Top 130 Hard-Working Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Hard-Working Quotes from famous people such as Scott Kelly, Michael Badnarik, Doug Harvey, Gerald Chertavian, Stipe Miocic, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I don't think people have an appreciation for the work

I don’t think people have an appreciation for the work that it takes to pull these missions off, like humans living on the space station continuously for 15 years. It is a huge army of hard-working people to make it happen.
Scott Kelly
The Libertarian position on immigration is to have, not open borders with no restrictions, but to have controlled borders that allow hard-working people to come into America to help raise their standard of living and improve the American economy.
Michael Badnarik
I’ve heard it said that umpires are necessary evil. Well, we are necessary, but we are not evil. We are hard-working and dedicated people whose primary interest is to make sure the game is played fairly. We are the integrity of the game.
Doug Harvey
Our young immigrants have a lot to offer. They are motivated and hard-working, and in many cases have already contributed significantly to our society – by excelling in school, by volunteering in their communities, or by serving in the military.
Gerald Chertavian
Cleveland’s a great city. I love the city. The people here are awesome. They’re loyal and hard-working, and they’re loyal to our sports scene, and things are changing here.
Stipe Miocic
My teams have always been very hard-working and competitive.
Tony Pulis
I think, Koreans, they’re really hard-working people. They’re really innovative, and they try new things all the time, so I think it’s just a matter of time when everyone will know K-pop.
Jessica Jung
What is at risk are the lives of hard-working Salvadoran families. In fact, unchecked violence was one of the main drivers of immigration from this country to the United States.
Nayib Bukele
It is worthwhile for anyone to have behind him a few generations of honest, hard-working ancestry.
John Phillips Marquand
All the things that can happen to an artist regardless of how prepared they are and how smart they are and hard-working they are and attractive – doesn’t matter. There’s always somebody cuter. There just is.
George C. Wolfe
When I went on ‘The Hills,’ I never showed my personal life. It was always about my career life – I thought people could take me seriously because they’d see I’m a hard-working girl. Then when I chose to do ‘The City,’ I took the next step to show my personal life.
Whitney Port
I have been a hard-working politician.
Jaya Prada
Hey, it’s tough not to have a ton of admiration for the fans of Baltimore. And, for it me, it’s because they are such a hard-working, blue-collar fan base that loves football.
Joe Flacco
I’m a hard-working guy, I’m a humble guy, I know I have to work hard to be where I am, but I always have confidence in myself and know what I can do on the pitch.
Victor Lindelof
Brits, Scandinavians, Finns, Estonians consider themselves rational, logical, unencumbered by emotional arguments; we are businesslike, stubborn, and hard-working.
Toomas Hendrik Ilves
If a budget is designed to show our values, it’s clear where the majority stands: against opportunity, against education, and against America’s hard-working, tax-paying middle class.
Ellen Tauscher
I would say that regardless of how the brand has been created, we are four hard-working women who have succeeded in making our dream to become artists a more possible reality through this.
Lauren Jauregui
I am very hard-working, I try not to give up, and I am disciplined about the hours I work.
Carol Drinkwater
Because we in the mainland didn’t have a youth. We were all busy being hard-working in our youthful years. We were studying hard, working hard, getting married and buying a flat, and striving to give the best education to our children.
Zhao Wei
I personally think that gentrification happens long before you start seeing white people in formerly people-of-color neighborhoods. It starts happening when we start telling the young, hard-working, quote-unquote ‘smart’ kids that they need to measure success by how far they get away from our communities.
Majora Carter
I like the idea of an open, international London that thrives on attracting hard-working, talented people but has the confidence to tell them they must play by the same rules as everyone else.
Mohsin Hamid
One of the things that is great about this country is that we’re a meritocracy. Aspirational, hard-working people who want to come here – and who have the talent and skills to contribute to our economy and society – are very welcome.
Priti Patel
My dad was actually my first mentor. Decent man, hard-working man, never missed a day of work plumber.
Joe Maddon
There is growing inequality. The families of the all-powerful Ministers are getting richer. The poor and hard-working Belizeans are getting poorer.
Said Musa
There are those who profess to support law enforcement but who have attempted to undermine the efforts of hard-working officers who make difficult decisions.
