Top 150 Interpret Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Interpret Quotes from famous people such as Kylie Minogue, Harry Connick, Jr., Rajesh Khattar, Davy Jones, Umberto Eco, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I get the lyrics of a tune and interpret them my way.

I get the lyrics of a tune and interpret them my way.
Kylie Minogue
Singers, like Frank Sinatra and myself, we interpret the songs that we like. Not unlike a Shakespearean actor that goes back to the greatest words ever written, we go back to the greatest songs and bring about my interpretation of them.
Harry Connick, Jr.
While acting with Amitabh Bachchan, the legend of Hindi cinema, and superstars like Shah Rukh Khan, Ajay Devgn and Akshay Kumar, I observed how they interpret cinema and make it an experience to cherish for their audiences.
Rajesh Khattar
I’m so reluctant to do newspaper interviews because it’s so misleading how they interpret what you say.
Davy Jones
I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
Umberto Eco
How most consumers collect and interpret health information has changed.
James Heywood
Courts should interpret the law but leave elected lawmakers to create it.
Dominic Raab
I love it when people want to interpret my books.
China Mieville
I think putting your relationship out there for people to interpret and have their own opinion about, I think it’s crazy.
Travis Barker
I just love storytelling. I write music to tell stories. So when I’m done writing a song, I take it and go, ‘Okay. How can I interpret these lyrics differently?’ I love taking lyrics that were so close to me at a certain point in my life and then revamping them. I always want to take things to the next level.
Hayley Kiyoko
You see, it’s never the environment; it’s never the events of our lives, but the meaning we attach to the events – how we interpret them – that shapes who we are today and who we’ll become tomorrow.
Tony Robbins
When you look like you stepped out of a catalog, that’s never good. People shouldn’t succumb to trend, they should interpret trend.
Rachel Zoe
Like any art, what is the most imprisoning thing is also the most delivering thing. If an actor knows he only has 12 syllables in a line, the challenge is, ‘How can I interpret the meaning and contain it without going one syllable over?’
Derek Walcott
One of the things I’m trying to do over and over again in my books is create new mythologies, create new ways to understand the complexity of the world. I think what mythology does is impress upon chaotic experience the patterns, hierarchies and shapes which allow us to interpret the chaos and make fresh sense of it.
Clive Barker
There can be an easy way to interpret things some times and it seems like maybe I’m on the wrong side of those interpretations a lot of those times.
Kyle Busch
When I was a young man, Dirac was my hero. He made a breakthrough, a new method of doing physics. He had the courage to simply guess at the form of an equation, the equation we now call the Dirac equation, and to try to interpret it afterwards.
Richard P. Feynman
A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law.
Brett Kavanaugh
The essence of leadership is essentially taking the responsibility of trying to interpret the future to the present.
Paul Keating
I’ve learned that people latch onto labels and stereotypes. There was a period when I was asked in every single interview how I liked being the new Frank Sinatra… I think people will soon realize that I do a lot more than interpret old songs.
Harry Connick, Jr.
I loved thinking about how the law could be used to help others, how to interpret it that way. I think that probably comes from growing up in a family where my parents were actively involved in the community.
Catherine Cortez-Masto
Selective Biblical quotation is a favorite of leftists who interpret the Bible the same way they do the Constitution: as a Chinese menu designed to allow picking and choosing. That’s because when many Democrats take the Bible as a whole, they realize how much they despise it.
Ben Shapiro
I make my songs slightly abstract so that people can interpret them their own way. I think that’s a lot more special, so you can hear a song and think, ‘I feel exactly that way,’ even if it wasn’t written for that feeling.
Eliot Sumner
It drove me mad not being able to know more about Pink Floyd when I was a little kid. But that’s the great thing – there was this mystery behind it, and we couldn’t find out enough. It made your mind work, it made you seek after it or try to interpret it. It made you envision or imagine what they were doing.
Danny Carey
There’s always someone who’s going to interpret my material as racist, but it’s not. Racism comes from intent and power. A racist will tell a joke about a group of people only when they’re not in the room. I’ll talk about a group of people only when they’re in the room.
Russell Peters
When I’m up on stage and do a joke, half the people interpret it one way and half of them interpret it the way I want them to.
Maria Bamford
Everyone is of course free to interpret the work in his own way. I think seeing a picture is one thing and interpreting it is another.
Jasper Johns
I’ve read ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ at different ages and interpret something new each time.
Shriya Saran
When you’re working on a film, it’s almost like photographing paintings at a museum. You’re photographing somebody else’s world. I just try and interpret it and make it real, and make it what the actors are about, what the director is about, and what the film is about.
