Top 105 Jason Statham Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Jason Statham Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The best things in life sometimes happen spontaneously.

The best things in life sometimes happen spontaneously.
Jason Statham
I’m a big Bruce Lee fan, and if I saw Bruce Lee try to be some namby-pamby lawyer, I’d want my money back.
Jason Statham
And it was a great experience, you know, to travel the world and compete at a certain level. It teaches you discipline, focus, and certainly keeps you out of trouble.
Jason Statham
Depending on the season, you’ll find me outdoors doing an activity.
Jason Statham
Whatever you do, do it to the extreme.
Jason Statham
I’ve come from nowhere, and I’m not shy to go back.
Jason Statham
Science fiction I’ve always been a fan of.
Jason Statham
Take a martial art or a sport, something that gives you a skill, engages the body, and allows you the possibility of being great – or at least being active. You’ll find your confidence. Without it, you’re nothing. It’s the remedy for everything.
Jason Statham
Revenge is a caustic thing. I say, Breathe in, breathe deeply, let it go.
Jason Statham
I love the hip-hop scene.
Jason Statham
A lot of the TV shows, they do long hours, and they do a lot of days, and you don’t get a lot of time. But the good thing is, if you get one that’s made in L.A., or made in a place you want to be, you get to go home every night.
Jason Statham
I go to this gym full of stunt men. There aren’t any TVs or treadmills there. This is a spit-and-sawdust kind of place. It has a lot of great training aids – trampolines and bags and every weapon ever invented to do harm to a human being. If you want to know how to throw a knife, it’s great.
Jason Statham
I endured many weeks of it, but I had a big background in martial arts and fighting as a kid, so kind of all the problems got brushed away and I was ready.
Jason Statham
There’s so many interesting aspects of making a movie: the costume department, the set design, the casting itself, the locations.
Jason Statham
I tend to leave people alone that I admire.
Jason Statham
The thing about the UK is we don’t really make that many great movies.
Jason Statham
I’ve always got a home in England. My family and friends are there. It’s a place I hold very close to me.
Jason Statham
When I was growing up, my dad didn’t have weights, so he made himself a weight bench. Instead of a hand-me-down jacket, it was a hand-me-down weight bench.
Jason Statham
I thought ‘The Bank Job’ was a really quality movie.
Jason Statham
My role model is Sly Stallone.
Jason Statham
A lot of action movies today seem to have scenes that just lead up to the action.
Jason Statham
I’m certainly not Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt.
Jason Statham
Each director maintains a different personality. Either you get along, or you don’t.
Jason Statham
Usually, if you’ve got a great script, everything falls into place.
Jason Statham
I’m sure everyone that has ever done an action movie has just drooled over how full of talent Bruce Lee was and how unique he was.
Jason Statham
Usually, if you’ve got a great script, everything falls into place.
Jason Statham
I loved ‘The Sweeney.’
Jason Statham
When I go to the cinema I watch all different kinds of films.
Jason Statham
I’m not as big a soccer fan as people might imagine, being British.
Jason Statham
I like fashion. My mum was a dressmaker, believe it or not, so the consequence of that was that all my clothes were homemade, and I looked like a terrible mess until I was old enough to buy my own. But I love good tailoring.
Jason Statham
I love to get behind the wheel and get competitive.
Jason Statham
Every movie you do, you find something in yourself that

Every movie you do, you find something in yourself that you probably didn’t know that you had, and a director will find something in you that you can nurture and find and bring for the next one.
Jason Statham
I’m into all things German. Everything that I own is German. As far as cars go, anyway.
Jason Statham
I just gravitate to those more testosterone-filled sort of parts than me playing something a bit more fairy-like.
Jason Statham
I know, a lot of the films I’ve done, it’s obvious I’m going to beat up six guys and just walk out the door. There’s not a lot of motivating factors – it’s just action for the sake of action.
Jason Statham
My father used to run auctions. He’s now a singer in the Canary Islands.
