Top 150 Marco Rubio Quotes

The idea that more taxes and more government spending is the best way to help hardworking middle class taxpayers – that’s an old idea that’s failed every time it’s been tried.
Marco Rubio
And that is that we have never been: a nation of haves and have-nots. We are a nation of haves and soon-to-haves, of people who have made it and people who will make it. And that’s who we need to remain.
Marco Rubio
And I can tell you that history will back up what I’m about to say and that is that there is no government run by conservatives, Republicans, put whoever you want there, if you give government the opportunity to spend more money than it has, it will do it. It will do it every time.
Marco Rubio
The immigration issue is a gateway issue for Hispanics, no doubt about it.
Marco Rubio
Just because you have opposition doesn’t make you a great leader.
Marco Rubio
I’m proud of the fact that the Republican Party is the pro-life party on the issue of life.
Marco Rubio
We’re special because dreams that are impossible anywhere else, come true here. That’s not just my story. That’s your story. That’s our story.
Marco Rubio
A better way to help American companies compete against

A better way to help American companies compete against competitors abroad is to remove all series and myriad of obstacles they face in America, whether it’s union rules in some states or massive amounts of regulation imposed upon them, one of the most expensive combined corporate tax rates on the planet.
Marco Rubio
I’ve seen how the left has used it to accuse opponents of their version of reform of being bigots and racists.
Marco Rubio
The vast majority of a significant portion of Americans of Hispanic descent will vote – happen to be working class people who are desperate to not only achieve the American dream but leave their kids better off than themselves.
Marco Rubio
Here in America, those who once had no hope will give their kids the chance at a life they always wanted for themselves. Here in America, generations of unfulfilled dreams will finally come to pass.
Marco Rubio
I know America’s great not because I read about it in a book but because I’ve seen it with my own eyes.
Marco Rubio
Thousands of years of human history have shown that the ideal setting for children to grow up is with a mother and a father committed to one another, living together, and sharing the responsibility of raising their children.
Marco Rubio
That thought process that somehow other people have to be worse off in order for you to be better off does not work. People get on boats people jump fences to get away from that kind of thought process.
Marco Rubio
Everything that I will ever accomplish, I owe to God, to my parent’s sacrifices, and to the United States of America.
Marco Rubio
We need to repeal and replace Dodd-Frank. We need to make America fair again for all businesses, but especially those being run by small business owners.
Marco Rubio
I do not believe that we have to destroy our economy in order to protect our environment. And especially what these programs are asking us to pass that will do nothing to help the environment, but will be devastating for our economy.
Marco Rubio
Our national motto is ‘In God we Trust,’ reminding us that faith in our Creator is the most important American value of all.
Marco Rubio
For many of us who were born and raised in this country, including me, it’s sometimes easy to forget how special America really is.
Marco Rubio
People forget how dominant Public Enemy became in the mid ’80s. No one talks about how transformative they were. And then that led to the ’90s and the sort of East Coast v. West Coast stuff, which is kinda when I came of age.
Marco Rubio
One way to make health care more affordable is a Flexible Savings Account that allows families to save tax free money to pay for medical bills.
Marco Rubio
Leaders at the highest levels of our government are undertaking a deliberate and systematic effort to redefine our government, our economy and our country.
Marco Rubio
I challenge the Republican nominees and all Republicans to not just be the anti-illegal immigration party. That’s not who we are and that’s not who we should be we should be the pro-legal immigration party.
Marco Rubio
We have a lot of thoughtful people in the U.S. Senate.
Marco Rubio
Climate is always evolving, and natural disaster have always existed.
Marco Rubio
A lot of bad things happen in lame duck sessions.
Marco Rubio
I think parents should be able to teach their kids what their faith says, what science says.
Marco Rubio
You know those movies where the people in the audience are screaming, ‘Don’t go in that door!’ because you know the killer is there? Well, it is the same thing with this debt. We know how this ends.
Marco Rubio
Minimum wage laws have never worked in terms of having the middle class attain more prosperity.
Marco Rubio
Even today with the problems that we face, who would you rather be? Which country would you trade places with?
Marco Rubio
We don’t need a new idea; the idea is called America, and it still works.
Marco Rubio
Let’s stop talking about new taxes and start talking about creating new taxpayers, which basically means jobs.
Marco Rubio
I have never voted for a tax increase.
Marco Rubio