Top 494 Legal Quotes

Law and justice are the cornerstones of any civilized society. They provide a framework for maintaining order, resolving disputes, and protecting the rights and freedoms of individuals. In this article, we delve into the realm of legal wisdom and present a collection of insightful quotes that shed light on the principles and ideals that underpin the legal system.

Unveiling the Essence of Law and Justice

The law is a complex and dynamic field that encompasses a wide range of disciplines, from constitutional law and criminal justice to international law and human rights. It is a reflection of society’s values, norms, and aspirations, serving as a guide for behavior and a mechanism for resolving conflicts. Justice, on the other hand, represents the moral and ethical dimension of the law, ensuring fairness, equality, and the protection of individual rights.

Legal Quotes: Insightful Words on Law and Justice

Throughout history, legal scholars, jurists, and prominent figures in the field of law have shared their thoughts and perspectives on the principles of justice and the importance of upholding the rule of law. Their words encapsulate the complexities and nuances of the legal system, offering insights into the significance of justice, the balance of rights and responsibilities, and the pursuit of a just society. Below, we present a collection of thought-provoking legal quotes that stimulate reflection and contemplation.

The Florida Supreme Court wanted all the legal votes to

The Florida Supreme Court wanted all the legal votes to be counted. The United States Supreme Court, on the other hand, did not want all the votes to be counted.
Vincent Bugliosi
The Elephantine papyri – written as some of the books of the Bible are being written – is true social and legal documentation, and to historians overwhelmingly powerful and moving, even when ostensibly about trivial things.
Simon Schama
Strictly speaking, my interest is not in legal rights for animals but in a change of heart towards animals.
J. M. Coetzee
The entire legal system was built upon the assumption that people would have adequate representation. When they don’t, the system fails, and the laws don’t matter.
Shari Redstone
Victims want to know that the true perpetrators of their crime are convicted – legal aid helps achieve this.
Sadiq Khan
It is true that the aristocracies seem to have abused their monopoly of legal knowledge; and at all events their exclusive possession of the law was a formidable impediment to the success of those popular movements which began to be universal in the western world.
Henry James Sumner Maine
I used to brag that I can hold up any eviction – even if the landlord had legal rights, I could hold it up for a year.
Ed Lee
In the United States, female fisticuffs were marginalized, first as erotic vaudeville in the 19th century and later as serious competition developed in the first half of the 20th. Legal wars waged by boxers in the 1960s and ’70s won women the right to compete professionally nationwide.
Katherine Dunn
We have a legal immigration system that’s outdated, it’s primarily based on whether you have family members living here. In the 21st century, it has to be more of a merit-based system, and that is why our legal immigration system is in need of modernization.
Marco Rubio
I lived Tom Girardi’s legal life with him first 10 years of our relationship. I went to every legal organization, every event – all of those groups he belonged to and those speeches he gave.
Erika Jayne
We don’t have a good legal justification for breaking up the banking system. But if I could wave a magic wand, I’d break up the banking system.
Kenneth C. Griffin
Daley may not feel a moral responsibility to eliminate discrimination but he has a legal obligation to do so.
Bobby Rush
I’m coming out with my line of shoes and my very first shoe is called ‘The Nethia.’ How we came up with the name is that my legal name is Linnethia and we shortened it.
NeNe Leakes
Every generation gets the Constitution that it deserves. As the central preoccupations of an era make their way into the legal system, the Supreme Court eventually weighs in, and nine lawyers in robes become oracles of our national identity.
Noah Feldman
We should make it as easy as possible to be able to get a legal work visa – not citizenship, not a green card. Just a work visa, with a background check and a Social Security card so that applicable taxes would get paid.
Gary Johnson
So many people who deal with sexual harassment don’t have the means to file lawsuits or to get legal representation or legal advice.
Tarana Burke
That’s one thing I don’t think people consider nowadays. They want to believe in the importance of marriage, boil it down to just a signature on a legal document. But that’s exactly what it is. If not, why not just get married without one?
Ariel Pink
People should just buy a CD and rip it. You are legal then.
Bill Gates
We have to get control of our borders. You can only do that if you make companies obey the law and not hire undocumented or illegals. They can only do that is if they have a Social Security Card that has biometrics so they know whether the person is legal or not.
Michael Bloomberg
It is impossible to tell where the law stops and justice begins.
Arthur Baer
Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.
Otto von Bismarck
I had been very impressed with the courts we visited to see my father. The judges wearing wigs, the lawyers, the legal arguments – it was all exciting stuff for a kid.
Asma Jahangir
Public confidence in, and support for, the euro – and, indeed, the European Union – will ultimately be determined by how well we deliver on growth and jobs rather than on institutional wrangling and complex legal or technical negotiations.
Enda Kenny
Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet.
Mark Twain
Words without deeds violates the moral and legal obligation we have under the genocide convention but, more importantly, violates our sense of right and wrong and the standards we have as human beings about looking to care for one another.
Jon Corzine
I remember being upset because I was finally legal to drink in Canada, and I decided to throw that all away and move to America, where I had to wait another two years. I came here to do improv and to try to join the Groundlings.
Ryan Reynolds
I think there’s no problem getting through the House a pathway to legal status. A pathway to citizenship is going to be tougher, but I think it is potentially doable, if we can show the American people that the border is secure.
Blake Farenthold
Within my social circle, there is a large group of people who will take bitcoin as legal tender; like, you can go to them and settle debts in Bitcoin, and they will happily take it.
Naval Ravikant
As a lawyer and a former prosecutor, I know the limits of the power and authority of the president. I know what is legal and what is not.
Rodrigo Duterte
Legal immigration is the primary source of low-wage immigration into the United States.
Jeff Sessions
On immigration, Trump needs an articulate policy that aims to secure the border and keep out illegals while letting in skilled legal workers.
Lawrence Kudlow
People travel overseas to do things overseas that aren'

People travel overseas to do things overseas that aren’t legal in Ireland all the time. You know, are we going to stop people going to Las Vegas? Are we going to stop people going to Amsterdam? There are things that are illegal in Ireland, and we don’t prevent people from travelling overseas to avail of them.
Leo Varadkar
State-sanctioned marriage is a civil contract, period. A contract is not a judgment of moral value. It is a legal agreement between two parties that testifies to a meeting of minds between those consenting entities. It is not a religious act or rite and so has nothing to do with Adam and Eve or Steve or even Harvey.
Harvey Fierstein
Together with a team of financial and legal experts I have spent months exploring all possible alternatives to bankruptcy but to no avail.
Shane Filan
People return home from prison and face legal discrimination in virtually all areas of social and economic and political life. They are legally discriminated against employment, barred from public housing, and denied other public benefits.
Michelle Alexander
A successful lawsuit is the one worn by a policeman.
Robert Frost
Alcohol, tobacco, and pharmaceutical drugs are legal, but they can hurt a lot of people.
Ziggy Marley
And books that were published in much larger numbers than Selfish, Little are hard to find. And publishers who wanted to publish my last few works have them stuck in limbo while new distribution ideas and legal issues and fears are blown away.
Peter Sotos
The good lawyer is the great salesman.
Janet Reno
I will do everything by apply with all the legal and apply with the rule of law. And the main important thing that I have to be fairness to everyone, not just only one person.
Yingluck Shinawatra
I wouldn’t pretend to tell you we don’t pay our lawyers well.
Jay Alan Sekulow
I believe all people, regardless of sexual orientation, should be guaranteed the full rights to the legal benefits and responsibilities of marriage under the Constitution.
Tim Kaine
If you see how carefully I prepare for any kind of walk, legal or illegal, small or big, you will see that, actually, I narrow the unknown to virtually nothing. And that’s when I am ready to walk on the wire.
Philippe Petit
These endless legal challenges that define elections in New York are a joke in this country, and they are the reason why it is so expensive, or one of the reasons, it’s so expensive to run here and why so many people decide not to run.
Michael Bloomberg
As for lawyers, it’s more fun to play one than to be one.
Sam Waterston
My parents realized the dangers of raising a daughter in a social, political, and legal climate that was growing increasingly oppressive toward women and girls. Although they fled to London when I was just three weeks old, the challenges facing women’s rights in Iran became ingrained in my social consciousness.
Nazanin Boniadi
Of the judicial department of the Government, the Supreme Court is the head and representative, and to it must come for final decision all the great legal questions which may arise under the Constitution, the laws, or the treaties of the United States.
Samuel Freeman Miller
For years, the Bush Administration eviscerated all the military and legal structures that were designed to separate the innocent from the guilty in the ‘Global War on Terror.’
Alex Gibney
More law, less justice.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Being reliant on legal aid is probably inconceivable to most of us. But this is no different from other branches of the welfare state established at the same time as our legal aid system – being diagnosed with a major illness and needing the NHS, or losing a job and needing the support of social security.
Sadiq Khan
On Capitol Hill and in state houses across the country, anti-women’s health politicians continue to make it clear that they will stop at nothing to end access to a safe, legal abortion.
Mike Quigley
I have been surrounded by some of the smartest, brightest, most caring lawyers, by agents who are willing to risk their lives for others, by support staff that are willing to work as hard as they can.
Janet Reno
Despite the vigorous policy and legal debates surrounding same-sex marriage, there is little disagreement about this: If the United States Supreme Court holds that states must sanction same-sex marriage, then Florida’s contrary laws must fall.
Pam Bondi
I know how easy it is for one to stay well within moral, ethical, and legal bounds through the skillful use of words – and to thereby spin, sidestep, circumvent, or bend a truth completely out of shape. To that extent, we are all liars on numerous occasions.
Sidney Poitier
Justice consists in doing no injury to men; decency in giving them no offense.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
In recent years personal injury attorneys and trial lawyers have attacked the food industry with numerous lawsuits alleging that these businesses should pay monetary damages to those who, of their own accord, consume too much of a legal, safe product.
Bob Ney
I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
My father was desperately trying to be a legal contributor to this society.
Diane Guerrero
Every non-political human grouping of whatever kind, legal, social, religious, economic or other becomes at last political if it creates an opposition deep enough to range men against one another as enemies.
Francis Parker Yockey
Every worker needs a decent and legal source of income.
Grace Poe
Look at liberty’s greatest historic advances: ending slavery. Giving women the vote. Outlawing legal segregation. Each and every time, the people at the forefront of advancing those reforms – often putting their lives on the line – called themselves liberals.
Rick Perlstein
I’ve always said that at the end of the day, on a legal issue, I think a wise old woman and a wise old man are going to reach the same conclusion.
Sandra Day O’Connor
The events of the day inspired me to become a lawyer.

