Top 160 Flows Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Flows Quotes from famous people such as John Delaney, Joe Bonamassa, Masego, Paul Bettany, Stephen Miller, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

New highways, ports, and runways appear economically fo

New highways, ports, and runways appear economically foolish if we don’t understand the economic growth that flows from such investments.
John Delaney
When you’ve done so many records in 20 years like I have, you’re going to have ebbs and flows and go through peaks and valleys.
Joe Bonamassa
When things line up, the music just flows.
I’ve noticed, in the ebbs and flows of success and popularity, so much of it is fraudulent and to be distrusted.
Paul Bettany
We know that ISIS desires operationally to use the Syrian refugee program to infiltrate countries, to use migrant flows as a way to gain an operational foothold in other countries.
Stephen Miller
Some days writing flows like a stream and there are times I get stuck.
Aishwarya R. Dhanush
An exceptional career is one that provides an opportunity to serve. It is a satisfying career in which you can’t wait to get up in the morning to begin! You have a sense of purpose and mission. You know why you do what you do. It is a response to a call to serve. Once we do that, everything flows positively.
Frances Hesselbein
If a voice is just too nice, without an edge, it kinda all flows by. You forget it. You don’t listen to the lyrics.
Stephen Malkmus
Relative to most of the energy and material flows on Earth, the machinations of humankind are puny. The planet’s powers are much, much bigger than our own. But in a few sensitive places, we’re making an impact on a planetary scale, and that impact is not a good one.
Donella Meadows
If you ever decide to build a boat out of wet newspaper, it’s important to remember to lay down the sheets like shingles on a house: One issue at a time, starting at the bow and moving aft, so water flows over the layers, not under them.
Jamie Hyneman
The law changes and flows like water, and the stream of women’s rights law has become a sudden rushing torrent.
Shana Alexander
I’m not much of a plotter. I start off with an inciting incident, and in classic crime fiction what happens is that all the action flows from that incident. It’s very comfy when it all ties up and feels like a complete universe, but my stuff doesn’t always work that way.
Denise Mina
Every film that you make has to have a scene that is the heart that blood flows through in every other scene. That scene doesn’t always have to be in the beginning of the film. But it can also be at the end, or in the middle, and that can sometimes make the film more effective.
Nicolas Winding Refn
I definitely feel that plot flows from character. I don’t believe that you can construct a plot and insert people into it.
Lisa Unger
In Korea, the director is on top, and the power flows down vertically. On the set, I love to come up with ideas on the spot. But in Hollywood, if I were to come up with a certain idea on set, the idea had to be taken to all these different people who had to agree.
Kim Jee-woon
I really believe in albums, even though some people believe the year of the album has passed. I love singular pop songs or tracks, but what really affects me most deeply is if there’s an hour of music or 45 minutes of music that flows really well and tells a story.
St. Lucia
The leaders of the world’s largest economies agreed during the November 2008 G20 summit not to create barriers hindering global trade and capital flows. Russia shares these principles.
Vladimir Putin
It’s hard to know really how it’s going to happen, but the career ebbs and flows and now there’s a nicer feeling of interest than there has been at other times.
Gretchen Mol
A lot flows from the question: Is having decent, stable housing part of what it means to live in this country? And I think we should answer ‘yes.’
Matthew Desmond
What happens is, in my own case – my own LLCs – the income flows to my personal tax return, whatever is left over after taxes are paid, I feed my family on the one hand, and on the other hand, I reinvest in my business.
John Fleming
I’ve done strategic planning, all kind of cash flows, but in fad marketing, it is all really irrelevant. It is marketing by total gut feeling. There is no market research. You either sell 500 of something, and it is a total bomb, or you sell 500 million.
Ken Hakuta
I feel like unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment, it blocks the flows of God’s blessings in life.
Ja Rule
Alas, how quickly the gratitude owed to the dead flows off, how quick to be proved a deceiver.
The whole idea of doing an album is overwhelming sometimes. But, I get inspired when I get inspired and that’s when it flows easily.
Kim Shattuck
Not much has been written about the Nereids of modern Greece. Wherever there is a warm, healing stream they believe that it flows from the breasts of the Nereids.
James Theodore Bent
A constant stream of ‘free’ money is a perfect way to keep an inefficient or simply bad government in power. As aid flows in, there is nothing more for the government to do – it doesn’t need to raise taxes, and as long as it pays the army, it doesn’t have to take account of its disgruntled citizens.