Janet Reno
I am proud to join the many state legislators, governors, businessmen and hard-working Americans who have worked to build support and momentum for the idea of the Health Care Compact, and I am proud to introduce the common-sense bill for this sensible solution.
James Lankford
I have a lot of hard-working, blue-collar people in my district who are at the end of their unemployment benefits.
Gene Green
I thought if we could put our hard-working culture as traders into the asset management, it will be a great combination, and we did do that.
Ivan Glasenberg
I mean, I’m married first of all to one of, if not the most wonderful women in the world. She is everything – funny, attractive, hard-working, she has integrity, she loves me to bits.
My mum and dad ran a family cafe in Sligo for 35 years and worked long hours. We grew up in a very hard-working family and had a lovely atmosphere, as we lived above the restaurant. It definitely made me want to work hard, whatever I chose to do. As the baby of seven kids, I was definitely a bit spoilt.
Shane Filan
Congress has a responsibility to review research paid for by hard-working American taxpayers.
Lamar S. Smith
As Governor, I've worked to solve problems the New Hamp

As Governor, I’ve worked to solve problems the New Hampshire way – bringing together Democrats, Republicans and Independents to help hard-working Granite Staters adapt to our changing economy so that everyone has the opportunity to get ahead and stay ahead.
Maggie Hassan
I have been in Wall Street all of my life. I love it. It has been good to me. I know many wonderful, decent, honorable, ethical, hard-working people that were in Wall Street with me.
Kenneth Langone
The Philippines is strategically located and blessed with the greatest resource: its people, who are hard-working, very loyal, and very adaptive.
Benigno Aquino III
Dr Dre has never told me a lie. I look up to him, not only as a business man, but just as someone who has become his own man in this business. He’s always recognised the hard-working ethic that I have and given me opportunities based on that.
I think I had a really hard-working and authentic wrestling style, so people liked the way I was – that I was a ‘no-quit’ kind of wrestler – and I was very realistic and credible in my style.
Bret Hart
To wear this shirt, especially with the West Ham badge on it – it takes an honest player, hard-working, a player that leaves everything on the pitch and plays for the crest on the shirt.
Mark Noble
As a former recipient of these services I can honestly say that the overwhelming majority of TANF recipients are hard-working Americans who are down on their luck, and just want an opportunity to better their lives and those of their family through work and access to education.
Gwen Moore
Most arguments for instituting or raising a minimum wage are based on fairness and redistribution. Even if workers are getting a competitive wage, many of us are deeply disturbed that some hard-working families still have very little.
Christina Romer
I heard New York fans and people in New York are hard-working fans, so they want to see players work hard on the court. That’s the first thing I’ve got to do.
Kristaps Porzingis
What employing thousands of people in the middle of the country has taught me is how good and hard-working Americans in all cities are, and how much most of the country resents our wealthiest cities’ sense of entitlement and condescension.
Glenn Kelman
In real life, Oxford and Cambridge are two excellent universities, like many others in the country. They are full of highly intelligent, hard-working, and quite ordinary students and teachers.
Mary Beard
No one who works a full-time job should live in poverty. It’s that simple. We must stand on the side of hard-working Americans.
Alex Padilla
It’s an appeal as old as America and its presidency: This is an extraordinary country populated by hard-working, big-dreaming, freedom-loving people graced by God when they’re not pulling themselves up by the bootstraps.
Ron Fournier
The Tory party is at is strongest when it is in tune with the hopes and aspirations of Britain’s hard-working, law-abiding majority, and when it governs through clear Conservative principles.
Priti Patel
There are a lot of young kids serving in Washington, D.C.: kids that are smart, hard-working, but they’ve never farmed. They’ve never run a business. They’ve never been in the private sector. They went from high school into college and right into Washington, D.C.
Ron Johnson
I firmly believe that the best way to stimulate our economy and create jobs is to let hard-working Americans keep more of their money – after all, the money belongs to them, not to Washington.
Rob Bishop
An energy-dominant America will bring even more hard-working Americans into the high-skill, well-paying jobs and careers the energy sector offers.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
There are a lot of hard-working parents out there for whom it is hard to support their families during Thanksgiving.
Tobias Harris
The young people working for me are ambitious and hard-working. That work ethic has always been a trait of the British.
Simon Cowell
We all need to call upon our lawmakers to create a path to citizenship for hard-working, law-abiding undocumented people and their families.