The events of the day inspired me to become a lawyer.
Christopher Darden
Human-rights advocates, for example, claim that the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners is of a piece with President Bush’s 2002 decision to deny al Qaeda and Taliban fighters the legal status of prisoners of war under the Geneva Conventions.
John Yoo
I’m a child of immigrants. That is the history of this country. Immigration is good and important for our country. Legal immigration needs to really be modernized.
John Barrasso
I took my teaching responsibilities very seriously… I taught some great courses: Legal history to feminist theory, courses in American mass culture… I love teaching – I mean really love it.
Eva Moskowitz
From the artist’s standpoint, are you getting more from streaming than you used to, prior to the days of the Internet? No – and I don’t know if those days are ever going to come back – but at least, technically speaking, it’s the legal way to do it.
Myles Kennedy
The simplest formula for the new conception of morality, which is beginning to be opposed to the moral dogma still esteemed by all society, but especially by the women, might be summed up in these words: Love is moral even without legal marriage, but marriage is immoral without love.
Ellen Key
The keystone to justice is the belief that the legal system treats all fairly.
Janet Reno
If a woman chooses to have an abortion, it is legal to do that in this country, but I don’t think taxpayers should be put in a position to have to pay for those abortions.
John Fleming
We have brought down emissions in this country through our legal system and through technological innovation. We can do this on our own. We don’t have to have the permission of countries all over the world to do that.
Mike Lee
The legacy of slavery comes from the sustained political, legal and economic effort to link permanently an entire group of people to poverty – and to mystify that systematic disenfranchisement by making up something called race, which could serve as a distraction.
Sarah Churchwell
I’m not sure I can say there is a clean line between me as an individual and me as a lawyer.
Anita Hill
Hispanic citizens know that illegal labor is taking jobs from their children and their legal immigrant friends.
Tom Tancredo
Torture, including practices like waterboarding, violates the legal and moral standards of all civilized nations.
Jerrold Nadler
When I read a book I liked, I would get a pen and one of my father’s legal pads and rewrite it from memory as if I had thought of it myself. It was a clear sign that I wanted to be involved in writing, even if it was just pretend at that point.
Jonathan Dee
I have always stood up to protect women’s access to safe and legal abortion, birth control and health care at Planned Parenthood.
Kirsten Gillibrand
If you have been vaccinated for polio, mumps, measles, chicken pox, hepatitis, or rabies, it may be too late for you to stand your ethical ground: You have already benefited from fetal-tissue research. This is, after all, a practice that’s been legal since the 1930s.
Katha Pollitt
If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law.
Henry David Thoreau
I am very proud of the role I played in getting legal equality for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, and in helping get rid of the prejudice by being visible about it, helping to block the conviction of Bill Clinton of impeachment.
Barney Frank
There is no room for legal hair-splitting when it comes to the humane treatment of detainees – not in a nation founded on the rule of law and respect for human rights.
Dick Durbin
I don’t know if I’d call it a favorite, but there was an entree in the rotation at my grade school cafeteria called ‘Salisbury Steak’ that was some kind of freestanding spongiform potage covered in a sauce that would probably have to be spelled ‘grayvee’ for legal reasons.
Adam Rex
As a general rule, interrogations without clearly defined legal limits are brutal. Particularly when they have an imperative to get information out of a captive immediately.
Malcolm Nance
One of the things I was taught in law school is that I’d never be able to think the same again – that being a lawyer is something that’s part of who I am as an individual now.
Anita Hill
In the US, you even lose legal rights if you store your data in a company’s machines instead of your own. The police need to present you with a search warrant to get your data from you; but if they are stored in a company’s server, the police can get it without showing you anything.
Richard Stallman
Russia has every reason to dispose of its nuclear arsenal… to suit its interests and international legal obligations.
Sergei Lavrov
In high school, I discovered myself. I was interested in race relations and the legal profession. I read about Lincoln and that he believed the law to be the most difficult of professions.
Constance Baker Motley
God is the King. In him exists all legal authority.
Orson Pratt
All the libel lawyers will tell you there’s no libel any more, that everyone’s given up.
Ian Hislop
Legal aid is crucial in ensuring those truly guilty of crimes are convicted after due process, and those innocent are able to clear their names, by ensuring that access to legal representation is available for everyone, regardless of ability to pay.
Sadiq Khan
Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.
Jonathan Swift
I never thought I would live long enough to see the legal profession change to the extent it has.
Constance Baker Motley
The existing legal constitution is nothing but the product of a revolution. Revolution is the act of political creation in the history of classes, while constitutional legislation is the expression of the continual political vegetation of a society.
Rosa Luxemburg
If you have Trump avoiding income tax and money coming

If you have Trump avoiding income tax and money coming in, and then he’s still able to control it and use it as if it was his income to help his interests, then you’re starting to see a bigger legal problem.
David Fahrenthold
Upon the Constitution, upon the pre-existing legal rights of the People, as understood in this country and in England, I have argued that this House is bound to revive the Petition under debate.
Caleb Cushing
Men’s indignation, it seems, is more excited by legal wrong than by violent wrong; the first looks like being cheated by an equal, the second like being compelled by a superior.
Some of the worst racist tragedies in history have been perfectly legal.
Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
The United States has never prioritized or failed to pay any obligation when due during a debt limit impasse. Despite the institutional risks and the lack of clear legal authority, we assume that Treasury will attempt to prioritize payments in a last-ditch effort to avoid default.
Jerome Powell
Moreover, from reforming the tax code to our immigration system, to commonsense legal reform, President Bush put America on notice that he will continue fighting to make the country, and the world, a better place for future generations.
Jim Sensenbrenner
The loans I took out for my undergraduate degree were manageable. But my legal education was more expensive, and I paid for it almost entirely through public and private loans.
Marco Rubio
Slavery was legal. Japanese interment was legal in this country. Segregation was legal.
Linda Sarsour
If a journalist comes to you with a great story, one of the first questions you ask is how did you get it. How you got it is relevant to judging its accuracy and preparing yourself for any legal challenge.
Andrew Neil
Children must be considered in a divorce considered valuable pawns in the nasty legal and financial contest that is about to ensue.
P. J. O’Rourke
Going through a long legal battle is not what you sign up for as a fighter.
Andre Ward
Felons are typically stripped of the very rights supposedly won in the civil rights movement, including the right to vote, the right to serve on juries, and the right to be free of legal discrimination in employment, housing, access to education, and public benefits. They’re relegated to a permanent undercaste.
Michelle Alexander
I think the only way to behave is as if nothing is private. And then fight to make what you care about legal and acceptable.
Douglas Rushkoff
Every time anybody in Washington talks about legal status, amnesty, anything of that nature, it becomes a magnet that lures people in quickly into the United States.
Louie Gohmert
Law is born from despair of human nature.
Jose Ortega y Gasset
Every neurosis is a primitive form of legal proceeding in which the accused carries on the prosecution, imposes judgment and executes the sentence: all to the end that someone else should not perform the same process.
Lionel Trilling
The history of American democracy, to say the least, has been checkered. Our nation was founded at a time when people of African descent were held in bondage. After slavery was abolished, they were forced to endure legal discrimination for another 100 years.
Bernie Sanders
Let me remind you that nuclear disarmament is not just an ardent desire of the people, as expressed in many resolutions of the United Nations. It is a legal commitment by the five official nuclear states, entered into when they signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Joseph Rotblat
I write in longhand on yellow legal pads.
Beverly Cleary
I didn’t have a lot of great jobs. I was a third-shift legal proofreader. I did office work for people where a friend might say, ‘Hey, we need someone,’ in his office, and then I will have a month or two weeks or whatever somewhere. I was – I taught fiction workshops.
Charles Bock
This pro-choice issue is a legal issue that should be decided by the courts.
Michael T. Flynn
Legal reform in Russia is a must. And I keep track of it daily.
Dmitry Medvedev
Supercookies are legal, but I don’t think they should be.
Joe Barton
The National Security Agency has broken privacy rules or overstepped its legal authority thousands of times each year since Congress granted the agency broad new powers in 2008, according to an internal audit and other top-secret documents.
Barton Gellman
Companies shouldn’t use the law to prevent consumers from doing something legal.
Jon Johansen
I researched children’s rights, divorce law, and parental kidnapping. Millions of children and parents are touched by the inadequacy of the legal system to deal with the human heart.
Amity Gaige
At Cheney’s initiative, the United States stripped terror suspects of long-established rights under domestic and international law, building a new legal edifice under exclusive White House ownership.
Barton Gellman
Every name in a TV show has to be run by the legal department first.
Gina Bellman
The situation around Terri Schiavo was a deeply held conflict over what to do if someone isn’t going to return to consciousness or competence. Who will decide? Even there, where we had settled legal rules, we still had disagreement. We’re torn about these things.
Ezekiel Emanuel
I feel like there was justice. It was served through the legal system you know. Everything that I endured. It was all worth it.
Amber Frey
The legal battle against segregation is won, but the community battle goes on.
Dorothy Day
The NSA has broken privacy rules or overstepped its leg

