Top 171 Transformation Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Transformation Quotes from famous people such as Atul Gawande, Henepola Gunaratana, Ron Finley, Wayne Dyer, Christina Binkley, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The history of American agriculture suggests that you c

The history of American agriculture suggests that you can have transformation without a master plan, without knowing all the answers up front.
Atul Gawande
The purpose of meditation is personal transformation.
Henepola Gunaratana
People need to realize how powerful the transformation of soil can be.
Ron Finley
Transformation literally means going beyond your form.
Wayne Dyer
For more than a century, New York City has been home to a constellation of department stores whose openings, closings, and transformations have charted the fortunes and foibles of the city itself.
Christina Binkley
I have had to really grapple with the fact that, while I wish things could be different at times, I ultimately needed to experience the transformation that comes with pain and loss and sorrow.
Karyn Kusama
The reality of getting married, it really changed things into something beautiful. There was transformation.
Peter Scolari
Creative Cloud is Adobe re-imagining itself amid a world of these three transformations – cloud, multiscreen and social computing – which are all happening at the same time.
Kevin Lynch
We are already witnessing a transformation in the U.S. economy to increased production of lower carbon energy through fuel switching to natural gas and expansion of wind, solar, geothermal, and other renewable non-carbon intensive energy sources.
Martin O’Malley
We of America are especially fitted to visualize and to understand the marvellous transformation of a wilderness into a land of splendid cities.
James Henry Breasted
I am hard-pressed to find a successful writer who doesn’t have a similar story to mine – transformation through the public library.
Karin Slaughter
Do we want to be successful, or do we just want to make noise just to make it? Or just to put something on the record? I’ll be honest with you, I’m tired of putting stuff on the record. I’m ready to see some real transformation and change.
Bernice King
I always thought makeup was a beautiful thing, the transformation of it. If someone felt insecure about something, they could put on concealer, and it would change their entire day.
Manny MUA
In film, I like transformation. That goes for the language, for the image, for the performance.
Yorgos Lanthimos
Our task, in the aftermath of September 11, was and continues to be the transformation of the effects of evil into something beautiful and good.
Marianne Williamson
My search is always to find ways to chronicle, to share and to document stories about people, just everyday people. Stories that offer transformation, that lean into transcendence, but that are never sentimental, that never look away from the darkest things about us.
Chris Abani
My own field of paleontology has strongly challenged the Darwinian premise that life’s major transformations can be explained by adding up, through the immensity of geological time, the successive tiny changes produced generation after generation by natural selection.
Stephen Jay Gould
The transformation that happens when a young artist goes on the road – you put the acoustic guitar down and start to play the electric a little louder – it gets a little bit ragged.
Dierks Bentley
We do not always appreciate the role the Queen has played in one of the most significant changes in the past 60 years: the transformation of Britain into a multi-ethnic, multi-faith society. No one does interfaith better than the Royal family, and it starts with the Queen herself.
Jonathan Sacks
With ‘Scandal,’ I was there from the beginning. I got to experience the transformation from its initial slow start to the water-cooler hit it became. I have thoroughly enjoyed the ride, and am deeply grateful for it. I can’t believe how often people stop me on the street to talk about it.
Joshua Malina
Cloud is so important because it enables digital transformation. It underpins disruptive new technologies in social, mobile, and analytics – and it is enabling industry leaders to compete in digital. Innovation is happening in the cloud – and cloud gives companies the speed and flexibility to be much more agile.
Julie Sweet
I am looking into quite a few ideas in parallel and exploring new AI businesses that I can build. One thing that excites me is finding ways to support the global AI community so that people everywhere can access the knowledge and tools that they need to make AI transformations.
Andrew Ng
The recognition of the art that informs all pure science need not mean the abandonment for it of all present art, rather it will mean the completion of the transformation of art that has already begun.
John Desmond Bernal
Nothing’s better than coming away from a film when people don’t even recognize you, because you’ve undergone a total transformation.
Warwick Davis
If you say, I’m for equal pay, that’s a reform. But if you say. I’m a feminist, that’s a transformation of society.
Gloria Steinem
I think ‘Scrooge’ is the best of the Christmas stories. Every child warms to it because it’s about one man’s transformation. It’s saying that it’s never too late to change, and that’s a good feeling to have at Christmas.
Leslie Bricusse
I won’t tow the party line of doing ‘girlie’ yoga and cardio for physical transformations.