Nico Santos
Chicago has definitely played a part in my character development. I love the essence of the city, the personalities of the people, the hard-working spirit that you need to get through the winters. And every neighborhood has its great restaurants and the local hot-dog stand.
Bonnie Hunt
I have great respect for my parents. I got such beautiful things from both of them. It doesn’t mean that we didn’t have our rough times, but they were remarkable people who were open-minded, creative and hard-working, and had great senses of humor.
Patti Smith
I’m a hard-working individual and I think that’s what separates me.
Davis Webb
As Congress continues to debate ways to address illegal immigration, we must remember the many hard-working legal immigrants that contribute so much to our nation’s economy and culture.
Bob Filner
And whether it is equal pay, health care, Social Security, or family leave, this Congress has refused to address issues critical to hard-working American women.
Louise Slaughter
The Republican Study Committee was started and has grown to be sure that we create and promote, advance and execute conservative policies for the betterment of hard-working American families.
Bill Flores
Lance Guest in ‘The Last Starfighter’ had such integrity and held himself to such a high standard that I just wanted to raise your own standard to meet it. He is a hard-working, giving actor. He made me feel secure and better in my role opposite him.
Catherine Mary Stewart
I’m a flawed, hard-working, hard-trying person.
Joe Buck
When hard-working Brits hand over a chunk of their pay cheque every month so they can look forward to a decent retirement, they are expecting bosses to look after it. That’s something you should be able to take for granted.
Amber Rudd
To be honest I live among the English and have always found them to be very honest in their business dealings. They are noble, hard-working and anxious to do the right thing. But joy eludes them, they lack the joy that the Irish have.
Fiona Shaw
I am very, very diligent and extremely hard-working.
Lana Parrilla
We only put the negative black people on television. We

We only put the negative black people on television. We don’t put the good, hard-working black people.
Charles Barkley
I’m a hard-working young man who believes in myself.
Granit Xhaka
Asian players have more in common with the Bundesliga than with Italian or Spanish leagues because they are wedded to the team cause, are hard-working and disciplined.
Lothar Matthaus
I had a very hard-working father and a very hard-working mother. My dad was someone that would get up at 5 in the morning and work ’til 4 in the afternoon and then had a hobby he made money with. After he’d get home, he’d have a meal and have a drink and then flow right into that, trying to provide.
Aleister Black
There is one thing Anthony Weiner and I agree on: there are a lot of smart, hard-working people in the financial industry.
Elizabeth Warren
The vast majority of the American people are hard-working taxpayers who take responsibility for their families, go to work every day, they pay their mortgage on time, they volunteer in their community.
Marco Rubio
All right-wing antigovernment rage in America bears a racial component, because liberalism is understood, consciously or unconsciously, as the ideology that steals from hard-working, taxpaying whites and gives the spoils to indolent, grasping blacks.
Rick Perlstein
Decent, hard-working Labour MPs have been targeted by Corbyn fanatics in an attempt to purge the party of anyone who doesn’t support their narrow, divisive ideology.
Anna Soubry
At the end of the day, we play for the community. They come out there and parents spend their hard-working money to come support us and fill the stadium, so it’s only right to give back.
Tristan Thompson
The people who come across the border are hard-working family people. They have great values, and that’s all well and good but they are also very, very consistent Democrat voters.
John Fleming
It is every producer’s dream to be part of a dedicated, hard-working team that produces an outstanding broadcast like the ‘CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley.’
Steve Capus
The designers, photographers and models I work with, they are really hard-working people who are devoting their lives to fashion. They’re kind of like nuns of fashion.
Alber Elbaz
Tanushree is a very nice girl and I worked with her once. She is very focussed, and I could see how hard-working she was, with dreams in her eyes. She was one of the well-behaved girls on the set.
Sonu Sood
Future’s a workaholic. That’s definitely the most hard-working artist I know.
Metro Boomin
To become a great player, you’ve got to show real dedication and commitment to football, and you’ve got to be very humble and hard-working. And, above all, you’ve got to fight to make your dreams come true.
Sergio Ramos
I’ve made a commitment to attracting 21st Century jobs to Alabama so that our hard-working citizens can count on a more secure future for their families and communities.
Kay Ivey
I will continue to stand strongly with my fellow House Democrats, with immigration reform advocates and with millions of hard-working, law-abiding families who want simply to remain together and contribute to our great country.