The NSA has broken privacy rules or overstepped its legal authority thousands of times a year since Congress gave it broad new powers in 2008.
Jared Polis
Love is moral even without legal marriage, but marriage is immoral without love.
Ellen Key
We conventionally divide space into private and public realms, and we know these legal distinctions very well because we’ve become experts at protecting our private property and private space. But we’re less attuned to the nuances of the public.
Elizabeth Diller
The factual reality is that the vast majority of immigrants – legal and illegal – contribute more to this country than they take out in social services.
Juan Williams
Fairness is what justice really is.
Potter Stewart
So the news that divorced fathers are to be denied a legal right to a relationship with their children, in the long overdue review of family law published this week, fills me with horror and despair.
Louis de Bernieres
I love immigrants. Legal, illegal – they’re not to be despised.
Mario Cuomo
We need to create technologies – and a culture of respect, and an updated legal doctrine, too – that allow creative folks to make money from their own efforts.
Glenn Kelman
Unlike national legal systems, there are precious few avenues to address judicial activism at the WTO. You pretty much have to gain consensus to change the agreements, or simply withdraw from the system. The first is nearly impossible, and the second would be – in the view of many – cataclysmic.
Robert Lighthizer
I guess music, particularly the blues, is the only form of schizophrenia that has organised itself into being both legal and beneficial to society.
Alexis Korner
Slavery, if it can be legalized at all, can be legalized only by positive legislation. Natural law gives it no aid. Custom imparts to it no legal sanction.
Lysander Spooner
Against the wishes of my family, I gave up my legal career, and I volunteered for the Army. I became an infantryman. I went to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Tom Cotton
If I don’t get enough sleep, my brain gets fatigued, and the voice suffers. If I’m doing some retail work and trying to read and record legal copy, I start sounding like I had a few too many the night before.
Roger Craig Smith
I am the individual who formed and funded W Spann LLC. I authorized W Spann LLC’s contribution to Restore Our Future PAC. I did so after consulting prominent legal counsel regarding the transaction and based on my understanding that the contribution would comply with applicable laws.
Edward Conard
When officers’ actions violate their duty, justice should be served in accordance with our legal system.
Thom Tillis
I don’t have an issue with whether – from a legal standpoint, with whether or not government can impose the ultimate punishment on people. We do it in capital cases. Police officers shoot fleeing felons.
Trey Gowdy
I oppose any attempt to grant homosexual unions the same legal privileges that civil government affords to traditional marriage and family life.
Todd Akin
So my own suspicion is that the attorney has stopped this prosecution because part of her defence was to question legality and that would have brought his advice into the public domain again and there was something fishy about the way in which he said war was legal.
Clare Short
Learn to invest in investments where you can achieve an honest, legal advantage over other investors. When it comes to investing, why play on a level field?
Robert Kiyosaki
Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health. And reproductive health includes contraception and family planning and access to legal, safe abortion.
Hillary Clinton
If you spend five minutes with me or watch me try to balance my checkbook, you can only imagine the disaster I would make of anyone’s legal issues.
Greg Giraldo
The duty of government is to leave commerce to its own capital and credit as well as all other branches of business, protecting all in their legal pursuits, granting exclusive privileges to none.
Andrew Jackson
I mean you might say he had a travelling post office, but also Barney was very, very active. He was a legal officer for the NAACP and they had a lot of problems after Pease.
Betty Hill
I think that the proposed constitution is one of the European legal documents with the strongest social dimension I have seen since I began following European issues.
Jean-Pierre Raffarin
When I became an entrepreneur, I had the knowledge to develop and manage budgets, market products and review legal contracts.
Vivek Wadhwa
The only people that should vote should be legal.
Pam Bondi
Judges cannot – nor should they try to – align our legal system with the Church’s moral teaching whenever the two diverge. They should, however, conform their own behavior to the Church’s standard.
Amy Coney Barrett
On my first day on the set of ‘Boston Legal,’ I thought the director was calling me ‘Candice’ instead of ‘Constance.’ But I didn’t realize he was actually talking to Candice Bergen.
Constance Zimmer
Even in the beginning, when we knew there was a legal argument about how much our song sounds like his song, as one songwriter to another, I wasn’t sure that Cat Stevens would take that as bad.
Wayne Coyne
I miss New York. I like the country and I like the people. However, the U.S. political and legal system is prone to overreaction.
Marc Rich
Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and the public is en

Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and the public is entitled to know what the legal views of a Supreme Court candidate are.
Ayelet Shaked
I think mistakes are the essence of science and law. It’s impossible to conceive of either scientific progress or legal progress without understanding the important role of being wrong and of mistakes.
Alan Dershowitz
These are people who haven’t gone through the legal means to becoming citizens like our forefathers did. They want all the benefits but none of the responsibilities.
Matt Dillon
Drones can be a highly effective way of dealing with high-priority targets, but they should not become the drug of choice for an administration that is afraid to use successful, legal and safe tactics of the past.
Jose Rodriguez
There’s a misconception about Barack Obama as a former constitutional law professor. First of all, there are plenty of professors who are ‘legal relativists.’ They tend to view legal principles as relative to whatever they’re trying to achieve.
Jonathan Turley
It is imperative that when thousands of selfless volunteers respond to those who have incurred the wrath of a natural disaster that legal liability need not be hanging over their heads.
Jon Porter
My rookie year, I bought a new Range Rover, and, knowing what I know about traffic stops in this country, I made damn sure that the tint on the windows was legal. Somehow, though… I just kept getting pulled over for my tint.
Marcus Smart
We are led by lawyers who do not understand either technology or balance sheets.
Thomas Friedman
It is not unprofessional to give free legal advice, but advertising that the first visit will be free is a bit like a fox telling chickens he will not bite them until they cross the threshold of the hen house.
Warren E. Burger
King consciously steered away from legal claims and instead relied on civil disobedience.
Constance Baker Motley
It is right to give every man his due.
I’ve learned to accept the fact that my students are far too busy preparing for their own legal careers to care one bit about the off-campus antics of Professor Burke. I get the impression that my students are vaguely aware of my novels, but are at best mildly curious.
Alafair Burke
It is already clear that, because of advances in technology, drones are going to play an increased role in warfare in the years ahead. It is therefore vital that the legal frameworks governing their use are robust and internationally recognised.
Douglas Alexander
History has shown us that, on extraordinarily rare occasions, it becomes necessary for the federal government to intervene on behalf of individuals whose 14th Amendment rights to legal due process and equal protection may be violated by a state.
Mike Simpson
There was never a time you could get the majority of people in Alabama or Mississippi, or even southern Delaware, to vote to end segregation. What changed things was the rule of law, the courts. Brown v. Board of Education was ushered in by a movement, but it was a legal decision.
Bryan Stevenson
Every year Swedish society produces a new generation of threatened women who can testify to the lack of legal rights and the lukewarm interest shown by the police and other authorities.
Stieg Larsson
Therefore, if we are a Nation of laws and a Nation of immigrants, immigration should occur within a legal framework, not through the machinations of illegal schemes and scams that threaten our national security.
J. D. Hayworth
President Obama has called for economic and political empowerment of women globally. The Equal Futures Partnership promotes removal of policy, legal, and regulatory barriers that hold women back at local, state and national levels.
Lael Brainard
However, we do not lack anti-terrorist laws. I do not believe that the recent London bombs were the result of any deficiencies in our legal system.
Kenneth Clarke
I mean, in some cases with libel laws, you know, they can write things about people who have no course of action, because they can’t afford to take legal action against them.
Elton John
As the U.S. prison population has surged over the decades, the legal profession’s distaste for former inmates has become more conspicuous. And it isn’t only law. Medical schools often have committees to evaluate cases and mitigating factors but are generally reluctant to admit ex-inmates.
Mary Pilon
In order to create real, long-lasting reform, we must create a pathway to legal status for the millions of undocumented immigrants who have made lives for themselves and their families in the United States.
Jared Polis
Being a justice. If you love law the way I do… you’re given the job of a lifetime… you’re permitted to address the most important legal questions of the country, and sometimes the world. And in doing so, you make a difference in people’s lives.
Sonia Sotomayor
The American legal industry is a medieval guild in which the prosecutors, bar, and bench join hands to ensure that legal invoices are paid, no matter how excessive.
Conrad Black
Baseball is a game where a curve is an optical illusion, a screwball can be a pitch or a person, stealing is legal and you can spit anywhere you like except in the umpire’s eye or on the ball.
James Patrick Murray
The memory of the 146 people who lost their lives in the Triangle Shirtwaist fire stands as a reminder that legal protections and workplace safety standards were won through a long struggle for social justice and at great human cost.
Eric Schneiderman
No country could claim to be civilized if its legal system weren’t available to everyone in it.
Sydney Pollack
All the legal action I’ve taken against newspapers has had a massively positive effect on my life and achieved exactly what I wanted, which is privacy and non-harassment.
Sienna Miller
The United States has an unfair advantage, as most of the popular cloud services, search engines, computer and mobile operating systems or web browsers are made by U.S. companies. When the rest of the world uses the net, they are effectively using U.S.-based services, making them a legal target for U.S. intelligence.
Mikko Hypponen
Barr has thrown himself in with Trump in ways unbecoming to the nation’s highest legal official. His conduct in trying to clear Trump is of a piece with his baseless attacks on ‘spying’ by the FBI and his defiance of Congress’s subpoenas.
Neal Katyal
Some officials overseeing local water systems have tried to go above and beyond what is legally required. But they have encountered resistance, sometimes from the very residents they are trying to protect, who say that if their water is legal, it must be safe.
Charles Duhigg
If I want to make political decisions, I should stand f