Jason Statham
I don’t go in for the high-end gyms with the high-tech equipment and all the fancy stuff.
Jason Statham
A lot of actors are frustrated because they want to do things that are different and test themselves. Character actors are always looking for something the opposite of what they did.
Jason Statham
I don’t have to pitch movies. I’m no good at it!
Jason Statham
It’s something I never dreamed I’d be doing, making movies.
Jason Statham
‘The Bank Job,’ for me, was a great opportunity for me to do some good acting, you know?
Jason Statham
There’s so much more danger in someone where you really don’t know what they’re going to do, and you don’t know what they’re really capable of, rather than someone who’s trying to be physically tough.
Jason Statham
All of the stunt men – these are the unsung heroes. They really are. Nobody is giving them any credibility. They’re risking their necks.
Jason Statham
It’s good to step out of the box, but don’t step out so far that you can’t get back in.
Jason Statham
A lot of good actors are turning to TV.
Jason Statham
A movie, it’s like a very complicated timepiece. There’s a lot of wheels in a watch. And some of those wheels, if they don’t turn right, then, you know, the watch ain’t gonna tell the time.
Jason Statham
I could take my grandma and put her in a cape, and they’ll put her on a green screen, and they’ll have stunt doubles come in and do all the action. Anybody can do it. They’re relying on stunt doubles and green screen and $200 million budgets – it’s all CGI created. To me, it’s not authentic.
Jason Statham
I’m not a method actor; I hope you know that!
Jason Statham
We’re trying to make a movie that’s interesting.
Jason Statham
The action-movie genre is a very difficult one to get satiated in terms of your acting bits.
Jason Statham
I do like a lot of the ’70s movies. I love Charles Bronson in ‘Hard Times.’ All my favorite movies where ones from yesteryear. The ’70s was a good era. I love all those.
Jason Statham
People love stories about the mafia: ‘The Godfather,’ ‘American Gangster.’
Jason Statham
I’m more into MMA than any other sport. I watch a lot of the UFC fights. I have since it first came onto the scene.
Jason Statham
Yeah, I’d make a decent Bond. But it’d be very, very different if I did it.
Jason Statham
There’s a huge amount of faith and confidence in the stunt team.
Jason Statham
A lot of action movies today seem to have scenes that just lead up to the action.
Jason Statham
Scorsese will only work with brilliant material. And everyone wants to work with him.
Jason Statham
If we want to talk about the movies that have made an impact in what I do in the action realm – Bruce Lee in ‘Enter the Dragon.’ I’ve watched that countless times.
Jason Statham
The Rock is the Rock, you know? He’s the ultimate athlete, the professional man with precision. And you want precision from a 270-pound living, walking brick wall.
Jason Statham
Bruce Lee was just so lightning-fast. People try to emulate him in whatever way they can, but to try and do what he was doing… you’re just inspired by it; you’re not trying to say, ‘Look, I can do that.’ No one can do what he did.
Jason Statham
It’s great to play the hero. You get all the good stuff. You’re in it all the way through.
Jason Statham
At least in making an action film, there’s always going to be someone who wants to see a car chase. Even if a lot of the people don’t like it, there will be a lot of people that do. But bad comedy is just garbage.
Jason Statham
Every actor has a strength, and sometimes you just resp

Every actor has a strength, and sometimes you just respond to things that you see yourself better at. I’m aware of what I can and can’t do.
Jason Statham
People who are in a position of power like to throw their weight around, and that becomes abuse.
Jason Statham
Without doing the big blockbusters, I wouldn’t be able to find the money to go after little projects that I want to do.
Jason Statham
We were diving in caves. It wasn’t totally safe.
Jason Statham
In Hollywood, people get reputations, just rumors that are passed down.
Jason Statham
There’s something quite fascinating with crooks and criminals and all things against the law.
Jason Statham
I pick up a lot of stuff from them, but I don’t think there’s any great trick to acting.
