Top 125 Virus Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Virus Quotes from famous people such as Serge Lang, Paul Bloom, Richard Preston, Mikie Sherrill, Stephen Hawking, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Of course, screening for HIV did essentially eliminate

Of course, screening for HIV did essentially eliminate the transmission of this virus by transfusions.
Serge Lang
Natural selection shaped the human brain to be drawn toward aspects of nature that enhance our survival and reproduction, like verdant landscapes and docile creatures. There is no payoff to getting the warm fuzzies in the presence of rats, snakes, mosquitoes, cockroaches, herpes simplex and the rabies virus.
Paul Bloom
If a vaccine works, then the vaccinators might conceivably set up what’s known as ring vaccinations around Ebola hot spots. In this technique, medical workers simply vaccinate everybody in a ring, miles deep, around a focus of a virus.
Richard Preston
It’s critical that we engage the federal scientific community to further our understanding of COVID-19 as we work to keep communities safe and reduce the spread of the virus.
Mikie Sherrill
Life on Earth is at the ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster, such as sudden global nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus or other dangers we have not yet thought of.
Stephen Hawking
Human beings are a wonderful virus in some ways.
Ansel Elgort
Human beings are a wonderful virus in some ways.
Ansel Elgort
Ebola isn’t a respiratory virus. It doesn’t spread through the airborne route. So it’s not likely to spread like wildfire around the world and kill tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people. That’s what I think of as the next big one.
David Quammen
If you look at zombie movies throughout history, they’re always making adjustments. Even the idea of the virus zombies and the back-from-the-dead zombies… there’s been tons of tweaks.
Jeff Baena
It is important to note that there exist vast gender differences in the global role of papillomaviruses in human cancers. This is mainly due to the role of this virus family in the induction of cancer of the cervix.
Harald zur Hausen
New technologies can be used for destructive purposes. The answer is to develop rapid-response systems for new dangers like a bioterrorist creating a new biological virus.
Ray Kurzweil
One thing about Covid-19 is clear: We don’t fully understand its severity and transmission. At various turns, we’ve both underestimated and overestimated the virus.
Scott Gottlieb
Think of the earth as a living organism that is being attacked by billions of bacteria whose numbers double every forty years. Either the host dies, or the virus dies, or both die.
Gore Vidal
People would ask, ‘Why is your vocal cord paralyzed?’ I said it was a virus. I didn’t say it was an elective procedure to add hair to the front of my head. It was embarrassing. There’s an embarrassing element to that.
Joe Buck
The coronavirus has yet again exposed the strong contrast between President Trump – who is working ardently for the American people – and a Democratic Party with little interest in anything besides taking him down. President Trump, for his part, has taken unprecedented action to thwart the spread of the virus.
Kayleigh McEnany
Do you remember the first three years of Steam? People absolutely hated that Valve forced you to launch their game through what some people called a virus at the time, which was the Steam client. But Steam led the digital distribution revolution: it was the first across all platforms.
Tim Sweeney
Left to their own devices, epidemic diseases tend to follow the same basic process: A virus or bacteria infects a host, who typically becomes sick and in many cases dies. Along the way, the host infects others.
Alan Huffman
A virus is not just DNA; a virus is also packaged up, covered over with a series of proteins in a nice, elegant, well-compacted form.
Francis Collins
Some of the most vulnerable people to getting the SARS virus are health care providers. The general public, walking in the street, there is really not that much risk at all. It’s a very, very low risk – a very, very low risk.
Anthony Fauci
Jonas Salk showed that a killed virus vaccine would work and would be damned effective in fighting disease. This was something that virologists of the day pooh-poohed. And Salk proved them wrong.
David Oshinsky
Peter Jennings came to us and said to make a PSA, ‘Let’s Talk About AIDS.’ But I was naive about how the virus is contracted – until Magic Johnson came out. I’d stereotyped it, thinking it was a gay disease, a white man’s disease.
An inefficient virus kills its host. A clever virus stays with it.
James Lovelock
Critics in particular treat CGI as a virus that’s infecting film.
Peter Jackson
Changes… can only be effected by alterations in the original. The only thing not prerecorded in a prerecorded universe are the prerecordings themselves. The copies can only repeat themselves word for word. A virus is a copy. You can pretty it up, cut it up, scramble it – it will reassemble in the same form.