If I want to make political decisions, I should stand for election. If I want to do something in the legal field, that’s different; that is my – they are my qualifications, but you know, the politicians are the ones who stand up there and are answerable to the people.
Cherie Blair
It is not wisdom but Authority that makes a law.
Thomas Hobbes
People do not win people fights. Lawyers do.
Norman Ralph Augustine
If they lose their legal basis for owning a .cn domain, would cease to exist, or if it continued to exist, it would be illegal, and doing anything blatantly illegal in China puts their employees at serious risk.
Rebecca MacKinnon
Unilateral divorce has decreased the bargaining power of the person who wants the marriage to last and has not engaged in behavior that meets the legal definition of fault. On the other hand, it has increased the bargaining power of the person who is willing to leave.
Stephanie Coontz
Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
Edmund Burke
If you’re a Supreme Court justice, the American people have elevated you to one of the highest offices in the land out of the goodness of their heart and out of deference to your legal wisdom. You get a lifetime appointment, limitless prestige, a great office, and what I have to assume is a very comfortable chair.
Donna Brazile
The more expansive government is, the more perils people face in daily lives, be it from IRS agents or from child support services, or from other agencies that often have little or no legal restraints on their power.
James Bovard
‘Street Legal’ is like a cult classic. It’s pretty cheesy at times, but you learn to embrace it.
Kurt Vile
The Chinese have always enjoyed gambling, and Macau is the only place in Greater China where gambling is legal. So I believe the government understands that there has to be a place for it.
Lui Che Woo
I’m a sporting professional; I don’t have a great understanding of tax and legal matters.
Javier Mascherano
The best advice I have is, actually present yourself at a legal border crossing and make your case. Cross illegally and get arrested, and your children will be given to us. That’s the simple fact, I’m afraid.
Alex Azar
Death Row inmates are almost twice as expensive to house each year as other inmates. Death penalty trials are much costlier than trials where execution is not a potential punishment and consume more time from judges, public defenders, and other legal personnel.
Reid Hoffman
It is just called Continuing Legal Education. You can go to lectures, you can even listen to tapes on airplanes – they want you to stay current. So you do have to stay current to maintain your license even if you are not practicing.
Frank Shorter
When you look at the big issues post-9/11 in the United States, whether it’s water boarding, warantless wire tapping, surveillance, Gitmo, black sites rendition, all of those have been legal. Nobody has gone to jail for those programs.
Matt Apuzzo
Vigorous enforcement of copyrights themselves is an important part of the picture. But I don’t think that expanding the legal definition of copyright outside of actual copyright infringement is the right move.
Edward Felten
Frivolous lawsuits are booming in this county. The U.S. has more costs of litigation per person than any other industrialized nation in the world, and it is crippling our economy.
Jack Kingston
In a mature democracy, what is legal is decided by parliament… Our process is legitimised by parliament and by the ballot box.
Carles Puigdemont
Our country was thereby saved from the consequences of its distracting individualistic conception of democracy, and its merely legal conception of nationality. It was because the followers of Jackson and Douglas did fight for it, that the Union was preserved.
Herbert Croly
I used to want to be a lawyer, but I didn’t want to have half my brain sucked out.
Max Walker
My first ever sex scene in a movie was in ‘Superbad.’ Because I was 17, for legal reasons my mother had to be on the set. It was real awkward, but it worked out OK because when I watched the movie with her, the sex scene wasn’t awkward because she’d been right there when it happened.
Christopher Mintz-Plasse
The existing legal constitution is nothing but the product of a revolution. Revolution is the act of political creation in the history of classes, while constitutional legislation is the expression of the continual political vegetation of a society.
Rosa Luxemburg
In the Chinese view, the United States has designed its own system of rules about what constitutes ‘legal’ spying and what is illegal.
David E. Sanger
Your legal career is but a means to an end, and… that end is building the kingdom of God.
Amy Coney Barrett
Luxembourg is the first adopter in Europe of a legal and regulatory framework recognizing that space resources are capable of being owned by private companies.
Etienne Schneider
If Moses had gone to Harvard Law School and spent three years working on the Hill, he would have written the Ten Commandments with three exceptions and a saving clause.
Charles Morgan
I had to understand the whole bounty hunting thing, because we don’t have that in Venezuela. Nothing similar at all, at least not legal.
Edgar Ramirez
Those who challenge the law in one or another of its aspects weaken the whole legal structure of society. For one man to disobey a law he does not like is to invite others to disobey another law which he may regard as indispensable to his own livelihood – or life.
Robert Kennedy
From your confessor, lawyer and physician, hide not your case on no condition.
John Harington
Since Franklin Roosevelt’s leadership in setting up the United Nations and the Nuremberg trials, the U.S. has promoted universal legal norms and the institutions to enforce them while seeking, by hook or by crook, to exempt American citizens, especially soldiers, from their actual application.
Michael Ignatieff
I decided I wanted to be a lawyer when I was 11 years of age.
Johnnie Cochran
Needless to say, I fully support the legal codes that a

Needless to say, I fully support the legal codes that are meant to protect individuals from discrimination.
Gad Saad
Sadly, embryonic stem cell research is completely legal in this country and has been going on at universities and research facilities for years.
Mike Pence
Focus on your product. A lot of people focus on the name of their brand or the legal aspects, but it’s more important to create your product. It’s why people join. It’s your vision. Without your product, nothing is going to happen.
Payal Kadakia
One problem we face in policymaking is the danger of having technology develop faster than the legal and regulatory system can react, potentially risking safety as well as efficient development and testing.
Dan Lipinski
When you file an amicus brief, and you represent a state, the court reads your brief. It is a powerful position to make the legal assault from.
Ken Cuccinelli
U.S. intelligence has the legal right to monitor foreign communications as they go through to U.S. service providers. However, even though something is legal doesn’t make it right. I’m not American; I don’t really care about what data is being collected about American citizens. I’m worried about us, the foreigners.
Mikko Hypponen
My feminism, as intended by me, extends to empowering women to make legal choices, not to judge the legal choices they make. My fight is for rights.
Maajid Nawaz
All of the legal defense funds out there, they’re looking for people out there with court of appeals experience, because court of appeals is where policy is made. And I know, I know this is on tape and I should never say that because we don’t make law, I know. I know.
Sonia Sotomayor
Whatever their relative valuation of the single and married states, most societies in history made sharp distinctions between those who married and those who remained single: They were seen as mutually exclusive ways of life, with different legal rights and social obligations.
Stephanie Coontz
We need legal immigration as an alternative to illegal immigration and a way of getting the millions of unauthorized immigrants already here to get legal and get in compliance with our laws.
Luis Gutierrez
I believe that President Clinton considered the legal merits of the arguments for the pardon as he understood them, and he rendered his judgment, wise or unwise, on the merits.
John Podesta
The real challenge to upholding India’s freedoms is how patchy and individual-driven it is when it comes to the judiciary. The system is so arranged that instead of legal precedent and case law setting the template for the court’s interventions, the idea of justice is guided by what Judge A or Judge B may think.
Barkha Dutt
While there continues to be differences, the important point is that all citizens and elected officials use democratic and legal avenues for solving those differences.
Boris Trajkovski
When then-New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer sued me in 2003 over my stewardship as a director of the New York Stock Exchange, the NYSE’s legal expenses were more than $100 million, which made it perhaps the priciest litigation in the state’s history.
Kenneth Langone
I very much feel that marriage is a sacrament and that sacrament should extend… to that legal entity of a union between what traditionally in our Western values has been defined as between a man and a woman.
Bill Frist
From the smallest misdemeanor up to the biggest crime, everyone is brought before a judge. And that means there’s a huge backlog in the American legal system. There are prosecutors and public defenders and judges who are trying to keep their head above water in the tide of this bureaucracy and red tape.
Clare-Hope Ashitey
I have never pretended to be a legal scholar, but when scores of lawyers are lining up to agree with the Supreme Court that the president has the power to make choices when it comes to whom to deport and whom to let stay, then I tend to agree with them.
Luis Gutierrez
If you desire information on some point of law, you are not likely to ponder over the ponderous tomes of legal writers in order to obtain the knowledge you seek, by your own unaided efforts.
Felix Adler
The social and legal discrimination that relegates hundreds of women to subordinate or marginal economic roles has a huge aggregate cost.
Arancha Gonzalez
However saying that I totally support the concept of civil partnerships in the eyes of the law, and think it a disgrace that same sex couples have had to wait so long for legal rights, protection and recognition.
Adam Rickitt
Mrs. Parks’ act of brave defiance rocked the foundation of American society and inspired generations of civil rights leaders and created a sense of hope for every American facing legal discrimination in this country.
Kendrick Meek
By the fulfillment of my legal and moral duty I think I have earned punishment just as little as the tens of thousands of dutiful German officials who have now been imprisoned only because they carried out their duties.
Wilhelm Frick
I was a fan first; then I became a wrestler, then a promoter, then a businessman and everything that goes with it – marketing, merchandise, licensing, legal, everything. But I’ve always enjoyed it.
Jeff Jarrett
I love the new legal immigrants; they want their kids to be safe just like I do.
Lou Barletta
We need to stop illegal immigration totally and reduce legal immigration and end the diversity visas policy pushed hard by President Clinton and allowing many persons from the Middle East to come to this country.
Virgil Goode
I’ve thought hard about my psychological connections and I think I’ve managed to separate out the psychological from the legal, moral, and political.
Alan Dershowitz
As an immigrant justice advocate, I, of course, want legal status for everyone trying to make it in this country.
Opal Tometi
Places where prostitution is legal, you find much better health care, fewer cases of disease and illegal abortions. There’s really nothing to be gained by keeping prostitution illegal.
Thomas Jane
Instead, California is one of only 10 states that provides in-state college and university tuition to illegal immigrants. That’s grossly unfair to a legal high school student who moves out of California for a year, then returns to attend college.
Elton Gallegly
People talk of me as being the inventor of the legal thriller.
Scott Turow
You know, my first three or four drafts, you can see, are on legal pads in long hand. And then I go to a typewriter, and I know everybody’s switching to a computer. And I’m sort of laughed at.
Robert Caro
The legal battle against segregation is won, but the co

