Top 121 Ban Quotes

I call for greater measures to involve more women at higher levels in mine action. Governments should do more to address gender in their mine action programmes and through their implementation of the Anti-personnel Mine Ban Convention.
Ban Ki-moon
I’ve said in the past that if I were Prime Minister, I would ban obesity.
Katie Hopkins
If the U.S. refused to take part in the U.N.’s international gun registry, other nations could potentially ban their domestic firearm manufacturers from exporting firearms to the United States.
Wayne LaPierre
Yesterday Senator John Kerry changed his mind and now supports the ban on gay marriages. I’m telling you this guy has more positions than Paris Hilton.
David Letterman
Religious fundamentalists in Bangladesh have always argued for a ban on my books.
Taslima Nasrin
As a liberal, I would hesitate to propose a blanket ban on any style of dress because of the implications for individual liberty and freedom of choice.
Richard Dawkins
I’ve stated my position, and that is that we do not need a contraption to play the game of golf. I would hope that we’d play under one set of rules, and those rules would include a ban on the long putter hooked to the body in some way, shape or form.
Arnold Palmer
Contrary to what many Westerners believe, Islam has a rich tradition of secular painting in spite of its ban on images. It is only in religious rituals that the use of pictorial representation is totally prohibited.
Fatema Mernissi
I did write a letter to the archdiocese who’d banned the song, Only the Good Die Young, asking them to ban my next record.
Billy Joel
I’m vociferously against any ban in the society. You have to educate people instead. When you ban something, you invoke in them the curiosity to find more about that.
Alok Nath
The ban on assault weapons was a good and necessary law that was allowed to lapse through the influence of special interests.
Matt Letscher
I think we ought to ban earmarks. I think we ought to give citizens the opportunity to designate up to 10 percent of their federal income tax toward debt reduction. If we did that, we would reduce our debt by $95 billion a year.
Carly Fiorina
We want to encourage a move away from polluting vehicles, aiming to ban new diesel and petrol cars by 2030, and expand electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
Layla Moran
Unlike a 'fracking ban,' the Fossil Energy Research bil

Unlike a ‘fracking ban,’ the Fossil Energy Research bill would actually help us combat climate change.
Conor Lamb
I don’t think that 60-70 percent of working-class white voters would have supported a Muslim ban before Donald Trump said something about a Muslim ban.
J. D. Vance
I got an invitation to speak in the European parliament and I met Ban Ki-moon, the secretary-general of the U.N. I took those opportunities to talk about what I thought was right. That those people, who are more important and powerful than I am, think I’m relevant enough to give a speech is mind-blowing.
Conchita Wurst
I do not want to give the state and the authorities the right to ban things on the Internet – no ifs.
Claire Fox
We’ve had an assault rifle ban in our country, and that did not accomplish the objectives. We had Columbine during the time that that ban was in place.
Asa Hutchinson
People are terrified of them to the point where Trump wants to ban all Muslims from coming here, which is ridiculous.
Colin Kaepernick
Trump wants a wall between Mexico and the U.S. as well as a temporary ban on all Muslims, especially those coming from terrorist countries, among other tightened securities.
Chuck Norris
Do I disagree that we need to ban all Muslims from entering the country? Yes, I disagree with that strongly.
Bill Haslam
The real issues I don’t think most people touch. The Clinton jokes are all about Monica Lewinsky and all that stuff and not about the important things, like the fact that he wouldn’t ban landmines.
Tom Lehrer
The nature of nuclear weapons makes it impossible to either ban the bomb or wipe out an enemy’s arsenal. Nuclear deterrence was unavoidable.
Michael Shellenberger
Reading develops cognitive skills. It trains our minds to think critically and to question what you are told. This is why dictators censor or ban books. It’s why it was illegal to teach slaves to read. It’s why girls in developing countries have acid thrown in their faces when they walk to school.
Karin Slaughter
I would like to ban people being allowed to text while in a crosswalk.
Rich Sommer
Twitter is upholding sharia when they ban me for tweeting facts about sharia law.
Laura Loomer
I’m interested in Jeff Bridges. I love that guy. And I did like Carey Mulligan in ‘An Education.’ And I love Meryl Streep, but if they could ban ‘Julie & Julia,’ I’d be in favor of that.
Andy Kindler
If the Internet, ubiquitous as it now is, proves too dangerous in the hands of the psychologically fragile, perhaps access to it ought to be restricted. We ban drunks from driving because they’re a danger to others. Isn’t it time we did the same to trolls?
Milo Yiannopoulos
You should be appeasing people as much as possible, not stigmatising them. The ban of the burkini puts into question people’s individual freedoms.
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem
We should ban banks from risk-taking because society is going to pay the price.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
It’s unfortunate that Facebook, as soon as I come and speak out, they ban me from their platforms.
Christopher Wylie
We need to ban all air-freighted food. Carrots from Holland. Potatoes from Egypt. It’s got to stop.
Ian Brown
The question was never whether stop, question and frisk should be allowed; it was how it should be done. Those who claimed it should be outlawed entirely reduced a nuanced issue to an either-or argument, and unwisely answered it with a blanket ban.
Eric Adams
There was a time when the Republican Party could discuss possible reforms to our gun laws: Ronald Reagan himself endorsed the Brady Bill and the assault weapons ban that passed in 1994.
Charlie Sykes
If I had the power, I would ban leggings.
Jil Sander
Joe Biden’s nomination of gun-grabber David Chipman, who wants to ban, confiscate, and destroy the most popular self-defense and hunting rifle in America owned by millions of American patriots, is a clear indication that the ATF’s war on gun owners is just beginning and is about to crank up.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
A state that houses the NCAA headquarters. Quite frankly, if Indiana doesn’t say that they’re going to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation, the NCAA needs to move out of Indiana.
Dannel Malloy
We must permanently reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban and the restrictions on high capacity magazines.
Kerry Kennedy
President Trump’s executive order creating a Muslim ban undermines the foundational ideals of the United States, a nation founded by immigrants.
Mike Quigley
The big curse of America, to me, is skinless, boneless chicken breasts. They’re banal and relatively flavorless. The rest of the world’s trying to get some fat to eat, and we’re trying to ban it from our diet.
Jim Harrison
Football is an American sport. Everyone loves it. I certainly would never want to ban football.
Ann McKee
Of course, no one wants to ban the vote. Voting should remain available for sporting and recreational purposes. But certain types of votes clearly should be curtailed – ‘assault votes,’ for example, in which the only purpose of the vote is to harm others.
P. J. O’Rourke
The so-called assault weapons ban is a hoax. It is a political appeal to the ignorant. The guns it supposedly banned have been illegal for 78 years. Did the ban make them ‘more’ illegal? The ban addresses only the appearance of weapons, not their operation.
David Mamet
The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which in 1996 set out to ban nuclear tests, is an important step, but we need to do more – and we can.
Valerie Plame
From Portland's ban on large, fossil fuel terminals to

