Top 131 Fifteen Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Fifteen Quotes from famous people such as Rose George, Karan Wahi, Lizzy Caplan, Bernard Baruch, Conan O’Brien, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Diarrhea, 90 percent of which is caused by food and wat

Diarrhea, 90 percent of which is caused by food and water contaminated by excrement, kills a child every fifteen seconds. That’s more than AIDS, malaria, or measles, combined. Human feces are an impressive weapon of mass destruction.
Rose George
Viewers don’t see more of anchors because we shoot only once a week and it’s aired across three months; so, you always feel that a certain person is only anchoring. I’ve been acting for fifteen years and hosting for seven years, but I haven’t done a soap, so a lot of people tend to think I’m not acting anymore.
Karan Wahi
I’m choosy to a fault. You want to hold out for a project that means something. You’re the one who’s there working fifteen hours a day, and if you don’t believe in it, it can feel a whole lot longer.
Lizzy Caplan
To me, old age is always fifteen years older than I am.
Bernard Baruch
Michael Jackson was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It caused quite a controversy, because his nose isn’t eligible for another fifteen years.
Conan O’Brien
It is a great honor to become Executive Producer of ‘Frontline.’ David Fanning’s mentorship and partnership over the past fifteen years has been extraordinary. I am inspired by his legacy and honored to guide ‘Frontline’s future.
Raney Aronson-Rath
Between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four, I must have read a whole library.
Charles Bukowski
I lived with them in my studio in New York. And of course if I were doing that book today or even ten years, fifteen years later, I would have gone to where the wild ducks were and where I could study them – I would have gone to the country somewhere.
Robert McCloskey
Spotify appeared nine years after Napster, the pioneering file-sharing service, which unleashed piracy on the record business and began the cataclysm that caused worldwide revenues to decline from a peak of twenty-seven billion dollars in 1999 to fifteen billion in 2013.
John Seabrook
I think we should just tip the government if it does a good job. Fifteen percent is the standard tip, isn’t it?
Pat Paulsen
Whatever labels may be attached to the fifteen charges brought against me, they all arise from my having been a member of the Communist Party and from my activities as a member.
Bram Fischer
Most of the basic material a writer works with is acquired before the age of fifteen.
Willa Cather
Y.A. wasn’t really a specific genre when I was fifteen, but if it was, I would probably have shunned it; I was a huge snob.
Kathe Koja
Dead at 50. Mike Webster! Nine-time Pro Bowler. Hall of Famer. ‘Iron Mike,’ legendary Steelers center for fifteen seasons.
Jeanne Marie Laskas
The biggest container ship can carry fifteen thousand boxes. It can hold 746 million bananas, one for every European, on one ship.
Rose George
Stations were built at intervals averaging fifteen miles apart. A rider’s route covered three stations, with an exchange of horses at each, so that he was expected at the beginning to cover close to forty-five miles – a good ride when one must average fifteen miles an hour.
Buffalo Bill
Writing a story is pretty all-consuming for me – it feels a lot like method acting, and for the eight or twelve or fifteen months that I’m working on a story, I’m constantly thinking about how my narrator would react to whatever tangled situation I’m in.
Molly Antopol
My first real job, I sold Christmas trees when I was twelve for extra money. I did that until I was fifteen. Then I bagged groceries, and I worked at the first Borders ever in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Bill Hader
When I started, I was an artist; I wanted to be an artist. I became an actor almost by accident. I acted for fifteen years and tried to produce. I looked for stories that were the story beneath the story that you thought you knew, like ‘The Candidate’.
Robert Redford
From an early age, I knew I would become a scientist. It may have been my brother Sam’s doing. He interested me in the laws of falling bodies when I was ten and helped my father equip a basement chemistry lab for me when I was fifteen. I became skilled in the synthesis of selenium halides.