The legal battle against segregation is won, but the community battle goes on.
Dorothy Day
Mr. Speaker, the fact of the matter is that the Ten Commandments are a historical document that contains moral, ethical, and legal truisms that any person of any religion or even an atheist can recognize and appreciate.
Cliff Stearns
All women, and men of color – we were owned like tables and chairs. We spent a hundred years getting a legal identity as human beings. That’s a big thing.
Gloria Steinem
Imam Rauf and his backers have every legal right to build their extravagant Islamic center within the lethal radius of Ground Zero. But the rest of us have the right to question why they insist on doing so.
Ralph Peters
Noah and his family were the only loyal and obedient subjects to the legal power: they alone were saved.
Orson Pratt
Though I had come into the world on 16 November 1922, my official documents show that I was born two days later, on the 18th. It was thanks to this petty fraud that my family escaped from paying the fine for not having registered my birth at the proper legal time.
Jose Saramago
Public housing is off-limits to you if you have been convicted of a felony. For a minimum of five years, you are deemed ineligible for public housing once you’ve been branded a felon. Discrimination in private housing market’s perfectly legal.
Michelle Alexander
A potlatch is similar to a court case in that both are prohibitively expensive; both involve lengthy speeches and the vigorous examination and debate of the actions, rights and legal responsibilities of the participants. One has food, singing and spiritual rites; the other, not so much.
Eden Robinson
I was taught that a lawyer was supposed to be a custodian of the community’s legal and ethical sense.
Joe Jamail
There’s a security, a validity of knowing that it’s legal. It’s hard to put into words. It’s just a feeling, I guess – something about saying vows in front of the people around you who love and support you.
Matt Bomer
The law has no compassion. And justice is administered without compassion.
Christopher Darden
Misery is the company of lawsuits.
Francois Rabelais
Many foreclosed homes are neglected or abandoned, as legal proceedings or other factors delay their resale. Deteriorating or vacant properties can, in turn, directly affect the quality of life in a neighborhood, for example, by leading to increases in vandalism or crime.
Ben Bernanke
Fifty percent of our country that we own, have all legal jurisdiction, have all rights to do whatever we want, lies beneath the sea and we have better maps of Mars than that 50 percent.
Robert Ballard
The ‘Total Information Awareness’ project is truly diabolical – mostly because of the legal changes which have made it possible in the first place. As a consequence of the Patriot Act, government now has access to all sorts of private and commercial databases that were previously off limits.
John Perry Barlow
Just as Josef K, the protagonist of Kafka’s ‘The Trial,’ awoke one day to discover that he had become part of some unfathomable legal carnival, we, too are frequently waking to discover that the rules of the digital game have once again profoundly changed.
Evgeny Morozov
We must have great respect for these people who also suffer and who want to find their own way of correct living. On the other hand, to create a legal form of a kind of homosexual marriage, in reality, does not help these people.
Pope Benedict XVI
I came in as a legal immigrant. My dad came first. We had to wait about a year.
Shiva Ayyadurai
I have spent all my life under a Communist regime, and I will tell you that a society without any objective legal scale is a terrible one indeed. But a society with no other scale but the legal one is not quite worthy of man either.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
I think what we need to do is to have an immigration system where legal immigration is easier.
Bill Flores
Professional services industries like finance, consulting, and legal services are, by definition, meta-industries. That is, they serve to help large companies raise money, buy and sell each other, reorganize, implement new systems, conduct complex transactions, and so forth.
Andrew Yang
Rule-following, legal precedence, and political consistency are not more important than right, justice and plain common-sense.
W. E. B. Du Bois
Through every struggle that I have been confronted with and have been subjected to – solitary confinement, long legal battles, and physically transitioning to the woman I have always been – I manage not only to survive, but to grow, learn, mature, and thrive as a better, more confident person.
Chelsea Manning
By incentivizing Wall Street players to sniff out inefficient or corrupt companies and bet against them, short-selling acts as a sort of policing system; legal short-sellers have been instrumental in helping expose firms like Enron and WorldCom.
Matt Taibbi
We have to have legal immigration, which has to be something that benefits our country.
Wendy Long
Once the attacks occur, as we learned on Sept. 11, it is too late. It makes little sense to deprive ourselves of an important, and legal, means to detect and prevent terrorist attacks while we are still in the middle of a fight to the death with al Qaeda.
John Yoo
You cannot grant amnesty. If the American people see us granting amnesty they will never again believe in legal immigration. They will never again support it, and that’s wrong for our country, bad for our future.
Marco Rubio
These are people – I’m for immigration – legal immigration. I’ve been an immigration attorney. But people who have come to our country and violated laws, we should not be providing full health care services.
Joe Wilson
The mental capacity of a person to make reasonable contracts, is the only criterion, by which to determine his legal capacity to make obligatory contracts. And his mental capacity to make reasonable contracts is certainly not to be determined by the fact that he is, or is not, twenty-one years of age.
Lysander Spooner
We don’t have a good legal justification for breaking up the banking system.
Kenneth C. Griffin
Laws, like houses, lean on one another.
Edmund Burke
At Cisco, we are moving to collaboration teams, groups

At Cisco, we are moving to collaboration teams, groups coming together that represent sales, engineering, finance, legal, etc. And we’re training leaders to think across silos.
John T. Chambers
Like all other law-abiding Americans, I fully support legal immigration.
Ted Nugent
I have always been an amateur history buff, and I’ve been fascinated by legal history.
Dan Abrams
Farming with live animals is a 7 day a week, legal form of slavery.
George Segal
Society cannot escape what is essentially a moral question: When does human life deserve legal protection from the state? And society certainly cannot escape this dilemma by denying that it is fundamentally a moral issue, no matter what position one chooses.
Blase J. Cupich
In legal practice, in the representation of clients, I have always felt deeply engaged, serene, and not all inclined to stand aside. I have always done whatever needed to be done, and have usually gotten my way.
Louis Begley
If you are concerned you are the victim of illegal corporate surveillance, you should seek specialist – and independent – legal advice at once.
Robert Rinder
Before swearing in new citizens, immigration officials check to make sure prospective citizens weren’t on voter rolls or voted before achieving legal citizenship. A citizenship petition can be denied if they were.
Kate Brown
Congressional overseers and the public must be given appropriate insight into government activities as well as their legal rationale to ensure America’s values are being upheld and our interests advanced.
Dianne Feinstein
You won’t hear the leadership in the Republican Party admit it, but there are many in the House and Senate who know that illegal immigration has to be stopped and legal immigration has to be reduced. We are giving away the country so a few very rich people can get richer.
Virgil Goode
Women’s empowerment, whether through legal, financial, or cultural routes, will tend to increase their agency and their ability to take part in activism.
Deeyah Khan
I did this within a philosophical framework, and a moral and legal framework. And I have been turned into a cartoon of the greatest villain in the history of lobbying.
Jack Abramoff
I just play it safe when it comes to television because it is WWE’s intellectual property. But it is literally my legal name, like on my ID. My name hasn’t been Cody Runnels since I was 17. But it’s theirs. At no point would I ever want to go into a courtroom with a company I have love and admiration for.
Cody Rhodes
All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind.
Joseph Conrad
If there are people who act outside the law, then the state must use legal means to impose law in the interests of majority. That’s the way it’s done in the U.S., and that’s the way it’s done in Russia.
Vladimir Putin
The principles of conservatism include upholding the rule of law and the United Kingdom’s international legal obligations.
Dominic Grieve
Hitler never abandoned the cloak of legality; he recognized the enormous psychological value of having the law on his side. Instead, he turned the law inside out and made illegality legal.
Robert Byrd
We all know how powerful the web can be for raising political money. Well, if you’re game, the Duke Cunningham Legal Defense Fund is apparently ready to accept your donation.
Joshua Micah Marshall
We need to remain a nation that doesn’t just welcome but that celebrates legal immigrants who come here seeking to pursue the American Dream.
Ted Cruz
Of course, everyone in the New World is an immigrant or a descendant of immigrants, and immigrants have built America and continue to do so. Legal or illegal, they are almost universally good people who work to better their lot and that of their children.
Mark Helprin
Being enrolled in a college does not free you from the legal obligation to become domiciled.
Kris Kobach
People are getting smarter nowadays; they are letting lawyers, instead of their conscience, be their guide.
Will Rogers
Considering all the legal hassle child stars can be, I won’t be surprised when they are phased out by CGI children voiced by adult actors.
Mara Wilson
The real guys that I knew were really cool people, who I played basketball with and traveled with on teams and knew their families and knew that they love their family. They just happen to do something that wasn’t all the way legal, but it was a part of their life, and you knew that they hustled.
Mahershala Ali
Every year, some 65,000 high school students – many of them star students and leaders in their communities – are unable to go to college or get a good job because they have no legal status.
Gary Locke
Crime and legal stories, broadly speaking, are just where my interest happens to lie.
William Landay
In terms of the legal matter of creating a contract between two people that’s called marriage, and allowing them to live together with the protection of law, it seems to me is the way we should be moving in this country.
Colin Powell
Marriage equality is not a choice. It is a legal right.
Cory Booker
For private use, filesharing and copying should be legal.
Peter Sunde
Truly I never thought of myself as writing legal thrillers, and I still don’t think I do. I write stories about women.
Lisa Scottoline
The first misconception is that embryonic stem cell research is not legal. The fact is, embryonic stem cell research is completely legal. Research on embryonic stem cells has taken place for years.
Virginia Foxx
I support legal immigration. I don't support amnesty be

