Top 120 Nerve Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Nerve Quotes from famous people such as Steven Gundry, Sam Kean, Ashley Nell Tipton, Kathryn Stockett, Alan Alda, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Lectins enter our our joints, our nerve junctions, the

Lectins enter our our joints, our nerve junctions, the lining of our blood vessels and our brain where they incite inflammation and autoimmune diseases.
Steven Gundry
Although it’s the hub of the nervous system and the ultimate terminus of every nerve, the brain itself lacks enervation and therefore cannot feel pain.
Sam Kean
Going into the hospital for something that was caused by just being overweight really struck a nerve. I didn’t ever want to be in that pain again or have another scare like that. I was like, I really need to figure out what I can do to lose weight and get healthier.
Ashley Nell Tipton
I’m a Southerner – I never take satisfaction in touching a nerve.
Kathryn Stockett
Laugh at yourself, but don’t ever aim your doubt at yourself. Be bold. When you embark for strange places, don’t leave any of yourself safely on shore. Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory.
Alan Alda
Your nerve coatings are only so thick. When they get worn really thin and frayed, that’s when people say things, do things, misbehave.
Don Felder
America sold VX nerve gas and anthrax to Iraq for years, even after the Halabja gas attack, which killed thousands of Kurds.
Henry Rollins
I’ve had a few injuries and if you can’t carry on, that’s always a bad sign. Sometimes it’s bruising or sometimes it’s a nerve that stops you.
Michael Ballack
Prayer is the slender nerve that moves the muscle of omnipotence.
Martin Farquhar Tupper
I had bad back injuries; two bulging discs and a broken fragment off a disc, all in my sciatic nerve.
Alexander Volkanovski
I was horribly shy all through grade school and high school. But somehow I got up the nerve to audition for one play in high school – ‘Auntie Mame.’ I got a small part as the fiancee who comes on in the end. I got laughs. I wasn’t shy at all doing the part. I can do anything on stage and write it off as a character.
Laurie Metcalf
All my friends in art school used to run around with this sort of what you call Beatles haircut. And my boyfriend then, Klaus Voormann, had this hairstyle, and Stuart liked it very, very much. He was the first one who really got the nerve to get the Brylcreem out of his hair and asking me to cut his hair for him.
Astrid Kirchherr
I have not suffered any nerve damage, nor have I received any treatment for nerve damage.
Calvin Johnson
I was really excited about ‘Nerve’ with Dave Franco and Emma Roberts.
Machine Gun Kelly
Anticipation of movement, through muscular innervation and memory, by its retention of nerve impulse images, extend the present to the limit of a second or so.
John Desmond Bernal
Being on the red carpet is both fun and a little nerve wracking, but more fun.
Brad Goreski
Every time a twenty-something CEO turns down a multibillion-dollar offer for a company that has little or no revenues, it hits a raw nerve in me. Unlike most professionals, I am not shocked by the seemingly bizarre behavior of those founders who pursue their vision beyond all rational thought or monetary reward.
Jay Samit
I have a feeling that I make a very good friend, and I’m a good mother, and a good sister, and a good citizen. I am involved in life itself – all of it. And I have a lot of energy and a lot of nerve.
Maya Angelou
I find acting slightly nerve racking, but I like the challenge.
Jane Wiedlin
You need a certain amount of nerve to be a writer.
Margaret Atwood
There’s never a case of, ‘Ooh, I touched a nerve there.’ It’s make believe.
Jack Lowden
I’m very shy, and I shy away from people. But the moment I hit the stage, it’s a different feeling I get nerve from somewhere; maybe it’s because it’s something I love to do.
Ella Fitzgerald
The doctors misdiagnosed me at first – they told me I had a pinched nerve. But my situation was getting worse. The tumor was cutting off the circulation in my nerves. And in two weeks’ time, I was left paralyzed. I went from a cane to crutches to a walker to a wheelchair.
Daniel Jacobs
I thought I was bulletproof or Superman there for a while. I thought I’d never run out of nerve. Never.
