Top 177 Crossed Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Crossed Quotes from famous people such as Billie Eilish, Jermaine Jenas, Kimberle Williams Crenshaw, Andy Cole, Oliver St. John, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I used to write random little stupid things when I was

I used to write random little stupid things when I was five, but then the first song I really wrote was one called ‘Fingers Crossed,’ which is on SoundCloud.
Billie Eilish
I’m not saying coaching has never crossed my mind. But it’s worth pointing out that if I decided tomorrow that I wanted to be a manager and I started getting my badges through the FA, it would take me four and a half years to complete my training.
Jermaine Jenas
In a true democracy, there has to be a line between deliberative debate and mob rule. Trump has crossed the line, and much of the media has exacerbated the problem by treating his remarks as entertainment, effectively encouraging his competition to do the same.
Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
Of course, not everyone’s going to get on but when you crossed that white line it didn’t matter. For those 90 minutes it didn’t matter what else was going on, we’d do anything to win.
Andy Cole
If a queen bee were crossed with a Friesian bull, would not the land flow with milk and honey?
Oliver St. John
The hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who have unlawfully crossed our border are posing a significant threat to the government’s ability to effectively enforce our nation’s immigration laws.
Matthew Whitaker
Sometimes people honestly don’t realize the magnitude of their words and have no idea that boundaries have been crossed.
Judy Smith
One is not idle because one is absorbed. There is both visible and invisible labor. To contemplate is to toil, to think is to do. The crossed arms work, the clasped hands act. The eyes upturned to Heaven are an act of creation.
Victor Hugo
Gay marriage passed in New York because four Republican legislators crossed party lines. They did it in part because they had true bipartisan financial support.
Campbell Brown
I became this dorky 15-year-old, in my bedroom all the time with crossed eyes, staring at my computer. It was all drum loops, R&B and pop – silly songs that I hope to God no one ever hears. But that’s what got me in to music.
Katie Melua
We crossed the Himalayas in less than two minutes, and then you realise, ‘Oh My God, within an hour and a half, we have gone around the whole planet.’
Kalpana Chawla
Running with someone like Maurice Greene – competing shoulder to shoulder with him – and then running against Usain Bolt, Asafa Powell. And now the young guys, Christian Coleman, Noah Lyles. I’m the only guy that’s crossed three generations of sprinters.
Justin Gatlin
If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve man, but deteriorate the cat.
Mark Twain
I shake my legs constantly when I’m sitting crossed legged.
Perrie Edwards
I may have crossed three-fourths of my life and I felt it would be worth jotting down my life in movies spanning decades.
Balachandra Menon
I don’t think it’s ungracious to seek cosmetic help – it has crossed my mind from time to time, and I have been tempted. But it’s too short-term. Once you start down that road, you have to keep going.
Diana Quick
When I was a 21-year-old intern at CBS, I was told I had crossed eyes and shouldn’t try to be on air. That’s when I decided I was going to be behind the scenes.
Andy Cohen
Of course I’m a big fan of Migos and we crossed paths on the road a bunch of times.
Lil Jon
Shirin Farhad’ is a romantic tale of an unmarried couple who feel they can live together forever. Having crossed the marriageable age, what happens to them forms the crux of the story. The movie has several comic sequences with an emotional touch to it.
Farah Khan
I have the utmost respect for those who have come to this country legally and have contributed to the great melting pot that is America today. But those who have crossed our borders illegally have broken the law and the law ought to be enforced.
Bob Ney
When you visit a foreign city you are in it, but not of it, separated by a glass wall. Once, while a student, I was getting dressed in my ground-floor room when a family of Italians crossed the grass to watch, as if I were laid on for their amusement and instruction.
Simon Hoggart
There are probably some readers who don’t want a great American writer to acknowledge that cleaning out the bottom drawer of the refrigerator has ever crossed their mind.
