Top 122 Employed Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Employed Quotes from famous people such as Charles Babbage, Brian Stelter, Joshua Reynolds, Misha Collins, Whitney Tilson, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The fatigue produced on the muscles of the human frame

The fatigue produced on the muscles of the human frame does not altogether depend on the actual force employed in each effort, but partly on the frequency with which it is exerted.
Charles Babbage
Rarely, if ever, has a cable news channel employed a host who has previously campaigned for the business goals of the channel’s parent company. But as channels like MSNBC have moved to more opinionated formats, they have exposed themselves to potential conflicts.
Brian Stelter
Words should be employed as the means, not the end; language is the instrument, conviction is the work.
Joshua Reynolds
Technology has changed the fan/actor interaction quite a bit. Now it’s really easy to communicate with a large group of people in a really short time, and that… opens a lot of possibilities. You can do a lot of things with it that you couldn’t do before. It’s kind of fun to figure out how that can be employed.
Misha Collins
To a large extent, equity investors put their hard-earned capital into the hands of management and count on it being employed skilfully and honestly. When that doesn’t happen, losses typically follow.
Whitney Tilson
Auto-pay is not for convenience; it’s for the gainfully employed.
Yvonne Orji
I think the British people are very, very attached to the idea that the health service is free at the point of use. But there is no reason why every doctor, nurse and teacher in this country has to be employed by the state.
George Osborne
It’s a great thing when you can show that you’ve been successful and that you’ve made a lot of money and that you’ve employed a lot of people.
Donald Trump
I have an accountant, obviously, because I’m self employed, and I use an independent financial adviser. I trust my accountant because we have worked together for a long time now.
Richard C. Armitage
Only in the Orwellian world of double-speak employed by President Barack Obama and billionaire elitist Michael Bloomberg would nonsense be hailed as ‘common sense.’
Wayne LaPierre
But I’m thrilled to be employed, and to work with all my friends and people that I admire. You’re just lucky to work – that’s the bottom line.
Bonnie Hunt
Men of authority have employed all the destructive agents around them to promote their own personal interests at the sacrifice of every just, honorable, and lawful consideration.
John White Geary
Technically and logically speaking, actual Victorian science fiction writers cannot be dubbed ‘steampunks.’ Although they utilized many of the same tropes and touchstones employed later by twenty-first-century writers of steampunk, in their contemporary hands these devices represented state-of-the-art speculation.
Paul Di Filippo
We went to church twice a week. My parents were employed in ministry; we prayed before dinner. We rollerbladed in the summer. We were allowed to watch the ‘Simpsons.’ I fought with my younger brother over Legos.
Daniel Mallory Ortberg
I consider myself a very lucky actor that, approaching 60, I’m still employed and employable.
John Lithgow
If diffraction or interference phenomena were to be sought it was therefore necessary, in accordance with the basic principles of wave theory, to select for the test arrangement far smaller decisive dimensions than those employed in corresponding tests with visible light.
Max von Laue
Phil Jackson was a brilliant basketball coach, not just because of the offense that he employed, but it was so many other things that went into it.
Jeff Van Gundy
Anything so precious as the gospel of Jesus Christ is worthy of all the effort and sacrifice of time and means employed to teach it.
Gordon B. Hinckley
I’m very conscious that I’m in the minority in that I love what I do. How big is the number of people who are running to work to do a job that they like? And how lucky to be employed at it – how incredibly lucky.
Judi Dench
The fishes are also employed for the same purpose on any yard, which happens to be sprung or fractured. Thus their form, application, and utility are exactly like those of the splinters applied to a broken limb in surgery.
William Falconer
When it comes to the teapot tempest that is the Hillary Clinton email imbroglio, the real controversy isn’t about politics or regulations. It’s about journalism and the weak standards employed to manufacture the scandal du jour.
Kurt Eichenwald
A thousand restaurants close every month. They re-open, and that’s good for America. Nobody’s rescuing them. They employ people, too. If we let them go bankrupt, the factories don’t go away, the creative people don’t go away. They get employed more productively by others.
John Stossel
My father had a dairy farm. He employed three black families and one white family, and I used to play with black children.
