Top 19 Lament Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Lament Quotes from famous people such as Aasif Mandvi, Amitabh Bachchan, Roy Harper, Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Kurt Busch, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

People lament that there's no roles being written for S

People lament that there’s no roles being written for South Asian or Muslim characters. But their parents don’t want their children to go into the entertainment field. You don’t get it both ways.
Aasif Mandvi
I sometimes lament the fact that I do not have the benefit of a complete and ailment free body structure.
Amitabh Bachchan
In some ways, I lament the introduction of civilisation on such a huge scale, because it has given us a lot of room to abuse each other, which we continue to do.
Roy Harper
It is more fitting for a man to laugh at life than to lament over it.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
When Jimmie Johnson goes out early and finishes 35th, as he did Sunday, he can look at the cameras, lament about it being a tough day, and then say, ‘We’ll just try to get them next week at Darlington.’
Kurt Busch
I have found life an enjoyable, enchanting, active, and sometime terrifying experience, and I’ve enjoyed it completely. A lament in one ear, maybe, but always a song in the other.
Sean O’Casey
People in the business world lament economic resources wasted on unsustainable development projects and what they see as activists’ naive failure to grasp the importance of building strong economies.
Craig Kielburger
When people talk about how the Internet has changed the way we travel, they typically lament the way our compulsion to document removes us, somehow, from the actual experience.
Jenna Wortham
The Rilo Kiley song ‘A Better Son/Daughter’ is my most requested song – especially for people who are at the age I was when I wrote it. It’s sort of a mid-twenties lament.
Jenny Lewis
Convinced that the attachment of colonies to the metropolis, depends infinitely more upon moral and religious feeling, than political arrangement, or even commercial advantage, I cannot but lament that more is not done to instill it into the minds of the people.
John Strachan
This is the point being missed by readers who lament Liquor’s lack of hot sex scenes, probably because they aren’t old enough to understand that a passionate relationship could be about anything other than sex.
Poppy Z. Brite
Let not a libation of tears be the only offering at the shrine of Jesus; let us also rejoice with joy unspeakable. If we have need to lament our sin, how much more to rejoice at our pardon!
Charles Spurgeon
I often lament that new picture books don’t get read because the classics hold up so well. It’s a ridiculous complaint because, um, the classics hold up so well.
Rebecca Serle
I think as someone who collects beautiful things from the past, the thing that I miss the most about modernism and the things I lament about the past are everyday things that you would use were made more beautifully.
Dita Von Teese
The connection of what I do to flamenco lies in the whole lament, whole cry, whole pouring back into the earth and giving energy back to the earth. It’s a cry and a celebration. That’s what music, sound, vibration should do. It should spark energy in someone.
Savion Glover
Adults spend $500 billion on games and leisure activity each year, and some adults lament that kids get $15 billion for toys.
Brian Sutton-Smith
One of the rules of Greek lament poetry is that it mustn’t mention the dead by name in case of invoking a ghost. Maybe the ‘Iliad,’ crowded with names, is more than a poem. Maybe it’s a dangerous piece of the brightness of both this world and the next.
Alice Oswald
When I lament and darken over my diminishments, I accomplish nothing. It’s better to sit at the window all day, pleased to watch birds, barns, and flowers.
Donald Hall
We lament the speed of our society and the lack of depth and the nature of disposable information.
David Ogden Stiers