Top 181 Lion Quotes

Lion Quotes: Embracing the Spirit of Courage and Strength

Roaring with Courage: Exploring the Majesty of Lions

Lions, with their majestic presence, fierce determination, and unwavering courage, have long captured the imagination and admiration of humanity. They symbolize strength, leadership, and the indomitable spirit that resides within each of us. In this article, we delve into the captivating world of lions and present a collection of quotes that celebrate their noble qualities, inspiring us to embrace our own inner lion and face life’s challenges with bravery and resilience.

Lions embody the essence of courage, reminding us to tap into our inner strength and overcome obstacles with unwavering determination. They serve as a reminder of the power of leadership, the importance of protecting what we hold dear, and the beauty of embracing our true nature. By exploring the world of lions, we gain insights into the qualities that make them extraordinary creatures and draw inspiration from their majestic presence.

Embracing Our Inner Lion: Quotes that Capture the Spirit of Courage and Strength

From poets, writers, and individuals who have been touched by the spirit of lions, we gather words that celebrate their noble qualities and inspire us to embody courage, resilience, and leadership in our own lives. These quotes ignite the fire within us, reminding us of our innate potential to overcome challenges, protect our dreams, and unleash our inner power. Below, we present a collection of lion quotes that honor their majestic presence and invite us to embrace our own inner lion.

I got to know Elton John's older music by learning to l

I got to know Elton John’s older music by learning to like his newer stuff. ‘The Lion King?’ That’s what I like.
Aaron Schock
I remember coming into ‘The Lion King’ and, oh forgive me Lord, but doubting it. The way that musicals are put together, we’re kind of exclusive of each other. And so somebody’s working on this in one room, and somebody’s working that in the other room. I did not understand how all this was going to come together.
Heather Headley
The lion’s share of what I listened to in the Eighties, what really affected me, was coming from Britain.
John Grant
With time, art developed Bip, my alter ego. He was not only a lion tamer or a street musician but a soldier revealing the tragedy of ephemeral life.
Marcel Marceau
Under the Dodd-Frank law, the SEC got the lion’s share of the rules to write, more than 100 rules, and we have done an extraordinary amount of that. Eighty percent have been either proposed or adopted. So, a lot, a lot accomplished but of course, more to do.
Mary Schapiro
I’m an eclectic individual when it comes to film. I love my Disney: ‘Aladdin,’ ‘The Lion King.’ Also, ‘Romeo+Juliet,’ the Leonardo DiCaprio version.
Adebayo Akinfenwa
I went on safari and there were all these lion cubs rolling around like cats and they were so cute and I just wanted to hug them! But you can’t coz you’ll get eaten… It was really hard!
Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I am more afraid of an army of 100 sheep led by a lion than an army of 100 lions led by a sheep.
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
I’m for conservation, but it’s mostly a con. That’s the trouble. It’s sentimental. Buy an elephant a drink, a lion an acre.
Peter Beard
When a lion doesn’t get its prey, it remains hungry. When the prey saves himself, he has not won, but has saved his life.
Uday Kotak
