Top 125 Exploit Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Exploit Quotes from famous people such as Billy Collins, James Comey, David Brooks, Bob Beckel, Bill Cosby, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The life of Edward Estlin Cummings began with a childho

The life of Edward Estlin Cummings began with a childhood in Cambridge, Mass., that he described as happy, but he struggled in both his artistic and romantic exploits against the piousness of his father, an esteemed Harvard professor.
Billy Collins
As a communication medium, social media is a critical tool for terror groups to exploit.
James Comey
The rich don’t exploit the poor. They just out-compete them.
David Brooks
Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis had enormous talent, and Elvis was the major contributor to an entirely new genre of music. Sometimes their exploits were distasteful to people, but they left behind an enormous body of work that endures.
Bob Beckel
I am not going to give in to people who try to exploit me because of my celebrity status.
Bill Cosby
We had a great chance in the mid-2000s to reach an accord with the Chinese on both energy and environmental issues. That deal would have essentially been that the U.S. could provide the equipment and expertise, and the Chinese would help close the trade gap. It was a huge opportunity that we failed to exploit.
David E. Sanger
BitCoin is actually an exploit against network complexity. Not financial networks, or computer networks, or social networks. Networks themselves.
Dan Kaminsky
I don’t want to get confined to only regional cinema as I want to exploit my potential. I want to perform challenging roles in a much more complex sphere like Bollywood.
Rituparna Sengupta
U.S. adversaries exploit power gaps. It’s easier for Russia to invade Ukraine with irregular forces out of uniform, the so-called ‘little green men,’ than to send a conventional army that would challenge NATO.
David Ignatius
As long as inequality and other social problems plague us, populists will try to exploit them.
Kofi Annan
A shinobi embodies an archetype that is able to use everything at their disposal. They don’t pick a fighting style; they use every means and everything they can get their hands on. They exploit every weakness.
Hidetaka Miyazaki
I believe that it is my responsibility as the prime minister of Israel to do whatever can be done to exploit the unique opportunities that lie ahead of us to move towards peace. Not everything can be done by one act.
Yitzhak Rabin
The ethos of most films is that you make a film, you exploit the community, you exploit the environment, and it’s OK because you made a great film, you know?
Naomie Harris
Our beliefs, our values shape the way we look out at the world and the way we treat it. If we believe that we were here, placed here by God, that this – all of this creation is for us, it’s for us to go and occupy, dominate and exploit, then we will proceed to do that.
David Suzuki
When I was younger I would be taken for a ride alot, I would believe anybody at face value, I was quite a lallu actually everybody would fool me, exploit me for my work and talent and I would cry about it later.
Richa Chadha
You need not give others a chance to exploit you always. We should know what kind of exploitation is taking place. I cannot create an incident to say that women have been exploited in Malayalam film industry.
Our 1 million members across the country will be watching closely to see if the video game industry hides behind a First Amendment veil in order to exploit children for the sake of corporate profit.
Connie Sellecca
There are only a few stories of Krishna that are popular. His exploits with the gopikas, for example. But not many understand the spiritual implications of such events.
I have fond memories of my kabaddi exploits at Lawrence School. I also enjoyed tennis and swimming.
Anand Mahindra
Everything connected with war and warlike exploits is interesting to a boy.
James Nasmyth
The greatest propaganda coup of the American Right has been to convince its citizens that we are in the grip of a liberal conspiracy. As a result, Obama is to the right of Richard Nixon on most issues. And there is we believe, certainly some space to exploit there. And we, VICE, aim to exploit it.
Shane Smith
I think Trump is someone who appreciates and connects with people who hold their own and are strong individuals. I think he can smell weakness, and if you show him weakness, he exploits it, and he doesn’t respect you.
Katy Tur
I value my privacy and my personal life – and I certainly don’t exploit my personal life.
Scarlett Johansson
The thing that they were more freaked out was that I had done a spread for Playboy years before, and as Playboy always does, they exploit the exploitation and re-release different pictures.
Nina Blackwood
In the past, on Earth, it has largely been to exploit foreign resources and to expand the domestic territory.
