Top 190 Widely Quotes

Health coverage in the form of short-term, limited-duration plans has long been widely available to individuals in circumstances where they are unable to access traditional coverage, such as those between jobs or students taking a semester off from school.
Alex Azar
As for what’s the most challenging aspect of teaching, it’s convincing younger writers of the importance of reading widely and passionately.
Chang-Rae Lee
I’m glad I made a piece of art that can be interpreted so widely. Art is always interpreted subjectively.
Paula Cole
In short, the animal and vegetable lines, diverging widely above, join below in a loop.
Asa Gray
If we are to ensure that health care remains affordable and widely available for future generations, we need to rethink radically how we provide and manage it.
Frans van Houten
I believe that reading widely is the best preparation for writing.
Kathryn Lasky
I believe our philosophy of conscious capitalism will eventually be widely adopted primarily because it is a better way to do business, and it creates more total value in the world for all of its stakeholders.
John Mackey
It is only in the case of the Priestly Code that opinions differ widely; for it tries hard to imitate the costume of the Mosaic period, and, with whatever success, to disguise its own.
Julius Wellhausen
If you are interested enough in the climate crisis to read this post, you probably know that 2 degrees Centigrade of warming (or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) is the widely acknowledged threshold for “dangerous” climate change.
Jeff Goodell
It is widely held that too much wine will dull a man’s desire. Indeed it will in a dull man.
John Osborne
Multi- polarisation has become an inevitable trend in the process of shaping a global political pattern and has been widely welcomed by the international community as it reflects the common interests and aspiration of the overwhelming majority of countries.
Li Peng
A high nutrient diet, if widely adopted, could bring millions of people in touch with true hunger, and stop the proliferation of obesity and preventable chronic disease.
Joel Fuhrman
The widely held belief that the heterosexual nuclear family is best for children has long been used as a smoke screen for homophobia and as a talking point to quash marriage-equality efforts.
Jessica Valenti
Slack spread through businesses like wildfire, initially in the tech and media sectors, but now much more widely. At its public launch in February 2014, it had 17,000 users. As of April 1st, 2016, that number had rocketed to 2.7 million daily active users.
Walt Mossberg
Deficits are anathema to most Republicans. And Democrats widely believe that government spending should fall as the economy recovers.
Annie Lowrey
While not widely reported, our victories in Iraq are plentiful. National elections, a democratic parliament and the drafting of a constitution are just some of the victories throughout this embattled country.
Paul Gillmor
For decades, Turkey was widely viewed as a reliable NAT

