Top 188 Interpretation Quotes

So the old Copenhagen interpretation needs to be generalized, needs to be replaced by something that can be used for the whole universe, and can be used also in cases where there is plenty of individuality and history.
Murray Gell-Mann
The news is so instantly available to us without delay, interpretation, or a filter. What is hot right now is streamed live without context or perspective.
Essie Davis
I sang ‘Nessun Dorma’ twice with Pavarotti, and he told me he’d heard ‘Smoke’ about five or six times, and every time was different. He was so jealous because if he deviated one jot from the traditional interpretation of the famous arias, he’d be crucified. We have the freedom.
Ian Gillan
Every so often, you have a producer or a songwriter or both or a team that comes along and really reshapes and redefines sonically what music is and the interpretation of it to the masses.
Raheem DeVaughn
Singers, like Frank Sinatra and myself, we interpret the songs that we like. Not unlike a Shakespearean actor that goes back to the greatest words ever written, we go back to the greatest songs and bring about my interpretation of them.
Harry Connick, Jr.
The essential idea of Stoicism in my interpretation is, you don’t control the world around you, you control how you respond. At 19, that’s very empowering.
Ryan Holiday
This is the launch of the ‘Doctor Strange’ film interpretation of – in my view – a classic, which has been interpreted many times by other graphic artists, and this is just our graphic interpretation of The Ancient One. I would say the whole approach is about a kind of fluidity.
Tilda Swinton
I am not that thrilled about the way our records sound anyway. Don’t get me wrong, I work hard on them and I want them to sound fantastic but I’m happy to have another interpretation of them anyway.
Wayne Coyne
The challenge for a writer looking at history is to figure out what is history and what is myth. After all, what you are looking at is an interpretation of history, and so at some level, it becomes an interpretation of an interpretation.
Dan Brown
Reality is how we interpret it. Imagination and volition play a part in that interpretation. Which means that all reality is to some extent a fiction.
Yann Martel
I like to interpret ‘Call me a River’, as if I’m saying, ‘Now you’re telling me you love me after all that, and I’m telling you to shove off.’ That’s my interpretation. But I would never ‘say’ that because somebody else might interpret the song in another way.
Diana Krall
Bohm’s ‘ontological interpretation’ was so called because of the bad rap the word ‘ontology’ has had in our correlationist age. As a bit of a put-down.
Timothy Morton
I don’t like to get too specific about lyrics. It places limitations on them, and spoils the listeners’ interpretation.
David Gilmour
All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
Friedrich Nietzsche
ISIS itself, it draws its central belief system from the Koran and from the writings of the Prophet Muhammad. That is undeniable. And it’s a medieval interpretation of it. It is a literal interpretation of it.
Jack Keane
I value above all the ability of art to move me emotionally and psychically, without answers. I make art that makes me question, that derives its power from being vulnerable to interpretation, that is intuitive, that is beautiful.
April Gornik
‘Frankenstein’ is a work rich in possible meanings, so the horror-show interpretation is as valid as any.
Dave Morris
A constitutional tradition that works is one that is in a constant state of dynamic evolution. You have a written constitution that says ‘x,’ but no constitutional system works if it just follows what’s in that written constitution and never changes. Interpretation gives it the freedom to change.
Noah Feldman
Echo & the Bunnymen just copied 'People Are Strange,' w

