Top 135 Accumulate Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Accumulate Quotes from famous people such as Tyrus, Eva Moskowitz, Jim Cooper, Mahavira, Daniel Barenboim, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

WrestleMania's the accumulation of a lot of things. All

WrestleMania’s the accumulation of a lot of things. All the shareholders come in for all the meetings with the suits and everything.
Excellence is the accumulation of hundreds of minute decisions; it is execution at the most granular level. Once you accept the idea that you should give in to things that make no sense because other people do those things and you want to appear reasonable, you are on a path towards mediocrity.
Eva Moskowitz
It took the first 204 years of our Nation’s history to accumulate $1 trillion in debt. And now we are doing that every 2 or 3 years.
Jim Cooper
Don’t accumulate if you do not need. The excess of wealth in your hands is for the society, and you are the trustee for the same.
I have accumulated so many experiences, so much, that I want to be able to realize so many things. This is why I have basically given up most of my positions.
Daniel Barenboim
To see poor people, their benefits being cut, to see pensions of Americans who have worked like my father, all their lives, and taken away, to see the rich just accumulating more and more wealth. I mean, it seems to me that there has to be a point where you have to say, ‘No, this has to stop.’
Henry Giroux
Big challenges are an accumulation of small challenges.
Anne Wojcicki
The more storage you have, the more stuff you accumulate.
Alexis Stewart
Creatures whose mainspring is curiosity enjoy the accumulating of facts far more than the pausing at times to reflect on those facts.
Clarence Day
My house. It’s kind of eccentric. It’s two decades worth of accumulated personal projects. Yeah, it is pretty dense in my house.
Douglas Coupland
We’ve accumulated a lot of things over the years and many things from our grandmother. Hopefully it’ll be all right. I really don’t want to cry, but I can’t help it.
Dorothy Fields
Ever since going up to university, I have accumulated new debt, and new means of becoming indebted.
Michael Gove
Over the years, when you’re in a band with a catalog like Aerosmith’s, you accumulate a lot of instruments to duplicate those songs.
Joe Perry
In the second part of life you get rid of stuff you’ve accumulated.
Mikhail Baryshnikov
I have ideas. I hear voices. Words accumulate. It’s still an overriding impulse. And I’m self-employed, which means I have to be sensible and motivated about paying the bills.
Sarah Hall
I’ve got a huge, huge position in mortgage-backed securities. I started accumulating them in 2009, when the market was really down and things were really scary.
Jeff Greene
In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation.
Guy Debord
Most people believe, mistakenly, that wealth in a human society has something to do with money, but that’s not true. Money is simply a medium of exchange. Prosperity in a human society is the accumulation of solutions to human problems that we create for ourselves.
Nick Hanauer
In light of the exit from the race by Ted Cruz and John Kasich, it is now clear that Donald Trump will accumulate the delegates necessary to be nominated by the Republican Party.
Ron DeSantis
Any politician who’s ever been re-elected knows that friends come and go; enemies accumulate.
Jim Cooper
I consider it a privilege and duty to pass on the experience and knowledge I have accumulated in 20 years of experience at club and national team level with Bayern and Germany.
Philipp Lahm
Humans believe so many lies because we aren’t aware. We ignore the truth or we just don’t see the truth. When we are educated, we accumulate a lot of knowledge, and all that knowledge is just like a wall of fog that doesn’t allow us to perceive the truth, what really is.
Don Miguel Ruiz
I’m an accumulation of every single thing I’ve done, good and bad.
David Millar
What is needed by him who would succeed in the highest degree possible is careful planning. He is to accumulate reserved power, that he may be equal to all emergencies.
Orison Swett Marden
For more than 150 years free men in our countries have had the opportunities to educate themselves, choose their own religions, select their own occupations, accumulate capital and invent better ways of doing things.
Charles E. Wilson
As long as you focus on getting better at one thing a day it accumulates.
Eric Reid
When you take the time to cleanse your physical body of accumulated stress and toxicity, you are rewarded with increased vitality and optimal health.
Debbie Ford
All that a good government aims at… is to add no unnecessary and artificial aid to the force of its own unavoidable consequences, and to abstain from fortifying and accumulating social inequality as a means of increasing political inequalities.
James Fenimore Cooper
It is my growing conviction that the Baptist churches in America are behind the age in missionary spirit. They now and then make a spasmodic effort to throw off a nightmare debt of some years’ accumulation, and then sink back into unconscious repose.