Barney Oliver
I hope that anyone I worked with wouldn’t exploit our relationship.
Laura Linney
The demand for standup in the eighties was created by how easy it was to exploit ‘comedians’ and create very cheap television programming.
Marc Maron
The strategic adversary is fascism… the fascism in us all, in our heads and in our everyday behavior, the fascism that causes us to love power, to desire the very thing that dominates and exploits us.
Michel Foucault
The great Comrade Kim Jong Il provided energetic guidance to defend and honour Comrade Kim Il Sung’s idea of and exploits in socialist rural construction and make UAWK organizations creditably perform their duties as organizations for ideological education.
Kim Jong-un
If the world is presented as resources to be exploited, then, more than likely, you’re going to exploit the world.
Derrick Jensen
A lot of people don’t post about their kids or do anything. With us, we are so proud and so blessed to have our children, and we also know how happy we are, that I feel like we would love to share it. We are not trying to exploit anything in any way; honestly, I am just proud of my kids and just happy to have them.
Kevin Jonas
I was quite intrigued by the idea of following the expl

I was quite intrigued by the idea of following the exploits of people who are often in the margins.
Luke Roberts
Even when I make mistakes and people exploit my mistakes on television or on the Internet, and they use it to make fun of me, it’s just kind of working in my favor at the end. It’s really strange.
David Hasselhoff
Multinational companies exploit national differences to abuse their workers, to dodge their taxes and to ‘regulation shop’ as a means to avoid meeting their responsibilities.
Andrew Adonis, Baron Adonis
I think movie and television companies are in the business of making money, and if you have a franchise, eventually you’ll want to exploit that franchise and revisit it. So I assume at some point someone will do another story in the ‘Lost’ world.
Carlton Cuse
When you’re writing a team book where every character already has his or her own series, you don’t have dominion over them as individuals – but what you can exploit is their relationships with one another.
Mark Waid
The more we exploit nature, The more our options are reduced, until we have only one: to fight for survival.
Mo Udall
If you can kill animals, the same attitude can kill human beings. The mentality is the same which exploits nature and which creates wars.
Satish Kumar
The government of the United States doesn’t want peace. It wants to exploit its system of exploitation, of pillage, of hegemony through war. It wants peace, but what’s happening in Iraq? What happened in Lebanon? Palestine? What’s happening? What’s happened over the last hundred years in Latin America and in the world?
Hugo Chavez
Once in a while, I need to go out of my way to do different films, to exploit all commercial angles to cater to the masses.
Akkineni Nagarjuna
Leadership that exploits and sacrifices young people on the altar of its goals is nothing more than raw, demonic power. Genuine leadership is found in ceaseless efforts to foster young people, to pave the way forward for them.
Daisaku Ikeda
My exploits are nothing now to the average person.
David Bailey
We do not exploit our dolphins for profit.
Fidel Castro
I’m enjoying the opportunity that ‘Parks And Recreation’ affords me to exploit my own soapbox agenda, which is to try to encourage people to make things with their hands.
Nick Offerman
I love getting dressed up. Being a pop star is the most brilliant job for that. A lot of girls love shopping, but they might see the most amazing outfit and think, ‘When am I going to wear that?’, so it’s my duty to exploit the fact I do have events I can wear these things to.
Sophie Ellis-Bextor
Demonstrations must be dignified and nonviolent, as the overwhelming protests in Ferguson and Staten Island have been. Do not confuse anarchists who don’t want the system to work and thugs who want to exploit a situation with the majority who from day one have operated with impeccable nonviolence and clear goals.
Al Sharpton
Many of the racial problems in America are caused by the fact that people are innately tribal, and politicians know how to exploit that biological fact.
Jim Goad
People who exploit others come to spend an enormous amount of energy wondering about and justifying that exploitation.
Mary Beard
Just based on my own family and background, I would not be in a film that would exploit or sensationalize anyone.
Lydia Hearst
Comrade Kim Jong Il energetically led the work of defending and honouring Comrade Kim Il Sung’s ideas of and exploits in the Juche-oriented women’s movement.