Rumaan Alam
They came down on us because we had a grass-roots, real people’s revolution, complete with the programs, complete with the unity, complete with the working coalitions, where we crossed racial lines.
Bobby Seale
I’ve crossed the Mexican border and gone to Tijuana a few times over the years, but I’ve never felt comfortable there.
Michael Connelly
Indian food has crossed boundaries but we have not been able to tell the world that it is best enjoyed with hands.
Gurpreet Ghuggi
I decided I wanted to be a musician when I saw the movie ‘Amadeus’ around 1987. I was five years old, so it was a good time to start piano lessons after seeing Tom Hulce who played Mozart play the harpsichord on his back with his hands crossed. Such a great movie to inspire a five-year-old.
Mark Salling
Jesus was born a Jew, and he died a Jew. It never occurred to him to establish a new religion. He never crossed himself: he had no reason to. He never set one foot in a church. He went to synagogue.
Amos Oz
I wanted to tell a dream-come-true story about going from a closeted gay kid who loved pop culture to an out adult man making pop culture. I went from being told when I was 21 that I should never go on TV because of my crossed eyes to winding up being a ‘Housewives’ whisperer and talk-show host.
Andy Cohen
Going to America is the best prize, so fingers crossed it will work out on Broadway.
James Corden
Containment, as everyone will recall, was a rough plan for stopping the Communists any time they crossed a certain line dividing our half of the world from theirs.
M. Stanton Evans
My fingers are crossed for ‘Dekh Lena.’ I believe it has shaped very beautifully and also visually the song looks fabulous.
Tulsi Kumar
For me, I never really understood why certain lines had

For me, I never really understood why certain lines had to be crossed in order to get a point across. There’s a PG way to say everything, in my opinion.
Brett Young
‘Dus’ was different from ‘Tum Bin,’ and ‘Ra.One’ from ‘Dus,’ but the difference didn’t pop out as much as ‘Mulk.’ That was because it was an issue-based film and crossed the line as being a serious, hard-hitting movie.
Anubhav Sinha
I think the world consists of yin and yang. There should be a balance, and it’s important to coexist peacefully, with respect and dignity, and whenever those lines are crossed I think it’s important for people to speak up for what they believe in.
Zeenat Aman
Never insult an alligator until after you have crossed the river.
Cordell Hull
We are protecting Europe according to European rules that say borders can be crossed only in certain areas in a controlled way and after registration.
Viktor Orban
Acting never crossed my mind for a moment when I was growing up.
Tommy Flanagan
Every time I’ve crossed to a new level of film acting, the film has been a breakthrough project.
Anupam Kher
One senses that all the Bolsheviks, even those who ended up as cold-blooded autocrats, had been on a journey from idealism to something else, and didn’t notice – to mix periods – when the Rubicon was crossed.
Tom Stoppard
I don’t really have any interest in playing the same part again and again. Let’s just keep everything crossed that doesn’t happen.
Gwendoline Christie
The Orlando terrorist is an example of someone who was in the sights of law enforcement but never crossed the threshold from pre-criminal to criminal behavior and, thus, was not tracked adequately before this horrific act.
David Petraeus
The National Lottery is brilliant because when I’m on my way people tweet me and say: ‘Fingers crossed,’ ‘make my numbers come up!’ Which I obviously can’t do but, what a great life!
Kate Garraway
I was miserable in WCW. I knew I wasn’t going to go any higher there, and jumping to WWE hadn’t even crossed my mind. I couldn’t stop wondering, ‘Is this it? Is this what I worked my whole life for?’
Eddie Guerrero
I grew up in Westlake Villiage, a suburb of L.A. There was a guy there who was a fighter and was like, ‘I’ll teach you to box.’ I started a little bit of boxing, then it crossed over into jiu-jitsu. I was into it for a little while, but then I started doing basketball, baseball, team sports.
Jonathan Lipnicki
What I have crossed out I didn’t like. What I haven’t crossed out I’m dissatisfied with.
