Top 140 Gossip Quotes

Gossip Quotes: Reflecting on the Impact of Words and Rumors

Unveiling the Shadows of Gossip

Gossip, with its whispers and tales that spread like wildfire, has a profound impact on individuals and communities alike. It is a force that can shape perceptions, damage reputations, and erode trust. In this article, we delve into the complex world of gossip and present a collection of quotes that shed light on its consequences, invite reflection, and encourage the cultivation of a more compassionate and empathetic society.

Gossip is more than just idle chatter; it carries the potential to harm, divide, and perpetuate negativity. It preys on vulnerabilities, feeds on misunderstandings, and fuels a culture of judgment and speculation. By examining the shadows of gossip, we can gain insight into its destructive nature and the importance of fostering a culture of empathy, understanding, and kindness.

Whispered Reflections: Quotes that Illuminate the Impact of Gossip

From philosophers, writers, and thinkers, we gather words that reveal the true consequences of gossip and invite us to consider the power of our words. These quotes encourage us to pause, reflect, and strive for a more compassionate and responsible approach to communication. Below, we present a collection of gossip quotes that encourage introspection, promote empathy, and remind us of the transformative potential of mindful and considerate speech.

People want to hear the gossip. They don't want to hear

People want to hear the gossip. They don’t want to hear about the shots.
Jamie Kennedy
Gossips are fine if they are within limits. But they shouldn’t be obnoxious.
I still enjoy acting. I love the moment in front of the camera, but it’s all the other moments that I don’t enjoy. The ‘business’ aspect of it, the gossip.
Jennie Garth
Not everybody’s life is like ‘Gossip Girl.’
Emma Kenney
Honestly, I’m not interested in gossip. Thing is, I know a lot of successful actors, and in hoping to be successful myself, I would like to think others would respect my privacy.
Nathan Parsons
History is nothing but gossip about the past, with the hope that it might be true.
Gore Vidal
Gossip is conversation about people.
Gore Vidal
I can’t stand the gossip of celebrities’ lives, all the time! Every minute!
William Shatner
I understand the art of PR, social media, gossip, and what that does for businesses, so I don’t really trip off of it.
Ray J
The incentive for digging up gossip has become so great that people will break the law for the opportunity to take that picture. Then it crosses the line into invasion of privacy. The thing that’s really bad about it, though, is that the tabloids don’t tell the truth.
Vince Vaughn
Men have always detested women’s gossip because they suspect the truth: their measurements are being taken and compared.
Erica Jong
Gossip can be entertaining: occasionally, I’ve heard the most fascinating things about myself I never knew.
Vanna Bonta
In ‘Gossip Girl,’ I was far too judgmental of everything that was happening, because I was young.
Penn Badgley
Gossip is the Devil’s radio.
George Harrison
For me, the high street is a key part of how we live, what sort of community we are, how we get our news, and how we get our gossip.
Theo Paphitis
I love talking to people; the more I talk, the more gossip I can cull.
Jasmin Bhasin
I don’t want Jeremy Clarkson anywhere near my shed or my toolbox or my piano. He’s interested in fashionable restaurants and celebrity gossip – I’m not interested in those.
James May
Beethoven’s reputation is based entirely on gossip. The middle Beethoven represents a supreme example of a composer on an ego trip.
Glenn Gould
When we did ‘Endgame,’ we were all hunched over and making the craziest sounds. Then I graduated and went right into auditioning for ‘Gossip Girl’ and things like that, where, as an actress, you’re required to act from the neck up and, from the neck down. It’s a presentation of your birthday-suit self.
Betty Gilpin
My interest in Princess Margaret comes through Vanessa Kirby’s brilliant portrayal of her in ‘The Crown.’ Rather than do the classic story from beginning to end, this book gives you many different glimpses. You get a much more intimate sense of the person through little incidents, stories, and gossip.
Matthew Bourne
Some say our national pastime is baseball. Not me. It’s gossip.
Erma Bombeck
I think the hardest part about being a teenager is dealing with other teenagers – the criticism and the ridicule, the gossip and rumors.
Beverley Mitchell
Journalism is a messy business. For every prize-winning story there’s plenty of gossip and garbage.
Brian Stelter
Some of the best news stories start in gossip. Monica Lewinsky certainly was gossip in the beginning. I had heard it months before I printed it.
Matt Drudge
My history teacher could make us feel like he was imparting rare gossip to us when he was talking about Maria Theresa and the Habsburgs. I just loved that sense of – the Western canon is here, and it’s gossipy and tawdry, and everyone is sort of goofy.
Daniel Mallory Ortberg
If you look at the newspapers here – the Washington papers – most of the discussion deals with campaign gossip.
Bernie Sanders
Do not read ‘Hard Choices’ if you seek a nuanced analysis of the people who run the world’s foreign policy, let alone any juicy gossip.
Anne Applebaum
I still enjoy acting. I love the moment in front of the camera, but it’s all the other moments that I don’t enjoy. The ‘business’ aspect of it, the gossip. I really dislike about 99% of what I do, but I like that 1% when I’m on camera.
Jennie Garth
All the gossip – I’m not about that at all. The drama.
Gabriella Wilson
If people can keep track of all the celebrity gossip, there’s no reason we can’t also assimilate the key concepts of economic philosophy.
Pedro Reyes
I love for the latest on fashion, style, and celebrity gossip. I also love for New York celebrity sightings, and and for book news.
Meg Cabot
As fandom grew more variegated, genzines reflected a br