This perception that a good captain is someone who beats his chest and roars like a lion and gives big Churchillian speeches, that’s just not what leadership is about for me.
Andrew Strauss
I’m a young lion and I believe I can be one of the greats.
Kell Brook
Tyria’s a big world. We get a grand tour in ‘Ghosts of Ascalon.’ We’re in Divinity’s Reach, we’re in Lion’s Arch, we’re in Ebonhawke, we’re in the Dragon’s Land, we’re in Ascalon. We’re basically hitting a lot of the major human and charr locations.
Jeff Grubb
Have you seen the Broadway version of ‘The Lion King?’ Go and see it. That’s where the future of musical is.
Colm Wilkinson
She was absolutely my hero. She would do without if she could help somebody else. My mom showed the courage of the lion to keep her kids alive, and the sacrifices she made were incredible. I don’t know if I would have been man enough to do what she did.
Bruno Sammartino
Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians – except for the occasional mountain lion steak.
Ted Nugent
For us in Russia, communism is a dead dog, while, for many people in the West, it is still a living lion.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Lion sounds that have not grown from the mouse may exude naked power… but cannot convey any wisdom or understanding… The initial steps on the path to courageous speech then are the first tentative steps into the parts of us that cannot speak.
David Whyte
Doesn’t everybody love movies like ‘Lion King?’
I think Clinton, after getting into office and into Washington, was shocked at being bludgeoned. So he spent time trying to be all things to all people – one way guaranteed not to be successful or respected in a lion’s den. You can’t just play around with all those big cats – you’ve got to take somebody on.
Maya Angelou
The Lion in Winter’ was great fun.
Rosemary Harris
I carry around this little lion named Leo, which I’ve had for as long as I can remember.
Shawn Mendes
Across society, the lion’s share of caring responsibility – whether for children or elderly relatives – still falls on women.
Jo Swinson
The group-effort sound in recording of ‘Sea Lion’ is like, you really hear all the people in the room and hear them interlocking. There’s a real freight-train energy of all these people at the same time playing.
An Englishman, being flattered, is a lamb; threatened, a lion.
George Chapman
These are the animals that are the reason why you don’t see old animals in the wild. You don’t see sick animals in the wild. You don’t see lame animals in the wild, and its all because of the predator: the lion, the tiger, the leopard, all the cats.
Tippi Hedren
I’m obsessed with ‘Wicked’, and I’d love to play Nala in ‘The Lion King’. Some of the songs from ‘The Lion King’ are performed in my native tongue, so when the cast performed an extract from the show in ‘Strictly’ in the language I grew up with, it made me cry.
Oti Mabuse
I’m a middle child, so I have middle-child syndrome. With a middle child, you always have to take in everything and adjust and maybe compromise a little bit so you’re able to see both sides of an issue. I’m also a Leo – I love astrology – so that affected me, just being a lion.
Jessica Williams
The holder of authority is like the rider on a lion – he is envied for his position, but he well knows his position.
Ali ibn Abi Talib
Yeah, I call my warrior spirit the lion.
Jimi Manuwa
Now my grandmother, who used to want sons, says that she does not really want boys anymore. She says I’m the lion of the family.
Geeta Phogat
When I was a kid, I worked in the circus. It was a tour