Kim Jong-un
There are people all over the world who are willing to exploit others. You can’t just point the finger at America.
Arlo Guthrie
You have to know what your talent is, and you have to exploit it. And then, while you’re exploiting that talent, you find ways and tools to elevate other sides of you that are weaker.
The Miz
Poverty does not make people terrorists, but terrorists can exploit the frustration it creates and use it as a breeding-ground for violent ideas.
Anna Lindh
This is supposed to be a participatory democracy and if we’re not in there participating then the people that will manipulate and exploit the system will step in there.
George Takei
The morality of a society is not judged by the behaviour of an oppressed class but by the rules and laws made by the state, which either protect or exploit an already depressed section of society.
Asma Jahangir
The poets, therefore, however much they adorned the gods in their poems, and amplified their exploits with the highest praises, yet very frequently confess that all things are held together and governed by one spirit or mind.
Never forget that the truest luxury is imagination, and that being a writer gives you the leeway to exploit all of the imagination’s curious intricacies, to be what you were, what you are, what you will be, and what everyone else is or was or will be, too.
Andrew Solomon
The susceptibility of the average modern to pictorial suggestion enables advertising to exploit his lessened power of judgment.
Johan Huizinga
Further devastation of the air, land and sea is obviously a very real possibility, unless the attitudes of politicians and all who irresponsibly exploit our natural resources change significantly in the very near future and all collaborate and sacrifice for the good of the planet.
Viggo Mortensen
While television can help normalize the lives of marginalized people, it also can exploit their hardships and reinforce stereotypes, reducing their lives to mere entertainment.
Zoey Tur
We know there is a very powerful fan base for Liverpool in Asia. We are not embarrassed to say we want to exploit that.
John W. Henry
Crime is stupid, lazy and weak. You can only exploit it and make money out of it.
Gregory David Roberts
All the time I was playing the flute, the lines, the so

All the time I was playing the flute, the lines, the solos, the riffs, the construction, were based on my guitar skills. I did not play the flute to exploit its natural faculties, but I used it as a surrogate guitar.
Ian Anderson
Political journalists, socially inept or no, are not nerds. Most of them can’t do math, a fact that campaigns and politicians regularly exploit.
Alex Pareene
I’ve never been a method actress; I’ve never been that person that wants to imagine horrible things happening in your own life in order to exploit them for your emotional being in the movie. I’m just not good at doing that.
Isla Fisher
Human divisions would be child’s play for any reasonably competent alien overlord to exploit – check the masterful ‘Twilight Zone’ episode ‘The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street’ for an example of how that might play out.
Nick Sagan
I grew up so poor and now I have an opportunity to provide for my family in a way that I never imagined. I take that in consideration and try to exploit every single opportunity because when it’s over it’s over, there are no redos.
Rashad Evans
I am not trying to be one of those sadistic, Kubrickian directors who is trying to make these tensions any worse or exploit them, but… the camera sees what the camera sees.
Robert Eggers
The stock market is an exploitable market where being right means you get rich and you help the overall system error-correct which makes it harder to be right (the mechanism pushes prices close to random, they’re not quite random but few can exploit the non-randomness).
Dominic Cummings
At first I was a little leery to just post photos of my little girl all the time and kind of exploit her to the world.
Jake Owen
We must find a better way to enforce the Equalities Act, rather than require the injured party to sue a business, and we must, through legislation and legal action, get tougher on those organisations and industries who ignore or, worse still, exploit disabled people.
Penny Mordaunt
It is easy to predict that some of the discoveries of research directed towards Grand Challenges – but only the most unexpected ones, and at the most unexpected times – will be the basis of revolutionary improvements in the way that we exploit the power of our future computing devices.
Tony Hoare
In addition to a well-funded school system, we need to encourage and exploit innovative approaches for learning outside the classroom.
Priyamvada Natarajan
I think our culture has gotten so skewed. People assume that because you’re an actor you want to write a book to exploit your celebrity, but my celebrity is only a byproduct of me making movies. I have no intention of being a celebrity.