Cecil B. DeMille
I can honestly say that, growing up, it never crossed my mind that I could ever make anything. I could write articles about things, which is why I wanted to be a professor. I loved watching movies and writing about them and teaching them, but it never crossed my mind that I could make something.
Stephanie Savage
In my early days in school, I had no shoes, no school bags. There were days I had only one meal… I walked miles and crossed rivers to school every day. Didn’t have power, didn’t have generators, studied with lanterns, but I never despaired.
Goodluck Jonathan
When you look back at your own story, you may find out that not every ‘t’ was crossed and every ‘i’ was dotted.
Amy Klobuchar
The reason why Roc-A-Fella crossed and became so essential to pop culture is that we were probably the most authentic people that were also so sophisticated.
Damon Dash
I am preparing myself as every offseason, getting myself ready to close. Starting hasn’t even crossed my mind and I’m not going to do it either.
Aroldis Chapman
It never crossed my mind to make a film about Muhammad Ali or the Queen or any of them! They just come out of the blue.
Stephen Frears
When the coronavirus-positive cases were 500 in the country, you ordered the shops to shut down, and now when the tally has crossed 50,000 you are opening them. I don’t understand the logic.
Jaideep Ahlawat
Michael was a type of person the whole family went behind who crossed all borders with his music.
Joe Jackson
It’s been real weird. It wasn’t how I expected my life to turn out. Especially, mainly pertaining to the show. It never crossed my mind that one day I’m gonna be big and famous and have my own TV show, you know?
Jack Osbourne
Around 10, I got chubby. I knew I’d crossed a line when the only pants that fit were from the ‘Junior Plenty’ line at JC Penny. My parents had split up, my mom was going through a dark time, and my brother and I were getting bullied in our new neighborhood. Life was big and unsafe.
Marti Noxon
When someone makes a racist remark, that doesn’t make him a racist, but you have to say, ‘This the line. You’ve crossed it, and you have to apologize’ – not only to the person who has been hurt but also the people who live with that racial abuse almost all their lives. I think that’s unacceptable if you don’t.
Edgar Davids
I don’t limit my taste. There’s some jazz that I like and there’s some opera. I’ve been listening to what was essentially country music, but it crossed over to rock.
Rick Moranis
My dad was a baseball coach, and then I switched to softball. Baseball was all I knew until I crossed over. It never seemed like a big deal.
Jessica Mendoza
As we make our way toward the finish line that some of us have already crossed, I never thought I’d get a Grammy Award. In fact, I was always touched by the modesty of their interest.
Leonard Cohen
At the end of ‘Afterlife’ – hmm, how do I do this without spoilers – Skye took a very strange journey that crossed the boundary between life and death. And now, for her, that boundary is permanently blurred.
Claudia Gray
There is a giant gulf between doing something and doing nothing. And someone who makes a lolcat and uploads it – even if only to crack their friends up – has already crossed that chasm to doing something. That’s the sea change, and you can see it even with the cute cats.
Clay Shirky
I’m pretty Sicilian if I’ve been crossed. I don’t seek revenge, but I never forget. And I make it hard to repair, which is not a great quality because if people held me to that standard, no one would be around me – ever.
Amy Adams
There's a fine line between physical and thug ball, and

There’s a fine line between physical and thug ball, and the Knicks have crossed the line on occasion.
Marv Albert
I started songwriting at around age 12, and that was it. I never really stopped. Nothing else ever really crossed my mind. It’s truly the expression of who I am.
Lara Fabian
There was a phase where nothing was going right, and the thought crossed my mind that what is going to happen. Since I had no Plan B, I was sure from the beginning that I love acting and this is what I want to do for the rest of my life, so I had to be ready to struggle.
Rajkummar Rao
How many crossroads are you allowed to have in life? I seem to have a lot of crossroads. I think maybe I crossed back across the same road too often.