Chloe Madeley
Then, when my dad was diagnosed with cancer, I started to notice this crazy transformation, where he fell desperately in love with Jesus.
Bart Millard
My goal is always transformation. I love to watch people transform their lives, which includes their inner world and their outer world.
Debbie Ford
I adore women, and the one thing I want to do more than anything is to see a transformation of personality when someone puts on one of my dresses.
Alber Elbaz
Until we take seriously God’s definition of the church and stop just ‘having church,’ we will not see transformation in our society.
Tony Evans
Knowing reality means constructing systems of transform

Knowing reality means constructing systems of transformations that correspond, more or less adequately, to reality.
Jean Piaget
If you want any hope of staying in the EU, or having a Brexit that doesn’t mean capitulation to ethno-nationalism, you’ve got to tie it to a wider vision of political and economic transformation.
Ash Sarkar
The only way you survive is you continuously transform into something else. It’s this idea of continuous transformation that makes you an innovation company.
Ginni Rometty
This scepticism is the same scepticism I heard a generation ago in the USSR when few thought that a democratic transformation behind the iron curtain was possible.
Natan Sharansky
The IT organization can’t drive or lead a digital transformation. It has to come from the business and the business strategy, because they’re fundamental to how a company or an organization evolves.
Michael Dell
You can plant a church and grow a church. That’s not that hard to do, but it’s harder to be a viable source of transformation in a city or your time or space.
Erwin McManus
As the world undergoes a major transformation, it’s the time of significant opportunity and also threat.
Viktor Orban
It is up to us to push for a transformation in political culture in which the basic human dignity of migrants is unequivocally respected.
Ash Sarkar
We know that peace is only possible when it is the fruit of justice. True peace is a profound transformation by means of the force of nonviolence that is the power of love.
Adolfo Perez Esquivel
You have to maintain a culture of transformation and stay true to your values.
Jeff Weiner
I feel as if I have been blessed to undergo a transformation from ‘gangster’ to ‘redeemed sinner with gangster proclivities.’
Cornel West
China’s urbanization supported the country’s impressive growth and rapid economic transformation.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati
Actors act… Their job is to become this character. And I have, in fact, seen Sam Heughan become Jamie and Caitriona Balfe become Claire right before my eyes. It was an astonishing transformation.
Diana Gabaldon
I always find myself gravitating toward stories of transformation, and one of those periods is teenage life. When teenagers are figuring out who they are and have one foot in childhood and the other in adulthood – I think that’s a really mythic moment to tell stories about.
R. J. Cutler
When a role involves physical transformation, it helps build the character better.
Shweta Tripathi
I’m extremely optimistic about rapid transformation and change of things in Africa in general.
Binyavanga Wainaina
‘The Last Pictures’ is meant to create a framework to think about the long-term effects of human civilizations and the transformations we’ve made to the world around us. Having said that, every person in the world would have done the project differently, so in that sense, I guess it bears my creative stamp.
Trevor Paglen
The great solution to all human problems is individual inner transformation.
Vernon Howard
Asking the proper questions is the central action of transformation. Questions are the key that causes the secret doors of the psyche to swing open.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
A book I often refer to by Naomi Klein is called ‘No Is Not Enough’. It’s not enough to be against something. You have to actually be for something. A better alternative. For me, that’s about transformation.
Jo Swinson
Casting Captain America is really casting two roles… Steve Rogers before and after the transformation from 98 pound weakling to perfect physical specimen. I can’t divulge how we’re going to do it, but the performance will be Chris Evans from beginning to end.
Joe Johnston
I don’t want to do transformations on people for the sake of a visual. I want to do it because it makes sense.
Jonathan Van Ness
I always wished I could move around and switch schools. It was hard to have these radical transformations. You’d think, ‘I will be a totally different person tomorrow,’ but it never worked.
Sarah Dessen
We’re thrilled that our partnership with Adobe has now grown to span our three clouds – Microsoft Azure, Office 365, and Dynamics 365 – providing customers with the powerful integrations they need to navigate digital transformation.
Peggy Johnson
My primary instinct as an actor is not the big transformation. It’s thrilling if a performer can do that well, but that’s not me. Often with actors, it’s a case of witnessing a big party piece but wondering afterwards, where’s the substance?
Colin Firth
Transformation in real life is extraordinarily incremental, and that’s all I’m going to say.
Jillian Michaels
As China is about adaptation, not transformation, it is unlikely to change the world dramatically should it ever assume the global driver’s seat. But this does not mean that China won’t exploit that world for its own purposes.