Jonah Hill
If they conducted a raid in this room, you’d all be policed up. They’d take all of you to Abu Ghraib and turn you over to the soldiers. Maybe there’s only one or two of you in this group who was a known associate or had any piece of information that they are trying to exploit.
Janis Karpinski
When India got independence, entrepreneurs were seen as a bad lot, as people who would exploit.
Nandan Nilekani
It is quite typical for Democrats and other political groups to incite or exploit racial hatred, prejudice, or tension for political gain around the time of elections.
Mollie Hemingway
It simply feels right to me to blend the glittery delights of New York City with a largely raw vegan diet – with the soul-deep conviction that animals are not ours to eat, wear, exploit or experiment on.
Victoria Moran
Do we want to emphasize our ethnic and religious differences, and exploit them to buy votes, as the Liberals are doing? Or emphasize what unites us and the values that can guarantee social cohesion?
Maxime Bernier
People who know me, they know I have a sense of humor, I’m a bit of a joker, a bit of a clown really, and I would love someone to exploit that side of me and send me a romantic comedy.
Gary Oldman
I have never given others a chance to exploit me.
I didn’t want my parents to know about 4chan at first because of the adult content. By the time I was 18 and could talk about it, the site had become notorious for its exploits and the adult content on there.
Christopher Poole
We are domesticated animals, revolving in a cage which we have built for ourselves – with its contentions, wranglings, its impossible political leaders, its gurus who exploit our self-conceit and their own with great refinement or rather crudely.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
That’s the power of the good con artist: the ability to identify your deepest need and exploit it. It’s not about honesty or greed; we are all suckers for belief.
Maria Konnikova
Obama, Bloomberg, and the national gun-ban media frequently exploit tragedy, using fear and lies to sell their agenda to non-gun owners, especially when it comes to election season. This is their traditional playbook.
Wayne LaPierre
It is the melancholy fate of all young legends to becoming better known for the things they did to exploit fame than the things that made them famous in the first place.
David Hepworth
Time travel is a fantasy we all have. The ‘Back to the Future’ series really exploits that wish.
Christopher Lloyd
It would be a most despicable thing to suggest I would exploit the poor for my own personal gain.
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
I’m a mismatch at the four, so a lot of times, I have slower guys on me, and I can exploit that.
Kyle Kuzma
Eric Ashcroft, a gentle, kind, popular man with a wicked sense of humour, was always modest about his wartime exploits, but eventually, with much prompting from his persistent son, he told me of his terrifying experience on D-Day.
Michael Ashcroft
Second issue is the rapidly accelerating increase in the number of vulnerabilities that get discovered every day. And, equally importantly, is the shortening of time between the discovery of the vulnerability and the release of an exploit.
John W. Thompson
The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.
Peter Drucker
I’ve always been very good at playing long balls. That was an attribute that my old club Benfica used to exploit because you can’t be offside from a goal-kick.
Anyone who has spoken to experienced combat troops know

Anyone who has spoken to experienced combat troops knows that they rarely brag about their exploits. Strong and silent is the preferred style.
Linda Colley
Whereas Jimmy Carter had aggressively pursued anti-merger activity – the imbecilic case against AT&T was prosecuted under President Carter – Mr. Reagan understood the virtue of allowing companies to exploit the synergies of mergers to gain efficiency and lower costs.
Stephen Moore
The absence and suppression of justice can only open the way for extremists to exploit such a condition to perpetrate acts of violence against innocents.
Hussein of Jordan
Humankind’s craving to control nature and exploit all its resources for profit can be wiped out in a stroke by an organism we cannot even see with the naked eye.
Ram Nath Kovind
Any fool can have bad luck; the art consists in knowing how to exploit it.
Frank Wedekind
If I needed to know about a security exploit, I preferred to get the information by accessing the companies’ security teams’ files, rather than poring over lines of code to find it on my own. It’s just more efficient.
Kevin Mitnick
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it’s just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith
As I traveled around the league for FOX and called games, really good coaches know how to exploit the weakness of an opponent.