Adoniram Judson
As the words of my book, ‘The Bloodless Revolution,’ accumulated, I envisaged a parallel growth: the stack of pages they would have to be printed on, thousands of times over; every page representing a slice of forest, a belch of fumes and a squirt of toxic ink.
Tristram Stuart
Many traditional religions foster attitudes that ought to have disappeared as biological understanding accumulated over the last century.
George C. Williams
Americans mythologize competition and credit it with sa

Americans mythologize competition and credit it with saving us from socialist bread lines. Actually, capitalism and competition are opposites. Capitalism is premised on the accumulation of capital, but under perfect competition, all profits get competed away.
Peter Thiel
By seeing the problem of poverty merely in terms of assistance, we overlook that our enormous economic advantage is deeply tainted by how it accumulated over the course of one historical process that has devastated the societies and cultures of four continents.
Thomas Pogge
The accumulated experience of mankind in the struggle against exploitation, synthesized in Marxism, enabled the Mozambican revolutionary movement to benefit from and absorb that experience.
Samora Machel
Basically, the body does have a vast amount of inbuilt anti-ageing machinery; it’s just not 100% comprehensive, so it allows a small number of different types of molecular and cellular damage to happen and accumulate.
Aubrey de Grey
Sweat doesn’t fall off you. The water just accumulates until it gets too big and agitated and falls off like a sphere of water. It then floats around until it hits something. It takes a lot of water to fall off. Usually it just hangs on, so you get a quick build-up of sweat when working out.
Sunita Williams
People make a mistake when they think that if you just accumulate a set number of things on your resume, it’s going to lead you to a particular place – the pattern of essentially compiling credentials to climb your way up a ladder. That may work, but that’s not at all what happened to me.
Ben Rhodes
As an artist, you dream about accumulating enough successful music to someday do just one greatest-hits album, but to reach the point where you’re releasing your second collection of hits is beyond belief.
Gloria Estefan
It’s interesting how sleepwalking in a certain way becomes an accumulation of your outside stimuli that’s actually there and what’s happening in your brain.
Mike Birbiglia
You are – all your experience just kind of accumulates, and the novel takes a richness of its own simply because it has the weight of all those years that one’s put into it.
Donna Tartt
Wealth can only be accumulated by the earnings of industry and the savings of frugality.
John Tyler
You take a number of small steps which you believe are right, thinking maybe tomorrow somebody will treat this as a dangerous provocation. And then you wait. If there is no reaction, you take another step: courage is only an accumulation of small steps.
George Konrad
Physical exercise is a great way to discharge stressful feelings that accumulate during the day.
Dean Ornish
The more games I have as a manager the more I realise that there is only one thing that really matters – getting results and accumulating points.
Chris Hughton
How much you accumulate is a byproduct of what you enjoy doing in life. And I enjoy buying companies.
Michael Heisley
You’re trying to sleep off a debt that you’ve lumbered your brain and body with during the week, and wouldn’t it be lovely if sleep worked like that? Sadly, it doesn’t. Sleep is not like the bank, so you can’t accumulate a debt and then try and pay it off at a later point in time.
Matthew Walker
As the biggest library if it is in disorder is not as useful as a small but well-arranged one, so you may accumulate a vast amount of knowledge but it will be of far less value than a much smaller amount if you have not thought it over for yourself.
Arthur Schopenhauer
As far as feeling freedom in my career now versus five years ago… I think if I feel any more free it’s simply because of the experiences that I’ve had, and the wisdom I’ve accumulated from that time.
Mary Chapin Carpenter
The second time is the one we remember, where memory begins. Putting the moments in order is only half the story. What matters is the weight of the moments as they accumulate.
Stacey D’Erasmo
John Paul II, above all, managed to contain the huge mass of frustration, of hate that had accumulated in that region, in favour of a peaceful transition. This was, without doubt, something that changed European history.
Rocco Buttiglione
Congress acknowledged that society’s accumulated myths and fears about disability and disease are as handicapping as are the physical limitations that flow from actual impairment.
William J. Brennan, Jr.
The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.
Billy Graham
Plastic debris in the ocean was thought to accumulate in big patches, mostly in subtropical gyres – big currents that converge in the middle of the ocean – but scientists estimate that only about 1 percent of plastic pollution is in these gyres and other surface waters in the open ocean.
Tatiana Schlossberg
Individuals fail to recognise how their perennial state of sleep deficiency has come to compromise their mental aptitude and physical vitality, including the slow accumulation of ill health.