Dambisa Moyo
The blues is a mighty long road. Or it could be a river, one that twists and turns and flows into a sea of limitless musical potential.
Billy Gibbons
I’m not the perfect person. I’m not the most happy person. I get angry, and I get mad sometimes, but I try my best to control my thoughts. Because that flows throughout your body.
Karrueche Tran
I think the relationship between memory and time is a very deep and tricky one, to tell you the truth. I don’t consider memory another sense. I do consider memory that which allows us to think that time flows.
Brian Greene
I believe – and this is my opinion – that at some point, football is not going to be the No. 1 sport. You talk about the ebbs and flows of what’s popular and what’s not. At some point, the TV ratings are not going to be there.
Troy Aikman
The big idea of, ‘Hey, I can pay anyone, anywhere, with whatever digital wallet they have, and it just flows around the Internet’ – that’s on the horizon; that’s how we built everything we do.
Jeremy Allaire
We seek to better integrate Brazil into the world... an

We seek to better integrate Brazil into the world… and eliminate unfair trade practices and uncertainty for foreign trade flows.
Jair Bolsonaro
The way that I work as an actress, I always prefer to read the whole story and tell the whole story and feel what the whole story’s going to be, the journey for the audience and how it ebbs and flows, the highs and the lows.
Jes Macallan
If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily.
Jack Canfield
Prediction is structurally inseparable from the business of punditry: It creates the essential image of indefatigable authority that is punditry’s very architecture; it flows from that calcified image, and it provides the substance for the story that keeps getting told about the inevitability of American progress.
Rick Perlstein
It is in the interest of France that the United States and Russia speak to each other and act in good faith against the scourge of terrorism in Syria, and contribute with our country to stabilizing a region where uncontrolled migrant flows begin today.
Marine Le Pen
I enjoy scenes in films, which do not have the pressure of the story so much… and it flows. I’ve tried to go in that direction.
Imtiaz Ali
The stream of civilisation flows on like a river: it is rapid in mid- current, slow at the sides, and has its backwaters. At best, civilisation advances by spirals.
Sabine Baring-Gould
I pick up my pen. It flows. A building appears. There it is. There is nothing more to say.
Oscar Niemeyer
Mutual fund managers are trapped in this rather deadly vicious circle: the more successful they are, the more money flows into their mutual fund. Then, it is more difficult for them to beat the market averages or even to match their own past performance.
Ron Chernow
If G20 leaders are serious about sustainable growth and job creation and want to stem migration flows and promote long-term stability, education is an essential investment.
Julia Gillard
The pollution that flows from the Tijuana River Valley into the Pacific Ocean threatens San Diego’s environment.
Kevin Faulconer
The dominant characteristic of an authentic spiritual life is the gratitude that flows from trust – not only for all the gifts that I receive from God, but gratitude for all the suffering. Because in that purifying experience, suffering has often been the shortest path to intimacy with God.
Brennan Manning
Weddings are super expensive. It is difficult to make money, but it flows out in weddings. Everybody wants it so elaborate without realizing it. People take loans to impress people. We didn’t want to do that.
Angad Bedi
Happy is the man whom the Muses love: sweet speech flows from his mouth.
Genres aren’t closed boxes. Stuff flows back and forth across the borders all the time.
Margaret Atwood
For some reason when I write in cursive, it’s easier and flows better for me to read that when I print.
Ashley Scott
When I’m home on a break, I lock myself in my room and play guitar. After two or three hours, I start getting into this total meditation. It’s a feeling few people experience, and that’s usually when I come up with weird stuff. It just flows. I can’t force myself. I don’t sit down and say I’ve got to practice.
Eddie Van Halen
For the myth is the foundation of life; it is the timeless schema, the pious formula into which life flows when it reproduces its traits out of the unconscious.
Thomas Mann
Since music is so important to me, I don’t need to put in any extra effort to do this; it just flows for me. It’s as simple as drinking water and having food, so definitely, music is one of the main purposes of my life.
Armaan Malik
There are so many ebbs and flows in life, but when you’re raising small children, your family means everything.
Uma Thurman
Putting together a counter- terrorism policy, it’s very easy to look at law enforcement or defense, military action or stopping the money flows or whatever, but the really difficult part is integrating all aspects of the policy, and I think she put a lot of emphasis on that.
Lee H. Hamilton
I don’t think the ebbs and flows – get in great shape and then get out of shape and then see if you can get back into shape – is a good thing. So I prefer to keep my arm always ready to go.