Mark Schlereth
Ek Tappa Out’ is a huge platform for the new talent and I think everyone should exploit this opportunity.
Johnny Lever
The re-establishment of a hard border on the island of Ireland would be a step backwards and present an opportunity for others, with malign agendas, to exploit for destructive purposes.
Enda Kenny
Security guys break the Mac every single day. Every single day, they come out with a total exploit; your machine can be taken over totally.
Bill Gates
Facebook has never been merely a social platform. Rather, it exploits our social interactions the way a Tupperware party does. Facebook does not exist to help us make friends, but to turn our network of connections, brand preferences and activities over time – our ‘social graphs’ – into money for others.
Douglas Rushkoff
Con men look for human frailty to exploit. This is most often greed. Trump found a different vice: anger. The emotional are always the most susceptible to manipulation.
Pamela Meyer
There are forces all around you who wish to exploit division, rob you of your freedom, and tell you what to think. But young folks can rekindle the weary spirit of a slumbering nation.
Wynton Marsalis
The concept of romantic love affords a means of emotional manipulation which the male is free to exploit, since love is the only circumstance in which the female is (ideologically) pardoned for sexual activity.
Kate Millett
With Napster and the sharing of music, of course, there are going to be people who exploit it. Greed has no end. But there’s a lot of good that could happen. We shouldn’t let the economic concerns of the major labels infringe on our freedom to share music.
Ian MacKaye
Often times, when you find an edge, it’s not for very long. People figure it out, so you have to try and exploit it, quickly, while you can.
Sam Hinkie
We’re a vegan family, and my kids were brought up vegan, with a respect for all species, and we don’t, as humans, have the right to exploit those species.
Tony Kanal
I’ve been lucky to broadcast some great events and to broadcast the exploits of some great players.
Ernie Harwell
I grew up in suburbia, so it’s a world I’m familiar with… but in my experience, all the families that I grew up thinking were the perfect families who kept it together… all their secrets would come out, and it’d be something dark and disgusting beneath the surface, so I wanted to exploit that.
Jeff Baena
Everybody has a camcorder now, and they exploit these incidents and blow them all out of proportion.
Jim Fowler
I’m for mechanical art. When I took up silk screening, it was to more fully exploit the preconceived image through the commercial techniques of multiple reproduction.
Andy Warhol
But I was very disappointed that I didn’t get a chance to go overseas with that group, might not have gotten back but I wanted very much to go because there’s not much of a record of the exploits of the first Negro fighter group.
Gordon Parks
Protecting yourself is very challenging in the hostile environment of the Internet. Imagine a global environment where an unscrupulous person from the other side of the planet can probe your computer for weaknesses and exploit them to gain access to your most sensitive secrets.
Kevin Mitnick
I think, in a lot of ways, it’s easier to play a smaller room. You can exploit the quieter dynamics you would shy away from in larger venues.
David Sanborn
I will fight special interests in Washington who exploit Native, rural, and low income communities for the purpose of fracking and drilling that pollutes our environment. No short or long term gain is worth polluting our water. Water is life.
Deb Haaland
If I produce myself, I’m gonna exploit no one – just myself.
Gregory Isaacs
I will not restrict myself. I want to do films and TV: both mediums are amazing to reach to the audience and express your art form, and if both are available, then why not exploit them?
Nora Fatehi
It’s important to ask candidates about their beliefs, in part because politicians frequently exploit religious faith – often with the idea that voters will be more likely to unthinkingly accept certain political positions so long as they arise from religious belief.
Gary Bauer
I don’t set trends. I just find out what they are and exploit them.
Dick Clark
My Grandpa Tony was a legend in our family, and also in his own mind. There’s no end to the tales of his exploits.
Carole Radziwill
Cambridge Analytica sought to identify mental vulnerabi

Cambridge Analytica sought to identify mental vulnerabilities in voters and worked to exploit them by targeting information designed to activate some of the worst characteristics in people, such as neuroticism, paranoia and racial biases.
Christopher Wylie