Top 175 Tolerate Quotes

All imperfection is easier to tolerate if served up in small doses.
Wislawa Szymborska
The thing that’s confusing for investors is that founders don’t know how to be CEO. I didn’t know how to do the job when I was a CEO. Founder CEOs don’t know how to be CEOs, but it doesn’t mean they can’t learn. The question is… can the founder learn that job and can they tolerate all mistakes they will make doing it?
Ben Horowitz
Whenever a political regime or religious establishment refuses to tolerate criticism, it advertises itself as repressive, backward, and insecure.
Mark Knopfler
Certainly going back to 2008 during the primary, Secretary Clinton was subjected to various forms of sexism – overt, subtle – that were detrimental. Fortunately, Senator Obama was not subjected to something similar; the culture seemed to tolerate sexism and not racism. We ought not tolerate either.
David Brock
What’s amazing is that so many leaders who value teamwork will tolerate people who aren’t humble. They reluctantly hire self-centred people and then justify it because those people have desired skills.
Patrick Lencioni
I think when you play a contact sport there’s always inherent risk and inherent risk to injury. At what point do you tolerate it, and at what point is it enough?
Luke Kuechly
Tolerance always has limits – it cannot tolerate what is itself actively intolerant.
Sidney Hook