Sheldon Lee Glashow
In junior high school, I was an object of pure ridicule for my dress, withdrawal, and asocial manner. Dozens of times, I saw individuals laugh and smile more in ten to fifteen minutes than I did in all my life up to then.
Arthur Bremer
I first came out against Castro in June 1968, fifteen months after my book had been published, and you cannot imagine how quickly a void was created around me.
Guillermo Cabrera Infante
Up to 1870, it was equally said of France and of Italy that they possessed no folk-tales. Yet, within fifteen years from that date, over 1000 tales had been collected in each country.
Joseph Jacobs
Growing up in Harlem, I had the chance to practice with a Negro League team. At fifteen, I was over six feet tall and a fair athlete, but my skills didn’t come close to some of the players I saw.
Walter Dean Myers
It is true that the king has made a truce with the duke of Burgundy for fifteen days and that the duke is to turn over the city of Paris at the end of fifteen days. Yet you should not marvel if I do not enter that city so quickly.
Joan of Arc
Bands like – even Kiss to a degree – bands like Kiss and Motley, Ratt, Poison, Bon Jovi – I just think the days of those bands going out and selling ten or twelve, fifteen million records like they used to do back in the day, it’s not happening.
John Corabi
It’s – I write the books and let the market find who reads it. I guess a young adult is anywhere from ten to fifteen.
Louis Sachar
As far as I’m concerned, the only difference between fact and what most people call fiction is about fifteen pages in the dictionary.
Charles de Lint
Music is completely not reality. There’s nothing about music that has any meaning at all. A lot of people disagree with that, but it’s basically true. You can listen to a piece of music, and fifteen people will give you fifteen answers of what it’s about.
Michael Bacon
I just think it’s so outrageous that fifteen years is the kind of minimum amount of time that any wrongfully convicted person spends in prison.
Amy J. Berg
Fifteen years ago I walked out of a production of one of my plays at the RSC because I decided it was a waste of time.
Edward Bond
I was from a generation that didn't think that far into

I was from a generation that didn’t think that far into the future. We thought opportunities would always exist, that we would be fifteen forever.
Bebe Buell
It’s usually drawing on personal experience. I don’t think I could dig deep enough trying to get into somebody else’s life. Like ‘Far From Me’ – I wrote it about this waitress that I was dating when I was fifteen or so, and she broke up with me.
John Prine
About fifteen miles above New Orleans the river goes very slowly. It has broadened out there until it is almost a sea and the water is yellow with the mud of half a continent. Where the sun strikes it, it is golden.
Frank Yerby
I had very few friends. There was nobody I could trust. I left home when I was fifteen. I lived in Washington Square Park.
Jean-Michel Basquiat
Don’t keep excessive amounts of anything. Those glass vases that come from florists. Those ketchup packets that come with take-out food. A house with two adults probably doesn’t need fifteen mismatched souvenir coffee cups.
Gretchen Rubin
The first ten, twelve or fifteen years of life are excavated of inherent moral worth in order to accommodate a regimen of basic training for the adult years that many of the poorest children may not even live to know.
Jonathan Kozol
At the age of fifteen my grandmother became the concubine of a warlord general.
Jung Chang
I was tortured fifteen times, that’s total submission. They did that with shutting off your blood circulation with ropes, giving you claustrophobia and pain at the same time, bending you double.
James Stockdale
Fifteen years ago, France was the promised land of cooking. So I looked at a map, found five restaurants and faxed them to ask for a job. Within five minutes, I got a reply from the then three- star Le Jardin des Sens in Montpellier.
Rene Redzepi
I lost a boyfriend over Elmore James. You know that moment when you send mixtapes at fifteen? He sent me pop hits, and I sent him Elmore James, and I never heard from him again.
Imelda May
With AC/DC, we’ve always started with rock, and we’ve just kept it going. The critic’s view is always, ‘They just made an album and it’s the same as the last one.’ I’ll have fifteen of them, anytime.
