Top 131 Preference Quotes

Any religious organization should be allowed to hire based on their religious preference- but not with federal dollars.
Jose Serrano
Men don’t wear high heels, and they don’t make allowances for women who do. Tottering down the corridors of power in beautiful but crippling stilettos telegraphs your preference for style over substance.
Donna Brazile
My main camera is a Nikon D3. I use a French camera from the 1800s for wet plate photography, I use a Hasselblad sometimes. But to me the camera really doesn’t matter that much. I don’t have a preference for film or digital.
Nikki Sixx
Wear comfortable clothes when you fly; my preference is T-shirt and jeans.
Orlando Bloom
We don’t ask the actor playing James Bond what his sexual preference is. So I don’t know what it is, really, with trying to out actors who portray gay characters on television. But it is some sort of fascination in society.
Jack Falahee
I just tend toward more lush, full sounds in my productions. I don’t have any preference when it comes to analogue versus digital; I use what’s best for the application. Analogue synthesis is nice, but it’s just one tool among many, and it has its place.
My family calls me Mitchell. But I have friends and tea

My family calls me Mitchell. But I have friends and teammates who call me Mitch, as well. I don’t have a preference.
Mitchell Trubisky
My preference is for good writing. It doesn’t matter if it’s for film or TV. Whatever. It starts with the writing. Even though I’ve had problems with writers, it doesn’t matter how great of an actor you are. If the writing is bad, you’re going to struggle.
James Nesbitt
I like to do my eyebrows last – but of course, it’s down to personal preference. For me, I do them last because then I can balance out my entire make-up look with my brows at the end.
Anastasia Soare
Everybody has their opinion on what’s ‘real,’ and what’s they choose to listen to and their personal preference. Whether they’re 2 years old or 200 years old. And people can listen to whatever they want.
Lupe Fiasco
Love has no nationality for me. I have a preference for dark skin but that’s just superficial.
Abhay Deol
My reasons for declaring a sexual preference had to do less with the pursuit of personal freedom than with the lust for pure shock value.
Lance Loud
I’m a huge fan of the Korean attitude toward service and infrastructure, which is shaped by a preference for speed and efficiency, values I truly yearn for in the US.
Michelle Zauner
I’m not a gay-basher, because gay people buy my records. Why would I be offended by your sexual preference, unless I’m in the closet? If ya like boys, go get all the boys ya want.
Pimp C
I feel like I don’t have much of a preference. With TV, it’s just a longer process, so you need to be more sure that you really want to be involved in it for a longer time than you would be with film.
Hero Fiennes-Tiffin
UNU provides a continuous feedback loop of the group’s preference for a choice, as well as its conviction. People are adjusting their levels of conviction based on the completeness of their own knowledge on the subject.
Louis B. Rosenberg
Readers who claim a preference for short-form over long often tell me it’s because they don’t have time to commit to a book-length chunk of writing.
Lynn Coady
In my address last year, I spoke on the issue of gaming. My preference then is my preference now: to keep gaming within its existing contours, but to explore a better deal for all Minnesotans.
Tim Pawlenty
It doesn’t matter what the colour of your skin is, your sexual preference, the region where you were born, your gender. We’re all equal… We can’t take certain minorities and think they have super powers and are different from the others.
Jair Bolsonaro
The public schools I attended were dominated by athletics and rarely inspiring intellectually, but I enjoyed a small circle of interesting friends despite my ineptitude at team sports and my preference for reading.
Harold E. Varmus
The whole idea that someone should not be able to marry who they love based on their gender and their preference is ridiculous.
Jane Wiedlin
To a person growing up in the power of demography, it was clear that history had to do not with the powerful actions of certain men but with the processes of choice and preference.
George W. S. Trow
I used to be homophobic, but as I got older, I realized that wasn’t the way to do things. I don’t discriminate against anybody for their sexual preference, for their skin color… that’s immature.
ASAP Rocky
When I was growing up, we spoke Egyptian, we ate Egyptian food, we had other Egyptian friends. It was my father’s preference.
Leila Aboulela
I have a strong preference for being alive.
Alan Alda
Esteem must be founded on preference: to hold everyone in high esteem is to esteem nothing.
I believe every photographer is influenced by their sexual preference in a greater or lesser way, and it certainly has affected me.
Cole Sprouse
If modernist naturalism were true, there would be no objective truth outside of science. In that case right and wrong would be a matter of cultural preference, or political power, and the power already available to modernists ideologies would be overwhelming.
Phillip E. Johnson
There will come a time when very few will care about other people’s sexual preference – or preferences.
Clive Davis
The only way you can raise the debt ceiling is to change the trajectory of spending – that’s my personal preference. But I want the Ways and Means Committee to offer up a solution.
Jason Chaffetz
The old and honorable idea of ‘vocation’ is simply that we each are called, by God, or by our gifts, or by our preference, to a kind of good work for which we are particularly fitted.
Wendell Berry
Sports fandom transcends gender, race, language, political preference, socioeconomic status, or any other way you can think of slicing this planet.
Mary Pilon
Our revenue commissions are very happy and very clear that they showed no sweetheart deals and no preference for any company and never do and never have and never will.
Enda Kenny
There was interest from clubs in Italy and England, I believe. But I’ve never been attracted by the way they play in Italy. Staying in Spain was always my preference.
Luis Figo
I really have no preference between TV and film. I think that each individual project is its own thing and has a very different style.
Zach Gilford
While we can work hard at improving our health, size is no more in our control than the color of our skin, our ethnicity, or our sexual preference.
Allison Anders
While stores continue to be a very important part of our business, there is no mistaking the fact that the customers’ shopping preference, measured by both traffic and sales, continues to move to a virtual experience.
Richard Hayne
Everyone has a subconscious and automatic preference of

