Top 171 Devotion Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Devotion Quotes from famous people such as John Strachan, Henry James, Tim Cahill, Aristotle, Ellen G. White, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

When we contemplate the heroes of Christianity, and com

When we contemplate the heroes of Christianity, and compare our feeble efforts with their astonishing performance and self devotion, we should fall into despair, were there not a few softening features, by which they are brought back to the ranks of humanity.
John Strachan
Young men of this class never do anything for themselves that they can get other people to do for them, and it is the infatuation, the devotion, the superstition of others that keeps them going. These others in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred are women.
Henry James
Stanley Kubrick, I had been told, hates interviews. It’s hard to know what to expect of the man if you’ve only seen his films. One senses in those films painstaking craftsmanship, a furious intellect at work, a single-minded devotion.
Tim Cahill
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side.
True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. It is, on the contrary, an element calm and deep. It looks beyond mere externals, and is attracted by qualities alone. It is wise and discriminating, and its devotion is real and abiding.
Ellen G. White
I am very honored and excited to have ‘Devotion’ released as the first DVD Audio disc… surround sound is amazing… The music comes alive and is so vibrant – it’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard before!
Aaron Neville
I am a doctor – it’s a profession that may be considered a special mission, a devotion. It calls for involvement, respect and willingness to help all other people.
Ewa Kopacz
To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal.
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Often devotion to virtue arises from sated desire.
Adela Florence Nicolson
I’m a very hard-line, angry atheist. Yet I am fascinated by the concept of devotion.
Joss Whedon
If someone ensures us two square meals a day, we will sing and pray all our waking hours. If one has to hoe sugarcane all day, devotion to God vanishes like smoke.
Munshi Premchand
I’m a real Otis Redding fan, and I just think he sounds so good. He sounds like he’s always at the end of a long day, and he just won’t give up. I just love his wearied devotion – that beautiful, beautiful, weathered sound.
Lizz Wright
We are so humbled and grateful to Google for their devotion to our teachers and students.
Charles Best
I am a doctor – it’s a profession that may be considered a special mission, a devotion. It calls for involvement, respect and willingness to help all other people.
Ewa Kopacz
Devotion, as it relates to the title of my memoir, means fidelity – as in fidelity to a person or a practice. I think it’s certainly possible to feel devotion without having faith, at least in the religious sense of the word.
Dani Shapiro
In these momentous hours of our history we call on every Hungarian worker who is led by devotion to the people and the country to join our Party, the name of which is the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party.
Janos Kadar
I was always impressed by Betty Ford and what she went through and how full of integrity she was, and how brave. I think Mrs. Reagan was a role model of my mother’s generation, intelligent, very supportive of her husband. I am very different from my mom, but I admired her devotion.
Teresa Heinz
Soldiers, when committed to a task, can’t compromise. It’s unrelenting devotion to the standards of duty and courage, absolute loyalty to others, not letting the task go until it’s been done.
John Keegan
Let God’s grace be the mosque, and devotion the prayer mat. Let the Quran be the good conduct.
Guru Nanak
I am highly variable in my devotion. From a doctrinal point of view or a dogmatic point of view or a strictly Catholic adherent point of view, I’m first to say that I talk a good game, but I don’t know how good I am about it in practice.
Stephen Colbert
No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than they once were.
Anthony Kennedy
I love horror, fantasy and sci-fi. Those are my genres of love and devotion.
Bryan Fuller
The relationship between a military working dog and a military dog handler is about as close as a man and a dog can become. You see this loyalty, the devotion, unlike any other and the protectiveness.
Robert Crais
Artwork is a representation of our devotion to life.
Agnes Martin
I tend to end relationships, so she can find somebody better than me. Because I want to be fair to people. I cannot devote enough energy and time and devotion to her. I think that is fair, no?
Nicolas Berggruen
Through devotion, your family cares become more peaceful, mutual love between husband and wife becomes more sincere, the service we owe to the prince more faithful, and our work, no matter what it is, becomes more pleasant and agreeable.
Saint Francis de Sales
Those who seek to satisfy the mind of man by hampering it with ceremonies and music and affecting charity and devotion have lost their original nature.
There is always the danger that we may just do the work for the sake of the work. This is where the respect and the love and the devotion come in – that we do it to God, to Christ, and that’s why we try to do it as beautifully as possible.
Mother Teresa
I would like to tell the young men and women before me not to lose hope and courage. Success can only come to you by courageous devotion to the task lying in front of you.
