Top 101 Surveillance Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Surveillance Quotes from famous people such as Barton Gellman, Mickey Rourke, Evgeny Morozov, Cornel West, Larry Page, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

U.S. surveillance of Pakistan extends far beyond its nu

U.S. surveillance of Pakistan extends far beyond its nuclear program. There are several references in the black budget to expanding U.S. scrutiny of chemical and biological laboratories.
Barton Gellman
Bounty hunters these days – because everything is so sophisticated with computers and surveillance, it doesn’t have to be a one-man-army-type guy who goes in and kicks a door down.
Mickey Rourke
In China, Internet surveillance has already become a profitable industry. In fact, a growing number of private firms eagerly assist the local police by aggregating this data and presenting it in easy-to-browse formats, allowing humans to pursue more analytical tasks.
Evgeny Morozov
Racism is a moral catastrophe, most graphically seen in the prison industrial complex and targeted police surveillance in black and brown ghettos rendered invisible in public discourse.
Cornel West
We can’t have democracy if we’re having to protect you and our users from the government over stuff we’ve never had a conversation about. We need to know what the parameters are, what kind of surveillance the government is going to do, and how and why.
Larry Page
In digital era, privacy must be a priority. Is it just me, or is secret blanket surveillance obscenely outrageous?
Al Gore
Surveillance changes history. We know this through examples of corrupt presidents like Nixon.
Mikko Hypponen
The Internet is the most liberating tool for humanity ever invented, and also the best for surveillance. It’s not one or the other. It’s both.
John Perry Barlow
I’m positively enthusiastic about American surveillance policies.
Benjamin Wittes
Counterintelligence is, in effect, chasing ghosts, which is why the tools used to investigate foreign intelligence activity are secret, like human sources or electronic surveillance.
Asha Rangappa
Well, all these stars have their houses swept quite regularly by people who work in the surveillance security business. They come in and they look for bugs and things.
Peter Weir
These thieves defend themselves by saying, ‘I was there all the time, and the officials missed me.’ Favorite excuses for missing surveillance checkpoints: jacket covered the number took off the shirt with the number hidden in a crowd.
Joe Henderson
The nature of the government’s surveillance on me and my family is forensically proven and not subject to legitimate question.
Sharyl Attkisson
Surveillance legislation passed in good faith has been stretched well beyond its original purpose.
Dominic Grieve
We didn’t have to use technology to build a surveillance state.
Trevor Paglen
From the Fourth Amendment to post-Watergate reforms to the national outcry when Bush’s warrantless surveillance was revealed in 2005, the United States has a strong tradition of overseeing the government’s power to spy on its citizens.
Ari Melber
Like any extraordinary power, surveillance provides temptations for abuse, such as tracking political opponents and journalists.
Ari Melber
I worked with the March of Dimes to enact legislation for a national birth defects prevention program to provide surveillance, research and preventive services aimed at reducing the rate of birth defects.
Solomon Ortiz
On shipbuilding, on submarine building, warship building, coastal surveillance or small vessel building, we have both public and private sector. The capacities have really been scaled up, and the skill sets, hi-tech skill sets, have been acquired.
Nirmala Sitharaman
With Liquid Robotics’ innovative technology and Boeing’s leading intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance solutions, we are helping our customers address maritime challenges in ways that make existing platforms smarter, missions safer, and operations more efficient.
Leanne Caret
When you look at the big issues post-9/11 in the United States, whether it’s water boarding, warantless wire tapping, surveillance, Gitmo, black sites rendition, all of those have been legal. Nobody has gone to jail for those programs.
Matt Apuzzo
The ‘FISA Amendments Act’ would gut the oversight system established by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, which subjected domestic spying to review by a special intelligence court.
Ari Melber
Legal and bureaucratic impediments to surveillance should be removed.
Mike Pompeo
The government harasses everything. The government must keep a constant surveillance of all activities by black people in order to maintain their reign over them, especially when they are in a minority.
John Kani
Our movements and feelings are constantly monitored, because surveillance is the business model of the digital age.
Katharine Viner
Seeing various aspects of the secret state and surveillance state echoes a long tradition in art of looking at the sublime.
Trevor Paglen
I have no private life, as I am constantly under police surveillance.
Ivica Dacic
Laws and regulations are supposed to restrict the kind of surveillance governments do. In fact, the U.S. government is quite restricted in what kind of surveillance they can do on U.S. citizens. The problem is that 96 percent of the planet is not U.S. citizens.
Mikko Hypponen
Yes, you are under surveillance. Yes, it is odious. Yes, it should bother you. And yes, it’s hard to know how to avoid it.
Nick Harkaway
Police in Washington D.C. are now using cameras to catch drivers who go through red lights. Many congressmen this week opposed the use of the red light cameras incorrectly assuming they were being used for surveillance at local brothels.
Dennis Miller
In a democracy, the citizens are supposed to have all the power, and the government is supposed to be the means by which the citizens exercise that power. But when you have a surveillance state, the state has all the power, and citizens have very little.
Trevor Paglen
The reason the FISA standard is constitutional is that

