Top 122 Gloria Steinem Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Gloria Steinem Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The problem for all women is we're identified by how we

The problem for all women is we’re identified by how we look instead of by our heads and our hearts.
Gloria Steinem
Most American children suffer too much mother and too little father.
Gloria Steinem
Power can be taken, but not given. The process of the taking is empowerment in itself.
Gloria Steinem
These poor women in academia have to talk this silly language that nobody can understand in order to be accepted, they think.
Gloria Steinem
Writing is the only thing that, when I do it, I don’t feel I should be doing something else.
Gloria Steinem
Unless we include a job as part of every citizen’s right to autonomy and personal fulfillment, women will continue to be vulnerable to someone else’s idea of what need is.
Gloria Steinem
What we need to be able to do is count all human experience. So I would like to count the secretarial positions as good training places to take over the jobs of the bosses.
Gloria Steinem
Perhaps McCain has opposed affirmative action for so long that he doesn’t know it’s about inviting more people to meet standards, not lowering them.
Gloria Steinem
Feminism has never been about getting a job for one woman. It’s about making life more fair for women everywhere. It’s not about a piece of the existing pie; there are too many of us for that. It’s about baking a new pie.
Gloria Steinem
The first resistance to social change is to say it’s not necessary.
Gloria Steinem
Even before Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton threw their exploratory committees into the ring, every reporter seemed to be asking, ‘Which candidate are Americans more ready for: a white woman or a black man?’
Gloria Steinem
The same way that racism is a white person’s problem, violence against women is a men’s problem.
Gloria Steinem
Republicans may learn they can’t appeal to right-wing patriarchs and most women at the same time.
Gloria Steinem
What has the women’s movement learned from Geraldine Ferraro’s candidacy for vice president? Never get married.
Gloria Steinem
It’s an incredible con job when you think about it, to believe something now in exchange for something after death. Even corporations with their reward systems don’t try to make it posthumous.
Gloria Steinem
If you hear a statistic, you will make up a story to go with it, because our brains are organized on narrative. And you may very well make up a wrong story because you only have one fact, which is a statistic.
Gloria Steinem
What I’ve learned is that unless it’s an emergency, like a fire or brain surgery, hierarchy is not necessary and may be damaging. If you have a hierarchy, you’re repeating the strengths and weaknesses of one person without allowing for the accumulative strength of a group.
Gloria Steinem
I’m not saying that women leaders would eliminate violence. We are not more moral than men; we are only uncorrupted by power so far. When we do acquire power, we might turn out to have an equal impulse toward aggression.
Gloria Steinem
A movement is only composed of people moving. To feel its warmth and motion around us is the end as well as the means.
Gloria Steinem
If you are not a feminist in love, you fail to recognise someone who does not love you. Feminism makes love easier. Otherwise, there is the danger of feeling romantically drawn to someone who does not see you as an equal.
Gloria Steinem
I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and a career.
Gloria Steinem
Because women of color were more likely to be in the paid labor force, they were more likely to recognize discrimination, so they were always leading the women’s movement.
Gloria Steinem
A majority of Americans want redemption for racism – for our terrible, destructive racist past – and so see a vote for Obama as redemptive.
Gloria Steinem
People start to talk about post-racist, post-feminist. What does that mean? We’re clearly not post either. Would you say post-democracy? Clearly we haven’t reached true democracy yet.
Gloria Steinem
Hope is a very unruly emotion.
Gloria Steinem
Until the masculine role is humanized, women will tend to be much better at solving dangerous conflicts.
Gloria Steinem
Childbirth is more admirable than conquest, more amazing than self-defense, and as courageous as either one.
Gloria Steinem
Women tend to be conservative in youth and get more radical as they get older because they lose power with age. So if a young woman is not a feminist, I say, ‘Just wait.’
Gloria Steinem
The Republican Party supported the Equal Rights Amendment before the Democratic Party did. But what happened was that a lot of very right-wing Democrats, after the civil rights bill of 1964, left the Democratic Party and gradually have taken over the Republican Party.
Gloria Steinem
Perfectionism attaches to what is valued in the culture.
Gloria Steinem
A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after.
Gloria Steinem
There's nothing automatic about political change, about