C. V. Raman
The devotion that young Chinese feel to the Internet is driven by deep factors ranging from youth unemployment and income inequality to political repression and the demographic imbalance between men and women.
Evan Osnos
There is no God-given right to victory on the battlefield. You win that through the skill and the devotion, the valor and the ferocity of your troops.
Jim Mattis
I have loved but one flag and I can not share that devo

I have loved but one flag and I can not share that devotion and give affection to the mongrel banner invented for the League of Nations.
Henry Cabot Lodge
I have a lifelong devotion to public service.
Caroline Kennedy
Tribalism, after all, is part of our evolutionary DNA. The need to identify with a group, to belong and commune with like-minded people is not only biological, it’s what has helped motivate our desire for and devotion to all kinds of important cultural institutions, from organized religion to sports fandom.
S.E. Cupp
Americans will forever be proud of the brave men and women of our armed forces who served in World War II, and we will never forget those who paid the last full measure of devotion for our country. Their service protected our freedom and changed the course of history around the world.
Ben Rhodes
Cut your morning devotions into your personal grooming. You would not go out to work with a dirty face. Why start the day with the face of your soul unwashed?
Robert A. Cook
We Catholics must admit that there is a constant temptation among us to avoid the lectionary and the Word of God for private and pious devotions that usually have little power to actually change us or call our ego assumptions into question.
Richard Rohr
The American culture promotes personal responsibility, the dignity of work, the value of education, the merit of service, devotion to a purpose greater than self, and at the foundation, the pre-eminence of family.
Mitt Romney
Being productive at your craft is important. Being productive in your devotion to grow as a human is essential.
Robin S. Sharma
The territorial state is such an ancient form of society – here in Europe it dates back thousands of years – that it is now protected by the sanctity of age and the glory of tradition. A strong religious feeling mingles with the respect and the devotion to the fatherland.
Christian Lous Lange
I am very honored and excited to have ‘Devotion’ released as the first DVD Audio disc… surround sound is amazing… The music comes alive and is so vibrant – it’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard before!
Aaron Neville
Devotion complete culminates in knowledge supreme.
Ramana Maharshi
Work, apart from devotion or love of God, is helpless and cannot stand alone.
In my own spiritual journey, I became a swami on the Hindu path of Bhakti. In the Hindu tradition, a swami is a monk who forgoes regular family life for the purpose of making the whole world his family and channels his full energy into spiritual practice, devotion to God and service to humanity.
Radhanath Swami
Joyce for all his devotion to his art, terrible in its austerity, was a lad born with a song on one side of him, a dance on the other; two gay guardian angels every human ought to have.
Sean O’Casey
I feel like geek is about obsession. I feel like I geek out on certain things and that just means it’s a mad devotion or obsession to something.
Rick Famuyiwa
‘Zeal’ is essentially a compromising devotion to God, a commitment to cleansing the Holy Land of all foreign and pagan presences and to re-establish the kingdom of David as God had intended.
Reza Aslan
Nelson Mandela went to jail believing in violence, and 27 years later he and his colleagues had slowly and carefully honed the skills, the incredible skills, that they needed to turn one of the most vicious governments the world has known into a democracy. And they did it in a total devotion to non-violence.
Scilla Elworthy
Think of God; attachments will gradually drop away. If you wait till all desires disappear before starting your devotion and prayer, you will have to wait for a very long time indeed.
Ramana Maharshi
This, and this alone, is Christianity, a universal holiness in every part of life, a heavenly wisdom in all our actions, not conforming to the spirit and temper of the world but turning all worldly enjoyments into means of piety and devotion to God.
William Law
The discipline of daily devotion to God undergirds decisions.
Edwin Louis Cole
What an enthusiastic devotion is that which sends a man from the attractions of home, the ties of neighbourhood, the bonds of country, to range plains, valleys, hills, mountains, for a new flower.
Dorothea Dix
I am devoted to my husband and son. I am devoted to the practices and rituals that imbue our lives with a sense of meaning and purpose, that help me to live my days in the most emotionally and intellectually productive manner. I am devoted to the idea of devotion itself.
Dani Shapiro
Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice. The spirit of self-sacrifice creates trust in the power of love.
Morihei Ueshiba
Indian standards of artistry, and Indian standards of humanity, and Indian standards of love, and of family, devotion, commitment, stand for me as the standard for how one should behave.