Queen Latifah
If I had some idea of a finish line, don’t you think I would have crossed it years ago?
Richard M. DeVos
When we look at some of the greatest creative ideas we’ve come up with, they have originated literally from all corners of the world and have crossed all different types of media as well. So while there’s still traditional TV, which is clearly a very compelling media, it’s also cyber, mobile, outdoor.
Steve Easterbrook
In June 1972, I went with friends to see the Rolling Stones at the Los Angeles Forum. After the concert, as we crossed through the parking lot, a guy in a brown Mercedes stopped in the middle of the street and got out. He came up to me and asked if I had ever modeled.
Rene Russo
My mom was the organized enforcer. When someone crossed the line, mom was pretty clear-minded about how to… correct that error. But my dad led by his example, so we never wanted to do anything wrong that would, that would upset him or disturb him.
Neil Bush
There is something inexpressibly sad in the thought of the children who crossed the ocean with the Pilgrims and the fathers of Jamestown, New Amsterdam, and Boston, and the infancy of those born in the first years of colonial life in this strange new world.
Alice Morse Earle
Mixed messages are just part and parcel of the romantic terrain, and rather than berate yourself for any crossed wires, you’d do better to work on your future resilience.
Mariella Frostrup
Playing a woman in the tech world never crossed my mind as a thing until people started bringing it up all time. People act like it’s unicorns speaking English all of a sudden.
Carly Chaikin
I have never sold my story, done ‘Hello!’ magazine, any of that stuff. I’m not guilty of exploiting my private life for cash and then saying, ‘Oh, I don’t want to talk about my private life.’ I’ve never crossed that line.
Paul Merton
In our time, there are still many, like those in the Good Samaritan story, who being of the religious classes in that time, purposely crossed to the other side of the road, and passed by the injured and bleeding.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
It never crossed my mind to be a director, and I’ll tell you why: because I’m a woman. It just didn’t occur to me, but I knew I had to be in film.
Patricia Riggen
People ask me, ‘Did you always want to be on SNL?’ No, actually, it never crossed my mind. It didn’t even seem possible. It would’ve been like saying, ‘Hey, do you wanna go to the moon?’
Bill Hader
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for good roles to come my way.
Payal Rohatgi
It never crossed my mind that I was the white guy rapping. I was best friends with Chamillionaire and whatever he did, I did. If he rapped, I rapped. It was something we did for fun at the track meets or basketball games. Or get in these freestyle cyphers with other schools. Me and Cham rapping together.
Paul Wall
I make all my decisions by listening to my instinct and then keeping my fingers crossed it will lead to a good place.
Felicity Jones
I never tried to revolutionise photography; I just do what I do and keep my fingers crossed that people will like it.
David Bailey
Luke and Vader’s light saber duel in ‘Return of the Jedi’ gives me chills every time. Even the still photo of the two of them in silhouette, sabers crossed, gives me a rush.
Paul S. Kemp
Don’t taunt the alligator until after you’ve crossed the creek.
Dan Rather
I wanted to do something risque in 2012 and that’s when the thought of being a Playboy cover girl crossed my mind.
Sherlyn Chopra
I’ve never been attracted to sci-fi per se. People tell me I’m in a genre kind of movie, but it never crossed my mind that ‘The Matrix’ was genre.
Carrie-Anne Moss
Life is full of borders. Some of them, once crossed, can never be crossed again in the other direction. But there are new countries to discover across every one.
Tim Pratt
I thought it was possible that O.J. could have done something. It crossed my mind. I was thinking about the events of everything and going, Why did I hear that? I was going, No, it can’t be, and just all that stuff was adding up.
Kato Kaelin
Conor McGregor started well with his marketing, he talks a lot and is a great fighter, we can’t deny that, but I think he crossed the line.
Fabricio Werdum
When he hung up on Nancy Reagan, that’s when he crossed his final threshold.
