Top 105 Convention Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Convention Quotes from famous people such as Edmund Morgan, Karl Rove, Vivek Oberoi, Nathan Fillion, John Jay Hooker, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Everybody knows that Alexander Hamilton was a founding

Everybody knows that Alexander Hamilton was a founding father of the United States, a young father to be sure: only thirty at the time of the Constitutional Convention and just turned thirty-eight when he left behind his brilliant career as Secretary of the Treasury.
Edmund Morgan
Alinsky’s 1971 book, ‘Rules for Radicals,’ is a favorite of the Obamas. Michele Obama quoted it at the Democratic Convention. One Alinsky tactic is to ‘Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.’ That’s what the White House did in targeting Rush Limbaugh, Rick Santelli and Jim Cramer.
Karl Rove
It takes someone like Ram Gopal Varma to change the norms, bend the rules, shake convention, and come up with something like ‘Road.’
Vivek Oberoi
When I go to a sci-fi convention, oh God, it’s the closest thing to being a rock star I will ever know in this life. I want to be a rock star, don’t you? It’s a good thing to be, a rock star.
Nathan Fillion
A short exposure to the convention convinced me that the Internet may save the Democracy in that it is a way for the people, for the citizens, to have some direct influence on the government.
John Jay Hooker
The point is, the political reporters are the ones who no longer understand the ritual they are covering. They keep searching for political meanings in the tepid events when a convention is now essentially a human drama and only that.
William Greider
When a Cabinet Minister who is sacked for telling lies is re-appointed, in the face of every constitutional convention, only for the same man to be sacked again from the same Cabinet for the same offence by the same Prime Minister no wonder the public are cynical about politics.
William Hague
I only went to one Star Trek convention and that was in the late ’80s. I hadn’t gone to a convention before that. It was quite amusing, with the people dressed up and all of that.
Persis Khambatta
I always thought it’d be fun to go to a sci-fi convention, watch a bunch of Klingons walking around, all of that kind of stuff.
Michael Welch
This war no longer has anything to do with knightly conduct or with the agreements of the Geneva Convention.
Wilhelm Keitel
This is nothing negative about the other candidates. It’s just a recognition of the fact that Governor Romney has won more delegates. He’s the only person that really has a chance to take the winning number of delegates into the convention.
Ron Johnson
The first show I ever played was the International Pop Underground Convention in Olympia, Washington. It was girl night, and I was in Heavens To Betsy. I had just turned 18.
Corin Tucker
‘Love’ is so short of perfect rhymes that convention allows half-rhymes like ‘move.’ The alternative is a plague of doves, or a kind of poem in which the poet addresses his adored both as ‘love’ and as ‘guv’ – a perfectly decent solution once, but only once, in a while.
James Fenton
Nearly 60 years ago, the international community made a commitment to put an end to the crime of genocide by ratifying the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
Alcee Hastings
Thou shalt free thyself from convention, from everyday morality.
Karen Horney
Sarah Vaughan is one of my greatest heroes. She personifies what an artist is all about, taking risks, daring to go beyond the boundaries of safety and convention. It takes courage to share your vulnerability.
Claron McFadden
We have seen too many arbitrary Strasbourg diktats based on the whims of European judges – from prisoner voting to blocking deportation of Abu Qatada – rather than a sober reading of the sensible list of core freedoms in the European Convention itself.
Dominic Raab
We should pass the U.N.’s Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism. At least it will clearly establish whom you view as a terrorist and whom you don’t. We need to delink terrorism from religion – to isolate terrorists who use this interchange of arguments between terrorism and religion.
Narendra Modi
You do not move forward by following convention. You celebrate those who are different, who are not burdened by ‘normality.’
Morten Tyldum
The bravest person I’ve ever met was a young boy going through massive amounts of treatment for a very rare, complex and unpleasant disease. I last saw him at a Discworld convention, where he chose to take part in a game as an assassin. He died not long afterwards, and I wish I had his fortitude and sense of style.
Terry Pratchett
For me, I think that, certainly, the fact that Las Vegas has a gambling aspect to it is far overshadowed by the entertainment value, if you will, family appeal, that you have, the convention appeal. So it does not have disfavor with me, in my opinion, relative to being an NFL city.
Jerry Jones
2004 was a great year for Boston! The Patriots won the Super Bowl! Boston hosted its first national political convention! And – the Red Sox won the World Series!
Thomas Menino
Ukrainians use the term ‘political technologist’ as a favored synonym for electoral consultant. Trump turned to Manafort for what seemed at first a technical task: Manafort knows how to bullwhip and wheedle delegates at a contested convention.