Clark Blaise
Creating music is a wonderful way to celebrate our devotion for Lord Shiva.
Amish Tripathi
Sacrifices are concerned with the feelings of devotion and longing.
Xun Kuang
I’m quite sure that most writers would sustain real poetry if they could, but it takes devotion and talent.
Marguerite Young
There is nothing in the world like the devotion of a married woman. It is a thing no married man knows anything about.
Oscar Wilde
Maybe I’ve just been incredibly fortunate, but there’s a level of dedication, devotion, intensity and seriousness around me every day.
Andrea Riseborough
Above all, remember that God looks for solid virtues in us, such as patience, humility, obedience, abnegation of your own will – that is, the good will to serve Him and our neighbor in Him. His providence allows us other devotions only insofar as He sees that they are useful to us.
Saint Ignatius
Theatre requires devotion that is all-consuming. When we started out, we didn’t mind working 12 hours a day. We didn’t mind going endlessly over and over a scene to make it right. I was the company’s costumer for the first few years, and I remember the budget for ‘Balm in Gilead’ was $150.
Glenne Headly
We must guard against disrespectful, disparaging, and c

We must guard against disrespectful, disparaging, and criticizing thoughts. We must try to practice reverence and devotion in our thinking at all times.
Rudolf Steiner
To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal.
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
I’ll miss the relationships I have built with these actors. I’ll miss the devotion we have to this work. Over this length of time, the tendency is to think it will never end.
Dennis Franz
My true friends have always given me that supreme proof of devotion, a spontaneous aversion for the man I loved.
Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
Curiosity does, no less than devotion, pilgrims make.
Abraham Cowley
Being an entrepreneur can be learned, and that is exactly what I have done. You don’t have to be born with it or have had the ‘lemonade stand.’ But, you do need to have the passion, devotion, conviction, and sheer will and drive to make it happen.
Julia Hartz
The children who are ‘our future’ will inherit a world created not just by parental devotion but by the sort of zealous, focused endeavors that can preclude good parenting.
Virginia Postrel
I do devotion in the morning. I pray and I read the word.
Andra Day
Many of the qualities that come so effortlessly to dogs – loyalty, devotion, selflessness, unflagging optimism, unqualified love – can be elusive to humans.
John Grogan
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side.
My father was a classic intellectual. From him I learned devotion, and I also learned about the life of the mind.
Brian Dennehy
In fact, what my fans shown towards me is devotion.
I cannot lead you into battle. I do not give you laws or administer justice but I can do something else – I can give my heart and my devotion to these old islands and to all the peoples of our brotherhood of nations.
Queen Elizabeth II
As I assume my responsibilities as your representative, I wish to assure you of my loyalty and devotions, as well of my determination to serve you and the people of Canada to the utmost of my abilities.
Romeo LeBlanc
The ‘free market’ is a creed that stirs up near religious devotion among its believers. It is in fact a con, a myth, a great deception.
Owen Jones
The number, the industry, and the morality of the priesthood, and the devotion of the people have been manifestly increased by the total separation of the church from the state.
James Madison
Revamp is a band that would deserve the hundred-percent devotion a band needs, and at this moment, I don’t see any future for another band next to a band such as Nightwish, and with the ambition to become a mother, I will have to let Revamp go, which is a very sad decision.
Floor Jansen
What does it mean to love someone with all your heart? It means to love with all your emotional feelings and with all your devotion. Surely when you love your wife with all your heart, you cannot demean her, criticize her, find fault with her, or abuse her by words, sullen behavior, or actions.
Ezra Taft Benson
Soldiers, when committed to a task, can’t compromise. It’s unrelenting devotion to the standards of duty and courage, absolute loyalty to others, not letting the task go until it’s been done.
John Keegan
Work, apart from devotion or love of God, is helpless and cannot stand alone.
Those who seek to satisfy the mind of man by hampering it with ceremonies and music and affecting charity and devotion have lost their original nature.
I believe that a government has only one religion – India first. A government has only one holy book – our Constitution. A government has only one kind of devotion – towards nation.
Narendra Modi
There are techniques of Buddhism, such as meditation, that anyone can adopt. And, of course, there are Christian monks and nuns who already use Buddhist methods in order to develop their devotion, compassion, and ability to forgive.
Dalai Lama
Most damage that others do us is out of fear, humiliation and pain. Those feelings occur in all of us, not just in those of us who profess a certain religious or racial devotion.