Ivan Krastev
Transformation in the world happens when people are healed and start investing in other people.
Michael W. Smith
The need to go digital remains a top priority for clients, and we are investing aggressively to drive innovation and deliver digital transformation.
Pierre Nanterme
While the digital transformation of industries will be profound, we must keep in mind that it will have wider economic and social impact, too, as with previous revolutions driven by steam and coal, electricity and computers.
Pierre Nanterme
A good part of ‘The Information’ is about the transition from an oral to a literary culture. Books effected such a great transformation in the way we think about the world, our history, our logic, mathematics, you name it. I think we would be greatly diminished as a people and as a culture if the book became obsolete.
James Gleick
We are at the precipice of great transformation within

We are at the precipice of great transformation within our culture and government.
Zachary Quinto
Memory is a code to who we are, a collection of not just dates and facts but also of epic emotional struggles, epiphanies, transformations.
David Grann
I have to say, working with Dan Stevens in ‘The Guest’ and seeing his transformation was incredible. Also Kate Winslet. Off set, she’s loud and sweary, but when she walks on set, she has this calmness and is so centred.
Maika Monroe
The transformation of the United States from a traditional republic to a democratic nation run in large measure by a single executive took a couple of hundred years.
Noah Feldman
The primary problem in the psychology of becoming is to account for the transformation by which the unsocialized infant becomes an adult with structured loves, hates, loyalties, and interests, capable of taking his place in a complexly ordered society.
Gordon W. Allport
Rituals, anthropologists will tell us, are about transformation. The rituals we use for marriage, baptism or inaugurating a president are as elaborate as they are because we associate the ritual with a major life passage, the crossing of a critical threshold, or in other words, with transformation.
Abraham Verghese
Transformations don’t scare me: it thrills me to become the polar opposite.
Alexandra Roach
While I remain disappointed with our topline development in 2016, we continue to expect our performance to improve in 2017 and see the potential for margin expansion in 2017 and beyond, as market conditions improve and our sales transformation programs gain further traction.
Rajeev Suri
First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.
Napoleon Hill
And the invention of transformations of certain figures has become the most important in musical composition.
Karlheinz Stockhausen
What is needed now is a transformation of the major systems of production more profound than even the sweeping post-World War II changes in production technology.
Barry Commoner
Every genuine boy is a rebel and an anarch. If he were allowed to develop according to his own instincts, his own inclinations, society would undergo such a radical transformation as to make the adult revolutionary cower and cringe.
John Holmes
I don’t believe in the transformation myth, where if you have more success, life changes for you.
Ben Mendelsohn
Whether you’re a government entity, a large enterprise, or a startup, a true digital transformation takes advantage of technology to focus on the customer, automates work that does not need manual interference, and unleashes your people to truly make decisions that change the path of your company.
Safra A. Catz
In community, we discover who we really are and how much transformation we still require. This is why I am irrevocably committed to small groups. Through them, we can accomplish our God-entrusted work to transform human beings.
John Ortberg
Life is a moving, breathing thing. We have to be willing to constantly evolve. Perfection is constant transformation.
Nia Peeples
My participation in the presidential elections can truly be a step on the path towards the transformation that our country needs so much.
Ksenia Sobchak
Any company faces big challenges during transformation. People are accustomed to going ahead on the existing track. Even when they know there are problems, the first reaction is to protect the old way.
Li Ning
During a transformation, it’s understandable to be hesitant about moving too fast, especially at the outset.
Irene Rosenfeld
We’re trained to see the world in terms of charismatic organizations and charismatic people. That’s who we look to for leadership and change, for transformation. We’re awaiting the next J.F.K., the next Martin Luther King, the next Gandhi, the next Nelson Mandela.
Paul Hawken
The immune system’s goal is to protect the body against invaders either from without, such as microbes, or from within, such as cancers and different types of neoplastic transformation.
Anthony Fauci
This radical transformation of world power relationships reflects primarily in the case of both the USA and the USSR the growth of the productive forces.
Earl Browder
When I was at the Royal Ballet School, I remember receiving my first eyeshadow palette from Marks & Spencer as a gift. It sparked my interest in beauty, which peaked when I became more involved in theatre and got to experience so many stunning image transformations to suit different productions.
Darcey Bussell
Symmetry does mean something different for physicists than for members of the public. It means that an object or a theory does not change when you make some transformation – either rotating or moving it or doing something to the equations.