Angus Young
Just as I was turning fifteen, in the spring of 1946, my parents took me to see ‘The Glass Menagerie,’ well into its year-long run. I had seen a number of shows on Broadway by then, but nothing like this – because there was nothing like this on Broadway.
Robert Gottlieb
Of course, nobody would deny the importance of human beings for theological thinking, but the time span of history that theologians think about is a few thousand years of human culture rather than the fifteen billion years of the history of the universe.
John Polkinghorne
A reporter is always concerned with tomorrow. There’s nothing tangible of yesterday. All I can say I’ve done is agitate the air ten or fifteen minutes and then boom – it’s gone.
Edward R. Murrow
The length of exposure (one minute in sunlight) is still too long for the portrait. It was fifteen minutes when I first began my work. Progress may continue.
Gabriel Lippmann
I have like fifteen televisions in my house.
Jimmy Kimmel
Since I was fifteen years of age, I have been wanting to go to the football World Cup.
Jaggi Vasudev
In a little over six minutes, 17 of our friends were taken from us. Fifteen were injured. And everyone – absolutely everyone – in the Douglas Community was forever altered.
Emma Gonzalez
Let me tell you something: I have members in my charter who, after paying their rent and house bills and taking care of their families, don’t even have enough money left over to pay the fifteen dollars a week dues.
Chuck Zito
I won’t play for a penny less than fifteen hundred dollars.
Honus Wagner
I had the easiest publishing experience in the entire world. I sent out fifteen courier letters to agents, got five no replies, nine rejections and one I want to see it. A month later I had an agent. Another month later I had a three book deal with Little Brown.
Stephenie Meyer
Fifteen- to 30-year-olds are interested in all kinds of intelligent movies – it doesn’t have to be a broad comedy or an action adventure for them to go see it.
Patrick Whitesell
There isn’t a dearth of it, but I will confess that it’s harder for me to find songs on which I’m willing to invest anything from ten to fifteen hours writing an arrangement than it was in times past.
Mel Torme
Comics were going down for the second time and here, all of a sudden, came this thing and for the next fifteen years, romance comics were about the top sellers in the field; they outsold everything.
Gil Kane
Men come of age at sixty, women at fifteen.
James Stephens
I feel like fifteen years with Fleetwood Mac was like working on my thesis, doing research for some kind of paper.
Lindsey Buckingham
You shouldn’t inflict yourself on the public when your fifteen minutes is up.
Pete Burns
Fifteen years after the September 11 terrorist attacks, the United States government still has little idea how many foreign travelers overstay their visas annually and remain in the U.S.
Mark Meadows
The Arab Spring I think we will look back whether it’s two years, five years, ten or fifteen. And say it’s a good thing.
Abdullah II of Jordan
When I was fifteen, I dreamed of living in the big city, as many a young person does if he is artistic and sensitive. By ‘artistic and sensitive’ I mean short, skinny, unkissed, bad at sports, and carrying a C average in high school.
P. J. O’Rourke
Black music has become a commercial commodity. Live performances are not so accessible as they were previously. It use to be possible to go to the bar on the corner and hear music. It was available for a fifteen cent beer.
Archie Shepp
The reason I ran in 2006 was to make my district one of

The reason I ran in 2006 was to make my district one of the fifteen that at the time it would have taken to switch the control of the House and stop the Bush agenda. The second priority I had was to provide health care for everybody. And the third was to do public financing of campaigns.
John Yarmuth
Marijuana you can give up, Iv given it up for fifteen years now and it never occurs to me to smoke it anymore.
Larry Hagman
I’ve seen ‘True Detective’ end-to-end at least three times; I’ll probably see it again. It is a work of dark brilliance. But if the phone goes fifteen minutes from the end of that last episode, I’ll likely turn it off and go make coffee when I’m done with the call.
Richard K. Morgan
Never the less, at the age of fifteen, having never seen a writer, a poet, a publisher or a magazine editor, and having only the vaguest ideas of procedure, I began working on the profession I had chosen.