David Gergen
Will Smith is one of my favorite actors, and he’s also a triple threat. He successfully crossed over from music into acting. Also, I liked ‘I Am Legend’ because it was so unexpected. The movie wasn’t what I thought it’d turn out to be.
Kat Graham
I have been with some great organizations, crossed paths with special people, and made numerous lasting relationships.
Anne Donovan
My father is pretty much a self-made man, and I am proud of that. He was born in Patiala and crossed the border from India to Pakistan when he was four.
Fawad Khan
Sam Cooke was a gospel singer like myself, and when he crossed over and started singing rock n’ roll, it kind of gave me the green light to go ahead and do it.
Dennis Edwards
Here ends my forever memorable first High Sierra excurs

Here ends my forever memorable first High Sierra excursion. I have crossed the Range of Light, surely the brightest and best of all the Lord has built. And, rejoicing in its glory, I gladly, gratefully, hopefully pray I may see it again.
John Muir
Recruiters sometimes have their wires crossed when it comes to what Millennials really want at work. While fancy perks are great, many Millennials are more excited about growing and thriving at a company that appreciates their talent and will help them continue to learn.
Kathryn Minshew
Country has just crossed so many lines now, that Skynyrd falls right into that category.
Rickey Medlocke
I put everything in that last lap, it was very emotional when I crossed the line. It was all I had, I gave it all.
Sebastian Vettel
I spent four months in Prague in these blue rooms reacting to nothing and you basically place your faith in the hands of the director and the special effects co-coordinator and you keep your fingers crossed and hope that the creatures look really scary.
Edward Burns
My mom can’t defend herself to the world. She is such an amazing woman, with such an open heart. It’s a real hard line, and I crossed it. I took everyone’s life story and assumed it would be a great thing to put on screen. I was being selfish and I feel so horrible about it. I feel so guilty.
Nikki Reed
Retirement has never, ever crossed my mind. And I honestly can’t imagine when or why it would. If you’re doing the thing you love, why on earth would you want to stop doing it?
Deborah Meaden
There were some people with their arms crossed who gave me a hard time just to see what I’d do after so long. But it’s okay because everyone loved my performance in Buddhivanta.’
Suman Ranganathan
Sometime during the many millions of years that have elapsed since mammalian faunas came into existence, some sort of island crossed from West Africa to South America.
Louis Leakey
I’m not computer literate. I e-mail. I know how to get on the Web, but I haven’t crossed over into the internet world. I’m old-fashioned, I guess.
Katie Holmes
Official boundaries are often hard to see. If you head north on Woodward Avenue, away from downtown Detroit, you wouldn’t know exactly when you left the city and crossed over into Oakland County – except for a small sign that tells you.
Robert Reich
I crossed paths with a horse that happened to change my life. That horse is Game On Dude, and what a horse! He’s a soldier. Together we traveled the world. We won the Santa Anita Big Cap, Goodwood, almost won the Breeder’s Cup Classic; we won the San Antonio, Hollywood Gold Cup and the Californian.
Chantal Sutherland
No one would have crossed the ocean if he could have gotten off the ship in the storm.
Charles Kettering
I’m keeping my fingers crossed and hoping everyone loves what I do and loves what’s on screen.
J. R. Ramirez
I never made movies that had any of my music. I haven’t crossed them over that much.
Rob Zombie
I’ve crossed adulthood, and I feel like lots of people are fighting that.
Farrah Abraham
Earlier, when actors aged, they were never, ever to be seen again; but times have changed for the better. Now you don’t have to go into oblivion just because you’ve crossed 40.
Deepti Naval
To have your first No. 1 as an artist was everything I could have ever dreamed for. Now we’re keeping our fingers crossed, and hopefully we’ll have many more, but there’s certainly nothing like the first one.
Luke Bryan
Bill Evans is a real serious jazz pianist who, in my book, crossed over boundaries in terms of color. He used the piano as his canvas.
