Top 140 Reporters Quotes

Television reporters aren’t really called reporters. They are called researchers. And that’s really all they are.
Tom Wolfe
We were the underground reporters.
DJ Yella
A basic rule of life for reporters is that you should spend your time talking with and learning about people who are not sending you press releases, rather than those who are.
James Fallows
Just because reporters say something over and over and over again doesn’t start to make it true.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
These newspaper reporters… ever since Sullivan versus New York Times… have got a license to lie.
Edward Bennett Williams
Even the most liberal reporters I know have a sense of drive and curiosity about what the Clintons are hiding, because they know it’s always something.
Rick Wilson
I think some of the best reporters are the ones who can really illustrate the differences between societies, at the same time trying to connect the fact that there are a lot of shared values in addition to those differences.
John Pomfret
I’ve learned that the best political reporters never make predictions!
Jodi Kantor
I’m trying to get on the yoga/pilates train, but I can’t seem to sit still. I imagine a lot of reporters would say the same.
Kayla Tausche
My grandfather used to own a production company called Everlasting Pictures. I grew up with a lot of artistas and reporters and I’d always be starstruck.
Heart Evangelista
After directing broadcast media coverage for seven House committees, I know the signs of a sideshow – and delivering demand letters to reporters before they go to the person being asked to produce documents is one of the chief signs.
Michael Caputo
I totally alienated some reporters as I retreated.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
I had an idea in the beginning to do a book about some of the events that I had covered, just various stories that I’ve covered. Reporters spend a lot of time telling each other tales about how they covered stories, and that’s what this book started out to be.
Bob Schieffer
The AP has only so many reporters, and CNN only has so many cameras, but we’ve got a world full of people with digital cameras and Internet access.
Howard Rheingold
What happens also is that a lot of those people and reporters who vote for Hall of Famers, some of the people who were around when Ray Guy was around, are deceased. And some of the reporters don’t remember Ray Guy. He should have been in the Hall of Fame 15 years ago.
Gale Sayers
At last, someone came to tell me I’d been selected as commissioner, which gave rise to the line that I took the job with clean hands. I was then taken downstairs to a press conference, and the reporters were as surprised as I was.
Pete Rozelle
The case against Susan Rice has been building for years with little fanfare. Not surprising, the mainstream media reporters based at the U.N. have either ignored her mistakes or strategically covered them up.
Richard Grenell
One of sports journalism’s great ironies is that covering an Olympics can be wildly unhealthy. NBC shows athletes in peak health performing on the ice and snow, but not the haggard reporters subsisting for three weeks on stadium starches, cheap beer, deadlines, and little sleep.
Mary Pilon
We are all Julian Assange. Serious reporters discuss classified information every day – go to any Washington or New York dinner party where real journalists are present, and you will hear discussion of leaked or classified information. That is journalists’ job in a free society.
Naomi Wolf
When words I uttered, believing them to be true, were exposed as false, I was constrained by my duties and loyalty to the President and unable to comment. But I promised reporters and the public that I would someday tell the whole story of what I knew.
Scott McClellan
We were just expressing stuff that happens in the ghetto, just being like reporters.
Bushwick Bill
The best crime reporters don’t mind charging in – but they also know how to do it as decent human beings.
Gillian Flynn
I have been active as a writer and journalist for nearly forty years. But the number of great reporters I have run across in that time would make, as they say, a slim book. Without question, the top man on my list would be Tommy Thompson.
Shana Alexander
The Red Sox are a curious thing because so much here is media driven. You can’t go fire half your scouts here because they are all friends with the local reporters. Your life is going to hell in the papers.
Michael Lewis
Twitter's had a little fun with me because I say, 'I'm

Twitter’s had a little fun with me because I say, ‘I’m going to circle back. I’m going to circle back.’ Now, I will say, and my very hardworking team can confirm, I’m obsessed with circling back with reporters, and not just saying it, but after the briefing getting back to them.
Jen Psaki
When I say I don’t get involved in politics, I merely mean that I don’t talk to reporters about it.
Leon Russell
Forty years ago, we were on the tail of the Front Page era. There was a different point of view. Reporters and editors were more forgiving of public people. They didn’t think they had to stick someone in jail to make a career.
Mike Royko
Few reporters get to do what Kelly McEvers does in every episode of ‘Embedded’: go deep into a story and tease out what is really happening.
Michelle Dean
If you’re following candidates in a campaign, you get on their plane, and what they’re generally doing is they’re dividing the cost of that charter flight by the number of reporters they’re carrying aboard. In effect, the press is buying them that campaign flight.
Richard Ben Cramer
Like all young reporters – brilliant or hopelessly incompetent – I dreamed of the glamorous life of the foreign correspondent: prowling Vienna in a Burberry trench coat, speaking a dozen languages to dangerous women, narrowly escaping Sardinian bandits – the usual stuff that newspaper dreams are made of.
Russell Baker
More and more movies have been pressured to allow reporters and TV cameras to come onto the set while you’re working, and I find that a real violation.
Holly Hunter
One of the great pressures we’re facing in journalism now is it’s a lot cheaper to hire thumb suckers and pundits and have talk shows on the air than actually have bureaus and reporters.
Walter Isaacson
I won’t say that the papers misquote me, but I sometimes wonder where Christianity would be today if some of those reporters had been Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Barry Goldwater
‘Recluse’ is a code word generated by journalists… meaning, ‘doesn’t like to talk to reporters.’
Thomas Pynchon
The written tone and the spoken tone change and the reporters’ disbelief in the veracity of the government spreads to the readers and the viewers.
Roger Mudd
One of the local reporters assured me Garrison would put in an appearance for the cross-examination, but as the courtroom settled down and the rear doors were closed, there was no sign of him.
James Kirkwood
Lexicographers are language reporters.
Erin McKean
When we are out there selling a new picture, when did it become part of the deal that you have to sell the family? To use the juicy part of your life to get attention? I’m not blaming the reporters. It’s the system.
Jimmy Smits
At the end of the day, there is still one function of journalism that cannot be computerized, and that is reporters. You’re always going to need reporters.
Stephen Kinzer
Those media reporters who know me well and my friends know what my real personality is. Those who read newspapers and watch TV don’t know what my real personality is.
Zhao Wei