Alice Walker
Being productive at your craft is important. Being productive in your devotion to grow as a human is essential.
Robin S. Sharma
The best gift you can give to a girl is your devotion, not some Louboutins. But buy those if you’re busy, for sure.
With devotion at the center of your awareness, you don’t have to refer to your past in order to make a choice of how to respond or react in any given situation.
Debbie Ford
What an enthusiastic devotion is that which sends a man from the attractions of home, the ties of neighbourhood, the bonds of country, to range plains, valleys, hills, mountains, for a new flower.
Dorothea Dix
I can remember coming downstairs before school every day and my mom would be reading her Bible and doing her devotion and praying. Both my parents were prayer warriors.
Mike Fisher
Before you, I engage myself to serve my country with the devotion and the exemplary that this post demands. I understand responsibilities of the job and, as such, I give a republican salute to Nicolas Sarkozy who has led France for 5 years and who deserves all of our respect.
Francois Hollande
I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given to participate in that work as a representative of my country, Canada, whose people have, I think, shown their devotion to peace.
Lester B. Pearson
The art of motherhood involves much silent, unobtrusive

The art of motherhood involves much silent, unobtrusive self-denial, an hourly devotion which finds no detail too minute.
Honore de Balzac
There is nothing in the world like the devotion of a married woman. It is a thing no married man knows anything about.
Oscar Wilde
James’s expedition to Scotland is wholly imaginary, though there appears to have been space for it during Henry’s progress to the North to pay his devotions at Beverley Minster.
Charlotte Mary Yonge
The discipline of daily devotion to God undergirds decisions.
Edwin Louis Cole
For love is a willful stirring of our thoughts unto God, so that it receive nothing that is against the love of Jesus Christ, and therewith that it be lasting in sweetness of devotion; and that is the perfection of this life.
Richard Rolle
I never force myself to be devout except when I feel so inspired, and never compose hymns of prayers unless I feel within me real and true devotion.
Franz Schubert
These are people who are capable of devotion, public devotion, to justice. They meant what they said and every day that passes, they mean it more.
Wendell Berry
I think the level of devotion some sci-fi fans display turns other people off.
James Callis
I do what the directors want me to do with all sincerity and devotion. And ultimately my sincerity pays.
Navya Nair
The devotion of the BVB Army, with its very big online presence, is amazing. We’ve been fortunate from the very beginning. It was something that was really able to spur on our career.
Andy Biersack
True strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate his life, through devotion, to something beyond himself.
Henry Miller
Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice. The spirit of self-sacrifice creates trust in the power of love.
Morihei Ueshiba
I continue to do something I’ve done since I was 18, and that is read a chapter of Proverbs every day as part of my daily devotion. I still maintain that.
Mike Huckabee
The nicest characters in ‘A Week in December’ are, in fact, Muslims – and their religious devotion is one of the things that defines them.
Sebastian Faulks
Cut your morning devotions into your personal grooming. You would not go out to work with a dirty face. Why start the day with the face of your soul unwashed?
Robert A. Cook
So I view acting as a thoroughly involved performance with the maximum of sincerity and devotion.
Navya Nair
Those who give themselves to prayer should in a special manner have always a devotion to St. Joseph; for I know not how any man can think of the Queen of the angels, during the time that she suffered so much with the Infant Jesus, without giving thanks to St. Joseph for the services he rendered them then.
Saint Teresa of Avila
Those who give themselves to prayer should in a special manner have always a devotion to St. Joseph; for I know not how any man can think of the Queen of the angels, during the time that she suffered so much with the Infant Jesus, without giving thanks to St. Joseph for the services he rendered them then.
Saint Teresa of Avila
The relationship between a military working dog and a military dog handler is about as close as a man and a dog can become. You see this loyalty, the devotion, unlike any other and the protectiveness.
Robert Crais
There’s nothing in the world like the devotion of a married woman. It’s a thing no married man knows anything about.
Oscar Wilde
The art of motherhood involves much silent, unobtrusive self-denial, an hourly devotion which finds no detail too minute.
Honore de Balzac
There are techniques of Buddhism, such as meditation, that anyone can adopt. And, of course, there are Christian monks and nuns who already use Buddhist methods in order to develop their devotion, compassion, and ability to forgive.
Dalai Lama
If someone ensures us two square meals a day, we will sing and pray all our waking hours. If one has to hoe sugarcane all day, devotion to God vanishes like smoke.