Roberta Flack
The thought has crossed my mind to quit even dealing with organized mixed martial arts in general and just fight my own fights, however I feel like.
Josh Barnett
I’ve played to audiences where people are sitting there with their arms crossed, just kind of watching. Although they might be having a great time, and they might be really enjoying the spectacle, if I’m not getting anything back, it does affect the way I perform and project.
Steven Wilson
Next to being married, a girl likes to be crossed in love a little now and then.
Jane Austen
I wanted to play Dracula because I wanted to say: ‘I’ve crossed oceans of time to find you.’ It was worth playing the role just to say that line.
Gary Oldman
At some point, when I was 14 or 15, the idea crossed my mind to become an actor… I hadn’t been to the theater much… When I grew up, we had one TV channel, which was sufficient.
Tom Wlaschiha
Whether our forebears were strangers who crossed the Atlantic or the Pacific or the Rio Grande, we are here only because this country welcomed them in and taught them that to be an American is about something more than what we look like, or what our last names are, or how we worship.
Barack Obama
I have crossed Suarez on the field and it was a pleasure. He is a great forward and that always means a challenge. I would like to swap my shirt with him.
Giorgio Chiellini
My mother was born in your state, Mr. Walter, and my mother was a Quaker, and my ancestors in the time of Washington baked bread for George Washington’s troops when they crossed the Delaware, and my own father was a slave.
Paul Robeson
I would love to retire a City player and I have my fingers crossed it is something that can still happen. When I did leave in 2005, I broke down crying on the way to sign for Chelsea, but back then, we needed the money my sale brought in.
Shaun Wright-Phillips
John Lennon was a musical genius. All I have to do is think of some of his songs and even the titles make me feel good… and I’m not the only one. His music has crossed cultures and even generations.
Ray Comfort
Let’s face it. Nobody predicted Trump. He’s a fairytale nightmare that none of us could possibly have imagined. Shame on those 63 million who – especially those Obama voters who crossed over and voted, shame on them for putting this idiot in the White House.
Ron Stallworth
Fallen angels could not enter sanctuaries of God. The moment they crossed the threshold, the house of worship would go up in flames, incinerating every mortal inside.
Lauren Kate
In terms of comedy, I never did five-minute sets or clu

In terms of comedy, I never did five-minute sets or clubs or anything. I just started doing shows. Coming from that theater background, it never crossed my mind that I should start doing five-minute sets.
Tim Minchin
I’ve crossed paths with lions. I keep going forward and leave it in God’s hands.
Marcos Maidana
Yeah, I don’t know how many people are aware of it, but Scarlett and I have a bit of a past as far as wrestling goes. We were both in Ring of Honor at the same time, and our paths crossed when she was managing Matt Taven.
Tommaso Ciampa
On the evening of December 25, General Washington in a most severe season crossed the Delaware with a part of his army, then reduced to less than 2000 men in the whole.
Mercy Otis Warren
I was involved in a serious accident driving in torrential rain at midnight in Cardiff. I was only doing five miles an hour, but because I couldn’t see very well, I crossed a junction and collided with another car that was driving very fast. I ended up in hospital for six weeks with a shattered pelvis.
Cornelia Parker
I have a photograph at home of Fred Astaire from the knees down with his feet crossed. It’s kind of inspiring because it reminds me his feet were bleeding at the end of rehearsals. Yet when you watch him, all you see is freedom. It’s a reminder of what the job is about in general, not just being in musicals.
Alan Rickman
I liked writing with my friends and making our own little stories. Making a movie like ‘Spider-Man’ never even crossed my mind.
Jon Watts
When you’re a little kid, you don’t see color, and the fact that my friends were black never crossed my mind. It never became an issue until I was a teenager and started trying to rap.
President Trump has often crossed the line of what constitutes decent behavior.
Ted Lieu
Leaving Madrid has never crossed my mind, I trust myself more than any other person and there is no reason to leave.