Echo & the Bunnymen just copied ‘People Are Strange,’ which is cool, we made some money, thanks. But when an artist finds a new interpretation of one of your songs, that’s great. It turns your head around.
John Densmore
I always like to leave art and music open to interpretation.
Dan Reynolds
Marxism is an interpretation of history which explains the progress of society as a product of the expansion of the forces of production of the material means of life, that is, the development of economy.
Earl Browder
We see and hear and otherwise experience very largely as we do because the language habits of our community predispose certain choices of interpretation.
Edward Sapir
All human knowledge takes the form of interpretation.
Walter Benjamin
Journalists like to give themselves credit for being on the hunt for ‘the truth.’ But if we embrace this undoubtedly noble but somewhat haughty interpretation of a calling, we inevitably become susceptible to slam dunk answers.
Gwen Ifill
I want to do something original rather than interpret someone else’s performance, which is always the risk – even if it’s only in a subconscious way. I want to concentrate on giving my own fresh interpretation.
Aneurin Barnard
There is the intent of the writer and the interpretation by the artist. What the writer intended and what the artist interprets is not a 1-to-1 translation. It’s a crossing of ideas that generates the stories that you see in print.
Jim Lee
Hugh Lynn Cayce, Edgar Cayce’s son, is quoted as saying, The best interpretation of a dream is one you apply.
Henry Reed
This is the problem with language, and this is what makes silent movies fun, because the connection with them, me or the audience is not with the language. There’s no question of interpretation of what we are saying it’s just about feeling. You create your own story.
Michel Hazanavicius
Many people make the mistake of confusing information with knowledge. They are not the same thing. Knowledge involves the interpretation of information. Knowledge involves listening.
Henning Mankell
Money commands everything because that’s our interpretation of capitalism… what kind of world is that? It’s a very uncomfortable interpretation of a human being. We have been turned into robots.
Muhammad Yunus
I led the life of an intellectual up until a certain age. I remember Freud’s ‘Interpretation of Dreams’ was a big favorite when I was 11. It sounded so interesting. And it really was!
Wallace Shawn
I love the simplicity of Kevin Spacey’s work. He really does a subtle interpretation of every character, and that’s kind of my style of acting when it comes to dramatic roles.
Devon Bostick
It’s very hard for all of us, when we’ve committed ourselves to a particular interpretation, to change our minds.
Donald Johanson
The motif of Beat Generation is basically misunderstood, a misinterpreted area. There’s this superimposition of the idea of a social rebellion, which was the communist interpretation through Lawrence Lipton.
Allen Ginsberg
The world is a complex place, and the influence of the media in its representation and its power of communication and interpretation is a remarkable amplifier of emotions, and of illusions.
Tariq Ramadan
Most of the musicians I play with – aside from the form and structure of the music – the interpretation is up to them.
Allan Holdsworth
I became, suddenly, not just a Muslim in faith. I became a Muslim in politics. Somebody whose politics were pre-defined by one interpretation of Islam.
Maajid Nawaz
Necessity is not an established fact, but an interpretation.
Friedrich Nietzsche
I first read Sigmund Freud’s ‘Beyond the Pleasure Principle’ as a young girl, and it helped me to understand that there are thousands of possible ways to interpret our experience, that everything has a meaning, and that interpretation is the key to reality. This was the first step to becoming a writer.
Olga Tokarczuk
I know, being a father myself, what my interpretation of true love is, or the essence of love, and you can apply it to other things besides human beings.
Robert Stromberg
I’ve always tried to avoid music being direct therapy, and I’ve always found there’s a power when you write something that can have its own interpretation – although I’m not being intentionally evasive.
KT Tunstall
Unlike any other visual image, a photograph is not a rendering, an imitation or an interpretation of its subject, but actually a trace of it. No painting or drawing, however naturalist, belongs to its subject in the way that a photograph does.
John Berger
Judges should be in the business of declaring what the law is using the traditional tools of interpretation, rather than pronouncing the law as they might wish it to be in light of their own political views.
Neil Gorsuch
Normally, I don’t like explaining songs. I don’t want to kill anyone’s interpretation or the story they want to make for themselves.
Oliver Sim
There are websites of ‘True Detective’ artwork out there now, and it’s beautiful. And I don’t want to take that away from anybody. I know what it means to me. But I don’t want to take away anyone’s interpretation of the show.
Nic Pizzolatto
The world of ‘Sherlock Holmes’ and the world that we live in now is big enough to take more than one interpretation.
Benedict Cumberbatch
My metaphor for translation has always been that translation is really a performance art. You take the original and try to perform it, really, in a different medium. Part of that is about interpretation and what you think the author’s voice really is.
Ken Liu
I love auditioning. Since ‘The Notebook’ and ‘Wedding Crashers,’ I don’t have to audition anymore, and I miss it. You get to show your interpretation of the character. I get nervous when I don’t audition. What if they hate what I want to do?
Rachel McAdams
Most campaigns rely on photographs because the moment you do something that is a graphic interpretation where any artistic license has been taken, I think a lot of people are scared that it’s going to be perceived as propaganda.
Shepard Fairey
Historically, Islam was hijacked about 20 or 30 years a

Historically, Islam was hijacked about 20 or 30 years after the Prophet and interpreted in such a way that the ruler has absolute power and is accountable only to God. That, of course, was a very convenient interpretation for whoever was the ruler.
Mohamed ElBaradei