Words matter. These are the best Revolting Quotes from famous people such as Milo Yiannopoulos, Roberto Benigni, Taylor Caldwell, Ian Mcewan, Max Boot, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
What’s revolting is the body-positivity movement. What’s revolting is this idea now that you can tell women they’ll be happy and healthy at any size. Why? Because it tells women that you can be fat, and you can be unattractive, and you can be happy anyway. That’s a lie.
My mother brought me magicians and witches, because I was very ugly, really revolting. So she thought somebody had put a spell on me – this is the truth – so she made me drink some horrible terrifying potions, for year.
In sleep, you are safe from the revolting mechanics of living and being a prey to outrageous fortune.
I’ve yet to meet somebody who said, ‘Your stories are so revolting I couldn’t read them.’
The ur-conservatives of the 1950s – William F. Buckley Jr., Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan and all the rest – were revolting not against a liberal administration but against the moderate conservatism of Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Can I just say here how much I hate the word ‘pamper’? While pretending to celebrate and indulge women, it actually implies that their bodies are so revolting that even their ‘me time’ must be dedicated to turning them into living dolls if potential suitors are to be prevented from running screaming in horror.
Film is different for me now. If the money is good and it’s not totally revolting, I’ll do it.
It seems that the fiction writer has a revolting attachment to the poor, for even when he writes about the rich, he is more concerned with what they lack than with what they have.
My daughter couldn’t care less about me being famous. She finds it revolting and, like a lot of teenagers, is virtually allergic to me. That started at 12 and hasn’t gone anywhere yet.
People used to see things that disgusted them and say, ‘I never want to see that again.’ Now we’ve reached the point where we see things that are disturbing and revolting to us, but we want to see more and more of it.
The political spin in Washington is revolting, just revolting. It’s a callous political game.
There is something revolting about the way girls’ minds often jump to marriage long before they jump to love. And most of those minds are shut to what marriage really means.
Keep in my mind my dad didn’t become a huge, huge mega actor until I was halfway through high school – so right around the time he’s going through his big renaissance is right when I’m starting to do my high school revolting.
The young are generally full of revolt, and are often pretty revolting about it.
For me, I can’t watch violence when it’s too grotesque, and it’s just like, that’s revolting to watch. I don’t enjoy it. But when it’s a Tarantino film, I’m lining up outside the door to see it, and I’m expecting to see something really crazy, a lot of blood, and for it to be funny.
It drives me crazy to throw something out. I find planned obsolescence revolting.
At our production company, the trademark dish – and this sounds particularly revolting – is curried pickled herring.
All across Africa, the Pacific and the Americas, we find cultures that didn’t know about mouth kissing until their first contact with European explorers. And the attraction was not always immediately apparent. Most considered the act of exchanging saliva revolting.