Franklin Foer
A chief justice’s authority is really quite limited, and the dynamic among all the justices is going to affect whether he can accomplish much or not. There is this convention of referring to the Taney Court, the Marshall Court, the Fuller Court, but a chief justice has the same vote that everyone else has.
John Roberts
Our friends at the Republican convention were more than happy to talk about everything they think is wrong with America, but they didn’t have much to say about how they’d make it right. They want your vote, but they don’t want you to know their plan.
Barack Obama
In the 1960s, as a rising defense intellectual, Kissinger was a Nelson Rockefeller man, firmly entrenched in the center-right establishment. When he attended the infamous 1964 Republican convention in San Francisco, he was horrified by Goldwater supporters, whom he likened to fascists.
Greg Grandin
Barack Obama’s convention speech in 2004 had made him a political star, and he arrived in Iowa to crowds unseen in caucus history.
John Dickerson
You must renounce all superficiality, all convention, all vanity and delusion.
Gustav Mahler
We talk about the ’68 Democratic Convention. I was too young to really know a lot about it, but – and didn’t even watch it, but I have read about it, and I know enough about it to know that it damaged the Democratic candidates.
Emanuel Cleaver
There is no requirement whatsoever for a security clearance for a candidate. The mere fact that a candidate is anointed by its party at a convention – that is all that is required. And it’s not up to me or the administration to determine candidate suitability for these briefings.
James Clapper
I chaired the 1982 Democratic Party Commission on Presidential Nominations that created certain automatic delegates to the Democratic convention – the ‘superdelegates.’ It was a good idea then, and it is still a good idea.
Jim Hunt
After '45, Ben Gurion started to organize the Zionist m

After ’45, Ben Gurion started to organize the Zionist movement and the conference in Baltimore. At this convention, they decided that the helm of the Zionist movement has to be a Jewish commonwealth… a Jewish commonwealth!
Yitzhak Shamir
I never did a convention before I did ‘The Hobbit.’
Dean O’Gorman
The top two goals of every presidential nominating convention are to unify the party and to define the candidate for the grueling weeks ahead.
Michael Caputo
To draft a bill of rights that simply replicates the European convention on human rights gives the game away; namely that the Human Rights Act does, in fact, offer appropriate protection to all of our citizens according to universally accepted standards.
Keir Starmer
I’ll never forget my first moment of looking out on a convention audience with my mouth open like they were kidding me.
Robert Picardo
Under the Geneva Convention, for example, a POW is required only to provide name, rank, and serial number and cannot receive any benefits for cooperating.
John Yoo
Chicago kept industry, attracted new business, became the center for convention trade and transportation.
Jane Byrne
My first Comic-Con was when I first met Joss Whedon: He introduced me to that world and I’d never been to a convention before that. He and a bunch of the ‘Buffy’ and ‘Angel’ writers were all going down in a big van and he invited me along.
Nathan Fillion
My family calls me Declan. But most people call me E.C. I think it comes from my dad. It’s an Irish convention. You usually call the first child by the initials.
Elvis Costello
There’s a convention that books are mirrors of the real world, but our fact-obsessed age also wants fiction to be factually based and trustworthy.
Jim Crace
Nonetheless, Article 5 makes clear that if an Iraqi civilian who is not a member of the armed forces, has engaged in attacks on Coalition forces, the Geneva Convention permits the use of more coercive interrogation approaches to prevent future attacks.
John Yoo
As a Democratic member of Congress, I have a vote at the Democratic National Convention as a superdelegate.
Dan Lipinski
The Pentagon said that these prisoners were kept in accordance with the Geneva Convention, and of course I was not reassured by that, but I couldn’t prove that that was wrong; so we’re clearer about that.
Peter Singer
However, the Department of Defense treats these detainees in accord with the Geneva Convention, even though that is not required because of the inhumane methods used by these killers.
Bill Shuster
Black Comedy is a farce that is played in the dark, as you know, with the lights full on. It’s the Chinese convention of reversing light and dark, and exactly where anybody is at any given moment is the play.
Peter Shaffer
Convention serves a purpose: It gives life meaning, and without it, one is in a constant existential crisis. If you don’t have the imposition of family to remind you of what is at stake, something else will.
Elizabeth Wurtzel
California is a place of invention, a place of courage, a place of vision, a place of the future. People who made California what it is were willing to take risks, think outside convention and build.
Nicolas Berggruen
My work has always been about not being conventional and male gaze is convention.
Celine Sciamma
I think that the pivotal point of me in terms of the choral stuff is that I was involved in this provincial choir at 16 or 17. We went and played in churches and convention centres. The music we got to do was so inspiring for me.
Devin Townsend
I once went to a ‘Star Trek’ convention by mistake – I thought I was going to a ‘Doctor Who’ one.
Sylvester McCoy
I like the idea of defying the convention of what it is to be in your 40s, or 50s, or 60s.
