Top 115 Political System Quotes

If you think the system – not you – but if your viewers think that the current political system is working well and serving the interest of our country, then what we’re doing will not be attractive.
Hamilton Jordan
I believe in the critical importance of participating in the political system – from voting to standing for election. It’s both rewarding and necessary that men and women of good will and clear thinking engage in honest, open debate.
Michael Nutter
Whatever the eventual judgment, the political implications of Hutton are already clear. A devastating indictment of Labour in power – and of our political system itself.
Charles Kennedy
By and large, our political system has betrayed its promise to each new generation of Filipinos, not a few of whom are voting with their feet, going abroad and leaving that system behind.
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
People realise that if Labour is to fulfil its founding goal of transforming our economic and political system into a more equal, free and truly democratic society, which provides security and life-changing opportunities to the British people, then there is no going back.
John McDonnell
The basis of our political system is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government.
George Washington
Obviously, you have the DNC engaged in communication with lots of different parties, and anything you can use to gain intelligence about what’s going on in the U.S. political system and what the candidates are thinking is of high interest to Russian intelligence.
Dmitri Alperovitch
When you go to our political system, I feel like it’s intentionally kept in the last century. In every other facet of life, we turn to social media for instant response time, complete transparency.
Mark Pincus
Islam is not a religion. It’s a political system. It has a different set of rules.
Paul Nehlen
No society has been able to abolish human sadness, no political system can deliver us from the pain of living, from our fear of death, our thirst for the absolute. It is the human condition that directs the social condition, not vice versa.
Eugene Ionesco
Fashion is totally political, the icon of a political system.
Sebastian Lelio
In our political system, money is power. And that means a few can have a lot more power than the rest. That’s bad news for everyone else – and for our democracy itself.
Al Franken
Our political system continues to produce human rights disasters and social crises, thereby not only constricting China’s own development but also limiting the progress of all of human civilization.
Liu Xiaobo
Central bankers have had enormous responsibilities thrust on them to compensate, essentially, for the failings of the political system. And my worry is we don’t have sufficient tools to do that, but we’re not willing to say it.
Raghuram Rajan
Every single dollar spent lobbying a legislator on behalf of oil and gas is a toxic dollar that undermines public health and safety laws that protect Americans. That’s contamination of the political system.
Josh Fox
Any political system can commit mistakes and any state can commit mistakes. What is most important is to acknowledge these mistakes and put them right as soon as possible and put those behind them into account, bring them to account.
Hosni Mubarak
Democratic socialism means that we must reform a political system that is corrupt, that we must create an economy that works for all, not just the very wealthy.
Bernie Sanders
The American public believes the Founding Fathers were close to infallible and that, while our political system has its faults, it functions far better than other democracies. But is it true?
Elizabeth Flock