Tom Brady
Cynicism means the conduit to the soul has a great kink in it, like a garden hose in which nothing flows in either direction.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
More and more investors may be coming into markets everywhere but that doesn’t mean that the markets are really getting more and more efficient, even in the United States. It does mean that there is more access for savvy investors who watch the money flows.
Andrew Lo
Honestly, when I do a lot of records where it’s super lyrical, all that it is to prove and to show people, like, I can really rap. I can switch flows – I can go with the best of them – so first of all, I want you to respect me as a rapper.
Joyner Lucas
Power is an instrument of fatal consequence. It is confined no more readily than quicksilver, and escapes good intentions as easily as air flows through mesh.
Mike Pence
Increased fragmentation of production across international borders – a natural outgrowth of the gains from specialization – meant more trade for any given value of final production, thus adding to the major expansion in gross trade flows in the 1990s and 2000s.
Jerome Powell
I think once you see a couple shots go down, and when you’re getting shots in rhythm, the game flows.
Tyler Herro
The character as well as the fortunes of the gospel is committed to the preacher. He makes or mars the message from God to man. The preacher is the golden pipe through which the divine oil flows.
Edward McKendree Bounds
Think about it: You’re trying to raise cash to save an endangered animal. You’ve got orphaned pandas getting 3 trillion YouTube hits, and you’ve got seals being clubbed over the head by roughnecks. The money flows in. But what about the poor shark?
Stephen Rodrick
There’s a lot of thought that bitcoin will be a huge threat to existing tax systems or existing ways governments have of controlling currency flows across their border. I personally think governments will do what governments have always done: they will adapt.
Gavin Andresen
'Tis easy enough to be pleasant, When life flows along

‘Tis easy enough to be pleasant, When life flows along like a song; But the man worth while is the one who will smile when everything goes dead wrong.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
The immigration flows have to be controlled. We have to know who comes into Italy. The problem shouldn’t be left to oversized, dysfunctional, nongovernmental groups.
Beppe Grillo
Studies in the emerging field of cellular bioenergetics, a branch of biochemistry concerned with how energy flows through living systems, suggest that molecules from orchids might be able to repair decaying mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells, in humans.
Lawrence Osborne
Every man has a certain sphere of discretion which he has a right to expect shall not be infringed by his neighbours. This right flows from the very nature of man.
William Godwin
We need better measures of people’s expectations and levels of satisfaction, of how they spend their time, of their relations with other people… We need to focus on stocks as much as on flows, and we need to broaden the range of assets that we consider important to sustain our well-being.
Jose Angel Gurria
The whole point of this game is that everything flows together in one simple movement… it should just flow and be fluid. And that’s what I want to bring to the table every single time I fight. And I enjoy making it look, you know, like an art.
Dominick Cruz
I don’t believe complete assimilation is possible, at least not for anyone who has an active, open mind. Every step, every entry into the flows of existence can be seen as a beginning, a commencement of a brand new way of seeing oneself in the world. This is the case for everyone.
Chang-Rae Lee
Don’t say you want to be an actor and not know how to read a script. Don’t give up 15 minutes before the miracle comes. Everyone’s career ebbs and flows, especially if you’re African American. That’s the time to dig in and keep your instrument sharp.
Erik King
The reality is we are all about servicing people and helping them achieve their dream, follow their journey and define their own success. When that is 100% authentic that flows through everything we do and translates.
Miguel McKelvey
If poverty and underdevelopment are primarily consequences of poor institutions, then by weakening those institutions or stunting their development, large aid flows do exactly the opposite of what they are intended to do.
Angus Deaton
If you intend to do the right thing for yourself, your family, and for your business, it becomes more like a balancing act. It’s juggling – and accepting the fact that it won’t always be perfect will help you better manage the inevitable ebbs and flows.
Mindy Grossman
‘As The River Flows’ is an important Assamese film with a message for everybody to ponder upon.
Victor Banerjee
I don’t know the taxpayer has perhaps much of an understanding of just how much wealth has been and is being and can be created that flows through the economy and just how many jobs depend upon it.
John Anderson
My priorities are: I need to be good; I need to be well within for my children to be well within; and then the creative process flows, organically and smoothly. I’m not looking to experience what I went through in the ‘Livin’ La Vida Loca’ days again.
Ricky Martin
A soccer game is a Wagner opera. The narrative sets up, the tension builds, the music ebbs and flows, the strings, the horns, more tension, and suddenly a moment of pure bliss, trumpet-tongued Gabriel sings, and gods descend from Olympus to dance – this peak of ecstasy.