Matthew Walker
The primary requisite for writing well about food is a good appetite. Without this, it is impossible to accumulate, within the allotted span, enough experience of eating to have anything worth setting down.
A. J. Liebling
Another mode of accumulating power arises from lifting a weight and then allowing it to fall.
Charles Babbage
I never have known a man of ordinary common-sense who did not urge upon his sons, from earliest childhood, doctrines of economy and the practice of accumulation.
William Graham Sumner
Facebook can be an accumulation of different intelligences.
Yuri Milner
It accumulates over the years and I’ve led so many bands of my own now and forced myself into new situations… You would hope that you play better and better – until you just get too feeble to do it anymore.
Andy Summers
I feel like it’s social media that’s opened that door. We’re able to accumulate and generate our own fan base. Once we do that and put our own work in, labels take notice that we have our own following.
The batteries are gradually becoming charged, and if the prudence of the government does not provide an outlet for the currents that are accumulating, some day the spark will be generated.
Jose Rizal
What I usually do is hoard money – I accumulate as much as possible in the fear of not having enough to pay tax.
Mark Billingham
I was a woman writing at the early moment when small dr

I was a woman writing at the early moment when small drops of worried resentment and noble rage were secretly, slowly building into the second wave of the women’s movement. I didn’t know my small-drop presence or usefulness in this accumulation.
Grace Paley
In philosophy, you have to reckon with the implicit level of an accumulated reserve, and thus with a very great number of relays, with the shared responsibility of these relays.
Jacques Derrida
The foundation of success in life is good health: that is the substratum fortune; it is also the basis of happiness. A person cannot accumulate a fortune very well when he is sick.
P. T. Barnum
By never marrying, I ended up never divorcing, but I also failed to accumulate that brocade of civility and padlock of security – kids you do or don’t want, Tiffany silver you never use – that makes life complete.
Elizabeth Wurtzel
I was trying to figure out what to do next, I’d been accumulating ideas for productivity tools – software people could use every day, particularly to help organize their lives.
Mitch Kapor
This accumulated debt at all levels of our society poses an immediate existential threat to America. Now unlike the manufactured crises of global warming and healthcare, this is a true crisis. This crisis threatens the very sovereignty of our country.
Steve Bannon
By the time I reached 50, I’d accumulated many unresolved fears and desires.
Lynn Nottage
There’s a classic medical aphorism: ‘Listen to the patient; they’re telling you the diagnosis.’ Actually, a lot of patients are just telling you a lot of rubbish, and you have to stop them and ask the pertinent questions. But, yes, in both drama and medicine, isolated facts can accumulate to create the narrative.
Jed Mercurio
As an actor, you have an accumulated knowledge base. But there’s also something about it that every time you really feel like you’re doing it for the first time; you have no idea whether you’re capable of it.
Brit Marling
Every generation has an obligation to leave its children in a better position than it inherited. Our representatives in Washington are breaking faith with that covenant. America must reduce its federal spending and accumulation of debt for the sake of generations to come.
David Malpass
Through the continued accumulation of detailed and reliable knowledge about elementary reactions, we will be in a better position to understand, predict and control many time-dependent macroscopic chemical processes which are important in nature or to human society.
Yuan T. Lee
I was taught over and over again that the accumulation of random mutations led to evolutionary change – led to new species. I believed it until I looked for evidence.
Lynn Margulis
‘Victory Lap,’ even the title. It’s the accumulation of trial and error; that’s what I represent; trial and error.
Nipsey Hussle
Life is not accumulation, it is about contribution.
Stephen Covey
Roughly nine of every 10 Syrian war dead since 2011 are on the butcher’s bill accumulated by Assad and his friends in Iran’s Quds Force, the Iran-allied Hezbollah, and the Russian air force.
Terry Glavin
Members of Congress are less beasts of accumulating burden than computational machines designed to win re-election. Their sense of their own political interests is acute.
Jacob Weisberg
The great increase in longevity has produced a surge in the desire to accumulate assets for retirement. It has outpaced the ability of the private sector to produce assets, so we need a larger government debt.
William Vickrey
If we look at the past two centuries of economic history in Europe and the United States, we see an astounding pattern. Capital will accumulate in a tiny portion of the population, no matter what we do.
Annalee Newitz
Growth by accumulation only is sickness.
Jaggi Vasudev
I always wanted to be a writer… ‘Critical Care’ was my first published work. I was 34 when it came out. I was accumulating ‘Critical Care’ for years. I would go for a whole year and not touch it. And then I’d go back to it.