Jan Schakowsky
New Mexicans want a Governor who will continue to fight and hold President Trump accountable for policies that hurt New Mexicans and hard-working families.
Michelle Lujan Grisham
I’m committed to facilitating the creation of good jobs across Alabama and expanding opportunities for the state’s hard-working citizens.
Kay Ivey
‘Hard-working’ is what gets the job done. You just see that year after year. The students who thrive are not necessarily the ones who come in with the perfect scores. It’s the ones who love what they’re doing and go at it vigorously.
Carol S. Dweck
Susan Brooks is a hard-working public servant who has spent her career fighting for Hoosiers. In Congress, she was the first woman from Indiana to chair a committee, and has become one of the most effective lawmakers in Washington: her dedicated work on behalf of her constituents and our state will be missed.
Mike Braun
My mother was a very hard-working maid, and their stories are worth telling.
Judy Reyes
In America they like my spicy TV alter ego, probably because there were a lot of Italians and Hispanics in the country, but the real L.A. life is a hard-working one.
Bruno Tonioli
If there are violent lawbreakers who want to rob the livelihoods of honest hard-working Canadians in the energy sector, then those lawbreakers should be treated like lawbreakers.
Pierre Poilievre
As governor, I’ll treat hard-working families with the respect that they deserve by being laser-focused on creating good-paying jobs with benefits and secure retirements; and expanding access to affordable health care.
Andy Beshear
Many will debate the substance of the public impeachment testimony against President Trump. To me, each of the Democrats’ witnesses of the past two weeks appeared to be well-intentioned and hard-working, and seemed genuinely to believe they know what’s best.
Sharyl Attkisson
It wasn’t rich, it was hard-working, but I give thanks daily for the kind of upbringing I had, and for the values my parents brought to their own relationship and to their children. They wanted my brother and me to find out what we were best at and make the most of it.
Patricia Routledge
I’m not a master; I’m just a hard-working filmmaker. I would like everyone to see me as a friend rather than a master.
John Woo
I just want people to see me as a hard-working footballer and someone who is passionate about the game.
David Beckham
However successful someone is in their field of business, and however well-meaning and hard-working, it is difficult to come into football and immediately work out how the industry works, who to trust, what to do. That is the sort of role I think I can fill.
Neil Warnock
Contrary to the macho culture of Mexico, both my grandmothers were very brave young widows. I was always very close to these hard-working, intelligent women.
Carlos Fuentes
Housewives of the 1950s were supposed to create show-st

Housewives of the 1950s were supposed to create show-stopping meals every night for their hard-working husbands.
Caroline Leavitt
When you do something, do it right the first time… When you’re talking about hard-working, when you go out of your way to mop floors and strip them and do all those things, it’s kind of like, ‘Dang.’
Khalil Mack
The good news is that the ownership team and the rest of the hard-working, loyal, and driven staff over here at your hometown Cavaliers have not betrayed you nor never will betray you.
Dan Gilbert
I think of Mr Modi as a very hard-working person.
Naveen Patnaik
Some of the most hard-working, generous people I’ve met in my whole life didn’t really want to vote for him but did. My calling is to step onto the other side and humanise and portray the struggles of many Trump voters.
Chloe Zhao
I mean, I’m married to an academic oncologist, a cancer doctor, okay? He and his colleagues are some of the most conscientious, devoted, hard-working, conventional bourgeois people in the known universe. They are the people that keep this society going.
Amy Wax
I kind of lived by the code of ‘I’m going to be a hard-working guy.’ And no matter how successful, there is something I can do better. That’s kind of the drive I live on.
George Karl
I’m not a genius. I’m just a hard-working guy.
Brian Wilson
My ‘act’ was schoolwork. I was your basic, garden-variety, ambitious, upwardly mobile, hard-working Jewish boy from Brooklyn. I was bound to go beyond my parents. It was simply the way things were.
Clive Davis
I can confidently say that if there is any criticism levelled at me, then I have done that already. It’s what happens when you try to be honest and hard-working.
Robert Green
There are some liberals eager to embrace a culture void of morals, but the majority of America is made up of honest, hard-working families who turned out in droves to protect the traditional way of life.
John Doolittle
I always knew that, even if I was not the most beautiful girl, I’d be the most energetic and hard-working. If you want to know the truth, that’s the reason for my success.
