
AJ Lee
Once you can accept that you have a mental illness, tha

Once you can accept that you have a mental illness, that is when you can work on it.
Mark Cavendish
People with mental health problems are almost never dangerous. In fact, they are more likely to be the victims than the perpetrators. At the same time, mental illness has been the common denominator in one act of mass violence after another.
Roy Blunt
I want to break down some of the stigma associated with mental illness.
Gail Porter
I had some experience in dealing with people who have mental illness and depression, but I didn’t see the signs in myself. I couldn’t ask for help because I didn’t know I needed help.
Clara Hughes
For too long we have swept the problems of mental illness under the carpet… and hoped that they would go away.
Richard J. Codey
My goal is to see that mental illness is treated like cancer.
Jane Pauley
Mental illness lives all around us every day. I’ve seen it in other family members, I’ve seen it in friends, and I’ve dealt with it myself with my own postpartum depression.
Rachel Hollis
Yes, this is 21st-century America. Where we have better means to treat mental illness than ever before, but choose to let the insane people decide to get it or not.
Rich Lowry
The first thing that happens to someone with a mental illness, in the throes of it, is that they lose all their self-esteem. They don’t think they fit in.
Margaret Trudeau
Every now and then I hear voices in my head, but not very clear. I can’t understand what they are saying. It’s a mental illness. I have been diagnosed as a manic depressive.
Brian Wilson
I had my job, which I loved to do, which I was really good at. I was at the top of my career, and I had it all taken away because of a mental illness.
Mardy Fish
I wrote ‘Pumped Up Kicks’ when I began to read about the growing trend in teenage mental illness. I wanted to understand the psychology behind it because it was foreign to me.
Mark Foster
Emotional well-being is more than the absence of a mental illness. It’s that resource within each of us which allows us to reach ever closer to our full potential, and which also enables us to be resilient in the face of adversity.
Vivek Murthy
When our bodies are sick and people extend their sympathy, bring us soup, offer up solutions. When our minds are sick, people tend to shy away from you, be afraid, or call you outright crazy. I’m fascinated by the way society and individuals view mental illness, and most of my shorts comment on that.
Anna Akana
People love to make comedians out to be miserable, dark, twisted people. And I just – I think a lot of people struggle with depression and mental illness and have issues and problems within their family. The mailman has it. Your neighbor has it. It’s just that comedians have a microphone.
Tig Notaro
Attorney General Becerra was the leading force behind the lawsuit to protect the Affordable Care Act. Yes, he had the audacity to maintain protections for people with pre-existing conditions and for those suffering from mental illness.
Alex Padilla
Getting to have an opportunity to tell a story that is about mental illness and how it affects one’s self and one’s community was really something that really meant a lot to me.
Bryce Dallas Howard
With mental health, it’s not like there’s a box where you’re healthy and another box where you’ve got a mental illness. You try to stay at the healthy end of the continuum, and watch as you move, and I’ve been able to do that.
Tina Smith
Mental illness is so hard to define. It’s not like an umbrella diagnosis that everyone can fall under, and even one person can have two completely contrasting experiences from it.
Stephanie Labbe
In fact, people with mental illness are more likely to be the victims of violence rather than anything else. So it’s important that we not stereotype folks with mental illness.
Vivek Murthy
,what saved my life was my husband. He nursed me back to health, and he continues to do that to this day. It’s not easy to be married and to have a relationship with someone with mental illness.
Beth Hart
I’d love for mental illness to be seen in the way that other horrible illnesses are. When people get cancer, very few parents will say, ‘Oh I feel so bad for giving you so much unhealthy food over the years.’
Matt Haig
Being a depressive should not imply danger any more than being a man or even a human should. Mental illness isn’t a them/us issue; we are all on the scale somewhere. So we must be very careful to resist ignorance and combat the stigma that leads to dangerous silence.
Matt Haig
We need employers to have an open mind about people with mental illness, and be willing to employ people, with the right support.
Luciana Berger
I do believe that Jodi Arias shows a lot of signs of mental illness.
Jane Velez-Mitchell
There’s no shame in speaking about mental illness. It’s a very common problem in today’s society, no matter if you’re playing sports or working in another field. It’s something that needs to be spoken about a lot more.
Robin Soderling
Mental illness can happen to anybody. You can be a dustman, a politician, a Tesco worker… anyone. It could be your dad, your brother or your aunt.
Frank Bruno
We rarely know what motivates somebody in their work, and it’s usually a particular moment in their life. For me, that moment is my brother’s incarceration and the ways in which this country has decided to neglect, abuse, and sometimes torture people with severe mental illness, especially if they’re black.
Patrisse Cullors
Homelessness, open air drug use and mental illness – which we all see in this city – are things we’ve been relying on the DA’s office and the jails to deal with. That’s really expensive, inhumane and ineffective.
Chesa Boudin
My three obsessions are mental illness, horror and religion.
Victor LaValle
The sad truth is that millions of people with mental illness suffer stigma and prejudice, especially at work.
Luciana Berger
The most evil and insidious thing about mental illness

The most evil and insidious thing about mental illness is that it isolates us and makes us feel so different that we think no one can possibly relate.
Shannon Purser
We know how to treat depression, we know how to treat mental illness, and we have not had the political will in our country to make it happen.
Rosalynn Carter
To the fantastic mental illness of Rationalism, hard facts are regrettable things, and to talk about them is to create them.
Francis Parker Yockey
Mathematicians don’t like it when they’re associated with mental illness and sort of bristle when you say that they can’t get along socially, that they’re not good with people.
Ethan Canin
Some of the brightest, most creative minds have been touched by mental illness.
Mauro Ranallo
The war on drugs is very, very real, and the war on helping people with mental illness is very, very real.
Wendy Williams