Top 12 Doug Flutie Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Doug Flutie Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

It's nice to have a situation where you can make it fun

It’s nice to have a situation where you can make it fun.
Doug Flutie
That’s the way I like it because there’s no time to have nerves about it. You just run out and do it.
Doug Flutie
When I go back to NFL functions today, I feel a bit on the outside looking in. I played 13 years in the NFL, and I loved it – made a Pro Bowl and went to the playoffs – but I always felt like I was having to knock the door down to get in.
Doug Flutie
My favorite song to play is ‘Smokin’ by Boston. I actually had a chance to play that with the band Boston live.
Doug Flutie
The public doesn’t care about my size. It’s just something for the media to talk about.
Doug Flutie
I live for the Red Sox. I thoroughly enjoy them. For whatever reason, baseball has been a lot more fun for me in recent years. I loosely follow the Patriots and I root for them. I loosely follow the Celtics and then it gets to playoff time and I don’t miss a game. Same with the Bruins. I’m not the diehard fan anymore.
Doug Flutie
Hey, I’m just looking for an excuse to retire so I can play summer league baseball, go coach my nephews, play pickup basketball. I’ve always had that ability to move on to the next thing.
Doug Flutie
My first two years in the CFL, all I thought of was getting back to the NFL – it was like ‘I’ll put my time in up here and go back.’ Then I went and signed a nice contract in Calgary and was like, ‘Hey, I can make a living up here, this is great football, and I’m having a blast.’
Doug Flutie
The day I retire is the day I’ll feel old. I’m not there yet.
Doug Flutie
Football is my profession now. I’m getting married in August… It’s a new experience for me as someone just getting out of college. I still have the same attitude about football I always had. I play hard. I enjoy practice. I’d rather be throwing in passing drills than sitting around and watching TV.
Doug Flutie
The trouble is that right now I want to put as much work into football as I can. It’s very important for me to get off to a good start. By the same token, I feel a responsibility to handle the media and those sort of things.
Doug Flutie
Any game is important to me. At Boston College, when I went out for the spring games, I wanted to win. Maybe it is more important than other preseason games. It’s just that everyone is expecting a lot from me in my first week of professional football. I want to confirm my expectations.
Doug Flutie