Top 18 Michael Steele Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Michael Steele Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Tax policy is not about compassion.

Tax policy is not about compassion.
Michael Steele
There’s room in the Republican Party for anyone who wants to be a part of the values that we espouse when it comes to the role of government, free enterprise, free markets.
Michael Steele
You know, conservatism is not a bad thing. It’s not a pejorative.
Michael Steele
We have a lot to gain through furthering stem cell research, but medical breakthroughs should be fundamentally about saving, not destroying, human life. Therefore, I support stem cell research that does not destroy the embryo.
Michael Steele
We are cooling. We are not warming. The warming you see out there, the supposed warming, and I use my finger quotation marks here, is part of the cooling process.
Michael Steele
Congress must also enact pro-growth policies that encourage the economy to expand: like making tax relief permanent and repealing the death tax.
Michael Steele
I’m a pro-life Roman Catholic conservative, always have been.
Michael Steele
We don’t need to allow any more Nancy Pelosies to wind up in Congress.
Michael Steele
Look, not everybody plays well with each other on the playground. I get that, that’s politics.
Michael Steele
Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. Rush Limbaugh’s whole thing is entertainment. Yes, it is incendiary. Yes, it is ugly.
Michael Steele
George Bush created lots of jobs.
Michael Steele
You can have all the gun control laws in the country, but if you don’t enforce them, people are going to find a way to protect themselves. We need to recognize that bad people are doing bad things with these weapons. It’s not the law-abiding citizens, it’s not the person who uses it as a hobby.
Michael Steele
I was born in D.C. on 8th Street. I know what’s up. I know what time it is. I used to hang out in Brooklyn and in the Bronx as a teenager. I know what the real world is like.
Michael Steele
In order to achieve optimal economic growth, Congress must adhere to sane spending guidelines while promoting smart policies devoted to growing businesses and creating jobs.
Michael Steele
The bottom line is, I hear my donors, I hear our base out there, I hear the leadership. And we’re taking steps to make sure that we’re even more – how shall we say it – fiscally conservative in our spending and certainly making sure the dollars are there when it’s time to run our campaigns.
Michael Steele
We want to convey that the modern-day GOP looks like the conservative party that stands on principles. But we want to apply them to urban-suburban hip-hop settings. We need to uptick our image with everyone, including one-armed midgets.
Michael Steele
The reality of it is I think the GOP – Republicans and certainly conservatives – will partner with the Tea Party movement around this country.
Michael Steele
We are a grassroots party. We always have been. That’s been the strength of the GOP.
Michael Steele