Me being in a managerial position has never crossed my mind. Even in the twilight of my career.
Ricky Steamboat
If you are in this country illegally, stealing a job from an American citizen, I’m going to do all I can to put an American citizen in that job and not somebody that has crossed our border, come into the country and violated our laws.
Virgil Goode
I believe in God and not religion, because I believe religion is the double cross. Because I’ve been double crossed by three religions, so I think I can safely say that religion – there is maybe something wrong with religion. Every temple that’s put up may not be a holy one, so watch out.
Ja Rule
Will Smith is one of my favorite actors, and he’s also a triple threat. He successfully crossed over from music into acting.
Kat Graham
With the advent of computing, human invention crossed a threshold into a world different from everything that came before. The computer is the universal machine almost by definition, machine-of-all-trades, capable of accomplishing or simulating just about any task that can be logically defined.
James Gleick
As I get older, I start to look back at the field that I’ve crossed and realize that it was a mine field.
Carol Kane
Sci-fi fans are the best fans you can have. You could be doing the worst piece of tat which might have a robot or vampire in, and some people will become obsessed by it and know every little detail. ‘Being Human’ has crossed over from sci-fi fans to being a drama that everyone can enjoy.
Russell Tovey
There’s a mercurial nature, but more of a mysterious nature to women that I think is what makes them so attractive. And I think that that’s what I love: Guys never seem to know when they’ve come too close and crossed the line, and then the temper comes.
Andrew Stanton
You only need to look at Jane Austen to see how crossed wires can become a defining aspect of romantic life. Then again, if the course of true love ran more smoothly, it would have a terribly detrimental effect on our cache of love stories.
Mariella Frostrup
I’ve crossed paths with so many different people from all walks of life. Any situation you put me in, I can manage.
Julia Fox
When I was 30 or so – by that time I had become an assistant D.A. – I decided I would try to write a novel. To be clear: I did not decide to become a novelist. Honestly, it never crossed my mind that I could actually earn a living as a professional novelist.
William Landay
People don’t understand that when you come into any theatrical experience, you’ve got to come locked and loaded, that you’re a part of the experience, too. You can’t come with your arms crossed. Be open to it.
Viola Davis
Information comes through to me in 3 basic ways seen, hearing, and feeling the energy of the person that’s crossed over. In which it is a symbolic type of language.
John Edward
A freshly pressed suit is a miracle when you’re travelling. When your suitcase has turned all your clothes into creased rags, and you’ve crossed so many time zones that you can’t tell a Monday from a Thursday, putting on a freshly pressed suit for breakfast is like spending a week in a spa.
Jamie Hince
To be honest, after you’ve crossed the line at the Olympic Games, it is bedlam for the next, about, five or six hours. Media, press conference, dope control – you might get some food if you’re lucky. You might see family if you’re lucky.
Victoria Pendleton
I want to be known as a triple threat. I have aspirations to win an Oscar and a Grammy, and I also want to win a Tony. I want to be one of those guys like Frank Sinatra or Sammy Davis Jr. that crossed all those barriers of entertainment.
Elijah Kelley
Something’s like crossed over in me and I can’t go back. I couldn’t live.
Geena Davis
I found the hedge-fund guys I met all to be very, very concentrated listeners – watchful and articulate and quick to defend, if needed. They all seemed to have this contained sitting posture. The legs, if they weren’t crossed at right angles, tended to be close over the knee, their hands put together.
Damian Lewis
When I review Xerxes’ achievements, I praise him, not for having yoked the Hellespont, but for having crossed it. But I can see that Nero will neither sail through the Isthmus nor complete his digging.
Apollonius of Tyana
I’ve always known I wanted to be an actor. It never crossed my mind to be anything else. I think I probably decided for sure when I saw ‘Sounder’.
Christopher Judge
The rogue states have to be told that there are lines that cannot be crossed.