Richard Dooling
The social media bit is really about documenting process. I like the dialogue if it’s constructive, but I’m now at a crossroads. I’ve accumulated a lot of followers, and it’s great, but I’m also at that teetering point where people are feeling themselves a little too much, commenting a little too much.
Toyin Odutola
I think my comedy, the put-downs I do to hecklers, are the accumulated bitterness of years of people feeling that it’s perfectly acceptable to make a comment on your appearance when they don’t even know you.
Jo Brand
My obsession with accumulation, which at times has taken on the whisper of a psychic illness – as anyone who has experienced the ode to the Collyer brothers that is my ‘Vogue’ office will concur – began in infancy.
Hamish Bowles
The accumulation of numbers always augments in some measure moral corruptions, and the consequences to health of the various vices incident thereto, are well known.
William Falconer
I don’t mind the government accruing debts as long as every dollar is spent effectively with a high return. That works out fine. If you accumulate debts and waste your money, that’s, of course, a disaster.
Jeremy Grantham
I’ve met a lot of people, interacted with them, and experienced a lot of things in my life that I try to keep in mind. Such large and small experiences are accumulated and incorporated into acting in various ways.
Kwak Dong-yeon
Thanks to decades of accumulated federal budget deficits and, more significantly, imprudent Medicare and Social Security policies, we’ve stolen almost $60 trillion from our children.
Steven Rattner
The American people will eventually get hurt by this accumulated deficit. That’s the problem. We have too much deficit. We have to find a solution.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
A civilization is a heritage of beliefs, customs, and knowledge slowly accumulated in the course of centuries, elements difficult at times to justify by logic, but justifying themselves as paths when they lead somewhere, since they open up for man his inner distance.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Religion forbids us from assuming a God-like character. This is especially true in politics and government, where limiting the power of the state, division of powers, and the doctrine of checks and balances are established in order to prevent accumulation of power that might lead to such Godly claims.
Abdolkarim Soroush
It’s been the structure of my life: you scheme and plan and try and fail and try again and accumulate and lose and win back, and then you tell.
Jerry Weintraub
The problem is that even as you reveal the mysteries in

The problem is that even as you reveal the mysteries in your past, you are accumulating them in the present; complete honesty is the stuff of post-mortem, not autobiography.
Andrew Solomon
If then the prosperity of the commercial classes, will most certainly lead to accumulation of capital, and the encouragement of productive industry; these can by no means be so surely obtained as by a fall in the price of corn.
David Ricardo
The great armies, accumulated to provide security and preserve the peace, carried the nations to war by their own weight.
A. J. P. Taylor
It is of course perfectly possible for a university, or any institution, to carry out a rigorous investigation into the historical origins of its accumulated wealth, while at the same time putting in place systems to address modern inequalities of access and attainment.
David Olusoga
A lot of people making a lot of money, billion, billions of dollars accumulating. Why are they coming for, finally, for philanthropy? Why the need for accumulating money, then doing philanthropy? What if one decided to start philanthropy from the day one?
Arunachalam Muruganantham
For me, I get a part of an idea here and a little bit of an idea there, and then finally it accumulates into a movie.
James Gray
Each of my novels has come from a different place, and the processes are not always entirely conscious. I have lived off and on in America for a number of years and so have accumulated observations, found things interesting, been moved to tell stories about them.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
To me, if there is any sort of value added to the accumulation of knowledge over time, then the work of artists should be a reflection of that accumulated value, accumulated knowledge. You have to demonstrate that you have the sophistication to put that into play in the work you’re making.
Kerry James Marshall
You should be accumulating really great relationships throughout your career.
Anne M. Mulcahy
Overcrowded cities are spawning increasingly lawless suburbs. Waste is accumulating in and around them, straining the capacity to deal with it.
Christian de Duve
To truly rid the oceans of plastic, what we need to do is two things: One, we need to clean up the legacy pollution, the stuff that has been accumulating for decades and doesn’t go away by itself. But, two, we need to close the tap, which means preventing more plastic from reaching the oceans in the first place.
Boyan Slat
Knowing where you stand in your quest to accumulate enough money for retirement is an incredibly important part of the planning process.
Jean Chatzky
Just as we accumulate memories of facts by integrating them into a network, we accumulate life experiences by integrating them into a web of other chronological memories. The denser the web, the denser the experience of time.