Mary Ellen Mark
When I was younger I would often go to nightclubs and sit in the best-lit corner to look at what people chose to wear, or I’d go out and around the city – to places where people express their sense of what they think looks good. So, I get a sense of that, and then I try to interpret it.
Kenneth Cole
Hypnosis is about shutting down the conscious mind and re-igniting the unconscious and the imagination, so while I give instructions to them under hypnosis, the contestants might interpret those instructions in all kinds of ways.
Keith Barry
When I get a beautifully written piece of material, I immediately start imagining how I would interpret it. I love just daydreaming about it for months, breaking it down, seeing where I can spin something. How I can turn this into the most fun ride for the audience that I can make it? That’s my job.
Laurie Metcalf
In the legislative branch, you make the laws... and our

In the legislative branch, you make the laws… and our role as judges is to interpret the law, not to inject our own policy preferences. So our task is to give an honest construction to what laws are passed by the Legislature.
Thomas Hardiman
I think the difference between finding happiness, or moments of happiness, is how you choose to interpret things. That’s a rather shocking responsibility. That we’re responsible for our own happiness. It’s not those around us.
Natascha McElhone
I think I work much the same way I always have. I’m trying to interpret something emotionally visually. I’m reading the brief or article, or listening to the music, and deciding where that sends me, and what would it look like.
David Carson
Copy nature and you infringe on the work of our Lord. Interpret nature and you are an artist.
Jacques Lipchitz
I realise that a novel and a film are different mediums. As artistes, we need to respect other artistes. It also needs a lot of courage to take risks to experiment and interpret known literary works.
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
I’m an actor and my job is to interpret.
Richard Madden
Some of my best experiences are with writer/directors. Guy Ritchie is one. I feel they have a clearer view of what they want to do. They haven’t got to try and interpret someone’s writing; it’s all theirs. I really admire that.
Jason Statham
I do love to interpret songs in American Sign Language.
Sean Berdy
I don’t dream songs. I’m more apt to write dreams down and then to be able to interpret them into a song. I also tend to get up and write prose in the morning from which will come songs.
Judy Collins
Our friends interpret the world and ourselves to us, if we take them tenderly and truly.
Amos Bronson Alcott
I always think that in some way, art is the best tool we have to prepare for death. It’s like a sculpture that you can interpret differently every time you look at it.
John Cameron Mitchell
It is jazz music that called me to be a musician and I have always sang the songs that moved me the most. Singers, like Frank Sinatra and myself, we interpret the songs that we like. Not unlike a Shakespearean actor that goes back to the greatest words ever written, we go back to the greatest songs.
Harry Connick, Jr.
A lot of my music has ambiguity and room for people to interpret.
The skill of a gifted actor, their ability to interpret and develop a character and truly bring her or him to life, is one that I admire enormously.
Gail Honeyman
Holy scripture does not hold women back. It’s the people that decide to interpret it in such a way for their own, sometimes political, agendas.
Queen Rania of Jordan
Life is so short. I would rather sing one song than interpret the thousand.
Jack London
Courts are supposed to interpret laws to avoid ‘absurd results’ and to avoid constitutional problems – such as infringing on the free speech rights of Americans.
Marvin Ammori
Scripture is not inerrant; believers are called to interpret biblical texts in light of tradition and reason.
Jon Meacham
People shouldn’t trust artists and they shouldn’t trust art. Part of the fun of art is that it invites you to interpret it.
Tony Kushner
You have to be respectful of pop culture, because people interpret it in the way they want.
Jaleel White
I like to interpret ‘Call me a River’, as if I’m saying, ‘Now you’re telling me you love me after all that, and I’m telling you to shove off.’ That’s my interpretation. But I would never ‘say’ that because somebody else might interpret the song in another way.
Diana Krall
In some ways, what I learned is that you can take a character and breathe with them, and it’s up to the audience to interpret rather than you putting moral stamp on the character.
Aden Young
Unanimity is important because it signals that the justices can rise above their differences and interpret the law without partisanship.
Neal Katyal
I want to do something original rather than interpret someone else’s performance, which is always the risk – even if it’s only in a subconscious way. I want to concentrate on giving my own fresh interpretation.
Aneurin Barnard
I write these songs and I like the idea of letting the band interpret it as they will. This band is like any band; it’s not just me. This isn’t just a way for me to play my songs. There are four distinct artistic voices, and they deserve to be expressed.
Taylor Goldsmith
Genius is not perfected, it is deepened. It does not so much interpret the world as fertilize itself with it.
Andre Malraux
My emotions lose their force when I endeavor to interpret them, and my words seem very inept.
