Top 111 Monetary Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Monetary Quotes from famous people such as Marc Faber, David Lidington, Fred Ehrsam, Nigel Lawson, Marine Le Pen, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Now, McDonald's is a very good indicator of the global

Now, McDonald’s is a very good indicator of the global economy. If McDonald’s doesn’t increase its sales, it tells you that the monetary policies have largely failed in the sense that prices are going up more than disposable income, and so people have less purchasing power.
Marc Faber
Time spent travelling was assumed to be unproductive and a monetary value attributed to the minutes that would be saved from a speedier journey that allowed people to get from one office to another more quickly. I’ve always thought that that case was weak.
David Lidington
Ethereum may make monetary policy decisions like, ‘Let’s do 1% inflation to support the ongoing development of the Ethereum protocol.’ A token built on Ethereum might want to do the same.
Fred Ehrsam
The heart of the matter is that the very nature of the European Union, and of this country’s relationship with it, has fundamentally changed after the coming into being of the European monetary union and the creation of the eurozone, of which – quite rightly – we are not a part.
Nigel Lawson
I will be Madame Frexit if the European Union doesn’t give us back our monetary, legislative, territorial, and budget sovereignty.
Marine Le Pen
Monetary policy is one of the most difficult topics in economics. But also, I believe, a topic of absolutely crucial importance for our prosperity.
Maxime Bernier
Maybe other musicians are interested in different things, maybe they have greater monetary concerns. I hear people who have not changed, who haven’t elevated anything, who are the same as they were back in the ’50s and ’60s.
Alice Coltrane
Monetary policy has less room to maneuver when interest rates are close to zero, while expansionary fiscal policy is likely both more effective and less costly in terms of increased debt burden when interest rates are pinned at low levels.
Ben Bernanke
My bottom line is that monetary policy should react to rising prices for houses or other assets only insofar as they affect the central bank’s goal variables – output, employment, and inflation.
Janet Yellen
Poland is one of the few countries that can afford to conduct a conventional monetary policy and that means we have to act against the buildup of imbalances in the economy.
Marek Belka
My preference is for the Federal Reserve to be the systemic risk regulator, because the responsibility for identifying and limiting potential problems is a natural complement to its role in monetary policy.
Henry Paulson
However, in spite of the general perception that monetary policy should be conducted so as to avert deflation, a central bank cannot lower interest rates below the zero lower bound.
Toshihiko Fukui
Domestic inflation reflects domestic monetary policy.
Martin Feldstein
It is understandable that the Fed injects cash to avoid the collapse of the stock market, but basically it is bad policy for monetary authorities to intervene to save speculators from bankruptcy. This is not their role.
Maurice Allais
One factor that favors easier adjustment in EMEs is that U.S. monetary policy normalization has been and should continue to be gradual, as long as the U.S. economy evolves roughly as expected.
Jerome Powell
You just can’t bifurcate bitcoin currency from the technology. Bitcoin will always need a monetary base.
Barry Silbert
So just as I want pilots on the planes that I fly, when it comes to monetary policy, I want to think that there is someone with sound judgement at the controls.
Martin Feldstein
To ensure stable and sustainable economic growth, world leaders must re-examine the international rules of the monetary game, with advanced and emerging economies alike adopting more mutually beneficial monetary policies.
Raghuram Rajan
A well-functioning transmission should at some point go from the overnight right up to 40 years, and that is the ultimate objective in having monetary transmission that affects the whole gamut of borrowing tenure.
Urjit Patel
It’s not my concern to make a commercial pop record. I want to make a record of music that I would listen to, that is lyrically rich and has songs that people can relate to – more along the Jakob Dylan route: people who create for the art of it and not necessarily the monetary rewards of it.
Crystal Bowersox
I have a fascination with Egypt. It’s the greatest civilization. When the rest of the world was still in darkness, there were universities in Egypt and there were monetary systems, the pyramids.
Montel Vontavious Porter
The Obama administration’s attempted short-term fixes, even with unprecedented monetary easing by the Federal Reserve, produced average GDP growth of just 2.2% over the past three years, and the consensus outlook appears no better for the year ahead.
Glenn Hubbard
The monetary policy committee could either keep rates constant, increase them, or bring them down. There are three options possible compared to when it is accommodative.
Urjit Patel
Giving Northern Europe a veto over Southern Europe’s budgets will not hold a monetary union together. The euro zone will continue to need the weaker countries to stomach decades of high unemployment to grind down wages.