As fandom grew more variegated, genzines reflected a broadening of interests, carrying personal columns of humor and reflection, science articles, amateur fiction, stylish gossip, and inevitably, thoughtful pieces on the future of fandom.
Gregory Benford
I enjoyed ‘Gossip Girl’ so much. I cannot tell you how impressed I am with the cast of that show. I was so intimidated doing that show because I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, those people are so young and gorgeous, and I’m a million years old, and I need a spray tan, and I’m going to be wearing all these fabulous clothes.’
Joanna Garcia
Gossip is easy, politics is hard.
Tabitha Soren
Supermarket tabloids and celebrity gossip shows are not just innocently shallow entertainment, but a fundamental part of a much larger movement that involves apathy, greed and hierarchy.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
As soon as you start listening to the gossip surrounding you, you just get dragged down by it.
Susie Wolff
The only gossip I’m interested in is things from the Weekly World News – ‘Woman’s bra bursts, 11 injured’. That kind of thing.
Johnny Depp
Not everything I do is gossip or bedroom. To the contrary, I think that’s just an easy label to dismiss me and to dismiss the new medium.
Matt Drudge
More often than not, whenever gossip has been written about me, the gossip is more interesting than the reality. I know some public figures hate gossip, but personally I like it because it makes my life sound more glamorous and interesting than it really is.
I love ‘Gossip Girl’! I still miss ‘Veronica Mars,’ though.
Sarah Rees Brennan
If you have a sleeping disorder, just get TyQuil: Tyron Woodley, the gossip girl.
Colby Covington
I have a professional life, and so does the media. Let’s face it: how can they come up with new gossip every day? So, they have to make stuff up about someone’s personal life, which is fine.
Disha Patani
I avoid the young adult section altogether if possible, although it’s sometimes fun to catch a girl lying on the floor, reading ‘Gossip Girl.’
Cecily von Ziegesar
Much of reality TV has been like the worst nightmares of Theodor Adorno and Jean Baudrillard come true, its seductive allure turning us into gossips in the global village.
Mark Fisher
I tried to steer the student newspaper toward more pertinent information instead of the usual gossip and bull.
Tom Bergeron
I know nothing more annoying when people I don’t know jump to conclusions on my person based on nothing but gossip or speculation.
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Being a gossip reporter just isn’t a respectable job. It’ll chew you up and spit you out.
Kim Cattrall
I shoot for ‘Extra’ three times a week, and that’s great for Las Vegas, too. In addition to interviewing stars who are here for shows, parties and premieres, I’ll also get peoples’ reactions to different news items and topical gossip.
Holly Madison
I don’t really care about gossip. I care about building great businesses.
Tamara Mellon
Historian – a broad-gauge gossip.
Ambrose Bierce
We are so caught up in our media, in our jobs, in our gossip, and in our consuming that we genuinely feel like we don’t have the time or energy to bother ourselves with the tribulations of nations near and far.
In a career of trying to pry secrets, gossip, specificity and truth out of media executives, Ailes has been the most forthcoming, personal, compelling and honest I’ve ever dealt with.
Michael Wolff
I’d never really babysat. I feel like I’m Blair, or ‘Gossip Girl.’ A teenager, basically – and now suddenly I’m a mom?
Cecily von Ziegesar
‘Potato-chip news’ is news that’s repetitive, requires little effort to absorb, and is consumable in massive quantities: true crime, natural disasters, political punditry, celebrity gossip, sports gossip, or endless photographs of beautiful houses, food, or clothes.
Gretchen Rubin
It is the gossip columnist’s business to write about what is none of his business.
Louis Kronenberger
What I learned in the military is that gossip starts early and it stays forever.
Wesley Clark
Gossip is when you hear something you like about someone you don’t.
Earl Wilson
Yeah, ‘Gossip Girl’ is a good show. It’s a real New York show, like ‘Sex and the City.’
Jay McInerney
Today’s gossip is tomorrow’s headline.
Walter Winchell
Every penny from ‘Gossip Girl,’ my pension, my stocks has been spent fighting for my children.
Kelly Rutherford
I think the most vulgar thing about Hollywood is the way it believes its own gossip.
Ava Gardner
‘Privileged,’ without a doubt, was one of the best work experiences of my life. Every crew member cried when we got canceled. But I was then given the opportunity to be in New York and on ‘Gossip Girl’ and spend the summer in a city that I’ve absolutely fallen in love with.
Joanna Garcia
I certainly didn't say while writing 'Gossip Girl,' 'Oh