Munshi Premchand
You want something? Go get it with single-minded devotion.
Reggie Lee
Many of the qualities that come so effortlessly to dogs – loyalty, devotion, selflessness, unflagging optimism, unqualified love – can be elusive to humans.
John Grogan
The limitless loving devotion to God, and the gift God makes of Himself to you, are the highest elevation of which the heart is capable; it is the highest degree of prayer. The souls that have reached this point are truly the heart of the Church.
Edith Stein
The odd thing is how, I think, the intensity and devotion to my craft and the intensity of certain performances or types of roles I’ve played overshadow the comedic stints that I’ve had. ‘Darjeeling Limited’ is a comedy; The ‘Brothers Bloom’ is a comedy.
Adrien Brody
Oh yeah, I mean every fighter has got be dedicated, learn how to sacrifice, know what the devotion is all about, make sure you’re paying attention and studying your art.
Marvin Hagler
To rely upon conviction, devotion, and other excellent spiritual qualities; that is not to be taken seriously in politics.
Vladimir Lenin
I may worship the image of the Lord; but that act is worthless if it is not accompanied with devotion. In the absence of devotion, the idol will just be a piece of stone, and so shall I; and the worship will only mean that a stone is facing a stone!
Vinoba Bhave
True strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate his life, through devotion, to something beyond himself.
Henry Miller
I think he had a strange, passionate devotion to the tr

I think he had a strange, passionate devotion to the truth and a horror at what he saw going on.
Ben Bradlee
Whoever benefits his enemy with straightforward intention that man’s enemies will soon fold their hands in devotion.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
It takes a lifetime of devotion to build your craft, your confidence, and the ability to sing and dance and act believably.
Donna McKechnie
I had girlfriends who really irritated me by their devotion to the Beatles. I didn’t begrudge them their interest, and there were songs like ‘Hey Jude’ that I could appreciate. But they didn’t seem to be essential to the kind of nourishment that I craved.
Leonard Cohen
I will box with passion and devotion.
Oleksandr Usyk
I have been watching how Indian women are forced to do certain things, as the stories of sacrifice and devotion in mythology demand from them. And then there are inspiring stories about women like the Rani of Jhansi that offer women refreshing role models.
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
I think our devotion to Mary is very beautiful. She has a sacred role in Catholicism, and her strong faith and humility are things we can learn from.
Katie Ledecky
The time you spend alone with God will transform your character and increase your devotion. Then your integrity and godly behavior in an unbelieving world will make others long to know the Lord.
Charles Stanley
If my love is without sacrifice, it is selfish. Such a love is barter, for there is exchange of love and devotion in return for something. It is conditional love.
Sadhu Vaswani
My devotion stemmed from my mom’s love of horses. I have been riding since I could walk, and the fact that my mom knew everything about horses really helped my passion grow.
Bella Hadid
There is always the danger that we may just do the work for the sake of the work. This is where the respect and the love and the devotion come in – that we do it to God, to Christ, and that’s why we try to do it as beautifully as possible.
Mother Teresa
America and the world are paying a high price for devotion to the extreme anti-government ideology embraced by Donald Trump and his Republican party.
Joseph Stiglitz
If nations perish, it is not because of their devotion to liberty, but for their disregard of its requirements.
William Lloyd Garrison
It is, in fact, precisely to defend the right to free speech that countless patriots have given the last full measure of devotion.
Max Boot
I’m bothered when people don’t understand that they have an obligation to use their best measure of devotion, of resources, to sacrifice for the common good.
Cory Booker
I’ve long admired Michelle Obama’s devotion to encouraging fitness for children.
Hilaria Baldwin
Politics is a lot like football. Both involve people working in a team. One week you can be top of the league, the next week, you might slip a place. But I’ve never for one minute wanted to give up my devotion for my team.
Angela Rayner
The educator wants the child to be finished at once and perfect. He forces upon the child an unnatural degree of self-mastery, a devotion to duty, a sense of honour – habits that adults get out of with astonishing rapidity.
Ellen Key
Genre pleasures are many, but the quality of shared values within an ongoing discussion may be the most powerful, enlisting lifelong devotion in its fans.
Gregory Benford
The limitless loving devotion to God, and the gift God makes of Himself to you, are the highest elevation of which the heart is capable; it is the highest degree of prayer. The souls that have reached this point are truly the heart of the Church.