I support legal immigration. I don’t support amnesty because it is not fair to people standing in line at consulates around the world.
Heather Wilson
The Safari Club International has worked the legal system hard to try to keep polar bears – threatened primarily by climate change, but also by hunting – on the list of creatures people can import as trophies after shooting.
Lydia Millet
For future Snowdens, we want to show there is an organization that will do what we did for Snowden – as much as possible – in raising money for legal defense and public advocacy for whistleblowers so they know if they come forward there is a support group for them.
Sarah Harrison
People have always heard voices. Sometimes they’re called shamans, sometimes they’re called mad, and sometimes they’re called fiction writers. I always feel lucky that I live in a culture where fiction writing is legal and not seen as pathology.
Ruth Ozeki
I propose that the government should get out of the business of marrying people and, instead, only give legal status to civil unions.
Tony Campolo
It always rankled me – in law school and the legal profession – when lawyers would speak to each other in their own exclusive language.
Ari Melber
When the FDA announced its intentions to join other countries and ban quinolone use on U.S. chicken farms, the drug manufacturer Bayer initiated legal action that successfully delayed the process for five years.
Michael Greger
We must fix our broken immigration system. That means stopping illegal immigration. And it means welcoming properly vetted legal immigrants, regardless of their race or religion. Just like we have for centuries.
Nikki Haley
I have more than 100 legal pads filled with handwriting. Eight novels, two books for children, countless stories and essays.
Susan Straight
Everyone says you’ve got to do a foundation and legal structure to finance social change. What nonsense!
Bill Drayton
I think it’s very healthy to use journalistic and legal techniques to investigate the evidence for and against Christianity and other faith systems.
Lee Strobel
If we want to set and enforce a limit on immigration, we have to be willing to say no to would-be immigrants who look a lot like our own ancestors, not because there’s anything wrong with them, but simply because admitting them would exceed our legal limit.
Jan C. Ting
The president, just as any other American, deserves a legal defense against personal lawsuits not related to his office. But the costs of that defense should be borne by him and not the taxpayer.
Ben Nighthorse Campbell
Yes, there’s such a thing as luck in trial law but it only comes at 3 o’clock in the morning. You’ll still find me in the library looking for luck at 3 o’clock in the morning.
Louis Nizer
We have a legal and moral obligation to rid our world of nuclear tests and nuclear weapons. When we put an end to nuclear tests, we get closer to eliminating all nuclear weapons. A world free of nuclear weapons will be safer and more prosperous.
Ban Ki-moon
Common sense often makes good law.
William O. Douglas
There is no more an enthusiastic advocate of legal immigration in the U.S. Senate than I am, and that is a message that resonates powerfully in the Hispanic community.
Ted Cruz
Donald Trump is actually the voice of the silent majority, and I think he’s awoken that silent majority. People are very angry, and the people who are the most angry are actually the legal immigrants who see their jobs fleeing.
Michael Cohen
I couldn’t swear that I believed in the law – or in the American legal system.
Felice Picano
I think, clearly, where you have a situation in which the Solicitor General tells me, ‘I cannot in good faith argue a certainly legal position,’ and if the president told us to argue that position, we would have to tell him, ‘No, we can’t do that, Mr. President.’
Janet Reno
No one has a First Amendment right to lie to a federal agency in order to claim an improper tax status in order to avoid legal disclosure requirements on political spending and thereby receive undue tax benefits. That’s a criminal false statement and possibly a fraud.
Sheldon Whitehouse
My U.N. five-point plan focuses on preventing proliferation, strengthening the legal regime, and ensuring nuclear safety and security – an effort that was given good momentum by the Nuclear Security Summit held in Seoul earlier this year. The world is over-armed, and peace is underfunded.
Ban Ki-moon
What I’ll say is that Cuban-Americans don’t have to deal with the same immigration issues as other nationalities because of the ‘wet feet, dry feet’ policy. For Cubans, one year after you touch United States territory, you can become a legal resident.
Jorge Ramos
Perhaps these Ten Commandments cases will be the turning point in the legal war against religion.
Cliff Stearns
Alok Verma cannot be sacked based on the Central Vigilance Commission’s (CVC) report without being heard. PM Modi should not listen to bogus legal brains.
Subramanian Swamy
The trouble with law is lawyers.
Clarence Darrow
We should all have the legal right to purchase health insurance from any insurance company in any state, and we should be able use that insurance wherever we live. Health insurance should be portable.
John Mackey
Legal immigrants have been an engine of economic growth, innovation, and entrepreneurship on this continent for longer than we have been a nation.
Luis Gutierrez
Opponents of legal birth control, including abortion, have tried for decades to play the race card, saying that legal abortion is racist. What they ignore is that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. accepted the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood in 1966.
Karen DeCrow
Legally speaking, the term ‘public rights’ is as vague and indefinite as are the terms ‘public health,’ ‘public good,’ ‘public welfare,’ and the like. It has no legal meaning, except when used to describe the separate, private, individual rights of a greater or less number of individuals.
Lysander Spooner
We have used the presence of UNMIK, as well as other European and American agencies to establish a legal framework compatible with the European Union and that is already an advantage. We have seen the positive effects of this and our parliament will continue to go this way.
Ibrahim Rugova
Every one with this writ may be a tyrant; if this commi

Every one with this writ may be a tyrant; if this commission be legal, a tyrant in a legal manner, also, may control, imprison, or murder any one within the realm.
James Otis
I think we Americans, of all people, understand the importance of a good, legal, constitutional framework as the basis of political life.
Paul Bremer
It’s hard to have that debate around secret programs authorized by secret legal opinions issued by a secret court. Actually, it’s impossible to have that debate.
Al Franken
We got a little waylaid along the way. The whole problem started about 10 years ago with management and legal battles, then still trying to make albums while I was doing all of that.
Pat Travers
The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.
Abraham Lincoln
Justice is itself the great standing policy of civil society; and any eminent departure from it, under any circumstances, lies under the suspicion of being no policy at all.
Edmund Burke
The NSA has different reporting requirements for each branch of government and each of its legal authorities.
Barton Gellman
I’ve been working at performing for five years now. I’ve been working in Australia and Spain and England. When I was only 15 or 16, 1 was performing in bars; I could have had legal problems, but it’s also the only way to get to know what music is all about.
Andy Gibb
Disarming Iraq is legal under a series of U.N. resolutions. Iraq is in flagrant violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions.
Jose Maria Aznar
In today’s Britain, the weakest among us are often assumed to be minority communities. In fact, the weakest are those minorities-within-minorities for whom the legal right to exit from their communities’ constraints amounts to nothing before the enforcement of cultural and religious shaming.
Maajid Nawaz
Every lethal terrorist attack in the United States since 9/11 has been carried out by an American citizen or a legal permanent resident, not by recent immigrants or by refugees. So tamping down immigration won’t fix the real issue, which is ‘homegrown’ terrorism.
Peter Bergen
I have written about the dispossessed, immigrants, the condition of women who do not enjoy the same legal rights as men, the Palestinians who are deprived of their land and condemned to exile.
Tahar Ben Jelloun
Lawyers are the first refuge of the incompetent.
Aaron Allston
Being under the microscope meant I was never given any slack. I still managed to screw up plenty in life, mind you, but in the things I really cared about – the legal work, or the stories I was telling as a writer, or the office I built in government – I wasn’t left a lot of margin for error. It’s kept me driven.
Ronan Farrow
Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery.
Calvin Coolidge
I’m sauteing asparagus, Brussels sprouts,broccoli, some boneless, skinless chicken breast, some halibut. That’s about it; that’s all I’m allowed. That’s what’s legal for me to saute.
Ron Funches
Under well-settled legal principles, lethal force against a valid military objective, in an armed conflict, is consistent with the law of war and does not, by definition, constitute an ‘assassination.’
Jeh Johnson
They don’t need a lawyer, they need a toastmaster.
Edward Bennett Williams
We believe the use of force against Iraq, especially with reference to previous resolutions of the UN Security Council, has no grounds, including legal grounds.
Igor Ivanov
Sometimes, the intelligence community does legal collection against a legitimate foreign intelligence target and that target interacts with U.S. persons, against whom our people thus end up collecting information as a collateral matter.
Benjamin Wittes
The right of revolution, which tyrants, in mockery, accord to mankind, is no legal right under a government; it is only a natural right to overturn a government.
Lysander Spooner
I support legal immigration.
Heather Wilson
We don’t want two-tier people in America. Those who are legal but not citizens, and citizens.
Joe Biden
People have a false understanding of what our legal system is like – how it works/operates – from shows like ‘Law and Order,’ which suggest that lawyers appear on demand and do a tremendous amount of investigation and background research.
Michelle Alexander
Experts said public companies worry about the loss of customer confidence and the legal liability to shareholders or security vendors when they report flaws.
Barton Gellman
At the Norman Invasion, the Saxon thanes were themselves humbled in turn; the manors were given a more legal character and transferred to favourites of William the Conqueror.
Sabine Baring-Gould
I support making sure that there are legal protects for everyone.
Debbie Stabenow
Things happened there that I don’t think are the finest hours for anybody, whether it was a journalist, the legal system or, in that case of the political system, who would say that was an example of when Washington worked best.
Rahm Emanuel
Allowing for endless legal challenges or partisan political discussions is not the proper way to handle an issue that affects the entire scope of the environment and the economy.
Gene Green
I still gamble, but it’s all legal. I own horses, and I go to watch my horse. I don’t go daily.
Pete Rose
For centuries we have been living in the society where not laws but people ruled, where there was no legal state.
Nursultan Nazarbayev
I don't believe in amnesty... What I have proposed is t