When I was a kid, I worked in the circus. It was a touring circus that was owned by a man named Terrell Jacobs. It was just one big tent, and he was a lion tamer. He didn’t have any kids, but the bit was that I would dress up as his son in an identical outfit.
Christopher Walken
I have not seen ‘The Lion King.’ I don’t do black folklore. And I’m black.
Hilton Als
Listen, people that know me, know I’ve got a lion heart.
Kell Brook
A lion runs the fastest when he is hungry.
Salman Khan
I’m a mother lion when it comes to protecting my children.
Joanna Cassidy
I have a lot of lion jewellery and lion art. I also love crystals.
Jillian Hervey
Even if everything its detractors say about Fox were true, the most liberal of liberal attitudes would be that one would get credit for being in the lion’s den.
Alan Colmes
My number one inspiration was my mother. She worked two jobs and had breakfast and dinner prepared. I essentially called my mother, The Lion. She’s fierce and she’s proud. I’d like to think some of that rubbed off on me.
Christopher Judge
There are no lazy veteran lion hunters.
Norman Ralph Augustine
My father is a South African actor who danced in broadway musicals for ‘Lion King.’
Doja Cat
One of the stories that inspires me is that it is documented that a honey badger killed a lion in a one-on-one.
Nick Cummins
I must have written 15 lyrics for ‘The Lion King,’ and only five or six were used. Some were scenes that disappeared, some were earlier versions of songs that didn’t work, or else the characters changed.
Tim Rice
Lion’s mane may be our first ‘smart’ mushroom. It is a safe, edible fungus that appears to confer cognitive benefits on our aging population.
Paul Stamets
I moved at age 22 to Montana to be able to walk in really wild woods, where the chances of being killed by a bear or mountain lion are not zero.
Michael Finkel
I never thought much of the courage of a lion tamer. Inside the cage he is at least safe from people.
George Bernard Shaw
All species capable of grasping this fact manage better in the struggle for existence than those which rely upon their own strength alone: the wolf, which hunts in a pack, has a greater chance of survival than the lion, which hunts alone.
Christian Lous Lange
I’ve grown up on American songwriters my whole life – listening to Paul Simon and Bob Dylan and people like John Prine – you know, classic, real songwriters. They’ve been the lion’s share of what I’ve really focused on as a writer and as influences, too.
A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.
Vernon Howard
The lion’s share of the damage to the Irish economy was the fault of domestic, economic, and financial mismanagement.
Enda Kenny
Dressed in the lion’s skin, the ass spread terror far and wide.
Jean de La Fontaine
My first recording, a guy came down to Philadelphia and heard me play and he introduced me to Alfred Lion.
Jimmy Smith
Courage is poorly housed that dwells in numbers; the lion never counts the herd that are about him, nor weighs how many flocks he has to scatter.
Aaron Hill
This first print run of the first edition of my first novel, ‘When The Lion Feeds.’ back in 1964, is so rare it can fetch several thousand pounds at auction. I always wanted to be an author, and I decided to write about what I knew.
Wilbur Smith
Eyeliner is a go-to for me, and gold has always been a color that I really like. It’s reminiscent of a lion; it’s a strong color.
Jillian Hervey
‘A living dog is better than a dead lion.’ Judge Douglas, if not a dead lion for this work, is at least a caged and toothless one. How can he oppose the advances of slavery? He don’t care anything about it.
Abraham Lincoln
I’ve eaten sheep’s eyes, the still hot meat from a zebra killed by a lion, and maggots which give you 70 calories to the ounce.
Bear Grylls
Only in art will the lion lie down with the lamb, and the rose grow without the thorn.
Martin Amis
People listen to music with cavemen ears: Is it a bird song or the call of a lion? The audience at a musical is dancing in their hearts.
Marsha Norman
There has to be some limit to what lawyers can take from their clients. Otherwise, cagey attorneys end up with the lion’s share of the settlement and the victims end up with little more than scraps.
Dennis Hastert
Our logo for Lanvin is a mother and a daughter. I’ve always said, ‘It’s not a lion, and it’s not a horse. It’s a mother and a daughter.’ I find the logo very emotional.
Alber Elbaz
I feel like my Lion Babe look is an embellishment of my everyday look – it’s definitely more extravagant and more artistic.
Jillian Hervey
'Hairspray' was a movie turned Broadway musical turned