Lawrence M. Krauss
Just look at the transformation Taylor Swift made from being pop country to pop pop. There are very specific things she cut out and very specific things she adopted.
Jessica Origliasso
How people watch and the different ways they connect to TV – you’re going to see some expansion and radical transformation.
Kevin Reilly
I have been working and composing music since 1986. Over the years, I have seen our music industry go through all kinds of transformation.
Adnan Sami
The whole process of acting is transformation. What is your power, quality and level of transformation, define you as an actor.
Neeraj Kabi
Like many confused and evolving humans, I live in constant danger of transformation.
Amy Gerstler
A really great actor, in a lucky performance, can transform himself or herself. I’ve seen actors do that. But often it’s a mechanical transformation, which isn’t as interesting, and you’ve got to be careful how you go about something like that, I think.
Alan Alda
A fully engaged imagination is essential to the spiritual practice of the Tibetan Buddhist Vajrayana School, whose artistic tradition is in service of consciousness transformation.
Alex Grey
I've always been obsessed with the art of transformatio

I’ve always been obsessed with the art of transformation.
Nikita Dragun
We have all seen werewolf transformations hundreds of times on screen.
Glen Duncan
Strategy is the starting point for a transformation that needs to occur and how that company must change to win.
Lynne Doughtie
For the Yupik, all life was continuous, animal with human with ‘spirit’, and recognising that continuum allowed them to undergo transformations that we, locked into our own disappointingly Cartesian skins, find impossible even to imagine.
John Burnside
No climate plan can leave workers and communities behind nor trample the rights of Indigenous communities. Canadians must have opportunity and income security during economic transformation.
Jagmeet Singh
It’s important to recognize that forgiveness is more than mere words; it’s a heart attitude that induces a spiritual transformation.
Victoria Osteen
From 1940 to the present, the art world – and particularly Los Angeles – has undergone a transformation not unlike the Italian Renaissance.
Jeffrey Deitch
You see the transformation that the arts have on young people. It changes their lives for the better. That’s where my engagement is.
Kerry Washington
The most propagandistic element of ‘Frozen’ was the transformation of the prince at the beginning of the story, who was a perfectly good guy, into a villain with no character development whatsoever about three-quarters of the way to the ending.
Jordan Peterson
The question is not only what is grown but what it’s used for. There’s not going to be a mass transformation of dietary habits in rich countries-on the contrary, the first thing people do when they become more prosperous is to buy more meat.
Susan George
With ‘Journey,’ we created an emotional arc for two different scenarios. So, if you play alone, it’s a good game. You have what we think is a complete emotional arc. You will feel, I guess, a sense of transformation in the single-player. Because it’s a hero’s journey.
Jenova Chen
I think it is a wonderful process of transformation from an actress to a producer.
Anushka Sharma
To make sense to us as physical creatures, any ‘truth’ must undergo transformations, be couched in certain terms or we couldn’t understand it.
Jane Roberts
Something is happening to Britain and the British. Or has happened. We are said to be passing through a transition, or a turning point, or a transformation; nobody is quite sure which.
Ferdinand Mount
And what classical music does best and must always do more, is to show this kind of transformation of moods, to show a very wide psychological voyage. And I think that’s something that we as classical musicians have underestimated.
Michael Tilson Thomas
Health care and education, in my view, are next up for fundamental software-based transformation.
Marc Andreessen
The IMF played crucial roles in the 1980s debt crisis and in the transformation of former communist economies. Radical change, many might argue, is neither necessary nor desirable.
Zanny Minton Beddoes
The explosive growth in places like Shanghai has helped lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and into a thriving new middle class. What China has done is nothing short of an economic transformation, and the citizens of this country have every right to be proud.
Gary Locke
When someone chooses to value herself over the things she can buy, true transformation begins.
Suze Orman
In the kind of world we have today, transformation of humanity might well be our only real hope for survival.
Stanislav Grof
A system where self-employment and self-finance was typical gave way to a system of companies having various business freedoms and enabling institutions. This was the ‘great transformation’ on which historians and sociologists as well as business commentators were to write volumes.
Edmund Phelps
For years I exercised to be thinner, and I never got the results I wanted. When I finally started working out to be healthier, I saw a transformation. I’ve even quit weighing myself so I don’t obsess over the numbers.
Judy Reyes
And the invention of transformations of certain figures has become the most important in musical composition.