Evel Knievel
‘Alice in Wonderland’ has been done a million times; why do it again? Nerve’s answer is that Alice is Everyman and Everywoman, going through the stages of life.
Kathe Koja
His nerve, his memory, and I can’t remember the third thing.
Lee Trevino
President Donald J. Trump was right to strike at the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for using a weapon of mass destruction, the nerve agent sarin, against its own people.
Antony Blinken
I am recognized a lot for ‘Master of None.’ It seems like that show really touched a cultural nerve in a good way.
H. Jon Benjamin
I always get hats but never have the nerve to wear them. Hats are a thing that are really stylish, but you have to have the confidence to pull it off.
Amy Heckerling
Most people don’t grow up. It’s too damn difficult. What happens is most people get older. That’s the truth of it. They honor their credit cards, they find parking spaces, they marry, they have the nerve to have children, but they don’t grow up.
Maya Angelou
I never said I was an angel. Nor am I innocent or holy like the Virgin Mary. What I am is natural and serious and as sensitive as an open nerve on an ice cube.
Sister Souljah
You would think doing comedy would be nerve wracking, b

You would think doing comedy would be nerve wracking, but punting and kicking footballs gets me more nervous.
Pat McAfee
Being on a comedy tour is like traveling with family, everyone is all having a great time… then all of a sudden it turns sour. One thing gets said out of turn, and everyone is on everyone’s last nerve. After an hour of silence, we all start laughing about it.
Steve Harvey
Enthusiasm will steady the heart and strengthen the will; it will give force to the thought and nerve to the hand until what was only a possibility becomes a reality.
Orison Swett Marden
There are a lot of reporters who I feel are a lot more courageous and fool-hardy than I am. Maybe at the top I’d put Dexter Filkins. He’s an extraordinary man in terms of his nerve and ability to get into dangerous situations and tell the story cogently. He’s bringing back real human stories. I admire that.
Lawrence Wright
Looking back, I’m surprised I had the nerve to do it, but I’m glad I did. Performing the songs and performing in film was just a part of my personality, just like football and boxing at one point in my life. I was able to lose myself in both of them, and that was a good feeling.
Kris Kristofferson
Short stories are often strong meat. Reading them, even listening to them, can be challenging, by which I do not mean hard work, simply that a certain amount of nerve and maturity is required.
Sarah Hall
The Max Clifford case shows that when the police and prosecutors quietly hold their nerve they can succeed, whatever the public profile or popularity of the accused.
Keir Starmer
I don’t do any microdermabrasion or any type of injections in my skin because I think that’s really just temporary. And if the nerve system is damaged… I know some women who thought they would look much more beautiful if they had something done, and then their lives were destroyed because of that.
Melania Trump
The body and dendrites of a nerve cell are specialized for the reception and integration of information which is conveyed as impulses that are fired from other nerve cells along their axons.
John Eccles
What I want to know is how the white man, with the blood of black people dripping off his fingers, can have the audacity to be asking black people, ‘Do they hate him?’ That takes a lot of nerve.
Malcolm X
I have tested my nerve by reaching a little too closely toward a lengthy alligator on the Gulf Coast and a saucer-sized tarantula in a Houston car park.
Jim Crace
You know, I really wish now I’d had the nerve to become an actor. Because I’d have been Robert Redford, no question.
Michael Morpurgo
In every man’s heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty.
Christopher Morley
First developed as a weapon by the U.S. Army, VX is an oily, odorless and tasteless liquid that kills on contact with the skin or when inhaled in aerosol form. Like other nerve agents, it is treatable in the first minutes after exposure but otherwise leads swiftly to fatal convulsions and respiratory failure.
Barton Gellman
I’ve reached the point where people text me randomly for favors, like, ‘Hey can I pick your brain?’ People I haven’t talked to in years are asking for favors. It’s like, ‘Wow people really got some nerve.’
Luvvie Ajayi
When you’re a little kid, you have nerve. I’d walk right up to whoever was recording and say, ‘Hey, dude, what’s the lick of the week?’
Dimebag Darrell
I’ve played the Royal Albert Hall to 8,500 people, and there wasn’t a nerve in my body.