Edith Stein
My dog has the intellectual capacity of a lime wedge, yet even he possesses an elaborate set of assumptions, based on his ability to control my behavior through a combination of slavish devotion and incessant howling.
Martha Beck
With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
The increase of scientific knowledge lies not only in the occasional milestones of science, but in the efforts of the very large body of men who with love and devotion observe and study nature.
Polykarp Kusch
The time you spend alone with God will transform your character and increase your devotion. Then your integrity and godly behavior in an unbelieving world will make others long to know the Lord.
Charles Stanley
For me, the rules of politics are 3 Ds which stand for devotion, dedication and determination.
Jaya Prada
These are people who are capable of devotion, public devotion, to justice. They meant what they said and every day that passes, they mean it more.
Wendell Berry
What does it mean to love someone with all your heart? It means to love with all your emotional feelings and with all your devotion. Surely when you love your wife with all your heart, you cannot demean her, criticize her, find fault with her, or abuse her by words, sullen behavior, or actions.
Ezra Taft Benson
The more you rely/trust and believe in your team and the bigger the investment you make in getting them to their greatness, the larger will be the commitment, engagement, and outright devotion they have when it comes to you.
Robin S. Sharma
With the sincere devotion of our employees, Samsung has achieved stellar performances since its foundation.
Lee Kun-hee
To read a novel requires a certain amount of concentration, focus, devotion to the reading. If you read a novel in more than two weeks, you don’t read the novel, really.
Philip Roth
Thus, the Archivist must display at all times scrupulous independence and a devotion to the laws and principles which govern the responsibilities of the office.
Allen Weinstein
This, and this alone, is Christianity, a universal holi

This, and this alone, is Christianity, a universal holiness in every part of life, a heavenly wisdom in all our actions, not conforming to the spirit and temper of the world but turning all worldly enjoyments into means of piety and devotion to God.
William Law
For many, the hijab represents modesty, piety and devotion to God, and I truly respect that. But the hijab should not be used as a means of applying social pressure on people.
Queen Rania of Jordan
True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. It is, on the contrary, an element calm and deep. It looks beyond mere externals, and is attracted by qualities alone. It is wise and discriminating, and its devotion is real and abiding.
Ellen G. White
Let God’s grace be the mosque, and devotion the prayer mat. Let the Quran be the good conduct.
Guru Nanak
My devotion stemmed from my mom’s love of horses. I have been riding since I could walk, and the fact that my mom knew everything about horses really helped my passion grow.
Bella Hadid
Being a pop fan is a lot like Catholic devotion – lots of ritual, lots of ceremony… We touch the icon to enter the sacred space, genuflecting to reliquaries and ostentatoria that make something splendid of our most secret desires and agonies.
Rob Sheffield
I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given to participate in that work as a representative of my country, Canada, whose people have, I think, shown their devotion to peace.
Lester B. Pearson
Personally, I always find it especially piquant when cultural conservatives, usually quick to profess their devotion to the Free Market, rail against the success in said market of some product of which they disapprove.
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
My weight fluctuates depending on my mood and my current devotion to my fitness routine.
Lena Dunham
The sight of nature fascinates, the family tie has a sweet enchantment and patriotism gives the religious spirit a fiery devotion to the powers that it reveres.
Bruno Bauer
Through devotion, your family cares become more peaceful, mutual love between husband and wife becomes more sincere, the service we owe to the prince more faithful, and our work, no matter what it is, becomes more pleasant and agreeable.
Saint Francis de Sales
It is difficult to describe in short the enthusiasm and devotion provoked by and given to my research. We lived almost in poverty. I used pencils, two for a nickel, and could not buy a fountain pen, when I lost mine.
Immanuel Velikovsky
From you we have learned what we, at least, value, to separate Church and State; and from you we gather inspiration at all times in our devotion to learning, to religious liberty, and to individual and National freedom.
Seth Low
I have been watching how Indian women are forced to do certain things, as the stories of sacrifice and devotion in mythology demand from them. And then there are inspiring stories about women like the Rani of Jhansi that offer women refreshing role models.
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
We must guard against disrespectful, disparaging, and criticizing thoughts. We must try to practice reverence and devotion in our thinking at all times.
Rudolf Steiner
For many, the hijab represents modesty, piety and devotion to God, and I truly respect that. But the hijab should not be used as a means of applying social pressure on people.
Queen Rania of Jordan