Top 133 Voter Quotes

There is just no evidence of rampant voter fraud when it comes to mail-in ballots.
Hallie Jackson
I grew up in Minnesota, where we treasure our tradition of civic engagement – and our record of having the nation’s highest voter participation.
Al Franken
The voter does not vote only on one issue, the voter votes on a multiplicity of issues.
P. Chidambaram
The polls are just being used as another tool of voter suppression. The polls are an attempt to not reflect public opinion, but to shape it. Yours. They want to depress the heck out of you.
Rush Limbaugh
The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.
Winston Churchill
Democrats have long been the party of voter fraud.
Charlie Kirk
Since winning the election, Donald Trump has jump-started voter suppression efforts at the federal and state levels.
Jason Kander
There’s more evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election than there ever was of Russia collusion, so America is owed a legal examination of the election irregularities alleged by the Trump campaign.
Miranda Devine
When I think about voting, I can skip it and still see myself as a good citizen. But when I think about being a voter, now the choice reflects on my character. It casts a shadow.
Adam Grant
If you’re an independent voter, I’m willing to bet that you were not too happy at the prospect of hitting the polls on November 8, 2016. But let me guess – you did it anyway because after all, it’s your civic duty, right?
Fabrizio Moreira
I’ve been a Labour voter all my life.
Kathy Burke
Many pundits have never understood how the traditional

Many pundits have never understood how the traditional Republican voter could ever vote for Trump, much less be so unfailingly loyal to him. Pence is the embodiment of the answer to that question.
Mollie Hemingway
TV ads are great for broadcasting, but voter turnout is about narrow-casting. And not all messengers are created equal.
Ari Melber
We were against the war in Vietnam and for voter registration and social issues. Everybody has their choices, and the obligation of a comedian is first to entertain. And if you’re so inclined, and you have some bigger thought, make sure you express it, because that’s a gift.
Tom Smothers
Voter identification tends to solidify after a new generation votes consecutively for the same party in three presidential elections.
Margaret Hoover
If the black vote does not come out in big numbers in the age of Ferguson and voter ID, it will empower our adversaries and enhance our marginalization.
Al Sharpton
Voter suppression is at the very core of the Trump re-election strategy.
Jason Kander
As the state’s chief elections officer, it is my job to make sure that only eligible voters vote, but also that every eligible voter has the opportunity to vote.
Jason Kander
We deploy a full arsenal of tools against voter fraud, including long prison terms, heavy fines and deportation. We have checks and balances at all levels of the system. And we have the Department of Justice prosecutors backing us up.
Kate Brown
While the United States is a prime example of fair elections, there is room for improvement, starting with passing voter identification laws across the country.
Mercedes Schlapp