I don’t believe in amnesty… What I have proposed is that we would come forth with a program that allows individuals to come forward and to plead guilty… They would have to pay a fine; they would have to go through a background check – some say learn English – and they would get learned legal status.
Chris Gibson
We owe the Aboriginal peoples a debt that is four centuries old. It is their turn to become full partners in developing an even greater Canada. And the reconciliation required may be less a matter of legal texts than of attitudes of the heart.
Romeo LeBlanc
Americans are guaranteed the constitutional right to legal abortion in Roe v. Wade, and it’s past time for Republicans to stop using the issue as a political football. In fact, it’s past time for Republican politicians to stop interfering in women’s personal lives, period.
Kirsten Gillibrand
The only real lawyers are trial lawyers, and trial lawyers try cases to juries.
Clarence Darrow
I write with pen and paper, my first draft, on legal pads.
Jennifer Egan
If the expansion of a global legal regime for communication technologies gains traction, the effects to the global economy as well as our individual liberties will be severe.
Marsha Blackburn
Anything I could have done that was legal to get Margaret Thatcher’s government out I was prepared to do. I could not believe what she was doing to this country.
Glenda Jackson
I really am not going to get involved in a discussion about the legal position of the Iraq war. I am not the person to do that because I am not sufficiently impartial as a lawyer about this, because it’s a matter that is of interest to the person that I am closest to in the world.
Cherie Blair
I spent so many years in terror of ‘making it legal’ because the expression rang all too true – the wedding ritual struck me as nothing but a flowery front for the fulfilment of countless, tedious contracts and obligations.
Lynn Coady
The legal system in Afghanistan is very immature and porous.
Lindsey Graham
Make crime pay. Become a lawyer.
Will Rogers
The key is to somehow find a way of tackling rent-seeking, crony capitalism, and corruption – legal and illegal – and build fairer, more equal society without compromising innovation or entrepreneurship.
Angus Deaton
When I was fighting, I would look to excite the crowds with a bolo punch or something taunting. Looking back, they were legal – but not sportsmanlike. I don’t recommend another boxer try them. But we looked more to make the robot fights dramatic first and realistic second.
Sugar Ray Leonard
It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do; but what humanity, reason, and justice tell me I ought to do.
Edmund Burke
Politicians are addicted to spending and revenue extraction. As with an addict, there’s little pause for moral or legal contemplation.
David Malpass
You win the modern financial-regulation game by filing the most motions, attending the most hearings, giving the most money to the most politicians and, above all, by keeping at it, day after day, year after fiscal year, until stealing is legal again.
Matt Taibbi
In America, to be ID’d – sorted, tagged, and permanently filed – is to lose a bit of one’s soul. To die a little. This sounds like a subtle, poetic notion. It’s not. In American legal and cultural tradition, one essential privilege of citizenship is not having to prove it on demand.
Walter Kirn
I find these dramas fascinating – it’s a world that many of us fortunately don’t dip into. The legal system is all around us, but the majority of us don’t have to go into a court, so it’s a way into another world that is unusual.
Maxine Peake
Many legal experts note that prosecutors regularly seek indictments of people or companies for destroying evidence or impeding investigations, even if they cannot prove other charges.
Alex Berenson
One thing that’s consistent in all of my work is that these aren’t accidents; they’re all conscious landscapes. They’re all things that we’re doing and that we have done through our legal and social systems and structures of capitalism.
Edward Burtynsky
I believe wholeheartedly in marriage. I don’t exclusively mean a marriage with a legal contract, but any relationship that constitutes a marriage because of the quality of their relationship.
Helen Reddy
A primary motivation for introducing no-fault divorce was, in fact, to reduce perjury in the legal system.
Stephanie Coontz
With respect to the legal justifications or the policies relating to the treatment of detainees, I was not aware of any issues on that or the legal memos that subsequently came out until the summer, sometime in 2004, when there started to be news reports on that.
Brett Kavanaugh
Lawyers spend a great deal of their time shoveling smoke.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
As a judge, when I saw veterans in legal trouble, I created the state’s first veterans court to help them get treatment and get back on their feet.
Ann Callis
Learning to distinguish the illegal immigrant from the legal immigrant does not solve the problem of illegal immigration.
Jan C. Ting
When we’re building tools, we respect developers’ complete creative freedom. It can be used for the development for anything that’s legal.
Tim Sweeney
My ultimate goal is my son, and a lot of other kids, to not have to grow up the way I grew up. I just give them a different outlook on something. I want to let them know they can have this much fun by doing something legal like me rapping for instance.
Lil Baby
It is common sense that in our immigration courts, where children fleeing devastating violence abroad often find themselves, kids need lawyers to advocate on their behalf. After all, lawyers go to school for years to understand the nuances of our legal system.
Patrick Leahy
Our communities must demand dignified housing, satisfying jobs, and proper labor conditions; our educational system must be culturally relevant, multi-lingual, and teach our histories. Our value should not be determined by legal records.
Patrisse Cullors
Catholicism is a wide tent in terms of political and legal positions. We could have nine Catholics on the Supreme Court and a great deal of diversity toward the law.
Cass Sunstein
When I was 27 years old, I organized legal aid clinics

When I was 27 years old, I organized legal aid clinics to help low-income seniors. It was a life-altering experience.
Ron Wyden
In the Brown decision, the United States Supreme Court unanimously struck down the legal and moral footing of racially segregated public education in this country.
Bobby Scott
On November 28, 2016, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, an 18-year-old legal resident of the United States whose family was originally from Somalia, used a car to mow down a group of people at the Ohio State University.
Peter Bergen
We can’t afford to compromise on anything we have fought for – abortion is legal in our country, and I will do everything in my power to stand up for the rights of women and all people to choose when and how they build a family.
Deb Haaland
Each day, each one of us chooses not to do many things that would be legal but offensive to those around us.
Ralph Peters
There are half a billion people that listen to music online and the vast majority are doing so illegally. But if we bring those people over to the legal side and Spotify, what is going to happen is we are going to double the music industry and that will lead to more artists creating great new music.
Daniel Ek
There is a separation – a very clear separation – between the judiciary, the legal system, and the political system in this country, and that’s why Labor has a problem with the issue of mandatory sentencing as a principle.
Anthony Albanese
I have a problem with censorship by the lawyer – by legal people by the publishing firm, and I may be changing publishers. They don’t seem to want to take too many risks with living people.
Kenneth Anger
I later spent… five to eight months in hospitals in New Jersey, always on an involuntary basis, and always attempting a legal argument for release.
John Forbes Nash, Jr.
Taking legal action against pirates is a headache for artists like me.
I think people should have the legal right to hurt themselves without fearing that they’re going to get locked up for doing so. But on a personal level, if someone I loved was hurting himself or herself in front of me, I would, of course, try to restrain them.
Chester Brown
As a citizen – or even a TV legal analyst – am I required to presume innocence, i.e., that the authorities arrest the wrong person in every case? Not a chance.
Dan Abrams
While I oppose the death penalty as a policy matter, in a legal culture in which we reserve the right to execute people for relatively routine street crimes, it seems quite absurd for the justice system to get squeamish about executing the operational masterminds of Sept. 11.
Benjamin Wittes
Where there is a will there is a lawsuit.
Addison Mizner
A married woman has the same right to control her own body as does an unmarried woman.
Sol Wachtler
I hope gay marriage will be legal in every state.
Mark Consuelos
I write every day weekdays for about 5 hours, mostly longhand on legal pads. It has gotten neither harder nor easier, sadly or happily.
Daniel Handler
It was not possible to broadcast any of that because of an agreement between Jackson and the family. Our legal advice was that we could not broadcast it.
Martin Bashir
While no Muslim worthy of his name would lose his respect for God, the Prophet Muhammad, and other symbols of Islam, he might well refrain from using legal prosecution or violent reaction to those who do not show the same respect. My basis for this claim is nothing other than the holiest source of Islam, the Quran.
Mustafa Akyol
Sure, our legal system has its flaws, but it is the best legal system in the world.
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Legal discrimination between the sexes is, in almost every instance, founded on outmoded views of society and the pre-scientific beliefs about psychology and physiology. It is time to sweep away these relics of the past and set further generations free of them.
Shirley Chisholm
As a legal matter, my mother is an American citizen by birth.
Ted Cruz
Legal dialogue is awesome, but you can’t ad lib. It’s much more fun to be looser and say things like, ‘Can I work in a Han Solo reference?’ I’m a ‘Star Wars’ freak.
Diane Neal
Coercion may prevent many transgressions; but it robs even actions which are legal of a part of their beauty. Freedom may lead to many transgressions, but it lends even to vices a less ignoble form.
Wilhelm von Humboldt
The only real solution is comprehensive immigration reform that secures our borders and provides a path to legal status for non-felons who are here without proper legal documentation.
Jon Ossoff
I have always been delighted when told there was a piece of fanfic inspired by a book of mine floating about. I don’t read it for legal reasons, but I’m thrilled to know it’s there. Someone cared. Someone loved it enough to spend their free time writing about it for free.
Catherynne M. Valente
We believe that government in Britain is there to protect people from terrorism and from the worst criminality, but never at the expense of our civil liberties and the basic tenets of our legal system.
Charles Kennedy
In Texas, it’s legal for a kid to be in a bar with your parents.
Maren Morris
The FCC can’t enforce press-statement principles without adopting official rules, and those rules must be based on the legal theory of reclassification.
Marvin Ammori
Angolans who repatriate overseas funds and invest in the economy, companies that generate goods, services, and jobs won’t be harassed. No questions will be asked about why their money was abroad, and they won’t face legal prosecution.
Joao Lourenco
Congress should pass a law repealing birthright citizenship for children of foreign citizens, with the sole exception being children of legal permanent residents. Children born to business travelers, foreign students, tourists, and illegal aliens would not be automatically citizens of the United States.
Tom Tancredo
There can be legal conflicts over whether registering i