From Portland’s ban on large, fossil fuel terminals to Oregon’s Clean Fuels Standard and the Clean Electricity and Coal Transition Act, our local actions send ripples through the energy landscape nationwide.
Ted Wheeler
As a broadly left-wing, environmentally aware urban believer in anthropogenic global warming, I am all for a total ban on motor vehicles.
Giles Coren
There is a glaring reason that the necessary total ban on nontherapeutic use of antibiotics hasn’t happened: The factory farm industry, allied with the pharmaceutical industry, has more power than public-health professionals.
Jonathan Safran Foer
My dad is Chinese, and my mom is a white American, and they married only ten years after the United States Supreme Court ruled that it was illegal to ban mixed marriages. Imagine that. Marriages between people of different races – now common and accepted – were illegal in many states up until the late Sixties.
Marjorie Liu
There is a ban on Indian films in Pakistan, so that’s half of our market gone.
Satyajit Ray
Just as we ban smoking and drinking for under 16, because we want to shield young people from their harmful effects, we should do the same for smartphones.
Steve Hilton
If the Department of Education is serious about fighting for students and protecting taxpayers, a full ban of mandatory arbitration clauses is a no-brainer.
Dick Durbin
We ought to ban hunting, I suggest, if there isn’t a purpose other than sport and fun. That should be against the law. It’s time now.
Cass Sunstein
We stand for free speech. This means we are not going to ban distasteful subreddits. We will not ban legal content even if we find it odious or if we personally condemn it.
Yishan Wong
The person in New York City is showing too little empathy for the Trump voter. The Trump voter is showing too little empathy for the person who’s very worried about the refugee ban. They’re not spending enough time with each other to have a meaningful conversation.
J. D. Vance
The decision on whether to ban anyone from the U.K. is made by the home secretary on the basis of the evidence at the time.
Theresa May
Trade shows such as the wire tappers’ ball are highly secretive and ban journalists from attending. None of the U.S. agencies that attended the wire tappers’ ball – including the FBI, the Secret Service, and every branch of the military – were willing to comment when a reporter queried them about their attendance.
Rebecca MacKinnon