Top 19 Laura Lippman Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Laura Lippman Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

If I waited to be inspired to go to the gym, I'd never

If I waited to be inspired to go to the gym, I’d never get there. I schedule my exercise time; I schedule my work time. This is especially important if you have a day job as I did while writing my first seven novels.
Laura Lippman
I’m at the age most people are sending their kids off to college.
Laura Lippman
I think I’m part of a generation of crime writers all of whom woke up independently and recoiled with horror at the fact that we’d chosen this very conservative genre.
Laura Lippman
In my newspaper days, your endings could be literally sliced off in the composing room, so it was dangerous to get attached to them. Yet I think this has made me work harder on endings in fiction.
Laura Lippman
I sometimes allow people to infer that I’m much less successful than I am.
Laura Lippman
Every person you meet has a story.
Laura Lippman
I’ve gotten to do a lot of stuff, traveled, worked hard at my career.
Laura Lippman
I think Baltimore suffers from nostalgia and it keeps us from being honest in talking about what really happened here. A place doesn’t have to be perfect to be beloved, and I love this city and I love it better for seeing its flaws.
Laura Lippman
I spent grades one through nine in Baltimore City, leaving for reasons that had nothing to do with the quality of education I was receiving.
Laura Lippman
I’ve long believed that the work-out life has lessons for the writing life. I’ve ‘solved’ a lot of books while at the gym, in part because I’m not trying to solve them at that precise moment.
Laura Lippman
It’s very different to have this kid that I’m truly responsible for.
Laura Lippman
I never knew how passive-aggressive people could be until I became a parent. Or even aggressive-aggressive. It actually began before I had a child. A relative asked me out to lunch and told me I was too old for motherhood.
Laura Lippman
After I started writing crime fiction, I said to myself, ‘I may be limited, but the genre’s not. There’s no reason to change genres if I’m happy writing what I write.’ And I am.
Laura Lippman
It doesn’t feel like work. Yes, I have days that are difficult, but I’m sitting in a chair making up stories. It’s what I did for fun as a kid, whether with Barbies or stuffed animals.
Laura Lippman
People still struggle with this notion of gifted writers somehow being in touch with a higher power, but it’s all about showing up and doing the job, meeting deadlines, working hard.
Laura Lippman
My husband and I are both proud public school graduates.
Laura Lippman
Anyone can love a perfect place. Loving Baltimore takes some resilience.
Laura Lippman
I don’t know where my phone is half the time.
Laura Lippman
Writers who don’t read can’t write well. It’s that simple. The more you read, the better you read, the better you’ll write. The upside is that you can’t read too much, and even ‘junk’ reading can be constructive.
Laura Lippman