Austan Goolsbee
Here in Bengal the production has to work under more pressing schedules partly caused by monetary reasons as the shooting has to be wrapped up within a limited number of days to prevent cost overrun and hence there is not much scope to rethink and alter.
Saswata Chatterjee
I’m still a hacker. I get paid for it now. I never received any monetary gain from the hacking I did before. The main difference in what I do now compared to what I did then is that I now do it with authorization.
Kevin Mitnick
In effect, there has been a significant shortfall in the overall amount of monetary policy stimulus since early 2009.
Janet Yellen
Many emerging countries are facing the same issue of overheating and inflation because they have been vigorously expanding fiscal and monetary policy to counter the 2008 shock.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati
In a global marketplace with its increased insecurities and – indeed often – volatility and instability, national economic stability is at a premium, the precondition for all we can achieve, and no nation can secure the high levels of sustainable investment it needs without both monetary and fiscal stability together.
Gordon Brown
Once the monetary sovereignty is retaken, one can make a last attempt to renegotiate all of the treaties: Maastricht, Schengen, Dublin, and Lisbon.
Matteo Salvini
From the beginnings of modern monetary theory, in David Hume’s marvelous essays of 1752, ‘Of Money and Of Interest,’ conclusions about the effect of changes in money have seemed to depend critically on the way in which the change is effected.
Robert Lucas, Jr.
The world's central banks and the International Monetar

The world’s central banks and the International Monetary Fund still have vaults full of bullion, even though currencies are no longer backed by gold. Governments hold on to it as a kind of magic symbol, a way of reassuring people that their money is real.
James Surowiecki
While monetary policy can contribute to growth by supporting a durable expansion in a context of price stability, it cannot reliably affect the long-run sustainable level of the economy’s growth.
Jerome Powell
Monetary policy causes booms and busts.
Edward C. Prescott
In our time, the curse is monetary illiteracy, just as inability to read plain print was the curse of earlier centuries.
Ezra Pound
The fallacy of monetary policy in the U.S. is to believe this money will go to the man on the street. It won’t. It goes to the Mayfair economy of the well-to-do people and boosts asset prices of Warhols… Very happy. Very good for the Fed. Congratulations, Mr. Bernanke.
Marc Faber
Our membership of the euro is a guarantee of monetary stability and creates the right conditions for sustainable growth. Our membership of the euro is the only choice.
Lucas Papademos
In recent years personal injury attorneys and trial lawyers have attacked the food industry with numerous lawsuits alleging that these businesses should pay monetary damages to those who, of their own accord, consume too much of a legal, safe product.
Bob Ney
Monetary policy should never have been expected to shift economies to a sustainably higher growth trajectory by itself.
Michael Spence
Europe unified its monetary policy through the euro before it unified politically, therefore sustaining member countries’ abilities to pursue the kind of independent fiscal policies that can strain a joint currency.
Amity Shlaes
In principle, there are only three main components of spending that much matter to monetary policy: consumer spending, business investment and exports and trade.
Evan Davis
War has generally had grave and fateful consequences for the American monetary and financial system. We have seen that the Revolutionary War occasioned a mass of depreciated fiat paper, worthless Continentals, a huge public debt, and the beginnings of central banking in the Bank of North America.
Murray Rothbard
Political union means transferring the prerogatives of national legislatures to the European parliament, which would then decide how to structure Europe’s fiscal, banking, and monetary union.
Barry Eichengreen
We need to keep in mind the well-established fact that the full effects of monetary policy are felt only after long lags. This means that policy makers cannot wait until they have achieved their objectives to begin adjusting policy.
Janet Yellen
What attracts me to Hindi films is the monetary benefits connected with it.
Monetary policy will, as always, respond to the economy’s twists and turns so as to promote, as best as we can in an uncertain economic environment, the employment and inflation goals.
Janet Yellen
During my first summer in college, I travelled to California for the first time for a beauty pageant. It was solely for monetary reasons because winners were to get scholarships.
Fala Chen
I do know some of the world’s richest people. In monetary terms, they all performed very well. In terms of a fulfilling life, I am less sure.
Marc Faber
The supply-side effect of a restrictive monetary policy is likely to be perverse, in that high interest rates enter into costs and thus exert inflationary pressure.
William Vickrey
During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
Ron Paul
When historical relationships are taken into account, it is difficult to ascribe the house price bubble either to monetary policy or to the broader macroeconomic environment.
Ben Bernanke
A lot of joblessness in the black community doesn’t seem to be reachable through fiscal and monetary policies. People have not been drawn into the labor market even during periods of economic recovery.