Rabih Alameddine
Rhyme patterns are nothing without meanings to the words. A lot of rappers can do those flows, but the raps aren’t really about anything – which is cool sometimes, but to have the flow and the message is one of my favorite things.
J. Cole
Pro football was taking off when I became commissioner, and when a sport’s successful and you’re its chief executive officer, much of the credit flows to you and you develop a good track record.
Pete Rozelle
We did such a great job of creating the interstate highway system in Oklahoma City that we don’t have traffic congestion. You can actually get a speeding ticket during rush hour in the city. That’s how great our traffic flows.
Mick Cornett
As people talk, text and browse, telecommunication networks are capturing urban flows in real time and crystallizing them as Google’s traffic congestion maps.
Carlo Ratti
Night is the best time to visit sewers, because the businesses dispelling the most waste are closed, and the flows are calmer.
Rose George
I think the best work flows out of a collaborative environment.
Steven Bochco
Love, it has been said, flows downward. The love of parents for their children has always been far more powerful than that of children for their parents; and who among the sons of men ever loved God with a thousandth part of the love which God has manifested to us?
Augustus Hare
A lot of people think the path to success is a straight line, but it’s not. It has got many turns and curves, and you just got to go with the ebbs and flows of it all.
Kevin Jonas
You have to realize that a lot of life is just fortune and the ebbs of flows of what goes on.
Daniel Bryan
If you’re winning games, the confidence flows, and you gain a rhythm, which I’ve experienced before.
Jordan Henderson
Only the love that flows from the heart of Christ can heal. Only He in whom that love flows, even as the sap in the tree or the blood in the body, can restore the wounded soul.
Ellen G. White
The restructuring theme can be of various kinds. Some amount of debt gets serviced out of cash flows, some gets back-ended and resolved with sale of non-core assets of the company, and some debt gets converted into equity which might today look like a haircut.
Chanda Kochhar
Wealth flows from energy and ideas.
William Feather
Equity means equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity. It is the very DNA of Marxism and everything bad flows from it, as we saw in the Soviet Union, Mao’s China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela.
Miranda Devine
Energy can’t be created or destroyed, and energy flows. It must be in a direction, with some kind of internal, emotive, spiritual direction. It must have some effect somewhere.
Keanu Reeves
Everything is in motion. Everything flows. Everything is vibrating.
William Hazlitt
I think of my body of work as a story that flows and pl

I think of my body of work as a story that flows and plays in my mind like a film.
There’s days in training where everything flows and days in training where they don’t. You just pray that doesn’t happen the night of the fight.
Holly Holm
I knew I wanted to make a concept record in song-cycle form, like my favorite Marvin Gaye records where everything just continuously flows.
Sturgill Simpson
Society has to get a grip and put a tax on carbon. Of course, there is much that flows from that, and it is a complex situation. The small details of something such as climate change are political and social, and they are a lot about fairness and how we rebalance towards a fairer society.
Richard Rogers
Sometimes you feel fine. You might have a day when you feel awful about what’s going to happen in the game. It ebbs and flows. Just embrace it.
Ben Stokes
The pre-chorus always flows and the chorus is always a little bit harder for me because I put pressure on myself. I didn’t know that there was a proper way to do these things, so I just write what sounds good to me in my ears and then I hope to God that someone else likes it too.
Tones and I
Genius is present in every age, but the men carrying it within them remain benumbed unless extraordinary events occur to heat up and melt the mass so that it flows forth.
Denis Diderot
Turning cash flows from contracts of professional athletes into securities is now possible through the power of blockchain.
Spencer Dinwiddie
The whole basis of the Constitution was a restriction of power, and the whole basis of the federalist system was that there was not one sovereign centralized power from which all authority flows.
Roy Moore
The monetary policy of the United States has a major impact on global liquidity and capital flows and therefore, the liquidity of the U.S. dollar should be kept at a reasonable and stable level.
Hu Jintao
It’s morally wrong, and economically self-defeating, that so much wealth flows upwards towards the richest of Americans, while millions work full time but still can’t provide for their families.
Charles B. Rangel
It is not an exaggeration to say that under Obama, the naturalization process – becoming a citizen – no longer requires becoming an American. The real tragedy and the real crime of the Obama plan for accelerated naturalization of millions flows from the redefinition of citizenship as a triumph of multiculturalism.
Tom Tancredo
Sometimes you can feel the gears shifting in scripts, like really trying to make something work that feels sweaty for whatever reason. I really enjoy reading material that just flows – it’s definitely a skill to make something feel effortless.
