Top 111 Martin OMalley Quotes

Marylanders have led the nation in adopting a balanced approach to revenues and investments because we know that in order to maintain and build the #1 public schools in the nation, we had to ask everyone to pay their fair share. We need Congress to do the same.
Martin O’Malley
I was motivated to go into public life because of the great chasm that exists between justice and injustice in our country. Nowhere is that divide greater than in America’s cities.
Martin O’Malley
The death penalty is ineffective as a deterrent, and the appeals process is expensive and cruel to the surviving family members.
Martin O’Malley
We have to wrap this imperative of addressing climate change in a prosperity framework, and secondly we have to do a much better job of putting forward an American jobs agenda that’s a match for the climate challenge.
Martin O’Malley
Roads do not upgrade or maintain themselves. Bridges do not repair themselves or rebuild themselves.
Martin O’Malley
Back on September 11, terrorists attacked our metropolitan cores, two of America’s great cities. They did that because they knew that was where they could do the most damage and weaken us the most.
Martin O’Malley
Progress is a choice.
Martin O’Malley
People are looking for a leader independent of powerful, wealthy special interests that always push to the front of the line.
Martin O’Malley
There is no greater ladder into the middle class than education.
Martin O’Malley
If there is a thread that unites all of our work, whether it’s in Iowa or whether it’s in Maryland or whether it’s among our young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan, I believe that it’s the thread of human dignity.
Martin O’Malley
The Center for American Progress rates Maryland as the best state in the nation for women. I couldn’t agree more.
Martin O’Malley
Putting aside competitive interests for a new kind of collaboration, Maryland pioneered a real-time encounter notification service to alert primary care doctors when their patients are hospitalized.
Martin O’Malley
The most fearless hearts, the audacious dreamers, have always maintained a sense of optimism that often flies in the face of the available evidence.
Martin O’Malley
My all-time favourite political promise – more a boast than a promise, really – came from former Montreal mayor Jean Drapeau, who said in the lead-up to the 1976 Olympics, ‘The Olympics can no more lose money than a man can have a baby.’
Martin O’Malley
Reversing deforestation is complicated; planting a tree is simple.
Martin O’Malley
Romney economics would spell disaster for America’s middle class. In this economy there are shipbuilders and ship wreckers.
Martin O’Malley
Maryland is home to one of the world’s most highly skilled, highly educated workforces.
Martin O’Malley
Justice must be done in investigating the tragic death of Mr. Freddie Gray. His family deserves our deepest sympathy and respect for their loss, and our admiration for their courage in calling us, as a city, to act as our better selves.
Martin O’Malley
We have concentrated wealth and capital to such a degree that the vast majority of us don’t have the discretionary dollars to make our economy go and grow.
Martin O’Malley
Our parents and grandparents understood this truth deeply. They believed – as we do – that to create jobs, a modern economy requires modern investments: educating, innovating and rebuilding for our children’s future. Building an economy to last, from the middle class up, not from the billionaires down.
Martin O’Malley
The attitude in Baltimore in 1999 was almost one of resignation, that our problems were bigger than our capacity to handle them.
Martin O’Malley
There are some rights that are so fundamental to our society that you’d think the public debate would be closed on them. The right of every American citizen to vote – regardless of age, race, or income level – is one of them.
Martin O’Malley
We make our own future; we govern ourselves, and to govern is to choose.
Martin O’Malley
The right to vote gives every eligible American a voice

The right to vote gives every eligible American a voice in our electoral politics. There’s too much at stake to stay silent as this right is eroded.
Martin O’Malley
Doing difficult things like passing marriage equality, passing the Dream Act, doing common sense things that allow new American immigrants to fully participate, pay their taxes, play by the rules and take care of their families. That’s the inclusive America that I believe all of us want to move to.
Martin O’Malley
The Republicans have kind of painted themselves into a kind of a real demographic corner, if you will.
Martin O’Malley
The march of progress must continue.
Martin O’Malley
The attitude in Baltimore in 1999 was almost one of resignation, that our problems were bigger than our capacity to handle them.
Martin O’Malley
I’m not for the sort of trade deals that hollow out our standards while they hollow out our middle class and middle class wages.
Martin O’Malley
Some people might look at Baltimore, from afar, and see nothing but hopelessness. I see, in Baltimore, tremendously good and compassionate people, and a tremendous opportunity to save a lot a lives.
Martin O’Malley
I did not dedicate my life to making Baltimore a safer and more just place because it was easy.
Martin O’Malley
Every child should be given a strong start to their education.
Martin O’Malley
I believe that the best way to campaign is one-on-one with people.
Martin O’Malley
There is no legislative change that can be made to make up for an economy that’s not growing and not expanding.
Martin O’Malley
It’s time to put the national interest before the interests of Wall Street.
Martin O’Malley
Making government more efficient and more effective need not be a partisan issue.
Martin O’Malley
Our politics has been greatly impacted, for the worse, by big money and the concentration of big money.
Martin O’Malley
In times of adversity – for the country we love – Maryland always chooses to move forward. Progress is a choice. Job creation is a choice. Whether we move forward or back: this too is a choice.
Martin O’Malley
Some people see Baltimore as a hopeless place. Some have even made a lot of money on it.
Martin O’Malley
People’s trust in their public institutions depends on their government getting results.
Martin O’Malley
All of us, wherever we happen to stand on the marriage equality issue, can agree that all our children deserve the opportunity to live in a loving, caring, committed, and stable home, protected equally under the law.
Martin O’Malley