Pierre Loti
As an artist, I want to interpret my feelings – not run across the street and ask what my mother thinks.
Ralph Bakshi
I write about art out of gratitude to painters for the joy and spiritual uplift they have given me. Painters interpret for us the visual glories of God and, in this way, bring us closer to Him.
Susan Vreeland
I think the success of any brand reboot is to acknowledge the heritage but to embrace and interpret it in a way that makes it relevant and wearable to the modern consumer.
Simon Spurr
History is what we bring to it, not just the events themselves, but how we interpret those events.
Robert Harris
And every now and then people find the bugs, and they i

And every now and then people find the bugs, and they interpret those as cool failures in the Sims terms. For them it’s like a treasure hunt, you know.
Will Wright
The mouse genome is an invaluable tool to interpret the human genome.
Craig Venter
‘Brooklyn’s Finest,’ this is the kind of movie that’s why I want to be an actor, to tell real-life stories. This is where I feel my job is, to interpret life.
Ethan Hawke
Reality is how we interpret it. Imagination and volition play a part in that interpretation. Which means that all reality is to some extent a fiction.
Yann Martel
I think, for an artist, when you’re drawing somebody who actually exists, it’s a much steeper critical curve, as there is an actual representation of that person out there. You can’t just interpret it any way you want.
Samoa Joe
To illustrate what I mean, an apt dancer may be in thorough unison with the others in that particular group, and at the same time reveal a difference in dancing temperament, rhythm or technique; she may phrase, accentuate or actually interpret differently.
Florenz Ziegfeld
I’m trying to interpret the film through the director’s head, but it all comes out through me. So, a composer is kind of like a psychic medium.
Danny Elfman
People write music, and the music is out there for people to interpret it how they want to.
Leona Lewis
We can do genetics. We can do experiments on fruit flies. We can do experiments on yeast. It’s not so easy to do experiments on humans. So, in fact, it helps us, to interpret our own genetic code, to have the genetic code of the other species.
Craig Venter
It’s kind of like a challenge to myself to be able to hear somebody else’s hook and kind of interpret the words. Because my own hooks, I already know what I mean when I write them.
I am more interested in how people interpret the phrase ‘Elect The Dead’ than what I may or may not have intended. I named the album after the track, which is a spiritual song about love, life and death and is the heaviest song on the album without having any heavy instruments.
Serj Tankian
I love it when people are able to interpret thoughts and feelings on fabric or some kind of material.
Anne Hathaway
I always try to leave songs open for people to interpret in their own ways.
Ryan Bingham
You cannot simply put something new into a place. You have to absorb what you see around you, what exists on the land, and then use that knowledge along with contemporary thinking to interpret what you see.
Tadao Ando
I enjoy being given a certain amount of freedom in order to interpret or to come up with stuff, but I do enjoy collaboration. I seek and thrive on projects where I am going to learn from the people I’m working with.
William Kempe
I pay a lot of attention to box office because I understand it. TV ratings? I don’t know how to interpret them, since I’m new to TV, so I’m just going to wait for somebody to tell me.
Oren Peli
I find that music makes people just sit and listen, firstly. Then, they seem to interpret their own emotions with the music and it makes them ponder their own life a lot. And then they start to question: Am I happy in my work? Am I happy in my relationships? What am I striving for?
The legislature’s job is to write law. It’s the executive branch’s job to interpret law.
George W. Bush
The President is not only the leader of a party, he is the President of the whole people. He must interpret the conscience of America. He must guide his conduct by the idealism of our people.
Herbert Hoover
No one may speak for the dead, no one may interpret their mutilated dreams and visions.
Elie Wiesel
As parents, can we counter the effect of television violence? One worrying feature in Britain is that so many TV sets are in a child’s bedroom; this means that the mediating effect of watching with a parent, the ability to discuss and interpret what has been seen, is lost.
Robert Winston
I would say the No. 1 problem with the Volcker Rule is it’s too complicated, and people don’t know how to interpret it.
Steve Mnuchin
Good acting is confused with good dialogue delivery. Acting is about all about performance, and the way we interpret and understand the character that we bring alive onscreen.
Rajiv Menon
My place in design history is to sort of interpret youth culture, and I think we’ve seen that done in fashion before – it’s not a new concept – but it hasn’t been done with the same vigour in a modern context.
Virgil Abloh
To grasp the full significance of life is the actor’s duty, to interpret it is his problem, and to express it his dedication.
Marlon Brando
What people sometimes interpret as quirky is my attempt to subvert the concept of luxury by introducing elements that are considered ordinary or commonplace.
Miuccia Prada
Advertising is the ability to sense, interpret… to put the very heart throbs of a business into type, paper and ink.