Anthony Kiedis
Alexander Hamilton, of New York, a signer of the Constitution, was a member of the ratifying convention in his state and did more than any other member to wring the approval of the new instrument from delegates practically instructed by their constituents to vote against it.
Charles A. Beard
I’ve been doing these conventions for 20 years, and we used to at least have debates about issues. Nothing is happening basically at this convention, other than speeches.
Susan Estrich
When Britain signed up to the European Convention and its later protocols, the words ‘universal suffrage’ were deleted from the ‘right to vote’ article.
Dominic Raab
He testified that when you looked at it through the eyes of ‘let’s do it’, the costs were very small. They were less than they’d had to spend to host a convention of transportation executives. The cost was not that great.
Major Owens
Heather and I decided we were going to be pretty low-key at the convention.
Mary Cheney
If we really want to make progress and achieve greater fairness as a society, it is time for elemental change. And we should start by looking at the Constitution, with the goal of holding a new Constitutional Convention.
Larry J. Sabato
I expect the Republicans will enjoy a large bounce out of their convention. They’re here wrapping themselves in the 9/11 flag, which I think is inappropriate in many ways, but it’s their choice.
Harold Ford, Jr.
I’ve always read a lot of sci-fi. When my son was younger, I actually went to a ‘Star Trek’ convention.
Blair Brown
In comics, we’re all weird together. I can go to a comics convention and not stand out, even though I’m the only woman in a headscarf there, because the guy next to me has a beard and a Sailor Moon costume.
G. Willow Wilson
Conventional people are roused to fury by departure from convention, largely because they regard such departure as a criticism of themselves.
Bertrand Russell
If you don't like the NRA, get a million black people t

If you don’t like the NRA, get a million black people to join. Go to the convention. Realize that this ain’t white people in hoods, just regular working class people like you that are probably going to be friendly and engage you. And then add your thoughts to the agenda.
Killer Mike
Tonight, I am pleased to announce that I have secured $1 million from the Convention Host Committee to fund the beautification of Boston’s neighborhoods.
Thomas Menino
The dream of the Convention was born from the that children and their needs were not been considered when policies were being made, laws passed or actions undertaken.
Carol Bellamy
It’s funny because ‘The Book of Mormon’ is ‘The Book of Mormon’ now. When I was doing it at the very beginning, and I was a part of it for four years and always believed in it, I never really knew if it was going to be more than a convention for ‘South Park’ fans.
Josh Gad
The base of raita is traditionally unstrained whole-milk yogurt, but I like to break away from convention and reach for whatever fermented dairy I have on hand. Ive used buttermilk, Greek yogurt, sour cream, and any combination thereof for the base of my raita.
Sohla El-Waylly
Having a Republican candidate speak at the NAACP convention is like trying to build a house starting at the roof. If you don’t have a foundation, the roof isn’t going to stand.
J. C. Watts
I call for greater measures to involve more women at higher levels in mine action. Governments should do more to address gender in their mine action programmes and through their implementation of the Anti-personnel Mine Ban Convention.
Ban Ki-moon
There’s a convention in English stuff that if something is more than 100 years old, people have to say ‘do not’ instead of ‘don’t. They have to say ‘will not’ instead of ‘won’t.’ People are speaking in a way that is not accessible or normal. And people didn’t ever speak like that.
Steven Knight
When a man and a woman have an overwhelming passion for each other, it seems to me, in spite of such obstacles dividing them as parents or husband, that they belong to each other in the name of Nature, and are lovers by Divine right, in spite of human convention or the laws.
Nicolas Chamfort
I think the country is very settled in a lot of ways, and we saw that after the Democratic Convention. I think a lot of the bump that we enjoyed came when John Kerry selected John Edwards as his running mate.
Harold Ford, Jr.
Mr. Chairman, delegates, and fellow citizens: I am honored by the support of this convention for vice president of the United States. I accept the duty to help lead our nation out of a jobs crisis and back to prosperity – and I know we can do this.
Paul Ryan
I knew that the Hague Convention prohibited the use of poison in war. I didn’t know the details of the terms of the Convention, but I did know of that prohibition.
Otto Hahn
Sanders insists the party adopt ‘the most progressive platform ever passed’ at its Philadelphia convention. Since when does the runner-up get to dictate the platform?
William M. Daley
The whole essence of humanitarian work and the Geneva Convention is that neutral, impartial organisations can operate during war.
Peter Maurer
I was 14 when the Democratic convention in my hometown of Chicago erupted into violence. It was a tough year.
Richard Edelman
At any comic book convention in America, you’ll find aspiring cartoonists with dozens of complex plot ideas and armloads of character sketches. Only a small percentage ever move from those ideas and sketches to a finished book.