The reason the FISA standard is constitutional is that the government is supposed to use FISA surveillance not for criminal investigations but for counterintelligence probes pursued under the president’s authority to conduct foreign policy.
Benjamin Wittes
In this the age of concern over privacy invasion and surveillance and manipulation, people will start to realize that there is no way to avoid being manipulated by other people, governments, marketers, and the like.
Esther Dyson
It doesn’t thrill me to bits that the state has to use the tools of electronic surveillance to keep us safe, but it seems clear to me that it does, and that our right to privacy needs to be qualified, just as our other rights are qualified, in the interest of general security and the common good.
John Lanchester
In 1978, Congress passed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act after hearings exposed the F.B.I.’s egregious practice of illegally spying on civil rights leaders, black nationalists, Communists and Vietnam War protesters.
Asha Rangappa
There is not much of a bureaucratic leap, if history is any guide, between a seemingly benign call for ‘continuous situational awareness’ and the onset of a covert and illegal campaign of domestic surveillance.
Michael Hastings
In America, you have the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. You’ve got drones now being considered for domestic surveillance. You have the National Security Agency building the world’s giantest spy center.
Heather Brooke
I worked for George Bush. I’m proud to have worked for him. I think that a lot of the most controversial things we did, that people didn’t like and – and criticized us for, things like the terror surveillance program or the enhanced interrogation techniques, were things that allowed us to save lives.
Dick Cheney
Dr. Esserman, who directs the Carol Franc Buck Breast Care Center, is one of only a few surgeons in the United States willing to put women with D.C.I.S. on active surveillance instead of performing biopsies, lumpectomies or mastectomies.
Katie Hafner
The Internet was supposed to be the greatest tool of global communications and means of sharing knowledge in human history. And it is. But it has also become the most effective instrument of mass surveillance and potentially one of the greatest instruments of totalitarianism in the history of the world.
Trevor Paglen
In America, surveillance has always played an outsized role in the relationship between creditors and debtors.
Sarah Jeong
In a country where Americans sense, quite genuinely, that their freedoms have been taken away by the government – as in the U.S. Patriot Act, as in NSA surveillance – people feel powerless.
Jay Parini
While President Obama may not have ordered any surveillance of Trump or his advisors, the real question is whether he or Attorney General Loretta Lynch were aware of or approved of any surveillance of Trump and his staff during the campaign.
Pat Buchanan
We need the best and the brightest thinkers, strategists, coders, surveillance experts, tech geeks, and disruptors to utilize all of the tools we have available to us to build the world that we want to see. A world where black lives matter. A world where all lives matter.
Alicia Garza
We do not take away the powers of surveillance. We do not take away the right and the power of the government to go after those who would do us wrong.
Larry Craig
Representation is a sort of surveillance.
Martine Syms
Everybody calls everybody a spy, secretly, in Russia, and everybody is under surveillance. You never feel safe.
Agnes Smedley
A more effective international disease surveillance system is essential for global security both against a bioterrorist attack or a naturally occurring disease.
Daniel Akaka
For millennia, men have enslaved women and attempted to appropriate female creative power, re-casting themselves as gods and creators. This assault continues today in the forms of ruthless wealth and mineral extraction, genetic engineering, mass surveillance, and war mongering.
Closed Circuit’ came out of a general anxiety about surveillance. Government surveillance and private surveillance.
Steven Knight