Top 19 Scott Foley Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Scott Foley Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I am going to be on 'True Blood.' It was really excitin

I am going to be on ‘True Blood.’ It was really exciting. I had a great time shooting it. I spent the last nine months shooting this season and it was very secretive, very sexy, a lot of blood and fangs.
Scott Foley
I like being scared every now and then, I like the suspense and the thrills. Nothing like taking a girlfriend to a movie and holding her hand while she jumps.
Scott Foley
Patrick Wilson is my brother-in-law – we married sisters.
Scott Foley
I have a quad rep in my house, so I’m doing bench presses and pull ups on that, any sort of basic strength movements I can do at home.
Scott Foley
I think anything with a serialized storyline is a perfect match for binge-watching.
Scott Foley
The older I get, the more I become an apple pie, sparkling cider kind of guy.
Scott Foley
Man, I wish I was a better pickup guy. I’ve always been the guy in a relationship.
Scott Foley
I’m a big tweeter, especially when ‘Scandal’ is on, and I started tweeting some other shows.
Scott Foley
I am a student of this business. I’m really interested in it. When I was younger, I was always the annoying one. What’s that? What’s that do? What is that called? Why aren’t you doing this? I think it got very annoying.
Scott Foley
I don’t really have a mantra when it comes to relationships. For me, listening is key. Clarity is so important.
Scott Foley
I never took my SAT’s. I never applied to college. I moved right out here and jumped into the thick of things. Whether that was the smart move or not, I’m sitting here talking to you now, so it paid off.
Scott Foley
I know, just from directing television, where you have a huge support system of producers and writers and a script supervisor – not just the cast but a crew of 100 people – there are, as a director, hundreds of questions that you have to answer every day.
Scott Foley
I’m a dog lover and animal lover all around.
Scott Foley
I’ve always thought 45 to 55 is a great time for guys: Your body has filled out. Your face doesn’t look old, but you’re weathered enough to look like you know what you’re talking about.
Scott Foley
Do I seem to play characters that in the end don’t get the girl? Maybe. But you don’t always get the girl or the guy, and there has to be someone to play that.
Scott Foley
I always wanted to be a dad.
Scott Foley
For whatever reason, I’m a good representation of the guy who doesn’t get the girl.
Scott Foley
I do consider myself a film geek. I love television and film.
Scott Foley
It’s amazing what social media has done for entertainment.
Scott Foley