‘Hairspray’ was a movie turned Broadway musical turned Hollywood remake, and that is the ‘Lion King’ circle of life as we know it in Times Square, the creative loop that swings for the stars and sometimes crashes into the upper deck.
James Wolcott
Having portrayed a lot of villainous characters in Telugu cinema, voicing Scar was a different and memorable experience for me, and I was glad to be part of such a grand big-ticket entertainer. Disney films are a perfect package for the entire family and I hope to lend my trademark style to ‘The Lion King’ as well!
Jagapathi Babu
At twenty a man is a peacock, at thirty a lion, at forty a camel, at fifty a serpent, at sixty a dog, at seventy an ape, at eighty a nothing at all.
Baltasar Gracian
What I hope is that I don’t just become ‘Peter from ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.’ I want to try and do something else to be a good actor and a respected actor.
William Moseley
Well, you know, I played Mufasa in the workshop of The Lion King.
Keith David
We had a lion that was living in somebody’s basement outside of Branson, Missouri.
Tippi Hedren
The lion is, however, rarely heard – much more seldom seen.
John Hanning Speke
I think I’d like to be a lion tamer, actually. That – that would provide the most audience entertainment if something went really badly.
Andy Serkis
Yep, I’ll stay a Brisbane Lion, you’ve heard it first.
Jonathan Brown
The severity of punishments ought to be relative to the state of the nation itself. Stronger and more easily felt impressions have to be made on a people only just out of the savage state. A lightning strike is needed to stop a fierce lion who is provoked by a gunshot.
Cesare Beccaria
When you are challenging for the world title, you’ve got to go into the lion’s den to try and rip that belt away from the champion.
Naseem Hamed
I wasn’t even singing when we first started Lion Babe, so my voice has only gotten stronger.
Jillian Hervey
What happens when you take a lion out of the safari and try to take him to your place of residence and make him a house pet? It ain’t going to happen. That’s the type of person that I am. I’m that lion.
Cam Newton
Obviously, Iron Maiden is on a way bigger scale to British Lion, but as a musician playing live, it’s just the adrenaline rush of playing in front of an audience that gives you that rush.
Steve Harris
I traveled a lot, but we didn’t hire nannies to take care of our kids. We were both very hands-on. My wife did the lion’s share because I traveled a lot, but it was important to us to do our best.
Timothy B. Schmit
I did an interview once where I was asked who I found attractive and I went on about cartoons and Nala from ‘The Lion King’ – and it’s a bit weird but various of my ex-girlfriends actually did look like Nala.
Eddie Redmayne
I did a lot of prep for ‘Rogue One’ while I was working on ‘Lion,’ so I could take the skills I learned in India and apply them to ‘Rogue’ and then take the skills I learned on ‘Rogue’ and apply it to ‘Lion.’
Greig Fraser
The lion doesn’t care that the sheep laugh at him. Remember that. The lion just stays there. The animals make noise and tease. The guy with the belt is the lion.
B. J. Penn
I have a complete temple of Lord Shiva. I have Shivansh written on me and that is the name of my sister’s son. I am a Leo so I also have a lion. I also have a warrior type tattoo as that gives me the spirit to fight when I am on the field. The pain of getting inked gives me joy.
Yuzvendra Chahal
Because boys tend to dominate the narrative for who’s at risk, sometimes they dominate the lion’s share of services, too.
Ayanna Pressley
Shall we, who have laid the proud British lion at our feet, now be afraid of his whelps?
Patrick Henry
My mum always said I devoured ‘The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe’ at the tender age of four, but frankly, I think that might be a touch of maternal exaggeration.
Matt Haig
Once I climbed into a mountain lion’s cage and she bounded at me and put her paw on my face, but she kept her claws withdrawn.
Edward Hoagland
An injured lion still wants to roar.
Randy Pausch
I don’t have an explosive temper. People seem to think that – maybe somewhere lives the lion in my cage. But I’m actually kind of goofy.
Juliette Lewis
You know, I am a Leo. Lion is a giant part of me.
Patrick Swayze
When I was thinking about The Lion King, I said, we have to do what theater does best. What theater does best is to be abstract and not to do literal reality.
Julie Taymor
After World War II, scientific research in the U.S. was well supported. In the 1960s, when I came to America, the sky was the limit, and this conducive atmosphere enabled many of us to pursue esoteric research that resulted in America winning the lion’s share of Nobel Prizes.
Ahmed Zewail
I’m a real lion and I’m going to show it.
Jermall Charlo
The idea of having one ensemble do everything is what was on ‘Sea Lion’ and that’s what I tried to make happen for ‘Metals,’ which is having five people in the room and all of us contributing equally to every arrangement and every song.
Seeing the actual ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe’, I absolutely loved it. It became one of my favourite films. It was a real Christmas classic, and it was one of the most popular films ever in British history.
Will Poulter
At a certain point, even if the one alpha male is domin