Robert E. Howard
In university, in a vain attempt to stave off the frosh fifteen, I used to melt fat-free cheese over broccoli, onions and cauliflower in the cafeteria microwave. That earned me few friends.
Rachel Sklar
I wish I were one of those terribly clever people who, when they write their autobiographies, always say, when I was fifteen months old I distinctly remember my Aunt Fanny saying to me, etc.
George Seaton
Sometimes, though only in my most unguarded moments, I can still think of Annette Winters as my first love. At fifteen, she was tall, slender, very dark: an intelligent, sly girl possessed of what I think of now, though I didn’t think of then, as a kind of debatable beauty.
John Burnside
I’m not really deep enough to have enough to think about for fifteen minutes.
Brian Kilmeade
I stopped watching horror movies after I watched ‘Candyman’ when I was – I don’t know, fifteen or something. I remember my sister rented it, ‘Candyman,’ and it really, really scared me. And so it was only after I found myself in a horror film that I really went back and kind of rediscovered the genre.
Fiona Dourif
Usually I like playing other people. I like finding myself through other characters. But when you do cabaret, you are yourself. I think it’s the most fun, and I tell you, if somebody had told me that, I would have done it fifteen years earlier than I did.
Faith Prince
I went into NXT with no expectations. That’s what I was told when I was hired – have no expectations, just do the best I could – and that’s always what I’ve done for the last fifteen years. That’s what I did, and you know, it’s obviously working out pretty good.
Kevin Owens
You know, I’ve read Joseph Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’ about fifteen times.
James Balog
We have entered a new phase in Islamist terror. Fifteen years after 9/11, our enemies have regained their momentum.
Michael McCaul
I once made love for an hour and fifteen minutes, but it was the night the clocks are set ahead.
Garry Shandling
For me, I need to fully immerse myself in a script to the point where I’m literally locking myself away for weeks at a time and I just write it. So I can write twelve to fifteen hours in a day, with breaks in between, obviously, but I need to just sort of live within the world of the script.
Terence Winter
Because even at the age of fifteen, I used to go see all the Broadway shows and feel that they were sentimental, that they were pandering to the audience and trying to manipulate the audience. I had no use for practically any of the shows that were hits.
Richard Foreman
When you read reviews on Yelp, you get a good sense of what’s going to happen when you walk in the door of that business. The challenge is that there are fifteen million businesses in the U.S., and its very hard to communicate with all of them about how Yelp works, and why it works the way it does.
Jeremy Stoppelman
I learned Romanian very late, when I was fifteen, in town, and I wanted to learn it. I like the language very much.
Herta Muller
I wrote for free for, like, fifteen years; I could redo my parlor in rejection slips. It would be surprisingly tasteful – they use nice paper.
MaryJanice Davidson
How many radio shows I did is lost to memory now; it’s in the hundreds – maybe even close to being in the thousands – for the span of years from the time I was eight till I was about fifteen.
Mel Torme
When I was fifteen, I got a Tiffany’s necklace from the producers of ‘Game of Thrones’ with my character’s name Sansa engraved on it.
Sophie Turner
My parents were reluctant to let me start auditioning until I was at least a little bit emotionally stable – I’m still working on that! And so I started when I was fifteen, and it was the best thing that could have happened to me in terms of being able to focus my crazy teenage energy into something good.
Zoey Deutch
It’s incredible. Twenty-three minutes on the air, and I’ve got to shoot for twelve, fifteen hours a day. What the hell’s that?
Chevy Chase
Currently I am working on another three books, doing a lot of magazine work, am shooting for fifteen stock agencies, plus my own photo library – all this keeps me quite busy!
Nigel Dennis
I understand the Saudis have been named because fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.
Sibel Edmonds
It was a great time to be born, because I got to have my own publishing company right from the beginning, so I made more money than somebody would have doing what I did ten or fifteen years before.