Isaac Herzog
It's a trip but it hasn't crossed over to the point whe

It’s a trip but it hasn’t crossed over to the point where women are throwing their panties at me.
Taye Diggs
In college, I would do my teammate’s hair and their makeup sometimes. I did a friend’s makeup at the 2008 Olympics, and she said, ‘Have you ever considered taking classes?’ For some reason, it had never crossed my mind.
Michelle Carter
When I think about growing up, I feel most affected by two travels that I made working in cargo boats when I was 16 and 18. One of them crossed through the Mississippi and Baton Rouge and Mobile, Alabama, and another went all the way to Europe.
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
I am going to spend my time today just thanking the people that played a role in my career, because I truly do believe that I was blessed by a lot of people that paths crossed mine as I went down the road in my career.
Nolan Ryan
I just don’t think many people would have crossed the street to hear me doing a hip hop-influenced album!
Michael McDonald
Just as a balloon filled gradually with air bursts when the limit of its tensile strength is passed, there are thresholds of radical, disruptive change in politics. When those thresholds are crossed, the impossible suddenly becomes probable, with revolutionary implications for governments and nations.
Ian Lustick
I was blessed to be able to be born here. My dad crossed. My dad illegally went through the border and was living under a bridge; he was homeless. People are making fun of him, beating him up. All kinds of things. After he kind of figured out the situation, he brought my mom over.
Brian Ortega
There’s a great deal of echoing going on in ‘Old School.’ Mr. Piven, who played the upstart outsider in the 1994 campus comedy ‘PCU,’ has crossed over into playing the stiff martinet.
Elvis Mitchell
I don’t really see why some of those topical lines have to be crossed to get a point across. I want a mother and daughter, a teenage girl and her mom, to be able to come to the show and both enjoy it on the same level.
Brett Young
I’ve crossed paths with fanatical fans all over the world.
Paul Young
After a few games I knew I was going to be able to compete. The idea of being a star never crossed my mind.
Merlin Olsen
The movies saved my life. I grew up in the great depression, the only child of a pair of star crossed lovers. My father lost his job. My mother drank. They fought. The movies were my escape.
Orson Bean
Standing near the door, we dipped our fingers in the holy water, crossed and blessed ourselves, and proceeded up to the sleeping-room, in the usual order, two by two.
Maria Monk
My father saw a separation between Johnny Cash the entertainer, his business, and the person. The good ole boy. He carried that with him. Or he tried to. Sometimes the lines got crossed.
John Carter Cash
I literally crossed through the middle of the Gobi Desert to be free. But what I did was nothing, so many people fought harder than me and didn’t make it.
Park Yeon-mi
My work more than didn’t fit in. It crossed willy-nilly the boundaries that people had spent their lives building up. It hits some 30 subfields of biology, even geology.
Lynn Margulis
Even as a child, I had walked down streets reading novels, waiting for my feet to get stuck in tar as I crossed the road, like the absent-minded animal in a Richard Scarry kid’s book.
Alissa Quart
When, over fifty years ago, I first became interested in economics – as a discipline that provided the key to social structure and social problems – it never crossed my mind that one day I might be the honored recipient of a Nobel Memorial Prize.
Simon Kuznets
I defy anyone to produce any evidence that the word ‘happy’ has ever crossed my lips. I am not now, nor have I ever been, ‘happy.’
Larry David
Professional managers, coaches, and players have a right to question an umpire’s decision if they do it in a professional manner. When they become personal, profane, or violent, they have crossed the line and must be dealt with accordingly.
Jim Evans
I think my dad always believed I would play for England, probably more than I believed it, but it never crossed our minds that we weren’t going to make it.
Moeen Ali
I myself have appeared on countless panels alongside people with whom I’ve disagreed, at times even vehemently – and yet, the thought of closing out those segments by grabbing their notes and ripping them up has never even crossed my mind.
Kat Timpf