Top 111 Marine Le Pen Quotes

Brexit wasn’t the European people’s first cry of revolt. In 2005, France and the Netherlands held referendums about the proposed European Union constitution. In both countries, opposition was massive, and other governments decided on the spot to halt the experiment for fear the contagion might spread.
Marine Le Pen
The United States cannot have the image of warmongers, with all the potential consequences it could have for our respective countries.
Marine Le Pen
I’m asking the Israelis to choose their nationality. It doesn’t mean that if they don’t choose French nationality, they have to leave.
Marine Le Pen
The waking up of a people is historic. It shows the end of a cycle.
Marine Le Pen
There is not, and there will not be, any other laws and values in France other than French laws. We will not be going back – no withdrawing. No compromises!
Marine Le Pen
When a country loses its identity, it no longer knows what it is or where it comes from and what its real worth is. So it dissolves.
Marine Le Pen
The United Kingdom has committed the heresy of breaking the chains of the E.U. This is a signal victory for democracy. It is a slap in the face to the European system which was increasingly based on fear, blackmail, and lies.
Marine Le Pen
If there is one thing French Muslims want, it is to be rid of the daily pressures imposed on them by Islamic fundamentalists.
Marine Le Pen
I don’t judge people based on their religion. But I judge them based on how they respect the French constitution.
Marine Le Pen
We, the French, are viscerally attached to our laicite, our sovereignty, our independence, our values. The world knows that when France is attacked, it is liberty that is dealt a blow.
Marine Le Pen
When I was still playing with dolls, I became aware of this terrible and incomprehensible thing for me: My father was not treated the same as others; we are not treated the same as others.
Marine Le Pen
What is the point in punishing a country?
Marine Le Pen
I think France should be free, independent, and be the cultural heart of the world because those play a balance in the world.
Marine Le Pen
I have four priorities. Give back to the French their sovereignty over the French territory, their sovereignty over the currency, their sovereignty over the economy and the law.
Marine Le Pen
If I were American, I’d vote everything but Hillary Clinton.
Marine Le Pen
I'm against the Right of money and the Left of money.

I’m against the Right of money and the Left of money.
Marine Le Pen
We do not want to live under the yoke of the threat of Islamic fundamentalism.
Marine Le Pen
What we’re concerned about is massive immigration of unskilled workers, mostly from the Maghreb and Africa, which pulls down salaries in France.
Marine Le Pen
Without a policy restricting immigration, it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to fight against communalism and the rise of ways of life at odds with laicite – France’s distinctive form of secularism – and other laws and values of the French Republic.
Marine Le Pen
When something favors France, I say so. When it doesn’t, I say so, too.
Marine Le Pen
We are in a world where globalization, which is an ideology, has forgotten and put aside the people, the people’s interests, aspirations, and dreams.
Marine Le Pen
Jewish skullcaps are obviously not a problem in our country.
Marine Le Pen
The French are overwhelmingly convinced that the euro is a burden. Returning to an adapted national currency will create millions of jobs and give us back our freedom.
Marine Le Pen
Rejoice in the great, free emancipation of peoples.
Marine Le Pen
My first act as president will be to reinstate France’s borders.
Marine Le Pen
The euro is not a currency. It is a political weapon to force countries to implement the policies decided by the E.U. and keep them on a leash.
Marine Le Pen
Long live the Republic, long live France.
Marine Le Pen
It is as a free French woman who has been able to enjoy, her whole life, the very precious freedoms fought for long and hard by our mothers and grandmothers, that I want to warn about a new form of social, human, and moral regression imposed on us by the migrant crisis.
Marine Le Pen
Our countries have been friends dating to the very existence of the United States. France is the only power that has never been at war with the United States.
Marine Le Pen
Islamist terrorism is a cancer on Islam, and Muslims themselves must fight it at our side.
Marine Le Pen
I am the president who will protect you!
Marine Le Pen
Immigration has a huge cost on social programs, and it lowers salaries and drives up unemployment.
Marine Le Pen
When, in 2015, Greece decided by referendum to reject Brussels’ austerity plans, the European Union’s antidemocratic response took no one by surprise: To deny the people’s will had become a habit.
Marine Le Pen