Sandi Toksvig
When I go to a gig and I hear a song that I really like, a song that hits home to me or hits an emotional nerve, if I could ever recreate that for someone, that would be the ultimate goal.
Vance Joy
A lot of advertising has gotten worse. I think it’s kind of lost its nerve, to be honest with you. I feel like the advertising of the ’60s, they were nervier. You know why? Because there was less at stake.
Jerry Seinfeld
The pharmaceutical industry likes to depict itself as a research-based industry, as the source of innovative drugs. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is their incredible PR and their nerve.
Marcia Angell
I’ve thought about bringing my children to retrace my own steps of the morning of September 11, 2001, but they’re too young for that. Maybe when they’re twenty. Maybe by then, even though it’s been only a short subway ride away for years now, I’ll have the nerve to see the 9-11 memorial for the first time.
Douglas Brunt
Space and time, not proteins and neurons, hold the answer to the problem of consciousness. When we consider the nerve impulses entering the brain, we realize that they are not woven together automatically, any more than the information is inside a computer.
Robert Lanza
My back only bugs me when I sleep wrong. I feel my knee more than anything, the left one. It’s arthritic. I have a bad nerve in the back of my eye.
Joe Montana
It’s about who holds their nerve under pressure.
Isa Guha
In TV, you don’t know everything. The writers only give you scripts before you shoot the episodes. They keep you on your nerve.
Yasmine Al Masri
I had nerve damage. It was going to lead to amputation. I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol.
Eric Adams
There’s always been an element of ‘right time, right place’ to Nine Inch Nails. When we stepped onstage at Woodstock ’94, I could sense it. I get goosebumps thinking about it now. Like, ‘I don’t know how we did this, but somehow we’ve touched a nerve.’
Trent Reznor
Well, I have a 24-hour nurse since I have a bit of problem in walking due to a nerve related issue.
Randhir Kapoor
I always felt a love for music, but I never got my nerve up enough to try a musical instrument in school.
Don Cornelius
I pretty much admire anybody who has the discipline and the will to make a career out of fighting. It takes buckets of nerve.
Katie Kitamura
When a doctor does go wrong he is the first of criminals. He has nerve and he has knowledge.
Arthur Conan Doyle
We see in the electroencephalogram a concomitant phenom

We see in the electroencephalogram a concomitant phenomenon of the continuous nerve processes which take place in the brain, exactly as the electrocardiogram represents a concomitant phenomenon of the contractions of the individual segments of the heart.
Hans Berger
A husband is what’s left of a sweetheart after the nerve has been killed.
Lou Costello
Great advertising triggers an emotion in you. It has purpose. It touches a nerve, and that provokes a reaction.
David Droga
The Rolling Stones are violence. Their music penetrates the raw nerve endings of their listeners and finds its way into the groove marked ‘release of frustration.’
Jon Landau
The actual organization of behavior goes on the level of the individual nerve cells and their connections, and we have a hundred billion nerve cells, probably a hundred trillion connections. It’s just mind-boggling to think of all the different ways in which they’re arranged in a baby’s head.
Steven Pinker
Solitude is strength; to depend on the presence of the crowd is weakness. The man who needs a mob to nerve him is much more alone than he imagines.
Paul Brunton
When you start a novel, it is always like pushing a boulder uphill. Then, after a while, to mangle the metaphor, the boulder fills with helium and becomes a balloon that carries you the rest of the way to the top. You just have to hold your nerve and trust to narrative.
Jim Crace
Listen, the guy was not created by coverage from MSNBC and CNN. If you want to blame us for making Donald Trump president because you’re unhappy about it, I think you are deluding yourself. Donald Trump hit a nerve.
Katy Tur
But the threat of a pandemic is different from that of a nerve agent, in that a disease can spread uncontrollably, long after the first carrier has succumbed.
Hannah Fry
Basically, I always wanted to be an author but went through all these other jobs while getting up the nerve to finally go for it with my writing! Thank goodness it worked; who knows what I might have done next?