William S. Burroughs
If an employee told you he had the flu, you’d send him home. If an employee told you he was feeling anxious, you’d probably tell him to get back to work. But the emotion is just as contagious as a flu virus.
Chip Conley
An inefficient virus kills its host. A clever virus stays with it.
James Lovelock
See, Ebola, like all threats to humanity, it’s fueled by mistrust and distraction and division. When we build barriers amongst ourselves, and we fight amongst ourselves, the virus thrives. But unlike all threats to humanity, Ebola is one where we’re actually all the same. We’re all in this fight together.
Pardis Sabeti
The nature of a protective immune response to HIV is still unclear. Because in a very, very unique manner, unlike virtually any other microbe with which we’re familiar, the HIV virus has evolved in a way that the immune system finds it very difficult, if not impossible, to deal with the virus.
Anthony Fauci
The mystery of that damn virus has been generated by the $2 billion a year they spend on it.
Kary Mullis
When the world is telling us, ‘We hate you because you’re Asian, we hate you because we think you brought this virus to the world’… we need to kind of meet that with an equal and opposing force.
Simu Liu
I don’t think you should be ashamed of anybody that you know that has AIDS. You should stand as close to them as you can and help them out as much as you can. I’m a strong believer in that and that’s why I try to do that for everyone I know that has the virus.
Marsha P. Johnson
Think of the earth as a living organism that is being a

Think of the earth as a living organism that is being attacked by billions of bacteria whose numbers double every forty years. Either the host dies, or the virus dies, or both die.
Gore Vidal
Babies born to women who are infected with hep B – and mothers can carry the virus without their knowledge – will almost certainly be infected if they are not vaccinated within twelve hours of birth.
Eula Biss
A local pharmacy is a great place to get a safe and effective COVID vaccine as well as a flu shot. It’s critical that people get these vaccines to protect themselves and slow the spread of the COVID virus as well as the flu.
Roy Cooper
I’ve always loved the genre of virus movies or Armageddon movies – anything that involves being trapped with the cute boy in detention when the zombies are attacking.
Julie Plec
With over 20 million residents and 100 million tourists, we must stay ahead of the possible spread of the Zika virus and take immediate action to ensure Florida is prepared.
Rick Scott
What if life is not carbon-based? Can life exist as a gas or a plasma? Could planets or stars in some sense be alive? What about an interstellar cloud? Could life exist on such a small or large scale, or move so fast or so slowly that we wouldn’t recognize it? Could you have an intelligent virus?
David Grinspoon
You can’t take a knife on a plane anymore, but you can get on carrying a virus.
David Quammen
So chlorination, essentially bleaching, does work for SARS CoV-2, it does kill the virus. But the question is whether there’s enough chlorine in the pool water to do that, and of course it’s very diluted.
Norman Swan
Nothing could be more important for a child affected by Zika virus than to have continuity of care, seamlessly from before birth to after birth.
Thom Tillis
When Russia’s intelligence agencies obtained some of the National Security Agency’s secrets about its own cyberweapons, it appeared to do so by manipulating a virus protection program sold by Kaspersky, a Russian firm.
David E. Sanger
As every new breed of virus is conceived, created and released into the wild, another small change is made to the anti-virus software to combat the new threat.
Glenn Turner
Just as the only reservoir for the typhus virus in nature is provided by man, so the only vector of infection is the louse. The bite of the louse is not virulent immediately after the infecting meal. It becomes so only towards the 7th day following infection.
Charles Jules Henry Nicole
No matter how successful we are in fighting the threat of covid-19 at home, we will not end the suffering and fear created by the virus unless we also combat it around the world.
Abigail Spanberger
The discovery that I soon made that the guinea pig was also susceptible to infection made it possible for me, from the third year on, to preserve the virus on this animal.
Charles Jules Henry Nicole
A vaccine introduces a small amount or a tempered version of the virus into the body – just enough to that the body is able to recognize it and deal with it when it encounters it again in the future.
Eula Biss
I’ve always loved the genre of virus movies or Armageddon movies – anything that involves being trapped with the cute boy in detention when the zombies are attacking.
Julie Plec
As a young physician in the mid-’80s, caring for people who had contracted H.I.V., I lost two of my patients to suicide at a time when the virus was doing very little harm to them. I have always thought of them as having been killed by a metaphor, by the burden of secrecy and shame associated with the disease.