William Julius Wilson
When there’s downward pressure on growth, one choice is to adjust economic policy, increase deficits, relax monetary policy. That might have a short-term benefit, but may not be beneficial for the future.
Li Keqiang
What we should all argue for is the use of freedom rather than having a monetary system with regulation domination that is run by a cartel and the special interests – that is the kind of system we have today.
Ron Paul
The euro is a vital issue for Germany. There is no other country that derives as much benefit from the common domestic market and the monetary union as Germany.
Peer Steinbruck
I will be the first to say that it is always difficult to get monetary policy just right. But the Fed’s analytical prowess is top-notch, and our forecasting record is second to none.
Janet Yellen
A good monetary policy follows inflationary expectations and not historical numbers.
Adi Godrej
In stabilizing the macroeconomic environment, we have focused on aligning fiscal with monetary policy and nudging the central bank toward the objective of more market-determined exchange rates.
Yemi Osinbajo
Monetary policy itself cannot sensibly be directed at reducing imbalances.
Timothy Geithner
When you have to earmark human and monetary resources for such a long time, it starts to hinder your other activities.
Ratan Tata
The Federal Reserve’s monetary policy objective is to foster maximum employment and price stability. In this regard, a key challenge is to assess just how far the economy now stands from the attainment of its maximum employment goal.
Janet Yellen
Audit the Fed is a bill that would politicize monetary policy, would bring short-term political pressures to bear on the Fed. In terms of openness about our financial accounts, we are extensively audited.
Janet Yellen
I loved modeling. I absolutely loved it. I was so happy

I loved modeling. I absolutely loved it. I was so happy to get the cover of ‘Vogue’ – 23 times. I keep each copy. I made more money as a model than as an actress or as a filmmaker. In monetary terms, beauty pays more than anything.
Isabella Rossellini
I’m constantly questioning the effects technology has had on our lives and the effect that monetary debt has had on all of us. We keep this as a dark little secret: ‘This is how much interest I owe.’
Rami Malek
Think of a public library, worth more for those who cannot afford numerous books. Think of a public waterway or fishing ground. All types of commons have imputed monetary value that together comprise a source of social income. As such, the commons reduces economic inequality and insecurity in society.
Guy Standing
Government should eschew suasion and directives to banks on interest rates that run counter to monetary policy actions.
Urjit Patel
The single currency should allow the European Union, and therefore France, to balance its monetary strength with the United States. It should help us adjust to the development of China.
Laurent Fabius
The degree of monetary policy ease should be associated with the level of real interest rates, not nominal interest rates.
Athanasios Orphanides
The euro is a potent tool used by Germany to engage in permanent monetary dumping.
Marine Le Pen
I don’t like gross monetary inequities. I firmly believe that the wrong people and the wrong professions are being rewarded, and rewarded absurdly, and that the hardest work the obscenely rich do is ensuring that they preserve their privileges, status symbols, and bloated bank accounts.
Michael Dirda
The Global Financial Crisis and Great Recession posed daunting new challenges for central banks around the world and spurred innovations in the design, implementation, and communication of monetary policy.
Janet Yellen
I think for us as people, when we can help someone with a blood transfusion, when we can help somebody with a monetary donation that can go towards research, to know that you can possibly save a life, it’s huge.
Jason McCourty
Conservatives believe that international institutions such as the United Nations are anti-American and anti-Israeli cabals. Progressives do not like the economic medicine that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank force down the throats of developing countries.
Michael Ignatieff
The first requisite of a sound monetary system is that it put the least possible power over the quantity or quality of money in the hands of the politicians.
Henry Hazlitt
I think that sharing information about our economies, the way that the central banks do in Basel and other forums, is quite useful. But it’s sharing information. It’s not coordinating policy. It’s not coordinating a single monetary policy.
Charles L. Evans
Monetary policy cannot do much about long-run growth, all we can try to do is to try to smooth out periods where the economy is depressed because of lack of demand.
Ben Bernanke
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
Henry Ford
Monetary success is not success. Career success is not success. Life, someone that loves you, giving to others, doing something that makes you feel complete and full. That is success. And it isn’t dependent on anyone else.
James Avery
I don’t think that the ECB should compensate for the lack of reforms in some countries… But it is clear that monetary policy can help countries and continents to rebound faster.
Alain Dehaze
Remember that disadvantage is less about income than environment. The best metrics of child poverty aren’t monetary, but rather how often a child is read to or hugged.
Nicholas Kristof
Monetary policy is a blunt tool which certainly affects the distribution of income and wealth, although whether the net effect is to increase or reduce inequality is not clear.