Claudia Gray
Commitment means that it is possible for a man to yield the nerve center of his consent to a purpose or cause, a movement or an ideal, which may be more important to him than whether he lives or dies.
Howard Thurman
You could double the number of synaptic connections in a very simple neurocircuit as a result of experience and learning. The reason for that was that long-term memory alters the expression of genes in nerve cells, which is the cause of the growth of new synaptic connections.
Eric Kandel
A stem cell is essentially a blank cell capable of becoming another, more differentiated cell-type in the body, such as a skin cell, a muscle cell or a nerve cell.
Virginia Foxx
‘Salaryitis’ is when you become so accustomed to that salary that you no longer have the gumption to pull out of the rut and strike out on your own. It destroys the nerve of ambitious, imaginative men, and bowing to it has meant sure defeat for more people than any other sickness, mental or physical.
E. Joseph Cossman
The government deficit is the difference between the amount of money the government spends and the amount it has the nerve to collect.
Sam Ewing
Peter Jackson is a real big hero of mine because he had the nerve to make ‘The Hobbit’ at 48 frames per second.
Douglas Trumbull
The topic of leadership is a touchy one. A lot of leaders fail because they don’t have the bravery to touch that nerve or strike that chord. Throughout my years, I haven’t had that fear.
Kobe Bryant
It’s harder than ever to build an enduring company. As soon as a product strikes a nerve with customers, competitors emerge globally because the costs to start are so low.
Alfred Lin
The city is the nerve center of our civilization. It is also the storm center.
Josiah Strong
A husband is what is left of a lover, after the nerve has been extracted.
Helen Rowland
I question the political judgement of those who would have the nerve to paint Christ white with his obvious African nose, lips and wooly hair.
John Henrik Clarke
Saliva has antibacterial properties. It also has things called nerve growth factor, skin growth factor, histatins which help with wound closure. So when you see an animal licking a wound or even a mom kissing a child’s boo-boo, there’s some, there’s some good science behind why one might do this.
Mary Roach
I think any movie star who refuses autographs has a hell of a nerve.
Alan Ladd
With brain hacking experiments, I’ve hacked into Morgan Freeman’s brain. He was the most famous and the most nerve wracking because I got really awestruck when I met him, and the moment I was introduced to him, he challenged me there and then to hack his brain.
Keith Barry
And as I started reaching deeper I realized that most of the blues of that day was done by men. Women just didn’t have the nerve.
Etta James
Because many squid have brain nerve fibres that are hundreds of times thicker than those of humans, neuroscientists have long used them for research. These nerve fibres have led to so many breakthroughs in the study of neurons that many scientists joke that the squid should receive a Nobel Prize.
David Grann
I’m still trying to re-create a Ray Charles concert that I heard when I was fifteen years old, and all my nerve endings were fried and transformed, and electricity shot through me.
Boz Scaggs
I had some nerve damage that was kind of messing up my grip a little.
Calvin Johnson
It would be thrilling if I could be boycotted or something. I think that’s part of the thrill Madonna gets, when you know you’ve hit a nerve. But that doesn’t scare me. To me what would be a lot scarier would be like appearing on an episode of ‘Full House’ or something.
Julie Brown
The leadership lost its nerve. Instead of taking the lead in the reform movement… they pulled the plug on it. They tried and are still trying to return the church to the dry ice of the previous century and a half.
Andrew Greeley
The more I work, the more I try to keep myself open like a raw nerve. When I feel things in a story, I want the audience to feel them as well.
Davis Guggenheim
My first experience playing for England was very scary

My first experience playing for England was very scary and nerve wracking.
Eniola Aluko
Smell was our first sense. It is even possible that being able to smell was the stimulus that took a primitive fish and turned a small lump of olfactory tissue on its nerve cord into a brain. We think because we smelled.
Lyall Watson
I’m a Southerner – I never take satisfaction in touching a nerve. I guess if I’m forced to find a good side, I’m glad that people are talking about an issue that hasn’t really been discussed all that much. I’m glad that people are talking about it from the black perspective and the white perspective.