Karlheinz Stockhausen
When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness.
Joseph Campbell
I think one of the things I enjoy about acting is the transformation, and part of that is certainly the physical transformation. If people are confused forever, wondering where they have seen me before, that feels like exactly where I want to live. It feels like something’s working.
Rachel Brosnahan
Russia was culturally isolated for so long that some sort of transformation needs to happen and will happen.
Dasha Zhukova
All thoughtful persons perceive that the ideas of the morality of sexual relations upheld by the religions and laws of the Western nations are in our time undergoing a radical transformation.
Ellen Key
Maturity transformation is a central part of the economic function of banks and many other types of financial intermediaries.
Janet Yellen
I, myself, have not infrequently come across recovering addicts years later that I had given up on. It is like seeing a ghost come to life. The transformations can be astonishing.
Drew Pinsky
We need to realize that our path to transformation is through our mistakes. We’re meant to make mistakes, recognize them, and move on to become unlimited.
Yehuda Berg
With Google, we formed a new alliance to create industry-specific cloud and mobile solutions to help clients advance their digital transformation agendas and improve business performance.
Pierre Nanterme
We see a transformation of warfare from the big armies

We see a transformation of warfare from the big armies and battlefields in open spaces to a fragmentation of armed groups and smaller armies, which move into city centres, which increasingly become the theatre of warfare.
Peter Maurer
The idea of transformation – playing something I’m not – is the bit I enjoy most about acting.
Mark Strong
I’m on stage 13. I’m at that can’t-be-replaced stage. The transformation I’ve been through personally with my wife is amazing, but having two girls and a boy, man, that’s the painful stuff.
Dierks Bentley
The art of transformation is a very important thing to me, and I always believe I can say something more truthful through characters that are further away from me.
Andy Serkis
Rudy Giuliani did some phenomenal things in the city if you think of the transformation of the city and the quality of life.
Joe Lhota
Genuine equality between the sexes can only be realized in the process of the socialist transformation of society as a whole.
Mao Zedong
When I moved to Beijing in 2005 to write, I was accustomed to hearing the story of China’s transformation told in vast, sweeping strokes – involving one fifth of humanity and great pivots of politics and economics.
Evan Osnos
If you start thinking of stress as not a bad thing but inevitable, resulting in change that itself leads to transformation that leads to sharp and radical changes… it can be a very useful way of thinking.
Marilyn Ferguson
Whether trauma will be a cruel and punishing Gorgon or a vehicle for soaring to the heights of transformation and mastery depends upon how we approach it.
Peter A. Levine
As a product of education, I have always believed in the power of education as the most powerful, high-impact catalyst for transformation. Look at the impact that the Indian Institutes of Technology have had globally.
Shiv Nadar
We started Kotter International to improve leaders’ ability to deal with big, important transformations in organizations – and in their lives.
John P. Kotter
Transformation as a female actor is allowed up to a certain extent – as long as they can still recognize you on a red carpet. For a woman to be a shape-shifter, and to be that malleable in spirit, is really not OK with the patriarchy.
Andrea Riseborough
I think everybody’s had that feeling of sitting in a theater, in a dark room, with other strangers, watching a very powerful film, and they felt that feeling of transformation.
Jehane Noujaim
Reorganization to me is shuffling boxes, moving boxes around. Transformation means that you’re really fundamentally changing the way the organization thinks, the way it responds, the way it leads. It’s a lot more than just playing with boxes.
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
To be a monk is to have time to practice for your transformation and healing. And after that to help with the transformation and healing of other people.
Thich Nhat Hanh
There was a little less pressure to be fit on ‘The Avengers’ than ‘Captain America.’ I had just finished ‘Captain America,’ so I was already built. Plus, ‘Captain America’ has that one scene dramatic scene where my transformation is revealed. ‘The Avengers’ has not one shirtless scene.
Chris Evans
Our strategic rationale in Happiest Minds was to have disruptive technology, providing a smart, secure, connected experience enabling digital transformation.
Ashok Soota
Technologies and specific vendors may come and go, but massive cultural transformations and new kinds of relationships? Those don’t go away.
Clara Shih
I’d have to say the biggest transformation would be my schedule. I’m really, really busy, but it’s a lot of fun.
Taylor Lautner
We need a pope to oversee not simply a modernization of the church but its total transformation.
Greg Boyle
I tell myself that I created the wardrobe of the contemporary woman, that I participated in the transformation of my times.