Gene Luen Yang
Convention speeches are powerful tools to bend the curve of public opinion. George H. W. Bush’s 1988 convention speech is a great example. His son’s speech was also quite powerful.
Mark McKinnon
I met a bunch of comic-book writers at the Metropolis convention and there was such an interesting discussion about the story of ‘Supergirl’ and trying to get it right. It can be a challenge, because you don’t want it to be the same as the Superman story.
Helen Slater
But this convention is about more than re-nominating President Obama. It’s about Americans coming together to build one economy – not from the top down, but from the middle class out and the bottom up.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
The women I gravitate to are the ones who defy convention and reinvent themselves – hence, they reinvent the world around them.
I discovered cosplay because I was going to an anime convention and did some research, and found out people dressed up as characters. I made a very badly put-together costume because I felt this desire to dress up.
Yaya Han
In a sense, ‘Twin Peaks’ never really went away. They’ve got a ‘Twin Peaks’ convention up in Washington every year, and I’m pretty much recognized on a fairly regular basis from ‘Twin Peaks,’ so I feel like it never really got too far away.
Michael J. Anderson
What is the Geneva Convention on wars! I have never read it.
Yoweri Museveni
What populates a comic-book convention? Well there’s actors, and there’s dealers, and there’s comic-book artists and writers, and there’s cosplay people, toy sales people, people who are selling trading cards, and people selling swords. It’s not a flea market.
Neal Adams
The nice thing about doing a pop opera – in the way that doing, say, ‘Miss Saigon’ or ‘Les Miz’ would be – is that, because the convention is set from the beginning that this is an opera and everything is sung, there is never that feeling of ‘Why is this person bursting out into song?’ because the whole thing is sung.
Lea Salonga
Originally, the main purpose of the convention was to determine who the party would have as the presidential nominee and the vice-presidential nominee.
Tom Brokaw
Anonymity is a universal convention of the blogosphere, and the wicked expedience is that you can speak without consequences.
Lee Siegel
My point was very simple, and it was that it is absolutely absurd for the United States of America to continue to urge us further down the line towards a federal superstate when the U.S. has not even signed up to the U.N. Convention on Human Rights.
Boris Johnson
The 1928 Republican Convention opened with a prayer. If the Lord can see His way clear to bless the Republican Party the way it’s been carrying on, then the rest of us ought to get it without even asking.
Will Rogers
In fiction, we are not bound by social convention, so the things that mystify and unsettle are allowed to rise to the surface.
Laura van den Berg
Mr. Trump of course feels sorry for what the Khan family has gone through, just, frankly, as he felt sorry for the victims that spoke before the Republican Convention who lost loved ones from illegal immigrant criminals coming in and being able to travel the country freely.
Paul Manafort
A convention was drawn up on June 17, 1925, in which th

A convention was drawn up on June 17, 1925, in which the principle of supervision, as opposed to that of simple propaganda, was recognized, thanks to the efforts of the labour members, of whom I was one.
Leon Jouhaux
The Republicans need all the entertainment help they can get. When Charlie Daniels was one of your convention headliners, you know you need some serious help.
Shawn Amos
I look forward to their convention and look forward to hearing the President talk about what he will do for the next four years. He hasn’t done it up to this point.
Harold Ford, Jr.
You look at women at the Republican convention and women at the Democratic convention. Republicans have a certain aesthetic beauty that involves more makeup, bigger hair, more lurid outfits.
Ron Reagan
I really hate the creature film convention that says you have to wait until the end to see the monster. One hour and all you’ve seen is just the tip of the creature’s tail.
Bong Joon-ho
I think metal and horror definitely go hand in hand. Even when you go to a horror convention and meet the fans, nine out of 10 times if they’re not wearing some sort of horror shirt, they’re wearing a shirt with a metal band on it.
Adam Green
Social media affords me an opportunity to interact with fans on a daily basis, not just for a few seconds apiece at a science-fiction convention.
George Takei
At first the English were very surprised by our disregarding the Hague Convention. But from 1916 onward they used at least as much poison as we did.
Otto Hahn
I have never done Cult TV before, the convention was good. It gives the fans a chance to meet the celebrities. Connect with the guy that used to be a bunch of coloured dots on your TV screen.
Peter Tork
This is not to condone torture, which is still prohibited by the Torture Convention and federal criminal law.
John Yoo
It wasn’t until the first season ended that I went to my first Star Trek convention. It was in Denver. There were two and a half thousand people there.
Patrick Stewart
During my life, I have had a few nightmares which happened to me while I was wide awake. One of them was the National Republican Convention in San Francisco, which produced the greatest disaster the Republican Party has ever known – Nominee Barry Goldwater.
Jackie Robinson