Nahnatchka Khan
Creativity flows when curiosity is stoked.
Neil Blumenthal
Study how water flows in a valley stream, smoothly and freely between the rocks. Also learn from holy books and wise people. Everything – even mountains, rivers, plants and trees – should be your teacher.
Morihei Ueshiba
I feel lucky that I was able to sign a contract for an extended period of time with a no-trade clause. I don’t take that lightly. I also understand that there are gonna be ebbs and flows, and peaks and valleys.
Joey Votto
I’m in the trenches; I do the best work I can always do. Having said that, the way that what I do converges with the outside world is fascinating to me. Because it ebbs and flows. People’s interest and understanding, it changes all the time.
Daryl Hall
Leadership flows from inner character and integrity of ambition, which inspires others to lend themselves to your organization’s mission.
Frances Hesselbein
Some games you’re gonna have seven shots, some games you’re gonna have 15, it just ebbs and flows with the game.
Joe Harris
Sometimes when I’m stuck, I really do need that cup of tea, or that chocolate, or a break, or a walk, but in most cases what I actually need to do is make myself keep writing until it flows again.
Liane Moriarty
That’s one wonderful thing about country music – it shifts, ebbs, and flows stylistically, unlike pop music.
Steven Curtis Chapman
Reverse innovation is an innovation that is first adopted in developing markets and flows uphill to mature markets. This concept directs forward-looking companies to look beyond industrialized nations to draw new ideas, products, and processes from emerging economies.
Dinesh Paliwal
I think for me, the thing that gets me in the right mindset is just watching something funny, something light, something that makes me feel good. Regardless of what it is – when you feel good, when you feel upbeat, creativity flows!
Derek Hough
A lot of my great memories are formed around food in the kitchen, sitting down with friends and family. It just makes everyone happy, the conversation flows.
Mary McCartney
There are great municipal investments out there, but on a blanket basis you have to be really careful about knowing what cash flows are supporting your investments.
Meredith Whitney
My trust in God flows out of the experience of his loving me, day in and day out, whether the day is stormy or fair, whether I’m sick or in good health, whether I’m in a state of grace or disgrace. He comes to me where I live and loves me as I am.
Brennan Manning
While I live a busy life, the pace ebbs and flows.
Brad Feld
I’ve never been a very prolific person, so when creativity flows, it flows. I find myself scribbling on little notepads and pieces of loose paper, which results in a very small portion of my writings to ever show up in true form.
Kurt Cobain
The real challenge of writing songs isn’t just writing a bunch of parts – like a verse, chorus, verse – but making something that flows together, that brings you back.
James Mercer
It would be doing me great injustice to think that I have any feeling of indifference to my country; I have more reason than anyone to feel, every day of my life, the value of the blood which flows in my veins, and it is only from prudence that at times I abstain from showing how proud I am of it.
Marie Antoinette
Tyra the businesswoman is very close to – and I hate third person, but you said it, oh, chiiild, you said it – but me the businessperson and me the person: very similar. I can be in a business meeting and be all ‘Wooo!’ and ‘Oh, child!’ and still be talking revenues and profits and cash flows.
Tyra Banks
I can be stressed, or tired, and I can go into a medita

I can be stressed, or tired, and I can go into a meditation and it all just flows off of me. I’ll come out of it refreshed and centered and that’s how I’ll feel and it’ll carry through the day.
Ray Dalio
If there’s anything Trollope novels always take seriously, it is money – how it flows from one character to another, how it is managed, who has it, who deserves it, and what it means to a character, male or female.
Jane Smiley
Between flattery and admiration there often flows a river of contempt.
Minna Antrim
Christmas is a bridge. We need bridges as the river of time flows past. Today’s Christmas should mean creating happy hours for tomorrow and reliving those of yesterday.
Gladys Taber
The relatively unpredictable flow of funds to humanitarian organizations, and the bureaucratic strings often attached to them, can have a highly negative impact on an organization’s ability to plan and execute programmes effectively. We need to be able to rely on predictable income flows to plan sustainable programmes.
Peter Maurer
We say that time passes, time goes by, and time flows. Those are metaphors. We also think of time as a medium in which we exist.
James Gleick
With the waltz, especially the Viennese Waltz, it looks so beautiful and effortless and flows.
Kelvin Fletcher
I support the view that free trade in goods and services is a win-win situation. I’m not so convinced that free flows of capital without restriction is a win-win situation.