Abraham Verghese
These days, newish art can be priced between $10,000 and $25,000. When I tell artists that a new painting by a newish artist should go for around $1,200, they look at me like I’m a flesh-eating virus.
Jerry Saltz
It’s interesting to note that when something like a virus tries to poison us, the first thing our bodies do is heat up. We burn away the infection. Maybe that’s what Earth is doing to us.
Simon Toyne
I thought I was going to die. Seriously. I had a 24-hour flu and then I had a stomach virus. I couldn’t get out of my bed without going to the bathroom.
Austin Rivers
Most of the trouble in this world has been caused by folks who can’t mind their own business, because they have no business of their own to mind, any more than a smallpox virus has.
William S. Burroughs
I pictured myself as a virus or a cancer cell and tried to sense what it would be like.
Jonas Salk
The color revolution virus affects only weak countries. Belarus does not have any breeding ground for this.
Alexander Lukashenko
Thankfully, I found a doctor at Presbyterian Hospital in New York, Scott Hammer, who diagnosed my chronic fatigue as the Epstein-Barr virus, and the medication I took either helped jump-start my immune system or made the virus dormant. I was very lucky.
Tucker Halpern
The amount of time it takes to recover from the coronavirus differs widely. Some people will get the virus and have no symptoms at all, other people will have mild symptoms like a low-grade fever or a mild cough and others will get really ill and will need to be hospitalized.
Vivek Murthy
I don’t think that people should have the choice to infect others with a potentially fatal and extremely contagious virus.
Leana S. Wen
Retreating to indefinite lockdown culture would mean surrendering what makes life worth living, a far more tragic cost than anything inflicted by a virus.
Claire Fox
It’s critical that we engage the federal scientific community to further our understanding of COVID-19 as we work to keep communities safe and reduce the spread of the virus.
Mikie Sherrill
One of the things that’s particularly nefarious about Ebola is that it continues to live in a dead person for some period of time after death. A person who’s been dead for a day or two may still be seething with Ebola virus.
David Quammen
Viruses have to live somewhere. They can only replicate in living creatures. So, when the Ebola virus disappears between outbreaks, it has to be living in some reservoir host, presumably some species of animal.
David Quammen
People say to me now, ‘Oh, you’ve given up the piano.’ How can you? Music is a virus.
Christian McKay
Indecision is a virus that can run through an army and

Indecision is a virus that can run through an army and destroy its will to win or even to survive.
Wendell Mayes
People called ’28 Days’ and ’28 Weeks’ zombie movies, and they’re not! It’s some sort of virus; they’re not dead.
George A. Romero
An asteroid or a supervolcano could certainly destroy us, but we also face risks the dinosaurs never saw: An engineered virus, nuclear war, inadvertent creation of a micro black hole, or some as-yet-unknown technology could spell the end of us.
Elon Musk
When I was 5 and my sister was 3, we went on a family trip, and she ate cheese off the floor at an airport. My mother, a germaphobe, got very upset. My sister, of course, got a stomach virus, and ever since then, I have an aversion to cheese.
Scott Stossel
Behavior is a virus. We spread our behavior to those around us, whether passively or on purpose.
Justin Kan
I started with Apple, in a pre-Windows era when PCs seemed to involve more of a learning curve. But the fact that I’m yet to acquire so much as a single virus still seems a very good thing.
William Gibson
The coronavirus has yet again exposed the strong contrast between President Trump – who is working ardently for the American people – and a Democratic Party with little interest in anything besides taking him down. President Trump, for his part, has taken unprecedented action to thwart the spread of the virus.
Kayleigh McEnany
Love is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time.
Maya Angelou
An AIDS-free generation would mean that virtually no child is born with HIV; that, as those children grow up, their risk of becoming infected is far lower than it is today; and that those who become infected can access treatment to help prevent them from developing AIDS and from passing the virus on to others.
Anthony Fauci
I was less successful in my attempts to effect preventive vaccination against typhus by using the virus and in trying to produce large quantities of serum using large animals.
Charles Jules Henry Nicole
There is minimal scientific evidence to suggest the Covid-19 virus is transmitted on football pitches in fresh air, so let’s not play roulette with our young people’s physical and mental well-being any longer.
Robbie Savage
Coronavirus can happen to anyone, so, it’s really important to maintain good health overall. That way, when it hits you, you have an immune system that is strong enough to fight the virus.