There’s nothing automatic about political change, about liberation.
Gloria Steinem
No man can call himself liberal, or radical, or even a conservative advocate of fair play, if his work depends in any way on the unpaid or underpaid labor of women at home, or in the office.
Gloria Steinem
Logic is in the eye of the logician.
Gloria Steinem
As for the American child’s classic problem – too much mother, too little father – that would be cured by an equalization of parental responsibility.
Gloria Steinem
I hate to generalize, but in general, both men and women suffer from ageism. Men much less because men gain power as they get older. Women lose power as they get older. Men are seen as gaining experience and being distinguished. Sons look forward to replacing their fathers.
Gloria Steinem
I supported Hillary Clinton. She would have made an excellent president. I didn’t think she could get elected. I thought it was too soon.
Gloria Steinem
Men should think twice before making widow hood woman’s only path to power.
Gloria Steinem
I looked up affirmative action once in Wikipedia, and it said, ‘A measure by which white men are discriminated against,’ and I got so mad.
Gloria Steinem
Female inferiority is internalised by us. Women need a lot more confidence.
Gloria Steinem
Diane Keaton is good for women in and of herself. She’s smart and funny and real.
Gloria Steinem
If you say, I’m for equal pay, that’s a reform. But if you say. I’m a feminist, that’s a transformation of society.
Gloria Steinem
How could you not love Norman Mailer? He was a total chauvinist, but also so vulnerable.
Gloria Steinem
A pedestal is as much a prison as any small, confined space.
Gloria Steinem
There are six million female lives lost in the world every year simply because they are female.
Gloria Steinem
I keep thinking: ‘Georgia O’Keeffe wouldn’t have had Botox.’
Gloria Steinem
Most women’s magazines simply try to mold women into bigger and better consumers.
Gloria Steinem
All those chemicals that create empathy only work when you are in a room together.
Gloria Steinem
In a way, women are a psychic immigrant group.
Gloria Steinem
I want to help correct the inaccurate image of immigration in the media. There is an idea that women’s issues are over here and immigration is over there. Three quarters of undocumented workers are women and children.
Gloria Steinem
If I read the word ‘problematize’ one more time, I’m going to vomit.
Gloria Steinem
Being misunderstood by people whose opinions you value is absolutely the most painful.
Gloria Steinem
I was never against marriage per se. Before feminism, I didn’t think you had any choice. In fact, for a long time I always assumed I would get married. I just didn’t see any marriages I wanted to emulate, so I kept putting it off.
Gloria Steinem
To say ‘radical feminist’ is only a way of indicating that I believe the sexual caste system is a root of race and class and other divisions.
Gloria Steinem
I started out life as a writer, and writers write in part because they don’t want to talk.
Gloria Steinem
What’s so valuable about HBO is they tell stories. We learn from stories.
Gloria Steinem
If you’re going to have a male-dominant system, to maintain the system, you have to teach men to dominate.
Gloria Steinem
I’d like to be played as a child by Natalie Wood. I’d have some romantic scenes as Audrey Hepburn and have gritty black-and-white scenes as Patricia Neal.
Gloria Steinem
Obviously there is no such thing as race, and in many ways, sex is a continuum, not a binary. So it doesn’t make sense to label people in that way.
Gloria Steinem
If technology and medicine are used by women to have children or not to have children or to have healthier children – that’s one thing. But if it’s used to say, ‘You’re not a real woman unless you have a child; therefore, take all these dangerous hormones and have one at 54,’ then it’s another story.
Gloria Steinem
The women’s movement in England was totally against Margaret Thatcher.
Gloria Steinem
It’s heartbreaking to watch people working against themselves.
Gloria Steinem
Girls actually need superheroes much more than boys.

Girls actually need superheroes much more than boys.
Gloria Steinem
I will no longer be referred to as Miss Steinem of Ms. magazine.
Gloria Steinem
When I was little, I knew that I was not adopted, but I actually imagined and hoped that I was – and that my real parents were going to come get me.
Gloria Steinem
Liberation does not come from outside.
Gloria Steinem
Nothing changes the gender equation more significantly than women’s economic freedom.
Gloria Steinem
I think Hefner himself wants to go down in history as a person of sophistication and glamour. But the last person I would want to go down in history as is Hugh Hefner.
Gloria Steinem
The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn.
Gloria Steinem
One’s enemies are always talking about ‘post-feminism.’ It is a word invented by people who would like to do away with feminism.
Gloria Steinem
The authority of any governing institution must stop at its citizen’s skin.
Gloria Steinem
In a general way, anything that affects men is taken more seriously than anything that affects only women.
Gloria Steinem