For decades, Turkey was widely viewed as a reliable NATO ally: prickly at times, but safely in America’s corner.
Stephen Kinzer
When I was 16, we moved to live in Stratford-Upon-Avon. That was the year of Paul Scofield’s ‘Lear.’ I think he is still widely perceived as the only actor who has got his flag at the top of the mountain.
Tim Pigott-Smith
If you look at coffee, tea, food and juice, we think there are inherent opportunities. If you look at health bars or grab-and-go products that are in our stores, we think we can significantly enhance them and make them more widely available.
Howard Schultz
With the influx of available cryptocapital that has become widely accessible, it’s going to be interesting to watch what happens next, because companies now have the luxury of raising enough money to build simultaneously a product, a company, and an ecosystem.
William Mougayar
I won’t say there aren’t ‘smart’ roles for women, but the variety is limited. I feel the real representation is not widely available in Bollywood.
Kirti Kulhari
Following 25 children for the TV series ‘Child of Our Time’ has been extraordinary. The BBC’s original plan was to commemorate the new millennium. What better way than to film a number of expectant mums from across the U.K.? Coming from widely different backgrounds, all were due to give birth on January 1, 2000.
Robert Winston
Wealth is not without its advantages and the case to the contrary, although it has often been made, has never proved widely persuasive.
John Kenneth Galbraith
The Royal Society view is completely apolitical: it will judge anything based on the evidence. One of the big strengths of the Society is that is it widely perceived as impartial and above the fray. We’d like to make sure it stays that way.
Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
Barack Obama is an elegant and literate man with a cosmopolitan sense of the world. He is widely read in philosophy, literature, and history – as befits a former law professor – and he has shown time and again a surprising interest in contemporary fiction.
Teju Cole
Years of passivity and drift among U.S. policymakers have allowed the U.S. – China trade deficit to grow to the point where is widely recognized as a major threat to our economy.
Robert Lighthizer
Winning the Whitbread was a very major thing for me. I’d always been well reviewed, but this made me widely read.
Justin Cartwright
Television probably has become the most evocative, widely observed signpost we have.
Robert Adams
The rise of populism is in part a response to stagnating incomes and job loss, owing mostly to new technologies but widely attributed to imports and immigrants.
Richard N. Haass
The ultimate goal of the educational system is to shift to the individual the burden of pursing his own education. This will not be a widely shared pursuit until we get over our odd conviction that education is what goes on in school buildings and nowhere else.
John W. Gardner
I requested the gentlemen to put on their hats, and the ladies their shawls, to avoid catching cold, and then had the windows widely opened. This proceeding caused some astonishment and alarm at first; for the Americans generally have a dread of cold air.
George Combe
The judiciary in Burma is not independent. It’s widely known, everybody knows that.
Aung San Suu Kyi
I can swing widely in both directions of helpful or not.
Gayle Rankin
I tell writers to keep reading, reading, reading. Read widely and deeply. And I tell them not to give up even after getting rejection letters. And only write what you love.
Anita Diament
Living in a cultural milieu where the foreign writers most widely available and admired were Russian, I came very late to postwar American writers, and I had great trouble with the canonically exalted white male writers I tried first.
Pankaj Mishra
I take the view that anything you can do to relieve suffering or improve human health will usually be widely accepted by the public – that is to say, if cloning actually turned out to be solving some problems and was useful to people, I think it would be accepted.
John Gurdon
Sympathy is one of the principles most widely rooted in our nature: we rejoice to see ourselves reflected in another; and, perversely enough, we sometimes have a secret pleasure in seeing the sin which dwells in ourselves existing under a deformed and monstrous aspect in another.
William Godwin
The 2008 financial crisis and the Great Recession that followed have had devastating effects on the U.S. economy and millions of American lives. But the U.S. economy will emerge from its trauma stronger and widely restructured.
Roger Altman
The ‘New Testament’, now, I quite liked. Jesus had a lot of good things to say, and as for his father, he must have been highly thought of by the community to work with wood – a material that couldn’t have been widely available in Palestine.
Terry Pratchett
I have lectured at the U.N. and travelled widely, giving lectures on human rights and gender inequalities in universities. But this is a life I do not wish to live. I don’t want to be a showcase, I want to be in a battlefield where I can stand beside the oppressed and the poor.
Taslima Nasrin
‘The Hatfields and McCoys’ is a classic tale of American history. These are names that are widely recognized, yet few people know the real story that made them famous.
Nancy Dubuc
Although the pineapple had been widely disseminated for centuries among the native peoples of South and Central America, it didn’t figure in European history until 1493.
Kate Christensen
Creativity is essential to particle physics, cosmology, and to mathematics, and to other fields of science, just as it is to its more widely acknowledged beneficiaries – the arts and humanities.
Lisa Randall
It’s widely accepted that it is reasonable for a government to use tax policy to change behaviour.
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Our most widely known scholars have been trained in universities outside of the South.
Carter G. Woodson
A widely held, but rarely articulated, belief in our society is that the ideal self is bold, alpha, gregarious. Introversion is viewed somewhere between disappointment and pathology.
Susan Cain
Authors are influenced by everything they’ve ever read. If you’ve read widely enough, it helps you create your own mix.
Garth Nix
Whales and dolphins have extraordinary hearing and the

Whales and dolphins have extraordinary hearing and the ability to communicate in widely varying voices.
Tatiana Schlossberg
Baahubali… ‘ has been accepted widely amongst Hindi cinema-goers. So this shows that language is becoming less important.
The amount of time it takes to recover from the coronavirus differs widely. Some people will get the virus and have no symptoms at all, other people will have mild symptoms like a low-grade fever or a mild cough and others will get really ill and will need to be hospitalized.
Vivek Murthy
I’ve never sold widely enough to be able to relax about money. I had two kids and their mother to support and my own life. So there was never an option of cutting out.
Leonard Cohen
Our ad campaign with Pfizer is educational. Lipitor is the most widely prescribed drug in the country. For every prescription, there is a doctor writing it. It’s a huge vote of confidence.
Robert Jarvik