Sara Khan
When a person tests positive for HIV, it is not a test for the virus itself but for antibodies to the virus, and the test is not able to distinguish between HIV antibodies and a multitude of other antibodies. Many conditions can lead to a false positive result, including flu shots, hepatitis, and pregnancy.
Nate Mendel
If a healthy person were placed on the other side of a room from a person who was sick with AIDS, the AIDS virus would not be able to drift across the room through the air and infect the healthy person.
Richard Preston
Reports of illegal migrants carrying deadly diseases such as swine flu, dengue fever, Ebola virus and tuberculosis are particularly concerning.
Phil Gingrey
There are many different types of racism from people of different colours and nationalities. There is no vaccine to fight this and no antibiotics to take. It’s a dangerous and infectious virus which is strengthened by indifference and inaction.
Kevin-Prince Boateng
When an animal is infected, either naturally or by experimental injection, with a bacterium, virus, or other foreign body, the animal recognises this as an invader and acts in such a way as to remove or destroy it.
Cesar Milstein
Liability is being assessed against companies who inadvertently have shipped a virus to another company. Rather than risk the incredibly bad PR, these companies fork over.
John McAfee
But what has been pretty good about the coronaviruses in general is they keep their structural pieces very similar. What do I mean by that? There’s certain – the outer coat, the envelope, and the inside part of the virus has stayed very constant.
Deborah Birx
In fact, a large majority of those have died and of those expected to die of AIDS, as well as of those who are infected with the virus, are in sub-Saharan Africa.
Claudio Hummes
My lab used to do gene expression and genomics, and we did a lot of sequencing samples from virus outbreaks.
Kathleen Rubins
The Zika virus invades and disrupts the development of the fetal brain, but the effects on the brains of infants and young children are unknown.
Tom Frieden
After I arrived in Basel, I initially attempted to continue the project of my days in Dulbecco’s laboratory, namely, the transcriptional control of the simian virus 40 genes.
Susumu Tonegawa
Covid-19 teaches us that we are all global citizens connected by a single virus that recognises none of our natural or man-made diversity: not the colour of our skin, nor our passports, or the gods we worship.
Abiy Ahmed
We have met the Devil of Information Overload and his impish underlings, the computer virus, the busy signal, the dead link, and the PowerPoint presentation.
James Gleick
Coronavirus can happen to anyone, so, it’s really important to maintain good health overall. That way, when it hits you, you have an immune system that is strong enough to fight the virus.
Sara Khan
The amount of time it takes to recover from the coronavirus differs widely. Some people will get the virus and have no symptoms at all, other people will have mild symptoms like a low-grade fever or a mild cough and others will get really ill and will need to be hospitalized.
Vivek Murthy
Changes… can only be effected by alterations in the original. The only thing not prerecorded in a prerecorded universe are the prerecordings themselves. The copies can only repeat themselves word for word. A virus is a copy. You can pretty it up, cut it up, scramble it – it will reassemble in the same form.
William S. Burroughs
If an employee told you he had the flu, you’d send him home. If an employee told you he was feeling anxious, you’d probably tell him to get back to work. But the emotion is just as contagious as a flu virus.
Chip Conley
I think we have other things to worry about than some Zika virus.
Simone Biles
As every new breed of virus is conceived, created and released into the wild, another small change is made to the anti-virus software to combat the new threat.
Glenn Turner
From the practical point of view, the susceptibility to

From the practical point of view, the susceptibility to infection of the guinea pig proved to be the most useful step forward. Today, all laboratories use this animal for preserving the virus.
Charles Jules Henry Nicole
Dance music is like a virus: it has affected so many different genres.
The swine flu of 2009 was no fun, as my husband can attest, but it resulted in only 273,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths in the United States. The Wuhan virus hospitalizations and deaths have eclipsed those numbers many times over.
Mollie Hemingway
National politics and elections are dominated by emotions, by lack of self-confidence, by fear of the other, by insecurity, by infection of the body politic by the virus of victimhood.
Tariq Ramadan
The launch of phase 1 Ebola vaccine studies is a first step in developing a vaccine that could be licensed and used in the field to protect not only the front line health care workers but also those living in areas where Ebola virus exists.
Anthony Fauci
Nation states that are used to imposing capital controls will face a quandary: ban cryptocurrencies and live in the technology dustbin; enable them, and this virus – this religion, this protocol – will enable the free flow of money and language, along with packets, around the globe.