Leo Burnett
I know when I sit with my band members and we’re playing back a song that we’ve done, I know that they’re experiencing it in a completely different way and hearing stuff that they’re alerted to because the way the interpret the world is through their ears. Mine is through my eyes.
Nick Cave
Ideological warriors whether from the Left or the Right are bad news for the bench. They tend to make law, not interpret law. And that’s not what any of us should want from our judges.
Chuck Schumer
I get so much inspiration from my travels, but I also started an exercise where I write down so many words every week. Then I begin crossing them off. We create a grid of words and also images, but words for me are more ample because you can interpret them your own way.
Francisco Costa
It’s good to know how to read, but it’s dangerous to know how to read and not how to interpret what you’re reading.
Mike Tyson
Judges should interpret the law, not make it.

Judges should interpret the law, not make it.
Lamar S. Smith
Everything is beautiful, all that matters is to be able to interpret.
Camille Pissarro
The soul is so far from being a monad that we have not only to interpret other souls to ourself but to interpret ourself to ourself.
T. S. Eliot
I don’t drive by the seat of my pants and happen to win races. I work very hard to interpret the data and drive a certain way. My engineers have confidence in me, and more often than not, when I tell them what I need or what I am feeling with the car, it’s right.
Lewis Hamilton
I believe that the writers of Genesis had detected the inherent selfishness in human nature that I propose is in our genes, and invented the myth of original sin to account for it. It’s an image. I am not acting as an exegete – I don’t interpret scripture.
Christian de Duve
An actor cannot be a censor. I’m there to interpret.
Malcolm McDowell
Music is an expression of individuality; it’s how you see the world. All art is, for that matter. You take how you experience the world, interpret it, and send it out there – express it – whether it’s sculpture, dance or singing.
David Sanborn
I understand football through the ball. There are others who interpret the game without the ball.
Quique Setien
My talent before singing is being able to interpret and understand my emotions. I’ve felt pain and felt it intensely, so every time I sing, I revisit it.
Bibi Bourelly
I tend to resist invitations to interpret my own fiction.
J. M. Coetzee
At its best, Aboriginal art has been effective in translating an entire culture and the understanding of an entire continent. Indeed, the more we interpret Australia through Aboriginal eyes, through the experience of their long and epic story, the more we allow ourselves to understand the land we share.
Paul Keating
To grasp the full significance of life is the actor’s duty; to interpret it his problem; and to express it his dedication.
James Dean
There are many ways to see football and interpret it.
The first principle of cognitive therapy is that all your moods are created by your ‘cognitions,’ or thoughts. A cognition refers to the way you look at things – your perceptions, mental attitudes, and beliefs. It includes the way you interpret things – what you say. about something or someone to yourself.
David D. Burns
I was not looking for my dreams to interpret my life, but rather for my life to interpret my dreams.
Susan Sontag
Perhaps the mission of an artist is to interpret beauty to people – the beauty within themselves.
Langston Hughes
I have faith in an audience being able to interpret complex material.
Matthew Heineman
I always try, when I’m singing songs, to interpret them the way that I would’ve arranged them. I think about the melody first, and then I pull out my guitar and start singing it.
Melanie Martinez
A society that feels itself to be flourishing is likely to interpret everything that happens to its own advantage and in its own image. By contrast, a society that feels confused or in decline often converts any event – however innocuous – into a weapon of self-laceration.
Linda Colley
I listened to Billie Holiday a lot in order to learn to sing. She remains one of the extraordinary jazz singers. But my intent is to become my own voice, to be able to interpret these songs in my own way.
Madeleine Peyroux
I find it difficult to believe that God would want us to strip the courts of their powers to interpret the laws of this land, albeit with the divergent opinions. I shudder that my colleagues do not understand the dynamics of the Federal judiciary.
Alcee Hastings
When I write the songs, I don’t dictate how people should interpret them.
Billy Squier
It is possible to interpret without observing, but not to observe without interpreting.
Mason Cooley
Also, in my acting, I feel very much like a storyteller, exploring the flaws of the characters that I interpret. I look for the imperfections, and I love a character that is just so flawed.
Danny Huston
I remember learning new words, trying to figure out what common things like cider, finding myself upset that my parents couldn’t help me understand this new culture, that it was up to me to interpret for them as well as myself.
An Na
In some ways, it’s more rewarding to hear someone interpret a piece of music that you’re a part of.
Justin Tranter
As I’ve gone along, I felt like I was discovering an aspect of my voice that I didn’t know was there: an ability to interpret a song in a way that makes it more accessible.