Jason Statham
There’s a voice in all of us, and you can only get expressive through words. There’s a limit to what you can do without speaking.
Jason Statham
Some comedies, they want you falling on your face and doing silly things.
Jason Statham
Guy Ritchie, he thinks going to drama school is the worst thing in the world.
Jason Statham
I’m very fussy. I’m very hard to please.
Jason Statham
If you got a good imagination, a lot of confidence and you kind of know what you are saying, then you might be able to do it. I know a lot of colorful characters at home that would make great actors.
Jason Statham
The TV world is not what it used to be. I mean, the quality has become something quite exceptional.
Jason Statham
My mom and dad used to tell me, ‘You’ve got to see this film,’ and they were influential to a high degree of the films I saw as a kid.
Jason Statham
I think of Paul Feig as the Scorsese of comedy. He’s the best at what he does. I think people just trust everything that he’s got to say.
Jason Statham
Well, I’m used to rubbing shoulders with crooks and criminals.
Jason Statham
I’m more into MMA than any other sport. I watch a lot of the UFC fights. I have since it first came onto the scene.
Jason Statham
People like ‘Crank,’ some people like ‘Redemption.’ I’m just happy to do things that satiate a different part of me, that test me a little bit.
Jason Statham
You should never assume about someone.
Jason Statham
There’s so many ways to play a bad guy, and usually people choose the obvious one.
Jason Statham
My productivity is overwhelming!
Jason Statham
I’m certainly not Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt.
Jason Statham
I love getting dressed up in a suit because I don’t do it all the time.
Jason Statham
You got to be careful mentioning people as great as Clint Eastwood. You can’t put me in the same sentence as that man.
Jason Statham
Comedy is not my first go-to sort of genre.
Jason Statham
A bespoke shirt is one of the true luxuries that you can acquire. There’s nothing better than a fitted shirt. Once you’ve picked up your first one, you’ll never stop buying them – providing you can pay for it.
Jason Statham
I’ve been unfortunate enough to be working, and recovering from a few injuries now and again.
Jason Statham
I think we’re all sensitive; everyone has a certain way about themselves that people don’t like to let their emotions out too often. I think people tend to suppress them and hold them in, so I think there’s a bit of that in me.
Jason Statham
Some people are very good at that, communicating with the world; I’m not sure I’m suited to it.
Jason Statham
People like to pigeonhole you.
Jason Statham
The insurance of working with a big, already successful franchise just gives you the chance to do other things on a more personal level.
Jason Statham
Most guys, tough or not, hide emotions. I know a lot of

Most guys, tough or not, hide emotions. I know a lot of tough guys; they’re just as weak as the next man, but they don’t show it.
Jason Statham
If we want to talk about the movies that have made an impact in what I do in the action realm – Bruce Lee in ‘Enter the Dragon.’ I’ve watched that countless times.
Jason Statham
A kid is something precious, and you want to protect it and keep it fun. I’m not a dad, but I’ve seen people and how they behave with their kids.
Jason Statham
London and L.A. are two opposites – I like the difference.
Jason Statham
Most of the scripts that land on my desk are stuff you read and go, ‘Is someone really gonna make this?’
Jason Statham
A lot of the TV shows, they do long hours, and they do a lot of days, and you don’t get a lot of time. But the good thing is, if you get one that’s made in L.A., or made in a place you want to be, you get to go home every night.
Jason Statham
Every actor has a strength, and sometimes you just respond to things that you see yourself better at. I’m aware of what I can and can’t do.
Jason Statham
I really enjoyed working with Guy Ritchie. One, it gave me a career, and two, they’re probably a couple of the best films I’ve ever done.
Jason Statham
Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand. If you have a healthy lifestyle, your diet and nutrition are set, and you’re working out, you’re going to feel good.
Jason Statham
High risk is high adrenaline.
Jason Statham
I’m naturally a protective person to those close to me.
Jason Statham
I’ve always had a fascination with cars and racing, not that I’ve ever competed.
Jason Statham