At a certain point, even if the one alpha male is dominant, at a certain point there’s a younger lion that is stronger, and everyone knows it.
Josh Lucas
One lion thinks it’s just hilarious to tackle us. He’s very funny about it… and we always know when it will happen.
Tippi Hedren
Something severed when my brother died. I was living but not living. Andy used to lie on the bunk bed and cuddle me – I was his lion cub.
Nigel Benn
Something severed when my brother died. I was living but not living. Andy used to lie on the bunk bed and cuddle me – I was his lion cub.
Nigel Benn
My son smelled like a cinnamon bun, and that smell entered into my biological being, and it became an imperative that I keep him alive at all costs, so then there’s this monster – this tiger or lion – that comes forward in you to protect them. And it doesn’t stop. It doesn’t matter if they become men or women.
Frances McDormand
I was once, I think, bitten on the nose by a lion cub.
Newt Gingrich
I loved the Scarecrow and the Tin Man and the Lion and you could kind of see the actors’ faces in them. It wasn’t an entirely new face sculpted around them. What made those characters so human and appealing to me was seeing those great actors underneath there. They weren’t lost behind a bunch of appliances.
Rich Moore
The Lion King is one of my favorite stories ever.
Spencer Matthews
I’m a lion. I’m not tough, but I am strong. I’m definitely not a wallflower.
Cressida Bonas
When I first started Lion Babe, I wore a lot of denim to perform in because I had a limited closet. A lot of the time, I was in cutoff shorts – either dark or light denim – and then I would pair them with whatever top I had.
Jillian Hervey
I’ve eaten lion, leopard, crocodile, python. I don’t recommend lion. It tastes exactly like when a tomcat comes into your house and sprays. Snake and crocodile are great – a cross between lobster and chicken.
Wilbur Smith
England have always had individually strong players, and I am a huge fan of Stevie Gerrard, who has the heart of a lion and is the icon of the modern footballer with his ability to attack and defend so well.
Whenever the lion fish in the fish tank in the captain’s ready room died it was always a sad moment.
Patrick Stewart
That was my one big Hollywood hit, but, in a way, it hurt my picture career. After that, I was typecast as a lion, and there just weren’t many parts for lions.
Bert Lahr
Mostly I make lists for projects. This can be daunting. Breaking something big into its constituent parts will help you organize your thoughts, but it can also force you to confront the depth of your ignorance and the hugeness of the task. That’s OK. The project may be the lion, but the list is your whip.
Adam Savage
I’ve loved musicals ever since I saw ‘The Lion King’ on Broadway.
Mark Indelicato
Natasha Lyonne is fantastic on Twitter. She posts hilarious pictures. I don’t even know where she finds some of them; it’ll be like a random picture of a chinchilla kissing a lion or Bill Murray and Jim Belushi out on a boat or something.
Uzo Aduba
To be honest, I’m in love with denim. It hasn’t been my go-to Lion Babe look, but it’s very much my ‘everyday Jillian look.’ I am in denim every single day.
Jillian Hervey
I know, it’s weird that I’ve never done a musical. I turned down two of them. ‘The Lion King’ and ‘The Producers.’ I turned two of the biggest Broadway musicals down, am I a mess?
Mario Cantone
I own a private yacht, private jet and a private lion.
Demis Roussos
Shall we, who have laid the proud British lion at our feet, now be afraid of his whelps?
Patrick Henry
If you could cross a lion and a monkey, that’s what I’d be, because monkeys are funny and lions are strong.
Marlon Wayans
I would love to go into an animal’s dream – like a lion’s or a cat’s. I’m sure that’s pretty awesome.
Marion Cotillard
The strong creation created by God in the world is not the lion, not the elephant, not the tiger – the girl.
Arunachalam Muruganantham
Even when I went to the Lion’s Head in the Village, where all you journalists would hang out, I was always peripheral. I was never really part of anything except the classroom. That’s where I belonged.
Frank McCourt
I had left ‘Ragtime’ – and ‘Ragtime’ was a completely different beast, no pun intended, than ‘The Lion King’.
Heather Headley
I was in Australia in 1983 and did a stunt in a lion’s cage.
Tiny Tim
I’m not a very violent dude, and if something can be settled without any physicality, I’m always in favor of that. But if somebody comes near my kids, the atavistic crazy lion comes out.
Stephen Moyer
Only in art will the lion lie down with the lamb, and the rose grow without thorn.
Martin Amis
Growing up, my favorite movie was ‘The Lion King.’ I used to watch it every day and create these extravagant stories with my Barbies and stuffed animals. My dad says I would say the entire movie out loud, and it’s still the one VHS that I have.
KiKi Layne
I was obsessed with ‘The Lion King’ as a kid, and I really wanted to go work in an animal sanctuary and have my Lara Croft moment.
Dressed in the lion's skin, the ass spread terror far a