Tom Wopat
The more words we are allowed to take, the freer we become. If our mouth is banned, then we attempt to assert ourselves through gestures, even objects. They are more difficult to interpret, and take time before they arouse suspicion.
Herta Muller
You have to interpret what’s hot to make it work on yourself. If tweed suits are in, but you’re not a suit kind of girl, wear the jacket with jeans and a pair of Converses.
Rachel Zoe
When someone is trying to interpret something for you, they always have an agenda.
Penn Jillette
We interpret our agreement with the IMF – our participation in the IMF’s system of cooperation – as a borrowing agreement. The IMF sees it as an economic policy agreement. This is not in our interest.
Viktor Orban
How will decent people in the region ever believe in pe

How will decent people in the region ever believe in peace if Arab terrorists interpret every gesture of peace as a display of weakness and then act accordingly?
Tom Lantos
But at the time when he wrote, Englishmen, with the rarest exceptions, wrote only in French or Latin; and when they began to write in English, a man of genius, to interpret and improve on him, was not found for a long time.
George Saintsbury
Symptoms, those you believe you recognize, seem to you irrational because you take them in an isolated manner, and you want to interpret them directly.
Jacques Lacan
Usually, those persons closest to the incoming President will be the main leaders of the Transition effort. They are most familiar with his policies and practices, and are able to interpret his wishes regarding the structure and staffing of the new Administration.
Richard V. Allen
I would say that to put architecture in the chain of history, to be able to interpret and understand why we are where we are, is quite crucial.
Rafael Moneo
I compose melodies in my head and then interpret them musically with my guitar and keep them recorded. The guitar helps me to build unique chord structures on simple melodies.
Anupam Roy
They need to learn poetry. They don’t need to learn about poetry. They don’t need to be told how to interpret poetry. They don’t need to be told how to understand poetry. They need to learn it.
Peter Davison
The common behavior of mankind is the system of reference by means of which we interpret an unknown language.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
I think we shouldn’t be shy of thinking that we can interpret text like a movie again, depending on the point of view and what we do with it more than anything else. Of course a lot of remakes of important films, particularly of horror films, they suck.
Luca Guadagnino
There’s an arrogance of assuming that we can interpret the past – that we’ve left the right footnotes, that we’re doing the right reclamation projects, that we’re not overcorrecting. Actually, we have no idea where we’re going. It’s this Tower of Babel type scenario.
Oneohtrix Point Never
We must interpret a bad temper as a sign of inferiority.
Alfred Adler
Like a historian, I interpret, select, discard, shape, simplify. Unlike a historian, I make up people’s thoughts.
Hilary Mantel
I prefer doing interviews where people don’t have to interpret what you say. I’m going to be real honest.
Octavia Spencer
I can interpret my own work honestly. And performing by myself seems to focus the attention in the right places.
Kris Kristofferson
I really like people to be able to interpret stuff in their own way, I like the ambiguity of the medium. We’re just four guys in a band trying to articulate things in a questioning way. Who are we to tell people what to think?
Dan Smith
When you’re writing something to direct, you just write exactly what you’re going to do. You don’t have to write it in a way for other people to understand or interpret.
Jon Watts
When healthcare is at its best, hospitals are four-star hotels, and nurses, personal butlers at the ready – at least, that’s how many hospitals seem to interpret a government mandate.
Alexandra Robbins
I love working with Alicia Keys, because it’s not just the ability to do the dance to me; I think it’s the ability to interpret it that excites me the most.
Laurieann Gibson
What I love about travel and shopping is seeing how different retailers in London, Paris, and New York interpret the same collection. I like to find the best store in town and take a good look because there will always be a nuance that you just can’t get anywhere else.
Nick Wooster
To copy Nature? A boy with a camera can do that. To get the spirit of Nature? A woodman or a shepherd can follow the trail of the whistling wind to hoarded sunshine in distant wolds. But to interpret Nature and inform it with a human personality that rises above it, invokes the divine in it, is the work of genius.
Ameen Rihani
How people interpret my degrees of sexiness is out of my hands.
Seth Green
I am used to playing in six different positions in my career, so that’s not an issue for me. I have always changed positions, and I don’t expect any different. It’s all the same to me. It’s all about the way you interpret it.
Kevin De Bruyne
I’ve always been so surprised by how people interpret my photos in context.
If art has a purpose, it is to interpret life, reproduce it in fresh visions.
Catherine Drinker Bowen
We look for the sermon in the suicide, for the social or moral lesson in the murder of five. We interpret what we see, select the most workable of the multiple choices.
Joan Didion
Musicians are also interpretive artists and we are just as creative as painters and writers. We interpret in a way that expresses ourselves.
Hilary Hahn