Billy Graham
In Indiana, Made-in-America is more than a slogan: More Hoosiers are employed in manufacturing than in any other industry.
Mike Braun
The people in the well-ordered ages of the past upheld the public law and abandoned private strategies; they focused their intentions and unified their conduct. Everything they did was for the sake of being employed by the ruler.
Han Fei
The more shows that are produced, the more writers are hired, producers are hired, actors are hired, directors are hired, it means the more people will get employed. It’s better for the economy. It’s a fantastic thing.
Kevin Spacey
Oh yeah, I’m still employed at Pixar and I love it here.
Brad Bird
The law increasing and organizing the military establishment of the United States has been nearly carried into effect, and the Army has been extensively and usefully employed during the past season.
Martin Van Buren
The tongue may be employed about, and made to serve all the purposes of vice, in tempting and deceiving, in perjury and injustice.
Joseph Butler
I’ve been employed by the University of Helsinki, and they’ve been perfectly happy to keep me employed and doing Linux.
Linus Torvalds
A great many people now reading and writing would be better employed keeping rabbits.
Edith Sitwell
I was employed as an investigator and my particular tea

I was employed as an investigator and my particular team, we were investigating the role of the business community in the genocide and we identified a bunch of leaders of the business community and I investigated two people.
Tony Greig
As one of the first employees at a small cellular phone start-up called Nextel, I gained firsthand experience in how a business grows from an idea to a company that, at its peak, employed many thousands.
Jack Markell
Your job as an actor is to stay employed.
Benjamin Bratt
Although just being employed as an actor is a big thing, I’m not sure I’d be satisfied playing the same character for 30 years; it’s not why I want to do this for a living.
Jamie Dornan
No power of government ought to be employed in the endeavor to establish any system or article of belief on the subject of religion.
Jeremy Bentham
I didn’t know what was going to happen with ‘Teen Wolf.’ I was only scheduled to do four episodes for them, but they kept me on, and I was like, ‘Sweet! I’m still employed! That’s awesome!’ And then, they let me know that they were considering having me for the second half of the season.
Adelaide Kane
I’ll do whatever I can do to remain employed. I’m just not precious about doing comedy or doing drama. I never want to do something in order to prove to other people what I can do.
Steve Carell
After all, despite the economic advantage to firms that employed child labor, it was in the social interest, as a national policy, to abolish it – removing that advantage for all firms.
Barry Commoner
I carried props into the subway – the latest ‘Semlotext(e),’ a hefty volume of the Frankfurt School – so that the employed would not get the wrong idea or, more to the point, the usual idea about me.
Darryl Pinckney
Everybody that’s employed by ‘WWE’ – the biggest wrestling company in the world – should be good wrestlers able to tell good stories.
Becky Lynch
I got fired from a job years ago. It was an accounting job. They were basically trying to cut corners, so they employed a bunch of temps to do proper accounting. And it just caused absolute bedlam and I did get fired.
Nish Kumar
No one in this world, so far as I know – and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me – has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.
H. L. Mencken
The ruler who possesses methods of government does not follow the good that happens by chance but practices according to necessary principles. Law, methods, and power must be employed for government: these constitute its ‘necessary principles.’
Han Fei
It’s no surprise that work is good for us – the financial security of regular pay and the social and health benefits of being employed keep us healthy and alert. But some people who want to work find it nearly impossible get their foot on the ladder.
Damian Green
I am very happily employed as a full-time software engineer; I travel a lot, and I write books along with this here weekly TechCrunch column; and I still find the time to work on my own software side projects.
Jon Evans
I like being employed, you know. That’s my favorite kind of acting.
John C. Reilly
Very good cooks who are employed as ‘chefs’ rarely refer to themselves as ‘chefs.’ They refer to themselves as ‘cooks.’
Alton Brown
I’ve always employed a melodic style with my leads, placing strong emphasis on infusing romantic sensibilities into what I’m trying to say. Those big, epic melodies come from influences like Pink Floyd, Journey, Marillion… bands that have these guitar parts that are just soaring!
John Petrucci
I see no reason for giving the capital employed in agriculture greater protection than the capital vested in other branches of trade, manufacture, or commerce.