Everyone has a subconscious and automatic preference of this over that. Once you’re aware of that, you can take steps to change.
Mitch Kapor
I hate prejudice of any kind, whether it be color or sexual preference.
Burt Reynolds
Certainly I had my preference, and I very much hoped that George W. Bush would be our next president.
Katherine Harris
My preference is for people who can do sketch comedy or situational comedy, where it’s not a joke, but it’s telling a story.
Carol Burnett
I have a preference for writing that deals with domestic issues; even in visual art, I like work that focuses on very small aspects of human life. I like movies that have a very narrow focus. I can see how it might be viewed as limiting, but I don’t experience it that way.
Carol Windley
Shyness is about the fear of social judgments – at a job interview or a party you might be excessively worried about what people think of you. Whereas an introvert might not feel any of those things at all, they simply have the preference to be in a quieter setting.
Susan Cain
Feminism is for all women and girls, not a privileged few or one ethnicity, religion, age, sexual preference, ability, region or hemisphere.
Robin Morgan
It is my first preference to do films with social significance. Art cinema has given me credibility and status as an actor, but commercial cinema has given me a comfortable living.
Om Puri
I had an ethnic preference, if you will, for the warm weather, coming from Chennai. So I finally said, ‘Look, can I move to California?’ because every time I come here, it would be in the 70s or 80s, and there would be beautiful blue sky and warm.
Ram Shriram
It becomes dangerous for somebody who doesn’t want their boss to know their sexual preference to use online networks to push for laws supporting gay marriage or same-sex partner rights if they can’t do so with a pseudonym.
Rebecca MacKinnon
My preference is that, that day when someone sticks a tripod in front of you with a camera on the top, it is not day one.
Daniel Day-Lewis
We owe it to the audience to put more characters onscreen that reflect them and that speak to issues of race and gender as well as to a character’s sexual preference.
Nina Jacobson
If you ask any VC what it takes to be successful, you’ll get a description that sounds a lot like himself. There’s a preference for self-similar individuals.
Steve Jurvetson
I enjoy all aspects of it, I don’t have a preference for any medium. I think each of them has its attractions and I would hope they each inform the other in some way.
Cillian Murphy
I love to collaborate! That’s totally my preference. And I feel like everything I do ends up being that way.
Josh Pais
What we prefer to read is sort of like sexual preference, you like what you like. Most of the time you have no clue why.
Laurell K. Hamilton
My preference is for really good writing, and I just really don’t care where it is.
Carol Kane
I’m not a fan – this is a personal preference – I’m not a fan of tour-de-force writing. I admire it, but it’s not where my inclination is. I want to hide.
Tracy Letts
Lovers of painting and lovers of music are people who openly display their preference like a delectable ailment that isolates them and makes them proud.
Maurice Blanchot
My preference for female company is based for the most part on the fact that women are more self-aware than men, in my experience.
Rodney Crowell