Yves Saint Laurent
In Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Jekyll & Hyde,’ the hero decides on the terms of his transformation in a process that’s explained not through the supernatural but the natural or, at least, through biochemistry.
Joshua Cohen
When people are facing a severe illness or a major surgery, that may be one of the most significant opportunities for spiritual transformation that they will encounter.
Allan Hamilton
And when I met Cecil Taylor it was a complete transformation of musical identities. All the tenets that I had grown up with were thrown out the window.
Archie Shepp
Through his deferential yet decidedly determined demeanor, Pope Francis is not only setting a superior spiritual standard, but he is also leading a thorough transformation of the Catholic Church – rivaling any brand revitalization or corporate turnaround you could name.
Denise Morrison
We are witnessing an enormous shift of collective consciousness throughout the world. We are at the precipice of great transformation within our culture and government.
Zachary Quinto
Antigravity, teleportation, time travel, energetic DNA evolution and consciousness transformation could create a world few of us ever even dreamed of.
David Wilcock
Transformation, liberation and celebration are the themes of all my novels.
Tom Robbins
Around the world today we’re seeing an incredible transformation, from what I would call a biocidal species, one that – whether we intentionally or unintentionally – have designed our systems to kill life, a lot of the time.
Jane Poynter
I am obsessed with the idea of transformation. I have been very lucky so far to play very different roles – and I would love for that to continue.
Eugene Simon
As I showed the world my art, my heart, I wasn’t just an actress. I was actually an artist. And that was my transformation.
Heart Evangelista
Nelson Mandela understood that social transformation an

Nelson Mandela understood that social transformation and economic transformation go hand in hand.
Klaus Schwab
It can be difficult to be subtle and not cartoony in prosthetics. But when you see characters like Bubbles and Desiree from ‘Little Britain’ on screen, it makes all the hard work worth it. It’s such fun watching those transformations.
David Walliams
I write to relieve an intellectual itch. I stumble across a hitherto neglected set of events, transformations, characters, or source materials from the past, and they nag at me until I make sense of them in words. But I also write to seduce and to make my readers think.
Linda Colley
My grandmother and mother were from Italy, so I was raised Catholic. That kind of just meant going to church on Easter and Christmas. I saw a radical transformation in my family when they started going to a Christian church. I watched them fall in love with God.
Sonny Sandoval
I believe in copyright, within limited precincts. But I also believe in fair use, public domain, and especially transformation.
David Shields
It’s the transformation that drives me. I want to do it all and never want to be boxed into something as a particular type or style. I never want people to think they know me. I hope to build a repertoire that one can look at and say, from to role to role, ‘Was that Brian Tee?’
Brian Tee
The Great Society wanted to make America look like a country in which Little Rock could never have happened. It failed because it was a venture in denial rather than in realistic social transformation.
Shelby Steele
Don’t ever empty the bucket of mystery. Never let people define what you do. It’s not about zigging when you should zag. It’s not about doing something unprecedented and unpredictable. It’s just about never being a word, or something that is not in the process of transformation.
Marilyn Manson
Make-up are the first people the actors go to on set every day – they see you at your most vulnerable. Then they paint the character on you, they’re integral to that transformation. It’s such an intimate art form that you develop a really close relationship with your make-up artist.
Ncuti Gatwa
That appropriation of resources and the transformation of them into goods and services through the European production system characterized, and characterizes to this day, all industrial systems including the information age.
Paul Hawken
We firmly oppose the use of violence in the course of current transformations in Arab States, especially against civilians. We are well aware of the fact that the transformation of a society is a complex and generally long process, which rarely goes smoothly.
Sergei Lavrov
For the first time in human evolution, the individual life is long enough, and the cultural transformation swift enough, that the individual mind is now a constituent player in the global transformation of human culture.
William Irwin Thompson
I am thrilled to join Weight Watchers and lead the next phase of the company’s transformation.
Mindy Grossman
From a professional standpoint, our transformation of the labor landscape at scale through technology with Levo is the highest and best direction of my energy.
Caroline Ghosn
I try to write the books I would love to come upon that are honest, concerned with real lives, human hearts, spiritual transformation, families, secrets, wonder, craziness – and that can make me laugh.
Anne Lamott
She used her wealth and philanthropy to contribute to Black schools and colleges, she gave the largest gift the NAACP had ever received to it’s anti-lynching fund… Madam Walker’s life was one of transformation and re-invention.
A’Lelia Bundles