Ben Bernanke
Earth is abundant with plentiful resources. Our practice of rationing resources through monetary control is no longer relevant and is counter-productive to our survival.
Jacque Fresco
Endorsing unconventional monetary policies unquestioningly is tantamount to saying that it is acceptable to distort asset prices if there are other domestic constraints on growth.
Raghuram Rajan
Monetary conditions exert an enormous influence on stock prices. Indeed, the monetary climate – primarily the trend in interest rates and Federal Reserve policy – is the dominant factor in determining the stock market’s major direction.
Martin Zweig
Any debate among politicians about monetary policy is counterproductive.
Gerhard Schroder
I feel, at the national level, shooters should get monetary rewards also, along with medals and a handshake.
Nana Patekar
The Jacksonians were not monetary nationalists; specie was specie, and they saw no reason that foreign gold or silver coins should not circulate with the same full privileges as American-minted coins.
Murray Rothbard
If our system continues without modification involving environmental and social concern, we will face an economic and social breakdown of our outdated monetary and political system.
Jacque Fresco
My father, one of the great entrepreneurs and philanthropists of this state, taught me that capital – monetary or political – is to be used to benefit others. I intend to continue that tradition.
Jon Huntsman, Jr.
As financial markets continue to broaden and deepen, the behavior of asset prices will play an important role in the formulation of monetary policy going forward, perhaps a more important role than in the past.
Timothy Geithner
Funnily enough, the Federal Reserve produced comics about monetary policy, and there is a good comic book guide to microeconomics and macroeconomics out there. But it is not really appropriate for younger readers; it is really aimed at economics students.
Tim Harford
Though monetary compensation may never add up, teachers can rest assured that they are important.
Monica Johnson
Russia and China, when they were communist-like adversaries, they didn’t participate. They’re participating now in the world with us. They’re trading monetary instruments. We’re buying and selling goods back and forth, trading oil and so forth.
Wesley Clark
Monetary policy is not a panacea.

Monetary policy is not a panacea.
Ben Bernanke
The main long-run contribution monetary policy can make is to provide a stable macroeconomic and financial environment.
Jerome Powell
The ‘boom-bust’ cycle is generated by monetary intervention in the market, specifically bank credit expansion to business.
Murray Rothbard
Beyond monetary policy, fiscal policy has traditionally played an important role in dealing with severe economic downturns.
Janet Yellen
Emerging market and developing economies have benefited from monetary easing in major economies but have also faced volatile risk sentiment tied to trade tensions.
Gita Gopinath
It is obvious that the monetary union among 17 very different European countries does not work. As an economist, I know that the Eurozone is not an optimum currency area, as defined in economic theory.
Vaclav Klaus
These are the multinationals, like General Motors and Nestle; these are the big industrial groups that weigh, on the monetary scale, much more than big countries like Egypt.
Ahmed Ben Bella
Honestly, direct monetary comparisons aren’t helpful. If you’re going to look at remuneration, you have to be realistic about what revenue we’re bringing in for the organisation and the sport. And as it currently stands, women’s cricket is still a cost to the business.
Ellyse Perry
Well, I think as long as people are talking about stimulus, I think the Fed will be thinking about cutting rates because monetary policy is the better way to go because you can turn it on and turn it off.
Franklin Raines
I’m not willing to compromise my goals for monetary value.
Ben Askren
The way forward is for governments to consciously pursue monetary and fiscal stability through setting clear objectives, establishing proper rules, and requiring openness and transparency – the new rules of the game.
Gordon Brown
Of course I’ve already taken a very modest position on the monetary system, I do take the position that we should just end the Fed.
Ron Paul
Monetary policy should remain data dependent, be well communicated, and ensure that inflation expectations remain anchored.
Gita Gopinath
If I am confirmed, I am confident that my colleagues on the Federal Open Market Committee and I will maintain the focus on long-term price stability as monetary policy’s greatest contribution to general economic prosperity and maximum employment.
Ben Bernanke
It’s a challenge for monetary policy to communicate that our inflation objective is 2 percent.
Charles L. Evans
The monetary policy instruments which Russia has at its disposal are pretty well developed.
Elvira Nabiullina
One of the big myths about philanthropy is that it’s all about donating funds for a cause. I like to look at it quite differently. Philanthropy is about ‘giving’ – not just in monetary terms but also in non-monetary aspects, like time, ideas, or being a volunteer. Donating money is just a small part of philanthropy.
Pankaj Patel
When monetary policy destroys the currency, it always destroys the middle class.
Ron Paul