I certainly didn’t say while writing ‘Gossip Girl,’ ‘Oh this is going to be big!’ It was really like, ‘Oh god, everyone’s gong to hate these people! They’re so bratty!’ But I actually think what is so appealing about them is the humor in them.
Cecily von Ziegesar
Gossip is nature’s telephone.
Sholom Aleichem
Careful authors and journalists cultivate relationships with a wide variety of sources so as to avoid bad information or being led down an inaccurate path. Gossip columnists don’t particularly care if the path is inaccurate, so long as it gets attention and results in more fuel for the fire.
Ben Domenech
The queen of aggregation is, of course, Arianna Huffington, who has discovered that if you take celebrity gossip, adorable kitten videos, posts from unpaid bloggers and news reports from other publications, array them on your Web site and add a left-wing soundtrack, millions of people will come.
Bill Keller
Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves practically nothing unsaid.
Walter Winchell
I consider myself allergic to gossip and tabloids, and go out of my way to avoid them.
Robert B. Weide
In the corporate-owned media, men dressed like Ronald Reagan and women dressed like Rita Hayworth disseminate grotesque exaggerations and gossip in authoritative tones.
Steven Weber
I grew up watching ‘Gossip Girl’ and ‘The O.C.,’ and I looked up to Blair Waldorf and Summer Roberts.
Camila Mendes
There are times when the voice of repining is completely drowned out by various louder voices: the voice of government, the voice of taste, the voice of celebrity, the voice of the real world, the voice of fear and force, the voice of gossip.
Alice Oswald
It’s weird how people who are the least close to me or who’ve never even met me purport to be experts on the real me; and then, sadly, there are those who could be in touch with me but prefer to gossip with strangers about me instead.
Vanna Bonta
President Obama is traveling around the country, proposing a stimulus bill that has already failed once. Instead of having an honest discussion about whether or not a plan that already failed once will fail again, the establishment would rather distract the American people with gossip.
Alveda King
I’ve been asked to write a book several times; I’ve had several publishers come to me and offer me book deals. Especially right after I left Dream Theater and Avenged Sevenfold, there was a lot of drama going on in my life, so the book companies came at me thirsty for blood and gossip. And I turned down all the deals.
Mike Portnoy
Watch out for the joy-stealers: gossip, criticism, complaining, faultfinding, and a negative, judgmental attitude.
Joyce Meyer
I don’t intentionally eavesdrop. I’m not looking for salacious gossip, I’m just looking for vocabulary items.
Susie Dent
Gossip is the biggest enemy in a healthy relationship and creates distrust.
Ashish Vidyarthi
The ‘Gossip Girl’ idea and ideologies, like, they sort of encourage this certain kind of, like, materialism and superficiality that isn’t, I would say, the best thing in the world.
Penn Badgley
Anyone who has obeyed nature by transmitting a piece of gossip experiences the explosive relief that accompanies the satisfying of a primary need.
Primo Levi
We all know what it feels like to be an outcast or a loner or to fall between the cracks. To be the target of gossip or people talking about you, or girls are ganging up on you. One minute, they’re your best friend; the next, they call you on three-way.
Krysten Ritter
Gossip needn’t be false to be evil – there’s a lot of truth that shouldn’t be passed around.
Frank A. Clark
I feel that there’s a lot of would-be guardians of the culture who think that high-minded literary purpose and the life that gets chronicled in the gossip columns, that these two things are incompatible.
Jay McInerney
Ah, well, the truth is always one thing, but in a way it’s the other thing, the gossip, that counts. It shows where people’s hearts lie.
Paul Scott
I love to hang out with boys – I’ve got brothers – but I’m a girl’s girl, in all the ways you can be girlie. Nails and chats and gossip magazines and reality TV and pop culture.
Alice Eve
‘Anna Karenina’ is just a story about a woman falling in love with a bloke who is not her husband. It’s gossip, rubbish – on the other hand, it’s the deepest story there could be about social transgression, about love, betrayal, duty, children.
Hanif Kureishi
I love working in television, and I’ve been thrilled to be a part of so many wonderful shows. I worked with Lady Gaga on ‘Gossip Girl,’ and the brilliant Felicity Huffman on ‘Desperate Housewives,’ but I think my favorite TV job so far was the pilot I shot for the CW Network this year called ‘Joey Dakota.’
Erich Bergen
People like to gossip about people who are successful.
Carole Radziwill
Gossip, in its earlier forms, contained information that was critical to survival because, in clans of 150, what happened to anyone had a direct impact on everyone.
Peter Diamandis
The gossip mill on tour is always turning. I have to be a little careful about what I tell guys who I don’t consider close friends, because even though they might not spread it to other players, they’ll usually tell their wives. And once the wives get it, it’s gone.
Boo Weekley
People are far too wrapped up in their own lives to care about what’s happening to other people. Even if it is a moment’s hot gossip, it’s only that – a moment.
Katty Kay
I actually will not be returning to ‘Gossip Girl.’
Lydia Hearst
Every day or two, I strolled to the village to hear some of the gossip which is incessantly going on there, circulating either from mouth to mouth, or from newspaper to newspaper, and which, taken in homeopathic doses, was really as refreshing in its way as the rustle of leaves and the peeping of frogs.
Henry David Thoreau
I’ve always thought Harper Lee might have made a great decision. Much as you’d like to have more books by her, there’s something about just one that’s kind of mysterious and nice. On the other hand, the New York gossip about me was that I’d never write another book. So I thought, ‘Well, I will then.’
Charles Frazier
The way people appear in the gossip papers, as they're