Joshua Foer
Economic growth is the aggregate effect of the quest to accumulate capital and extract profit. Capitalism collapses without growth, yet perpetual growth on a finite planet leads inexorably to environmental calamity.
George Monbiot
I hope to continue acquiring companies, not so much for the accumulation of wealth but because it’s what I do well, and you always like to do what you do well.
Michael Heisley
Ageing is, simply and clearly, the accumulation of damage in the body. That’s all that ageing is.
Aubrey de Grey
I’m not a best-seller, but through translations, I’ve accumulated some money.
Manuel Puig
Books are the ever burning lamps of accumulated wisdom.
George William Curtis
You start to accumulate your library of music. You want that music everywhere – that’s the point where we monetize. If you want portability, mobility, and access, then you buy it.
Sean Parker
The accumulation of knowledge is a powerful thing.
Kirk Cousins
The imposing edifice of science provides a challenging view of what can be achieved by the accumulation of many small efforts in a steady objective and dedicated search for truth.
Charles H. Townes
Health is not sort of like a 6-month project. Health is a lifetime accumulation of behaviors.
Anne Wojcicki
Travel becomes a strategy for accumulating photographs.
Susan Sontag
One thing that’s important to understand is that it’s believed that the pathology of CTE doesn’t have to do with concussion so much as it has to do with the accumulation of sub-concussive hits. So every hit matters. If you’re subject to 800 or 1,200 of these every year, it accumulates. It’s like erosion.
Chris Borland
There are always door openings. And gradually, it accumulates. The opportunities open up in front of you.
Buzz Aldrin
I went to – I got a wonderful college education. I went to Harvard. In those four years, I accumulated a lot of knowledge, but I also created a kind of habit of learning that has stayed with me my whole life.
John Lithgow
It’s not like a corporate job where the more you accumulate on your resume and the more hours you put in, the higher up you get; it’s simply not the case. That being said, if I had known that and known what kind of career I’d get into, I still would have pursued it.
Jason Marsden
National service coupled with education awards, such as AmeriCorps programs or Teach For America, can help young people gain skills and contribute to society without accumulating excessive debt. It gives them a means to develop job skills and discover career paths.
Tae Yoo
I’d like to believe an accumulation of experience has made me a sort of a grown-up person, so I can have judgment and taste and whatever.
Maurice Sendak
We don’t need bigger cars or fancier clothes. We need self-respect, identity, community, love, variety, beauty, challenge and a purpose in living that is greater than material accumulation.
Donella Meadows
If you give people literacy, bad ideas can be attacked and experiments tried, and lessons will accumulate.
Steven Pinker
I also became interested in chemistry and gradually acc

I also became interested in chemistry and gradually accumulated enough test tubes and other glassware to do chemical experiments, using small quantities of chemicals purchased from a pharmacy supply house.
Sydney Brenner
The mark of higher education isn’t the knowledge you accumulate in your head. It’s the skills you gain about how to learn.
Adam Grant
To my mind, it is better to have regrets about the good aspects of your former marriage because you were able to work past some of your accumulated resentments than to have no regrets because you had to ratchet up the hostility to get out in the first place.
Stephanie Coontz
An anthill increases by accumulation. Medicine is consumed by distribution. That which is feared lessens by association. This is the thing to understand.
One tends to overlook the fact that all during the 30’s and actually during the late 40’s I was a highly successful writer and a great many properties accumulated during that period of time.
L. Ron Hubbard
The great end of education is to discipline rather than to furnish the mind; to train it to the use of its own powers, rather than fill it with the accumulation of others.
Tryon Edwards
There is such a thing as old emotional pain living inside you. It is an accumulation of painful life experience that was not fully faced and accepted in the moment it arose. It leaves behind an energy form of emotional pain.
Eckhart Tolle
I kept up top grades, and by senior year, a flow of mailed college recruiting brochures accumulated into an avalanche on our dining room table.
Pete Buttigieg
I travel with a lot of clothes, which is a really bad idea because it’s such a nightmare to travel. I always overpack because I like to bring things with me, and I accumulate stuff, so it piles up. I travel with everything I own.
Dakota Johnson
Nothing uniquely bad has happened to me in my personal life, but all the regular little bad things have accumulated to make me a neurotic person. And these adventures are my way of trying to make sense of that.
Jon Ronson
Furthermore, there is no good ethical or economic reason for asking workmen and current producers to forego all economic gain in order to increase the purchasing power of all the wealth accumulated in past years.
Charles E. Wilson