Joseph Hume
The basic principle which I believe has contributed more than any other to the building of our business as it is today, is the ownership of our company by the people employed in it.
James E. Casey
Everything’s harder for women: harder to start, to stay employed, to run a life with a family.
Miriam Margolyes
The world is changing, and I believe that, if I want to stay employed as a programmer, I’m going to have to change with it.
Kent Beck
Even the picturesque prehistoric settlements at Akrotiri on the Greek island of Santorini were an exercise in problem-solving; white-washed homes and town halls built with an anti-earthquake technology still employed today, 3,500 years on.
Bettany Hughes
Snowden was extremely good at digital self-defense. When he was employed by the C.I.A. and N.S.A., one of his jobs was to teach U.S. national security officials and C.I.A. employees how to protect their data in high-threat digital environments.
Luke Harding
Citizens, not less generous than myself, let your most precious moments be employed in causing the past to be forgotten; let all my fellow-citizens swear never to recall the past; let them receive their misled brethren with open arms, and let them, in future, be on their guard against the traps of bad men.
Toussaint Louverture
What makes a classic is difficult to define. It’s entirely subjective, of course. And the term is employed far too promiscuously.
John Boyne
In Hollywood, a starlet is the name for any woman under thirty who is not actively employed in a brothel.
Ben Hecht
Female spies typically represented one of two extremes: the seductress who employed her wiles to manipulate men, and the cross-dresser who blended in by impersonating them.
Karen Abbott
Under no stretch of imagination can war be regarded as an ethical process; yet war, force, terror, and propaganda were the evolutionary means employed to weld the German people into a tribal whole.
Arthur Keith
If done correctly, dynamic scoring will provide a more complete picture of Congress’s actions. This is exactly the type of modeling the private sector uses, and advances in data collection and analysis create an opportunity for it to be employed accurately.
John Delaney
As a believer in the free market, the sooner you have people with a job – the better chance they have a job, the sooner they are employed – the sooner they become consumers. And the sooner they become consumers, the sooner they become deciders about their own health care decisions.
Carlos Lopez-Cantera
The longer people are unemployed, the less employable t

The longer people are unemployed, the less employable they become. Skills become rusty; managers look more suspiciously at someone who has been out of work for years than a candidate already employed.
Nina Easton
The dream of Bullfrog is that everybody is employed for their creativity rather than their particular skill.
Peter Molyneux
At RightNow, we employed gays, and we ran a complete meritocracy.
Greg Gianforte
Way back at the beginning, I went to see George Lucas when he first came to London for ‘Star Wars.’ I met him months before they started, and he didn’t ask me to do the picture at all. But the actor whom he had employed to play Wedge didn’t work out for some reason.
Denis Lawson
The production of wealth is the result of agreement between labor and capital, between employer and employed. Its distribution, therefore, will follow the law of its creation, or great injustice will be done.
Leland Stanford
Surely, if knowledge is valuable, it can never be good policy in a country far wealthier than Tuscany, to allow a genius like Mr. Dalton’s, to be employed in the drudgery of elementary instruction.
Charles Babbage
It really was total heaven to be a writer. As a model or actor you are employed on someone’s whim. As a writer, you are in control.
Sophie Dahl
Before the 20th century, to be a successful musician was merely to be one who was employed. A few, such as Liszt, Paderewski and several singers, had phenomenally lucrative careers, but they were rare – and Liszt gave all of his money away, travelling by choice in a third-class rail carriage.
Stephen Hough
I’m super grateful to be an employed actor.
Mayim Bialik
This attempt to isolate cell constituents might have been a failure if they had been destroyed by the relative brutality of the technique employed. But this did not happen.
Albert Claude
Mischief springs from the power which the moneyed interest derives from a paper currency which they are able to control, from the multitude of corporations with exclusive privileges… which are employed altogether for their benefit.
Andrew Jackson
I’ve never done stand-up; I came via small-scale touring theatre, through the Royal Shakespeare Company, the National Theatre, then I got employed on that as an actor who had a humorous sensibility.
Mark Williams
I hope that if you are employed full-time, you are doing it to ensure that basic needs are met and not simply to indulge a taste for an elaborate home, fancy cars, and other luxuries.
