Top 115 Little Time Quotes

It’s not a bad idea to occasionally spend a little time thinking about things you take for granted. Plain everyday things.
Evan Davis
My crazy training-and-competition schedule leaves very little time to focus on my hair.
Lindsey Vonn
Now, I have a kid, I have businesses to take care of, I have to travel. I have to sit down… and find a little time for me.
Nadia Comaneci
We couldn’t get the car back until well after the end of the race and we had very little time for repairs.
John Surtees
People say to me, ‘Oh, being a mother must make you a better actor,’ and I think, ‘Well, I never sleep, I have very little time to think about anything except when I’m actually there.’ I wonder whether that makes me a better actor. I think it must on some level.
Mireille Enos