Gisele Bundchen
I like Cinderella, I really do. She has a good work ethic. I appreciate a good, hard-working gal. And she likes shoes. The fairy tale is all about the shoe at the end, and I’m a big shoe girl.
Amy Adams
Is Trump correct that we should stop the flow of illegal immigrants? Yes, but again, words matter, and there is a way to engage voters on this issue without creating fear and insulting many hard-working Hispanics who love this country.
Mercedes Schlapp
It appears fashionable these days, and almost politically correct, to blame hard-working immigrants, especially those from Mexico and Central America, for the social and economic ills of our state and nation.
Roger Mahony
Since taking the oath of office as our state’s 36th Governor, I’ve met so many dedicated state workers that take great pride in being hard-working public servants.
Jim Justice
Vince Gilligan is a wizard – and a fantastically hard-working wizard.
Bob Odenkirk
Those who know me would say I’m a passionate and hard-working mom and a community leader who knows how to get things done.
Elizabeth Esty
There’s nothing that special about me. I’m just a hard-working guy, I’m dyslexic, I had to overcome a lot of things like that.
Rex Ryan
I think there’s lots of people with family connections but who are actually nowhere. If you’re hard-working and determined, you will make it, and that’s the bottom line. I don’t believe in an easy way through.
Isabel dos Santos
Our reasons for criminalising squatting are crystal clear – we want to protect the rights of regular hard-working homeowners against the damage squatters can inflict on their homes, and the distress this causes in their lives.
Grant Shapps
I want Latinos to be seen as the hard-working people that we are. We’ll take the hardest jobs that no one wants to take, and we’ll do them with dignity.
Eiza Gonzalez
Hard-working families in Wisconsin deserve a tax cut. But you also deserve for it to be done responsibly and to make sure we know how we’re going to pay for it in the future.
Tony Evers
Many good people serve in Congress. They are patriotic, hard-working, and devoted to the public good as they see it, but the institutional and cultural impediments to change frustrate the intentions of these well-meaning people as rarely before.
Evan Bayh
To the hard-working people who set a little bit aside each month, to provide for their children, or to fund their own retirement, I say: you should be rewarded not punished.
William Hague
We need smarter, 21st-century budget guardrails that would gradually trim the size of Washington in order to spur private investment, create jobs, and boost the income of hard-working Americans on Main Street.
Kevin Brady
The Left only worries about people who don’t want to work; they could care less. They cater more to people who are here illegally, and they care more about the feelings of countries that would love to see us wiped off the face of the Earth than they do hard-working Americans. It’s ridiculous.
Donald Trump, Jr.
Jennifer Lopez and Sara Bareilles are my tops! Both incredibly hard-working and talented women.
Kirstin Maldonado
I think my uncle was probably the biggest influence in my life. We grew up in the same house, and he was just a really great, hard-working, honest, ethical person.
Catherine Bell
I just like to be seen for the hard-working actress that I am and not for a bunch of extraneous press.
Mischa Barton
I’m a hard-working girl. I go to the office. I work a normal 9 to 5 job most days.
Petra Stunt
Charan is very hard-working and non-egoistic, given the

Charan is very hard-working and non-egoistic, given the family he comes from. He is very open to listening, and he surrenders himself completely to the director. It was lovely to work with an actor like that.
Rakul Preet Singh
Hard-working men and women who have made America the strongest nation in the world are betrayed by Washington’s trade policy.
Sherrod Brown
The United States is a proud, determined, hard-working, talented, patriotic nation and people, and it is not over-extended in the manner of empires of the past that took over the lands of others and eventually collapsed under the weight of the over-ambitious hegemon.
Conrad Black
My father instilled those hard-working values.
Khalil Mack
Who was Amanda Knox? Was she a fresh-faced honor student from Seattle who met anyone’s definition of an all-American girl – attractive, athletic, smart, hard-working, adventuresome, in love with languages and travel? Or was her pretty face a mask, a duplicitous cover for a depraved soul?
Tina Brown
Governor Scott Walker didn’t know who he was messing with when he picked a fight with the hard-working union folks of Wisconsin. He must have forgotten that Wisconsin is the Badger State. And badgers are scrappy little creatures. We may look cute, warm and fuzzy, but we have a fighting spirit.
Gwen Moore