Gordon B. Hinckley
A person employed in direct missionary work among the natives, especially if his employ is somewhat itinerant, can easily make long and interesting journals.
Adoniram Judson
I don’t think I’d get employed if I did pastel eye and a side parting. People would say: ‘Get someone else for the job!’
Claudia Winkleman
If you swap it about, do television, theatre, film, you can go on surprising yourself. The problem is you get employed to do something you’ve already done. They want something from that sheep pen of performances they’ve seen you do.
Kenneth Cranham
Marx, as we have seen, solved it by declaring capital to be a different thing from product, and maintaining that it belonged to society and should be seized by society and employed for the benefit of all alike.
Benjamin Tucker
Religion is a means of exploitation employed by the strong against the weak; religion is a cloak of ambition, injustice and vice.
Georges Bizet
I’m very happy to be employed. I always contend that in show business that if you’re employed, then you’re successful.
Lance Burton
But the minute we went public on the stock market, which is how our wealth was created, it was no longer how many people you employed, it was how much you were worth and how much your company was worth.
Anita Roddick
Everyone must be proactive and do all they can to help themselves to stay employed.
Stephen Covey
Machines were, it may be said, the weapon employed by the capitalists to quell the revolt of specialized labor.
Karl Marx
Mirth, and even cheerfulness, when employed as remedies in low spirits, are like hot water to a frozen limb.
Benjamin Rush
As our farms and factories grew more efficient, they accounted for a shrinking share of our economy. And the more productive agriculture and manufacturing became, the fewer people they employed.
Rutger Bregman
The Blanks has just been a godsend because I don’t have to sit around waiting for the phone to ring and I get to go out and be gainfully employed while I’m waiting for another job.
Sam Lloyd
Ever since my grade school days, as I mastered the art of ‘faking sick’ and I stumbled across ‘The View,’ I’ve been confusedly asking myself the same question… How do these dumb broads remain gainfully employed?
Steven Crowder
My father built a small business from scratch with years and years of sweat equity and many, many weeks away from home. He employed about 50 people, and by the end of his working years, the business was highly successful. He became a millionaire.
Stephen Moore
When more Chinese started coming after the Gold Rush, employed on large projects like the Pacific Railroad, anti-Chinese sentiment became shrill.
Karan Mahajan
If you knew the upward mobility that South Dakota’s kids have gotten from the opportunity to intern and to work and to be employed and to have upward mobility in that company and move on, it’s been phenomenal for South Dakota.
Bill Janklow
My business partner and make-up artist Kim Jacob and I have employed every member of staff, decided where every desk in the office should go, tried every product on our faces.
Louise Nurding
The subject of criminal rehabilitation was debated recently in City Hall. It’s an appropriate place for this kind of discussion because the city has always employed so many ex-cons and future cons.
Mike Royko
Flattery was one of Kissinger's principal tools in winn

Flattery was one of Kissinger’s principal tools in winning over Nixon, and a tool he employed shamelessly.
Robert Dallek
Chemists employed by the police can do remarkable things with blood. They can weave it into a rope to hang a man.
Margery Allingham
If we went back to the imprisonment rate we had in the early ’70s, something like four out of five people employed in the prison industry would lose their jobs. That’s what you’re up against.
Eugene Jarecki
People employed in financial institutions are rarely interesting and even more rarely likable.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The past history of our globe must be explained by what can be seen to be happening now. No powers are to be employed that are not natural to the globe, no action to be admitted except those of which we know the principle.
James Hutton
I just feel incredibly lucky to be employed when there are so many actors and actresses who are not employed. That’s why, you know, I sometimes feel desperate, in case I’m not going to be cast again.
Judi Dench
I no longer say I’m unemployed. I say I’m unemployable. It’s different. An unemployed suggests at a certain point in the future, you might be employed. That’s not the case with me. I’m unemployable, and unfortunately, that’s one of the bits of the web, in particular of Google.
Norman Finkelstein
There is a very strong linkage between U.S. banks and European banks. There are plenty of European employees that are employed by U.S. companies, and there are plenty of U.S. employees that are employed by European companies.