The way people appear in the gossip papers, as they’re depicted as celebrities, it’s not often much like who they are. The more people I meet, the more that’s true. Sometimes, they’re worse.
Casey Affleck
Jack Palance was my distant uncle – that’s the family gossip. Growing up, my family knew everything about his face getting burned and scarred in the military and how that mutilation led him to become such a famous ‘heavy’ in films. I prayed for good scars of my own. Not just acne scars.
Chuck Palahniuk
I want politicians to be held to account for their politics and their principles, or lack of them, but I find it irritating that we have a culture where people are more interested in trivial gossip than substantive matters.
Claire Fox
I try to use my influence and empower my community to always question the status quo – whether it relates to broader policy issues or YouTube gossip.
Ryan Higa
People gossip. People are insecure, so they talk about other people so that they won’t be talked about. They point out flaws in other people to make them feel good about themselves. I think at any age or any social class, that’s present.
Blake Lively
Gossip is hardly uplifting.
Ginger Rogers
One of the best experiences of my life was shooting ‘Gossip Girl’ in Paris. To be there with your actors and crew was completely surreal.
Stephanie Savage
If you’re a public figure, people have the right to speculate and gossip.
Katrina Kaif
Gossip Girl’ was a great opportunity, but it would be misleading to think that anyone on that show doesn’t have anything more to offer.
Penn Badgley
Sometimes songwriting can turn into a gossip column, and I try to avoid that as much as I can.
Taylor Goldsmith
Fiction basically is a form of gossip where you want to enter other people’s lives, the lives of people you don’t know, and you want to know what’s going to happen to them.
Vikram Seth
I’ve learned to suck in my stomach when photographers are around. I used to read gossip magazines all the time, but I stopped when I started being written about in them and read incredible lies about myself.
Gossip is what no one claims to like, but everybody enjoys.
Joseph Conrad
Back in my days as a children’s book editor, my superiors caught on to the fact that teenagers were using the Internet to gossip about each other, and thought it might be nifty to develop a series of books about an anonymous high-school blogger who gossips about her classmates. The concept was passed on to me.
Cecily von Ziegesar
Gossip is more popular than literature.
Hugh Leonard
A lot of people say about ‘Gossip Girl,’ ‘Well, how do you feel about gossip?’ Well, who really likes gossip? No one likes to be talked about if it’s not flattering or a compliment.
Jessica Szohr
Gossip isn’t scandal and it’s not merely malicious. It’s chatter about the human race by lovers of the same.
Phyllis McGinley
As with any moderately famous person, footballers are the source of much gossip. In fact, I’d go as far as to say they are targeted. The fun part as their partner is not knowing who, or what, to believe.
Zoe Foster Blake
I don’t really buy a weekly magazine but do flick through them if they’re in front of me. A bit of style and a dose of gossip is just what you need sometimes.
Konnie Huq
All literature is gossip.
Truman Capote
Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
Don Miguel Ruiz
Serena and Blair from ‘Gossip Girl’ got to wear such awesome outfits, and being on a show like that, where you’re getting to wear incredible designers all the time, would be a lot of fun.
Sydney Sweeney
The three kinds of people I dislike most are Gossips, Liars, and Hypocrites.
Carole Radziwill
The world is a fabric we weave daily on the great looms of information, discussions, films, books, gossip, little anecdotes.
Olga Tokarczuk
Certainly there are people who like me, but then there are those who don’t know me who gossip about me. You can’t believe the things I’ve heard.
Carrie Fisher
That’s always been my test for what makes a story: is this something journalists would gossip with each other about?
Nick Denton
I don’t care if a flight attendant is fat as long as she doesn’t sneak back to the galley for a gossip when she should be pushing down the food trolley. I get annoyed when the food trays are slapped down on my seat by bored and disinterested men and women. I look for warmth and comfort, not cold efficiency.
Barkha Dutt
Gossip is the opiate of the oppressed.
Erica Jong
I grew up on a farm in a small town where you do or say one thing and everybody knows about it. You see it happen, there’s always the town gossip – ‘Oh did you hear about so and so, or did you hear what went on in this household?’ So I learned at a very young age just to keep my mouth shut.
Garrett Hedlund
The Dishh has everything, not just gossip; cool places and cool outfits, cool places to travel, cool things to see and do.
Jonathan Cheban
I’ve been watching ‘Two and a Half Men.’ That’s my number one. Then ‘Gossip Girl’ and ‘90210.’
Greg Oden
When you gossip, it's self-hexing. Because when you do