Dressed in the lion’s skin, the ass spread terror far and wide.
Jean de La Fontaine
An optimist is someone who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery.
Walter Winchell
I would rather be the tail of a lion than the head of a mouse.
Daddy Yankee
I don’t mind going into a liberal lion’s den. That’s where you test yourself.
Charles Krauthammer
I’m a big believer in building a crew. Movies are the most collaborative art form at the tend of the world, and it takes hundreds of people to make one. At the end of the day, I get the lion’s share of praise or blame but everybody on the ground knows that it was all of us.
Mike Flanagan
In ancient African cultures, a young man was not considered a full member of the tribe, an elder, a man. He couldn’t marry and he couldn’t own land until he had killed a lion. It was symbolic.
John Eldredge
I had this maroon ‘Lion King’ tracksuit that my mum couldn’t take off me. I wore it until the sleeves ended at my elbows and the trousers ended at my knees.
Oliver Jackson-Cohen
If a lion could talk, we could not understand him.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
I have never been a social lion; I was misidentified as one because I have a very attractive second wife.
John Gutfreund
There’s no doubt that ‘Lion’ is an audience pleaser. I mean, I went to a lot of research screenings all over, in London and America and Australia, and the results were ridiculous, and the crowds were… they just loved the movie, so for me, my job is done.
Garth Davis
My mum loves cats so I took her to see the lion cubs which at about a year old are actually quite big. She wasn’t scared at all and went straight over and kissed one on the mouth! She thought they were just like her pets at home.
Amanda Holden
‘The Lion’ all began with a picture of a faun carrying an umbrella and parcels in a snowy wood. This picture had been in my mind since I was about sixteen. Then one day, when I was about forty, I said to myself, ‘Let’s try to make a story about it.’
C. S. Lewis
Once I climbed into a mountain lion’s cage and she bounded at me and put her paw on my face, but she kept her claws withdrawn.
Edward Hoagland
One time, I got to go play with lion cubs in Johannesburg. It was amazing. But it’s difficult when you’re on the road. We’re always playing tennis, and there’s a lot of pressure. So sometimes you don’t get to do the things you’d like to do, because the priority is tennis.
Milos Raonic
People go to the zoo and they like the lion because it’s scary. And the bear because it’s intense, but the monkey makes people laugh.
Lorne Michaels
Disney movies are a great outing for the entire family, and my children are huge fans of their classics, especially ‘The Lion King.’
It was the nation and the race dwelling all round the globe that had the lion’s heart. I had the luck to be called upon to give the roar.
Winston Churchill
It’s better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.
Elizabeth Kenny
There is simply not enough money available to support a system in which the lion’s share of expenditures is devoted to acute care, with virtually nothing being spent on preventive medicine, i.e. health care.
Joel Fuhrman
When I have bad days, I just eat lots of chocolate ice cream and dance to the ‘Lion King’ soundtrack. It’s really odd, but it’s true.
Blake Lively
Those who are preparing for the coming of Christ should be sober, and watch unto prayer, for our adversary, the Devil, goeth about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour; whom we are to resist steadfast in the faith.
Ellen G. White
The one excellent thing that can be learned from a lion is that whatever a man intends doing should be done by him with a whole-hearted and strenuous effort.
I was just so excited to have a child! I held him up like he was Simba in ‘The Lion King.’ I wanted to sing ‘The Circle of Life.’
Aaron Lazar
I’m more of a sea lion than a lion.
Shaun Ryder
I am impelled, not to squeak like a grateful and apologetic mouse, but to roar like a lion out of pride in my profession.
John Steinbeck
You may as well say, ‘That’s a valiant flea that dare eat his breakfast on the lip of a lion.
William Tecumseh Sherman
In boxing, it is about the obsession of getting the most from yourself: wanting to dominate the world like a hungry young lion.
Anthony Joshua
Some people lose all respect for the lion unless he devours them instantly. There is no pleasing some people.
Will Cuppy
The Lion King always makes me cry, especially when Simba’s father gets trampled.
Vanessa Hudgens
It started to weigh on me that I was responsible for the moves that had made me successful, but I wasn’t reaping the lion’s share of the profits, and that was problematic for me.
Frank Ocean
Disney movies have had a tradition of excellent music since the beginning. Some of my favorites are ‘Fantasia,’ ‘Dumbo,’ ‘The Lion King’ and ‘Toy Story.’
James Newton Howard
As far as a nuclear weapons-free zone, you know, when t