Kathryn Stockett
There are certain foods that are somewhat sacred or you’re not supposed to mess with. When you do mess with them, it touches a nerve where you have to compare it to the original, and then that thing you’re creating has a loosing change right out of the gate.
Roy Choi
I don’t think I’ll still be riding at 40. There are a couple of people who are still riding after having kids, like Mary King, but people say that you lose your nerve after you have kids. It’s the risk.
Zara Phillips
I had this desk alongside the most beautiful Australian 18-year-old girl with long brown hair, and I got up enough nerve to ask her for a date.
Bil Keane
I had such severe nerve damage that I didn’t get the nerves all the way back. My pinky toe on my left foot is still numb, and I feel it when I’m in bed at night or when I’m by myself. That pins-and-needles feeling reminds me that life is precious, and don’t take for granted what you have.
Daniel Jacobs
Any time I saw people treated unfairly because of race, creed, whatever – it struck a nerve.
Robert Redford
People ask me in Europe, when they do interviews… they ask me, ‘Well, how does it feel to be a cook in a country that doesn’t know how to eat?’ It always touches a nerve, because Europe and the world think that America is no more than bad hot dogs and bad burgers.
Jose Andres
I know that some people who move into film lose their nerve for the stage.
Mark Rylance
I was born with Spina bifida. That’s where you have a hole in your spine, and your nerve endings come out.
John Mellencamp
‘Thelma & Louise’ really hit a nerve, and I loved that movie.
Richard LaGravenese
I think one of the things that was a huge surprise to everyone with ‘Silence of the Lambs’ was that that was an Oscar-winning horror movie. It struck such a nerve with audiences that it was a very particular, special experience.
Bryan Fuller
A single human brain has about a hundred million nerve cells… and a computer program that throws light on the mind/brain problem will have to incorporate the deepest insights of biologists, nerve scientists, psychologists, physiologists, linguists, social scientists, and even philosophers.
Tony Hoare
It’s a good time for me, but it’s only recently I’ve become comfortable in my job. At the start, it’s hard having the nerve to call yourself an actor, let alone doing it. I gave myself two years after drama school, and if I didn’t make it, then I’d give it up.
Ruth Wilson
When you write a high-tech thriller, and then people in the defense establishment start calling you – people I can’t name – you feel you’ve hit a nerve.
Daniel Suarez
Lots of small business men have been contacting me to say they wish they had the nerve to say what I said.
David A. Siegel
‘Indiana Jones’ wasn’t physically tough, but they are the only two films I’ve ever been ill on. On ‘The Last Crusade,’ I got sciatica. That’s when the sciatic nerve, which goes through the funny hole in your pelvis down your leg, swells and rubs against the nerves.
John Rhys-Davies
I had a tumor in my left eye which killed the optic nerve, but it’s my real eye. I just cannot see out of it.
Sandy Duncan
Oh, yeah, I did the online dating thing. I did Nerve, I did Match. On Nerve there was this one guy who, when I asked him what he did for a living, said he ‘used to be in a band.’ I was like, ‘That is not an occupation.’
Julie Klausner
I think the first couple of times you do make-out scenes, you psych yourself out and it’s really nerve racking.
Hilarie Burton
Imagine if we had stopped science in 1904. Yes, there would have been no nerve gas and no Bhopal, but there would also have been no penicillin. All science is a trade-off.
Harry Kroto
Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.
J. K. Rowling
The whole bullying issue has really struck a nerve with me. It affects so many different types of people at a vital time in their lives.
Kenny Wormald
People actually have the nerve to ask me if I want to go to a haunted house. Why would I want to go to a place where I have to pay my money for creepy strangers to be able to harass me without legal repercussions?
Kat Timpf
It’s damage to a nerve. It pretty much shut down the whole lower part of my left leg. I wasn’t able to step anymore. It’s called foot drop – basically, you can’t lift your foot.
Michael Chandler
When a dish really hits a nerve with the American palate, it can really take off across the entire country, facilitated by food vendors’ freedom to copy good ideas.
Jennifer Lee