Christine Lagarde
When you’re given a certain amount of power – like, you’re a writer and an employed writer, and you put pen to paper, and people are going to read what you write – that’s power.
Salim Akil
I employed my wife for three years to sit in the attic and type up my autobiography, 700 pages, organise everywhere I go. I’m paying the normal rate of tax on the money I take out for myself.
Ken Livingstone
All workers, whether they are employed in the private or public sector, should avoid living ‘paycheck to paycheck.’ Studies show that every household wastes 10% or more of its salary or income on unnecessary expenditures or by not taking the time to shop for better prices. It’s all a matter of proper budgeting.
Mark Skousen
There’s a belief… in the country that we can cure unemployment by creating opportunity. The skills gap proves that opportunity along is not enough to get people employed.
Mike Rowe
My observation is that whenever one person is found adequate to the discharge of a duty… it is worse executed by two persons, and scarcely done at all if three or more are employed therein.
George Washington
Entire populations of market strategists, fund managers, and economists are employed to try and intuit for clients which securities to bet on for the best possible return each year – or quarter.
Kelly Evans
The first of all commodities to be exchanged is labour, and the freedom of man consists only in the exercise of the right to determine for himself in what manner his labour shall be employed, and how he will dispose of its products.
Henry Charles Carey
Some companies simply aren’t meant to be bigger than they are. They provide products and services that satisfy their customers in a way that pays the bills, produces reasonable profits, and allows them to keep their people employed and fulfilled. And there’s nothing whatsoever wrong with that.
Patrick Lencioni
I teach MBAs. And I noticed, starting a few years after China joined the World Trade Organization, that a lot of my students were no longer employed. They were still coming to get their MBA, but they’d lost their jobs. And I started to ask questions why. And, at that point, all roads were leading to Beijing.
Peter Navarro
I would probably have more in common with a whale than with a bourgeois married couple employed at worthy institutions that I would wipe from the face of the earth if it was given to me to do so.
Che Guevara
If your attitude is good and you want to have good matches and you want to be employed for the right reasons, then I think people start to see that and respect that and respect you as a person, and you can fit in anywhere.
John Morrison
I had a very special family life. My mother and father made sure when we were home, we were part of the family, not a TV star. And the other thing: my father was fully employed while I was doing the series.
Jerry Mathers
For many Americans, including many who are employed, going to the doctor when they fall ill or become injured may not be an option because of the absence of health insurance.
Ben Nelson
The capitalists speculate on the two following factors: the female worker must be paid as poorly as possible and the competition of female labour must be employed to lower the wages of male workers as much as possible.
Clara Zetkin
When you have a country that can boast that more than 95 percent of its eligible workforce is employed and pumping money back into economy, that’s exceptionally good news, especially as we prepare to observe Labor Day.
J. D. Hayworth
I’d never thought about acting as a job. I was an engineer; I was in science and technology. I loved movies and television growing up, but I’d never thought about it as, ‘Oh, that guy Denzel Washington is employed as an actor.’
Ato Essandoh
Yes, there is some evidence that migration can slightly depress wages at the bottom end of the labour market, but that’s an argument for a genuine living wage, for ensuring all workers are employed on the same terms and conditions, and for extending unionisation.
Owen Jones
Not addicted to gluttony or drunkenness, this people who incur no expense in food or dress, and whose minds are always bent upon the defence of their country, and on the means of plunder, are wholly employed in the care of their horses and furniture.
Giraldus Cambrensis
The rule for effective governance is simple. It is one Ronald Reagan knew by heart. And one that he successfully employed with Social Security and the Cold War. When there is a problem, you fix it. That is the job you have been sent to do and you cannot wait for someone else to do it for you.
Chris Christie
Gold and silver, like other commodities, have an intrinsic value, which is not arbitrary, but is dependent on their scarcity, the quantity of labour bestowed in procuring them, and the value of the capital employed in the mines which produce them.
David Ricardo
I’m the guy who’s started businesses, I’ve been a small business owner. I’ve employed hundreds of Pennsylvanians. I know how to get jobs moving in the private sector, rein in the excesses in Washington, and bring some balance to a town that’s lost all balance.
Pat Toomey