Jackson Browne
After making the ‘Occupy’ movie, when you finish watching the film, you want to take a hot shower. You want to go home and shower because you’ve just spent an hour and fifteen minutes with the greasiest, dirtiest people you will ever see.
Steve Bannon
I was always interested in fashion and beauty. I was fifteen when I was scouted in a flea market. Two years later, I arrived in New York. I was in awe because it was like another planet.
Candice Swanepoel
Fifteen years ago, my wife and I purchased an authentic log cabin in Maryland. Painstakingly restored since, the cabin sits on a forested bluff high above a wide river frequented by ospreys, eagles, geese, herons, and other water fowl.
James Luceno
I’d marry again if I found a man who had fifteen million dollars, would sign over half to me, and guarantee that he’d be dead within a year.
Bette Davis
At fifteen, beauty and talent do not exist; there can only be promise of the coming woman.
Honore de Balzac
Fifteen years ago, while I was temporarily chairing mee

Fifteen years ago, while I was temporarily chairing meetings of pro-life leaders, I pleaded with the angry males to say no to interviews, and instead let beautiful pro-life women become the face for the movement.
Marvin Olasky
For fifteen years, I was a teacher of youth. They were years out of the fullness and bloom of my younger manhood. They were years mingled of half breathless work, of anxious self-questionings, of planning and replanning, of disillusion, or mounting wonder.
W. E. B. Du Bois
The New Age? It’s just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds.
James Randi
When I was fifteen, I used to run around reading ‘Adbusters’ and dumpster diving, trying to find ways to make the U.S. government unwind into chaos through hardcore punk and metal.
I’m still trying to re-create a Ray Charles concert that I heard when I was fifteen years old, and all my nerve endings were fried and transformed, and electricity shot through me.
Boz Scaggs
I think for the last fifteen, twenty years or so, Hollywood has underestimated the appeal of the Western. I think there is still a huge market.
Barry Corbin
I have worked every day since the age of fifteen, supporting not only myself, but also helping a sizable family when needed.
Paulina Porizkova
As I was growing up, I did a lot of talent shows. I won fifteen Sunday nights straight in a series of talent shows in Macon. I showed up the sixteenth night, and they wouldn’t let me go on any more. Whatever success I had was through the help of the good Lord.
Otis Redding
When I fifteen or sixteen and was in London, moving from a small town and now going to a big city, I discovered so much new music. Finding all of that music and being inspired that much all at once, that was the benefit of being from a small place.
Rex Orange County
I thought about that the other day after I went to the grocery store and had to sign fifteen autographs before leaving. On one hand, it’s just so flattering. On the other hand, sometimes it would be nice to get the bread and leave, you know?
Clay Aiken
Katwe is fifteen minutes from my home. It’s entirely about knowing it from the inside. For instance, the incredible vibrancy of style. Kampala is the center of used clothing in the world. Everyone dresses in secondhand clothes, but they look astonishing for it.
Mira Nair
Divorce is never easy, but it’s even more painful when you find out your husband is having an affair with a beautiful model fifteen years younger than you.
Alana Stewart
It’s a funny thing… I started touring at nine or ten years old, and for the first ten, fifteen, almost twenty years of your career, you’re the youngest guy on stage and the youngest guy in the room.
Derek Trucks
Get into a line that you will find to be a deep personal interest, something you really enjoy spending twelve to fifteen hours a day working at, and the rest of the time thinking about.
Earl Nightingale
I remember my father playing a cassette for me when I was fifteen – Amjad Ali’s ‘Durga.’ He said, ‘This is from our part of the world. You must listen to it.’ And I continued rewinding it and listening to it from early evening until midnight. By the end of it, I was nearly in tears.
Adnan Sami
I confess that for fifteen years my efforts in education, and my hopes of success in establishing a system of national education, have always been associated with the idea of coupling the education of this country with the religious communities which exist.
