Top 100 Blake Lively Quotes

I always appreciated the magnitude of my mother’s imagination. She always saw beauty in what was broken, and she’d preserve it.
Blake Lively
Stars really are like anyone else. At the end of the day, Brad Pitt poops – as handsome as he may be – and so does Angelina Jolie.
Blake Lively
Every relationship you have, you’re learning and growing and taking something from that.
Blake Lively
People think I’m goofy. I don’t have that Angelina Jolie air to me. I wish that I did, and that’s an insecurity of mine.
Blake Lively
People just wanna talk. They wanna create negative things about you and your life and make up things. You can’t let them affect you!
Blake Lively
Who doesn’t want to be Martha Stewart?
Blake Lively
I have smuggled so many ingredients across so many borders, like shallot confit from Thailand, or a new sauce from New Orleans not approved by the FDA.
Blake Lively
I’m guilty of going to a fitting, then going out to buy the same outfit. It’s been a problem for my bank account!
Blake Lively
I’ve never gone on a date… If I’ve ever had a man in my life, it’s because I know him well, and he really means something to me.
Blake Lively
I’d rather be by myself than be spending any time or energy on somebody that I didn’t feel sure about.
Blake Lively
I think I’ll always flutter all over. I’d like to live in different parts of the world – I’d love to live in Tuscany for a few months.
Blake Lively
I think that when you smell good, you feel good. You know how when you’re in a room and someone else smells good, you’re like, ‘Where is that?’
Blake Lively
If I wasn’t an actress, I’d be a chef. I’d love to open a restaurant.
Blake Lively
People want things with meaning. I know that because I want that.
Blake Lively
Christmas for me is all about spending time with my family. I cherish any chance we have to spend all day together making gingerbread houses, baking cookies, or sitting around and watching movies.
Blake Lively
My whole family’s been in the business. My whole family is crazy.
Blake Lively
You can’t be an entrepreneur for other people. You can’t start a company for other people. You have to love it more than you ever thought of loving something that wasn’t a human being. The demands will kick you down and rob your life – but yet, it is so rewarding.
Blake Lively
I always want to wear clothes that my children will one day look back on and say, ‘Oh, you looked amazing – why didn’t you keep that?’ Not, ‘Oh my God – I can’t believe you wore that.’
Blake Lively
I was raised in a really terrific, close family, and I'

I was raised in a really terrific, close family, and I’ve never needed to escape anything or to really let myself go by dancing on tables.
Blake Lively
There are days when I will be like, ‘Oh my goodness, I am not happy with the way I look because I cannot fit into any of my clothes.’ So I eat quinoa that week, and then I feel good.
Blake Lively
There have been so many things written about me that are untrue and horrifying.
Blake Lively
I tend to like to make my statements more in fashion than in beauty, because what I normally respond to is when someone looks really effortless and deconstructed, beauty-wise, and they’re fashion is really grand. Someone like Kate Moss is a great example.
Blake Lively
I want to get involved in causes I believe in, and I know so many others that want to also get involved, but it’s hard to know how. Often, it’s through big organisations, and you don’t know exactly where your money is going or what effect you are having.
Blake Lively
If I could pass along anything that my mother or my sisters taught me, I feel like my kids would be very well off.
Blake Lively
If people could walk around in suits of energy, that would be cool. Other than that, I don’t think men should wear spandex.
Blake Lively