As far as a nuclear weapons-free zone, you know, when the lion lies down with the lamb, and you don’t need a new lamb every day to satisfy the lion, then we might have this kind of transformation in the Middle East.
Benjamin Netanyahu
I did have my beginnings in doo-wop music; I had a group called the Tokens in Brooklyn. They went on, of course, to do ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’ and a lot of other great things. I went on as a soloist. But I still love doo-wop music.
Neil Sedaka
Every dog is a lion at home.
Henry George Bohn
A lion is not a lion is not a lion. As individuals, as mates, as members of a society, they’re all very different.
Frans Lanting
The SEC got more than 100 rules to write under Dodd-Frank, the lion’s share of all the agencies. And we’ve moved, I think, with a tremendous sense of urgency. But it takes a long time to write rules and get them approved by a five-member commission.
Mary Schapiro
Don’t ask who’s influenced me. A lion is made up of the lambs he’s digested, and I’ve been reading all my life.
Giorgos Seferis
The reason advertising is governed by fear, after all, is that most agencies rely on just a few clients to bring in the lion’s share of their revenues.
James Surowiecki
ISIS targeting the U.S. military is like a sheep targeting a lion.
Dakota Meyer
Of course my uncle was a giant, but my dad, in particular, had the house filled with these great Dixieland jazz stars, really the best of them: Henry Red Allen, Willie ‘The Lion’ Smith, Buster Bailey, Cutty Cutshall, Tyree Glenn, Zutty Singleton. These are all big names in the Dixieland world.
Billy Crystal
Choose paintings, sculptures, realistic or abstract or animal images woven into fabrics, rather than a faux zebra rug or a sullied Lion’s head on the wall.
Hilary Farr
I’ve never read ‘The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe,’ but his later works are about whether God is real.
Brian Fallon
I have this huge lion tattoo embossed on my arm. I was a little worried as to how we would cover it up. But my makeup man covered the tattoo with makeup. It took close to two hours.
Sanjay Dutt
To beat a lion, you have to have the heart of a lion.
Keith Thurman
We are all vegetarians here, and except for a mountain lion that’s been hanging around and killed our dog, we don’t have a care in the world.
Dirk Benedict
I always cry when Mufasa dies in ‘The Lion King.’ I just can’t handle it.
Spencer Matthews
I’ve got a friend who is a lion tamer. He used to be a school teacher till he lost his nerve.
Les Dawson
Don’t ask me who’s influenced me. A lion is made up of the lambs he’s digested, and I’ve been reading all my life.
Charles de Gaulle
A lion is not a lion is not a lion. As individuals, as mates, as members of a society, they’re all very different.
Frans Lanting
I grew up watching Pixar movies. And my favourite – if you don’t count ‘The Good Dinosaur’ – is the first Pixar movie my older brother showed me. That would be ‘Monsters, Inc.’ I also like Disney – ‘The Lion King’ is probably my all-time favourite movie.
Raymond Ochoa
My first day at MGM they decided to bring this lion out, male, and it was not the best time for him to see me. All of a sudden he thought I was in heat and this lion went into the dressing room, which was just a trailer on the sound stage, and went crazy.
Kim Novak
Teddy Kennedy rose to become a liberal lion by collaborating with Republicans.
Juan Williams
Going into a locker room that’s not even yours to begin with is certainly like you’re entering the lion’s den.
Hilary Knight
People speak of the fear of the blank canvas as though it is a temporary hesitation, a trembling moment of self-doubt. For me it was more like being abducted from my bed by a clown, thrust into a circus arena with a wicker chair, and told to tame a pissed-off lion in front of an expectant crowd.
Hannah Kent
Rehearsals are great because without them, you feel like you’re being thrown into a lion’s den. But being on set, shooting your scenes that you’ve been preparing for months – that’s a great feeling.
Camila Morrone
I train like a dog and I eat and fight like a lion and if Kell Brook thinks he’s got what it takes, put his money up, tell his people to come over here, jump on a private jet… I’ll even let him train in my gym, so we can make a fight in my hometown.
Jermell Charlo
We have a lion, tiger, liger, which is the father is a lion and the mother is a tiger, black and spotted leopard, mountain lion, Asian leopard cats. Weve got a tremendous number of the exotic feline.
Tippi Hedren

In conclusion, lions embody the spirit of courage, strength, and leadership, reminding us of the untapped power that resides within us all. As we reflect on these quotes, may we be inspired to embrace our inner lion, face life’s challenges with unwavering determination, and lead with integrity and grace. Let us draw upon the qualities of lions to protect what we hold dear, to pursue our dreams fearlessly, and to roar with courage in the face of adversity.