When you gossip, it’s self-hexing. Because when you do it, it comes back to you. Everything starts with the word. The word is demonstrating a condition of the mind. If it’s in your mind and comes out of your mouth, it will be created.
Iyanla Vanzant
I’ve never been a big fan of gossip. Being a victim of it, I knew how much it hurt.
Blake Lively
I am known as the gossip queen on sets!
Sanjeeda Sheikh
My threshold for mean gossip is nearly intolerable.
Carole Radziwill
We have to train our kids better and really enforce in them that no matter what mainstream media and pop culture and all of the terrible things around us say – that it’s OK to tear people down, that somehow it will make you feel better, and it’s OK to gossip about people – it won’t make you feel better.
Barrett Wilbert Weed
I live in New York, but I still get the village gossip. My apartment is a crash pad for so many Singaporean cousins and friends.
Kevin Kwan
I love all the teenager stuff like ‘Glee,’ ‘90210,’ ‘Vampire Diaries,’ ‘Gossip Girl.’
Sara Sampaio
I thought we would have at most an audience of 5,000 devotees because I made the decision to stick to craft, not to gossip, not to be interested in any of the juicy stuff that they talk about on other shows, but stick to the question of craft.
James Lipton
Within church communities, within black communities, and within black church communities, gossip is thy friend. Gossip will be thy friend!
Ncuti Gatwa
I have become like a rhinoceros – thick-skinned – all the gossip about my numerous affairs does not bother me anymore.
Amy Jackson
Do I ever think Gossip will be really massive in America? No, I don’t think it’ll happen – and that’s fine. It’s kind of nice because I get to experience everything at once. I get to come home and it not be weird, like in Paris or something. It is nice to be completely anonymous.
Beth Ditto
I like the way the stories of my relationships sound to music more than the way they look in print, in gossip columns or in me talking about them in interviews. I think it’s a better way of telling the stories.
Taylor Swift
I spent a lot of time in college studying theater of the absurd and Beckett and Genet, and then I spent a lot of time after that at ‘Gossip Girl’ auditions, thinking, ‘Wow, I really wasted my money.’
Betty Gilpin
My fans don’t feel like I hold anything back from them. They know whatever I’m going through now, they’ll hear about it on a record someday. They’ll hear the real story. There’s a little bit of lag time. It’s not as instant as going on a gossip blog. But it’s much more accurate.
Taylor Swift
I don’t want my personal life to become a part of public domain. It is something that is sacred and means a lot to me. I don’t want it to become some frivolous gossip column.
Ileana D’Cruz
I don’t want to be involved in endless media gossip.
Kate Adie

In conclusion, gossip serves as a reminder of the impact our words can have on others and the larger community. It urges us to be mindful of our speech, to resist the temptation of spreading rumors, and to cultivate a culture of empathy, understanding, and compassion. As we reflect on these quotes, may we strive to be individuals who uplift and inspire, who choose kindness over judgment, and who understand the transformative power of responsible and considerate communication. Let us build a world where our words promote unity, understanding, and genuine connection, leaving no room for the destructive shadows of gossip to thrive.