Lee Kuan Yew
It’s just that you got to play according to the situation and what the team demands. I know that I can play in both flows.
Shreyas Iyer
What you really want for yourself is always trying to break through, just as a cooling breeze flows through an open window on a hot day. Your part is to open the windows of your mind.
Vernon Howard
Sometimes in writing you have difficult periods and then other times it just flows.
Roman Coppola
The anguish of the neurotic individual is the same as that of the saint. The neurotic, the saint are engaged in the same battle. Their blood flows from similar wounds. But the first one gasps and the other one gives.
Georges Bataille
We are a small, open economy, highly dependent on global flows. It is inevitably a demand that dramatically alters and that is reflected in what we feel here in New Zealand. So there is at its most basic level a limit to what we can do and that is true everywhere.
John Key
A governing ethos of the Internet has been that whatever flows through it – information, ideas – is up for grabs.
Jenna Wortham
When I die, I want to be buried in a long long-sleeve black Ralph Lauren dress and brown chunky boots. I want my hair styled like his models, long hair that flows. I also want natural makeup with a light pink lip.
Nadine Velazquez
Corruption and illicit financial flows are different. But they really must be twinned. This is because, for practical purposes, it is an eminently more sensible approach to treat most of the sources of illicit financial flows as corrupt activity, within a broader use of the term.
Yemi Osinbajo
In my experience, most small businesses are worried about the client fulfillment – ‘getting the Job done’ – and lead generation far more than they are in how the sales process flows.
Michael Gerber
The wings are moved several times by hand to charge the crank chamber with mixture, which flows on through the external pipe and inlet valve to the compression space and cylinder.
Lawrence Hargrave
Ultimately, the court is heading to a doctrine of ‘separation of campaign and state.’ This doctrine, like separation of church and state or separation of military and civilian authority, is not explicit in the Constitution but flows naturally from its structure and commitment to freedom and democracy.
Bradley A. Smith
We think scientific literacy flows out of how many science facts can you recite rather than how was your brain wired for thinking. And it’s the brain wiring that I’m more interested in rather than the facts that come out of the curriculum or the lesson plan that’s been proposed.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
If you look at me outside the cricket ground, I am a simple, normal guy, like everyone else. But on the field, that passion flows because I have been through a lot of tough times and have lost many special people.
Imran Tahir
Money flows into the US, and inflates US assets, and allows the US to have a monstrous trade deficit. That means we are consuming more than we are producing.
David Korten
I am often reminded that the wellspring of Vermont liberty flows from Main Street, not State Street.
James H. Douglas, Jr.
Jazz is smooth and cool. Jazz is rage. Jazz flows like water. Jazz never seems to begin or end. Jazz isn’t methodical, but jazz isn’t messy either. Jazz is a conversation, a give and take. Jazz is the connection and communication between musicians. Jazz is abandon.
Nat Wolff
All campaigns have ebb and flows along the way, right? Ups and downs.
Brad Parscale
I have what I like to call a ‘chinneck.’ My chin just flows rather easily into my neck.
Matthew Perry
A human act once set in motion flows on forever to the great account. Our deathlessness is in what we do, not in what we are.
George Meredith
Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you.
Wayne Dyer
We are God’s children. We are Christians first, and then what we do flows from that.
Benjamin Watson
It’s not an accident that musicians become musicians and engineers become engineers: it’s what they’re born to do. If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily.
Jack Canfield
It’s an interesting education to listen to cricket commentary when you’re not at the game. When you’re there, which is most of the time for me, it flows over you. But when you’re not there, you look at it in a slightly different way. You pick up things.
Jonathan Agnew
There was a time when I wasn't working a lot. It ebbs a

There was a time when I wasn’t working a lot. It ebbs and flows. Mostly I was just living my life and playing ‘Fallout 3,’ a very fun game.
Matthew Perry
My taxes alone keep eight lawyers busy, and when I finally get my money, it’s only one-third of what I earn. With the kids in school and my other responsibilities, I get no change back from the first million dollars. The money flows out like water.
Robert Shaw
In the early 1990s, when a lot of the developing world opened up to international capital flows… they ended up in very good long-term projects, but projects that weren’t going to pay off for five or 10 or 20 years.
Jeffrey Sachs
The long-standing wisdom that everyone wins in a single world market has been undermined. Global trade, capital flows, and immigration are declining.
Roger Altman
A mortal lives not through that breath that flows in and that flows out. The source of his life is another and this causes the breath to flow.