There can be legal conflicts over whether registering intent is enough to qualify you as an organ donor or whether a doctor must still ask your family’s permission.
Richard Thaler
In countries with a properly functioning legal system, the mob continues to exist, but it is rarely called upon to mete out capital punishment. The right to take human life belongs to the state. Not so in societies where weak courts and poor law enforcement are combined with intractable structural injustices.
Teju Cole
I choose to hunt, and I choose to fish. Everything I’ve done has been totally legal.
Jimmy John Liautaud
So many times I’ve heard people say that the right to marry for gay and lesbian couples won’t really change anything other than some legal and financial stuff. It’s a dumb argument: those legal and financial effects matter.
Alice Dreger
I know O.J. better than anyone on the legal team. There are so many things I know about his personality. My job is really strategy and liaison between the lawyers and O.J.
Robert Kardashian
Yusuf Qaradawi is probably the most well-known legal authority in the whole Muslim world today.
Feisal Abdul Rauf
The Gun Owner Privacy Act protects the right to keep and bear arms by preventing the Feds from collecting data to monitor and log gun ownership in America. This legislation will give Americans legal recourse and the ability to sue the Feds and collect damages for records illegally stored.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Is not liberty the destruction of all despotism – including, of course, legal despotism?
Frederic Bastiat
I didn’t watch much television growing up, and before I did ‘Boston Legal,’ I had no understanding of what it was like for a viewer to look forward to finding out what was going to happen the next week.
James Spader
Ignorance of the law excuses no man from practicing it.
Addison Mizner
The legal fight over climate change begins in the United States with the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977. Under the Act, the E.P.A. is required to publish a list of ‘stationary sources’ of air pollution, of which the most important are power plants.
Charles C. Mann
I’m an immigrant, a legal immigrant to the United States. I only became a citizen five years ago. Every day, for seven months, I pinched myself as I was walking in and out of the West Wing, so it’s only in America, right? Only in America.
Sebastian Gorka
I don’t even talk about whether or not racial profiling is legal. I just don’t think racial profiling is a particularly good law enforcement tool.
Eric Holder
We’re involved right now in some very significant legal battles and it would be the wrong thing for me to do to step out in the middle of those battles.
Bill Scott
A precedent provides legal authority for an action precisely because it occurred before.
Ari Melber
It’s impossible to walk a block in Miami, in Los Angeles, San Antonio without running into someone who is being deeply impacted by a broken legal immigration system.
Marco Rubio
When I was a prosecutor in Kansas City, my job was to fight for justice and safety for all citizens in my community. Equal access to justice under the law is an American value embedded in the fabric of our legal and political system – the idea that anybody, powerful or not, can have their day in court.
Claire McCaskill
Today, corruption has won and justice has lost. I brought corruption cases in good faith involving powerful people, and the political and legal establishment blatantly covered up and retaliated by targeting my law license.
Andrew Thomas
We have a very long legal system with the European Union, and we’re English speaking.
Enda Kenny
Taste cannot be controlled by law.
Thomas Jefferson
We do not need a heavy theoretical thumb on the scales. What’s important is how the traditional sources of law and legal interpretation – text, structure, history, canons of interpretation, precedent, and other well-established tools of the judicial craft – are prioritized, weighted, and applied.
Diane S. Sykes
To state that lethal force should not be used without a proper legal justification is to state the obvious.
Keir Starmer
Political and legal institutions play a central role in setting the environment that can nurture prosperity and economic growth.
Angus Deaton
That which is not just is not law.
William Lloyd Garrison
If I was applying for a legal position, I would highlight my experience working for the San Francisco-L.A. DA’s office, and I would mention some of the high-profile cases I did, but if I was looking for another television job, I would gloss over that, and I’d mention the highlight reel of what I did in television.
Kimberly Guilfoyle
FOR a long time the conviction has been dimly felt in the community that, without prejudice to existing institutions, the legal day of weekly rest might be employed to advantage for purposes affecting the general good.
Felix Adler
Tori’s my legal name. My niece and nephews, they all call me Aunt Ellen, because I went by my middle name years ago, before I turned 18.
Tori Amos
The Open Internet principles were not legal rules adopted by the FCC; they were effectively a press statement posted on the FCC website.
Marvin Ammori
The safety of the people shall be the highest law.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
It is true that I am one of the co-authors of ‘Nudge,’ and I am a behavioral economist, but it does not mean that everything we write about in that book is behavioral economics, nor does it mean that my co-author, the distinguished legal scholar Cass Sunstein, is a behavioral economist.
Richard Thaler
I broke into the ranks of computing in the early 1980s, when women were just starting to poke their shoulder pads through crowds of men. There was no legal protection against ‘hostile environments for women.’
Ellen Ullman
Games of chance often involve some amount of skill; thi

Games of chance often involve some amount of skill; this does not make them legal. Good poker players often beat novices. But poker is still gambling, and running a poker room – or online casino – is illegal in New York.
Eric Schneiderman
To play a lawyer and have one year of law school under your belt, you sort of know what you’re talking about! I’m able to memorize the legal courtroom stuff a lot faster than I would have been able to otherwise.
Jerry O’Connell
Potentially, a government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims.
Ayn Rand
When I was on ‘Hurt Bert’ on FX – and I’m not crapping on FX, I’m just being honest – there was a point when I realized that they didn’t care if I died. If I died, they’d say ‘Of course it’s a legal thing, but think of the numbers.’
Bert Kreischer
We have allowed a situation to develop in which it is legal for a multibillion dollar industry to own, wholly and in perpetuity, the intimate and personal details of children.
Beeban Kidron
Mr. Trump wants citizens of other nations to know that there is a legal process that needs to be followed, and that that process is only way to come to America.
Mercedes Schlapp
I think it’s going to end up a lot like the Internet. Some countries try to regulate the Internet – bitcoin will be very much like that. It will be legal, and there will be some countries with currency control.
Brian Armstrong
One of the reasons Elton and I entered into our partnership – the first day it became legal in Britain to do so – is that we felt it was an opportunity to protect ourselves with official recognition of our relationship.
David Furnish
In high school – that’s when I first fell in love with his music and his voice. ‘Blonde on Blonde’ above everything. I vaguely remember ‘Desire’ coming out. I definitely remember ‘Street Legal’ and ‘Slow Train Coming.’ The first time I saw Dylan was on that tour: ’79 in L.A.
Todd Haynes
Let’s create a legal system that can work.
Sam Brownback
I’ll occasionally go and do an honor like the Mexican-American Legal Defense Fund because it raises money for a very worthy organization.
Linda Ronstadt
Unfortunately, it seems to me that when it comes to issues affecting the trans community, most people who are cisgender – a word describing those people whose gender identity is in alignment with the sex they were assigned at birth – focus too much on the administrative, legal, and medical aspects of trans identity.
Chelsea Manning
One can construct a strong legal and ethical argument for minimizing the fees that are paid to world sanctioning organizations in conjunction with championship bouts. It’s not uncommon for skilled fighters to be denied championship opportunities while less-talented but better-connected boxers fight for belts.
Thomas Hauser
Who most benefits from keeping marijuana illegal? The greatest beneficiaries are the major criminal organizations in Mexico and elsewhere that earn billions of dollars annually from this illicit trade – and who would rapidly lose their competitive advantage if marijuana were a legal commodity.
George Soros
Of all the questions I get asked as an undocumented immigrant in the United States, there are two – asked in various permutations via email, social media or in person – that chill me to the bone: ‘Why don’t you just make yourself legal?’ And: ‘Why don’t you get in the back of the line?’
Jose Antonio Vargas
My job is to interpret the law based on how the legislature and the court has done it and then, of course, to use our system of justice to develop some new legal tools and new concepts.
Bill Scott
Americans have grown a great deal more realistic about lawyers and the law. I think that’s all for the good. A lot of people will say to you these days, ‘If you are looking for justice, don’t go to a courtroom.’ That’s just a more realistic perspective on what happens in the legal process.
Scott Turow
Britain’s legal structure is basically the same as in feudal times: laws are written for the elite.
Heather Brooke
A Supreme Court ruling is supposed to provide clarity to contentious legal issues, but in the case of reproductive rights, it was just the beginning of a long, heated, and grueling debate.
Mike Quigley
I’m always writing something. There’s always some structure sitting around someplace. There’s always things on the computer, things scratched on score paper, legal tablets full of lyrics. It’s never not buzzing around me all the time. I’m always doing it.
J. D. Souther
The Patriot Act removed major legal barriers that prevented the law enforcement, intelligence, and national defense communities from talking and coordinating their work to protect the American people and our national security.
Jon Porter
Defining marriage is a power that should be left to the states. Moreover, no state should be forced to recognize a marriage that is not within its own laws, Constitution, and legal precedents.
John Sununu
Though every legal task demands this skill, it is especially important in the effort to frame public policy in a way that is properly responsive to human needs and predicaments. The question is always: How will the general rule work in practice?
Elliot Richardson
Unless you have a perception of who you are as a lawyer, you will never be at ease in dealing with legal matters, clients, or courts. But if you know who you are and why you’re there, all you need is the expertise and the information.
Samuel Dash
Part of any acquisition process is what’s loosely called ‘due diligence.’ Taking both technical and legal forms, it’s the snooping around an acquiring company does to make sure it’s actually getting what it thinks it is.
Antonio Garcia Martinez
Legal behavior is not incompatible with rational, self-interested behavior.
Leonid Hurwicz
Because it started as an offshoot of al Qaeda in Iraq, ISIL has long been subject to U.N. sanctions, and all countries have a legal obligation to freeze its assets and prohibit its business dealings. But countries around the world need to do more to make these sanctions work.
Samantha Power
While Texas women have the right to safe, legal abortion, in reality there are already very few facilities in Texas to provide this essential care. In 2008, 92 percent of Texas counties had no abortion provider.
Wendy Davis
It no longer makes sense to see singlehood and marriage as two distinct and stable social categories that should be accorded different legal rights and social esteem.
Stephanie Coontz

In conclusion, legal quotes serve as windows into the principles, ideals, and challenges of the legal system. They remind us of the importance of justice, fairness, and the rule of law in creating a harmonious and equitable society. As we navigate the complexities of legal issues, let us reflect on the wisdom shared by legal minds throughout history. May these quotes inspire us to seek justice, uphold the rule of law, and promote a society that values the rights and dignity of all its members.