Naval Ravikant
I pictured myself as a virus or a cancer cell and tried to sense what it would be like.
Jonas Salk
Language is a virus from outer space.
William S. Burroughs
An asteroid or a supervolcano could certainly destroy us, but we also face risks the dinosaurs never saw: An engineered virus, nuclear war, inadvertent creation of a micro black hole, or some as-yet-unknown technology could spell the end of us.
Elon Musk
I wanted to be a genetic engineer. That was my goal in college. I wanted to figure out what the codon sequence was that causes replication in a cardio myopathic virus. That was my goal.
Ashton Kutcher
Every one of us has a small but critical part to play in the battle against coronavirus. From washing our hands to wearing a face covering on public transport and in shops, every time we take one of these actions, we push the virus further into retreat.
Alok Sharma
Supporting American technology companies is one of the most patriotic things you can do – the technology industry is the reason our country has such a high-standard of living and why we can afford to spread the democracy virus around the globe.
Jason Calacanis
The more cases of Ebola infection we have, the more chances there are for the virus to mutate in a particular way that adapts it well to living in humans, replicating in humans, and perhaps transmitting from human to human.
David Quammen
I was less successful in my attempts to effect preventive vaccination against typhus by using the virus and in trying to produce large quantities of serum using large animals.
Charles Jules Henry Nicole
I wanted to play around with the format, really tear it to pieces and shake it up. For example, if Mitch saves someone from drowning, and that person then goes out and releases a virus that kills a million people. Imagine the moral implications of that.
David Hasselhoff
When the AIDS epidemic broke, because I happened to be a science nerd and knew a lot about viruses and a lot about that virus at the time, I felt a moral obligation to go out and try to stem the fear and get out and explain to people what the disease was and how it worked.
Morgan Fairchild
The unique nature about the influenza virus is its great potential for changes, for mutation.
Margaret Chan
I am not opposed to scientists looking at all ways to combat and destroy the Zika virus.
Carlos Lopez-Cantera
Without effective human intervention, epidemics and pandemics typically end only when the virus or bacteria has infected every available host and all have either died or become immune to the disease.
Alan Huffman
Then there is my country, the Philippines. President Rodrigo Duterte placed most of the country under a lockdown on the ides of March. Surrounded by men in uniform, he cut public transportation and talked about home quarantine, checkpoints and curfews, but said little about the virus or economic aid for those in need.
Maria Ressa
I don’t think you should be ashamed of anybody that you know that has AIDS. You should stand as close to them as you can and help them out as much as you can. I’m a strong believer in that and that’s why I try to do that for everyone I know that has the virus.
Marsha P. Johnson
We don’t know what we don’t know about Ebola. We think we know it’s a virus, but is it mutating? Can it be spread by airborne?
Jeff Duncan
We need to live with this virus. Though it cannot be back to normal pre-COVID-19 days, we need to adapt to the new situation, but resume economic activities.
Rockline Venkatesh
These days, newish art can be priced between $10,000 and $25,000. When I tell artists that a new painting by a newish artist should go for around $1,200, they look at me like I’m a flesh-eating virus.
Jerry Saltz
The fact is we can’t prevent people from getting the COVID-19 virus.
Kim Reynolds
The whole reason I like these virus movies is because I read ‘The Stand’ when I was in junior high and thought it was the greatest book I’d ever read.
Julie Plec
Maybe I should mention it: I was not from the beginning mainly interested in papilloma virus; I was mainly interested in infectious agents in human cancer. So papilloma viruses came up as the most likely candidate from my viewpoint.
Harald zur Hausen
Just as the only reservoir for the typhus virus in nature is provided by man, so the only vector of infection is the louse. The bite of the louse is not virulent immediately after the infecting meal. It becomes so only towards the 7th day following infection.
Charles Jules Henry Nicole
There’s no one place a virus goes to die – but that doesn’t make its demise any less a public health victory. Throughout human history, viral diseases have had their way with us, and for just as long, we have hunted them down and done our best to wipe them out.
Jeffrey Kluger
Scepticism may be evidence of a healthy and independent mindset; but conspiracism is a virus that feeds off insecurity and bitterness.
Mehdi Hasan
As mechanistic biologists, we are hoping that by understanding how the virus works at the molecular level, we will be able to predict with more accuracy how it will evolve.
Jennifer Doudna
The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a

The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. The government lied.
Jeremiah Wright