Top 19 Brendan Gleeson Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Brendan Gleeson Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I think it was a possibility, I think we're all kind of

I think it was a possibility, I think we’re all kind of delusional like that, we think that we can all carry on being who we are without bending ourselves to make ourselves acceptable and expect someone to come along and see to us and rescue to us.
Brendan Gleeson
I’m very proud of ‘Calvary.’ It’s been doing well; it has legs. It’s no easy ride. It packs a punch, this one.
Brendan Gleeson
I don’t maybe follow the normal star profile, and it’s not something that I particularly want to embrace in terms of the publicity thing and wanting to be famous and known.
Brendan Gleeson
When I started out at about 19, 20, it took me two years just to tell the difference between a jig and a reel. It does all sound the same, but what you can find once you go in – it’s never-ending. So that’s my love.
Brendan Gleeson
I hope I’m worthy in my dying. I hope I can maintain myself – that I wouldn’t become pathetic and needy, and the worst part of myself come out in adversity. But I’m not afraid of it. It’d be such a silly thing to do! To ruin the life you have by fearing its ending.
Brendan Gleeson
Everyone’s waiting for the seventh book, and looking at each other saying, ‘Oh, I wonder will I be in the running?
Brendan Gleeson
I think it’s what art should do: make you feel less alone – either in the quest for truth or in dealing with any pain you have.
Brendan Gleeson
I find myself really privileged to be able to go in and look at a set that the likes of Hollywood can provide, and say, ‘My God, look at the craftsmanship in this; look at the ambition in it, the scale of it.’
Brendan Gleeson
The good thing about my part in ‘Harry Potter’ was that I was pretty well disguised. When I was walking down the street, there was no real recognition factor. Parents would sometimes call their children to come say hello to Mad-Eye, and the kids wouldn’t know what they were looking at.
Brendan Gleeson
Look at the Coen brothers. All their minor characters are as interesting as their protagonists. If the smaller characters are well-written, the whole world of the film becomes enriched. It’s not the size of the thing, but the detail.
Brendan Gleeson
It’s interesting going between small parts and then bigger roles where you carry the film. If the writing is good, and if the people involved have integrity, then you’ll do it, even if it’s only five minutes on screen.
Brendan Gleeson
I tend to look for the good in bad people and the bad in good people, to make them human. ‘Cause I don’t think that people generally are that black and white. Maybe in movie-land they can be… but that isn’t necessarily all there is.
Brendan Gleeson
Winston was a bit of a challenge, all right, from a lot of different perspectives. It wasn’t just the culture or the class divide or the historical baggage – it was also the age difference. We had to see if I could be aged-up legitimately, without it becoming some sort of hokey acting challenge.
Brendan Gleeson
I started hitching about the country when I was 16 or 17 years old. I found the music that was played around the country – Irish music – had a particular resonance.
Brendan Gleeson
I don’t want people poking around in my private stuff. They’ve no business in it. My work is what I give to people, that’s my job, and that’s where it stops.
Brendan Gleeson
You can channel a lot within a comic framework, and I think ‘The Guard’ had a lot going on outside of the comedy, which is satisfying.
Brendan Gleeson
I loved teaching. And I always used to say that acting was just something I did purely on my own terms, and that if I had to make a living from it there would be too much pressure.
Brendan Gleeson
What I voice, I voice though my art, if that’s not too vainglorious a word. But I don’t think it is.
Brendan Gleeson
When I first was able to fill in A-C-T-O-R for the occupation line on my passport, that was the first time I really felt, ‘Wow, I’m home.’
Brendan Gleeson