Richard Cobden
Nobody at fifteen wants anybody to see how goofy their parents are.
Aimee Osbourne
Peter Crouch has been my hero for fifteen years, Maya Jama is a superstar and I am a mild-mannered bandleader with a motley troupe of absurdly talented musicians at my disposal – if those aren’t the ingredients for a delicious post-football entertainment dish then we’re all doomed.
Alex Horne
The women’s movement burst forth when I was fifteen. That was when I began to believe that life might semi-work out after all. The cavalry had arrived. Women were starting to say that you got to tell the truth now, that you had to tell the truth if you were going to heal and have an authentic life.
Anne Lamott
Charles Dickens left us fifteen novels, and in an ideal world, everyone would read all of them.
Robert Gottlieb
I’ve been on the road for fifteen years and I had no intent to stop.
Bon Scott
I just came from Aspen, Colorado and they had fifteen kids I played for and they all played horns.
Jimmy Smith
When I was 5 years old, I told my grandmother I was going to play hockey in the Olympics. Fifteen years later, I competed in my first Olympics.
Hilary Knight
I’ve broken probably every major bone in my body. I currently have, in my body, fifteen pins and a plate. I’ve broken my femur, both wrists, both ankles – my left ankle twice. My tibia. Tore my rotator cuff.
Donald Trump, Jr.
The first real concert, other than going with my dad to see Three Dog Night, was Smashing Pumpkins and Garbage. I was fourteen or fifteen. I liked Shirley Manson because she reminded me of Annie Lennox. They both have these deep, sexy, powerful alto voices.
Amy Lee
You do live longer with bran, but you spend the last fifteen years on the toilet.
Alan King
I’d go to the farmers’ market in Santa Barbara, and I’d put out my guitar case, and I’d test out these little ditty songs that I would write, and I would get a couple of avocados, a bag of pistachios, and, like, fifteen bucks. That was a lot of money for me.
Katy Perry
We go through, I think, six different drafts of each script. And then my shooting it is roughly, you know, fifteen percent of the total work that gets done on a show. Then it’s all post-production animation after that.
Steve Burns
I just assume that I’ll fail at something for several years – that I’ll try my hardest and still fail for several years. With writing, that turned out to be wrong. I tried my hardest and failed for about fifteen years.
Philipp Meyer
As we began working toward the finale of ‘Lost,’ I knew there was no possible ending that was going to be universally loved, and I accepted that. We ended the story the way we wanted it to end, and we stand by it. On my Twitter feed, I still get ten to fifteen positive comments for every negative one.
Carlton Cuse
Resolve to edge in a little reading every day, if it is but a single sentence. If you gain fifteen minutes a day, it will make itself felt at the end of the year.
Horace Mann
There were not fifteen people in the story department a

There were not fifteen people in the story department and twenty-five producers and stuff. And Roger had produced 1,000 movies and directed a couple of hundred, and their comments were always very, very specific.
John Sayles
The difficult thing about a pop record is that you’re given guidelines: it has to have 3 choruses, and then it must be between 3 minutes fifteen seconds and three minutes forty-five seconds.
Duncan Sheik
I read over a hundred books a year and have done so since I was fifteen years old, and every book I’ve read has taught me something.
Nicholas Sparks
Doctors tell me I have the body of a thirty year old. I know I have the brain of a fifteen year old. If you’ve got both, you can play baseball.
Pete Rose
On Thanksgiving Night, 1942, when I was fifteen years old, white racists burned our house to the ground.
Coretta Scott King
I was only fifteen when I finished my high-school studies, always having held first rank in my class. The fatigue of growth and study compelled me to take almost a year’s rest in the country. I then returned to my father in Warsaw, hoping to teach in the free schools.
Marie Curie
I was happy using cassettes when I was fifteen, but I’m sure they were sneered at in their day by audiophiles.
Jonny Greenwood