Top 191 Global Warming Quotes

I got to talk about global warming on the No. 1 soap opera in the country.
Laurie David
There is no global warming problem, there isn’t going to be a global warming problem. Sit back and enjoy the sunshine.
Christopher Monckton
Admittedly, I possess virtually no expertise in science. That puts me in exactly the same position as most dogmatic environmentalists who want to craft public policy around global warming fears.
David Harsanyi
The campaign finance scandal in America is the global warming of American political life – with cash substituting for deadly solar radiation.
Alec Baldwin
If you really accept that global warming puts the world at risk, then you think you would be open to any solution that could undo it.
Steven Levitt
And we have a little herb garden, which survived the winter thanks to global warming. It makes me feel like a cool, old Italian housewife, that I kept my rosemary alive outside all winter.
Elizabeth Gilbert
The war and terrorism in the Middle East, the crisis of leadership in many of the oil-supply countries in the developing world, the crisis of global warming – all these are very clearly tied to energy.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
When enough people care about autism or diabetes or global warming, it helps everyone, even if only a tiny fraction actively participate.
Seth Godin
The truth is, as most of us know, that global warming is real and humans are major contributors, mainly because we wastefully burn fossil fuels.
David Suzuki
I live in New Hampshire. We’re in favor of global warming. Eleven hundred more feet of sea-level rises? I’ve got beachfront property. You tell us up there, ‘By the end of the century, New York City could be underwater,’ and we say, ‘Your point is?’
P. J. O’Rourke
The rhino is now more or less extinct, and it’s not because of global warming or shrinking habitats. It’s because of Beyonce’s handbags.
We have taken the manatees out of the areas in the Caribbean and really elsewhere in the world, and this disruption to the system makes such systems vulnerable to changes as they come by, whether it’s in terms of disease or terms or global warming for that matter.
Sylvia Earle
Fixing global warming is more important than astronomy.
David Grinspoon
There is an overabundance of rational reasons to say no to factory-farmed meat: It is the No. 1 cause of global warming, it systematically forces tens of billions of animals to suffer in ways that would be illegal if they were dogs, it is a decisive factor in the development of swine and avian flus, and so on.
Jonathan Safran Foer
The products built in the factories of G.M., Ford and Chrysler are some of the greatest weapons of mass destruction responsible for global warming and the melting of our polar icecaps.
Michael Moore
Global warming is real – it is man-made and it is an important problem. But it is not the end of the world.
Bjorn Lomborg
The pace of global warming is accelerating and the scale of the impact is devastating. The time for action is limited – we are approaching a tipping point beyond which the opportunity to reverse the damage of CO2 emissions will disappear.
Eliot Spitzer
Nevertheless, there is another threat on the horizon. I see this threat in environmentalism which is becoming a new dominant ideology, if not a religion. Its main weapon is raising the alarm and predicting the human life endangering climate change based on man-made global warming.
Vaclav Klaus
Dealing with global warming doesn’t mean we have all got to suddenly stop breathing. Dealing with global warming means that we have to stop waste, and if you travel for no reason whatsoever, that is a waste.
David Attenborough
Global warming is controversial, of course, but the controversy is mainly over whether human activity is driving it.
Michio Kaku
We all need to find the simplest and easiest ways to help stop global warming.
Suzy Shuster
This accumulated debt at all levels of our society poses an immediate existential threat to America. Now unlike the manufactured crises of global warming and healthcare, this is a true crisis. This crisis threatens the very sovereignty of our country.
Steve Bannon
Dealing with global warming doesn’t mean we have all got to suddenly stop breathing. Dealing with global warming means that we have to stop waste, and if you travel for no reason whatsoever, that is a waste.
David Attenborough
Whether the process proves to be Kyoto or something else, let’s acknowledge the urgency of global warming.
Brian Mulroney
The Obama administration and its allies, such as the Si

The Obama administration and its allies, such as the Sierra Club, tried to kill coal because of their obsession with global warming.
Stephen Moore
To far too many, science is a four-letter word, and under the modern media’s false equivalency standards, a handful of skeptics are viewed as counterweights to the vast majority of scientists who acknowledge mankind’s proven role in global warming.
Christine Pelosi
In the age of global warming hysteria and the $93 trillion ‘Green’ New Deal, leftist advocates for more government intervention in the economy under the guise of environmentalism have engaged in a new smear: If you don’t buy into climate change hysteria, you’re a ‘denier’ who doesn’t care about the environment.
Katie Pavlich
Global warming has melted the polar ice caps, raised the levels of the oceans and flooded the earth’s great cities. Despite its evident prosperity, New Jersey is scarcely Utopia.
Godfried Danneels
With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it.
Jim Inhofe
The only thing that will really change global warming in the long run is if we radically increase the speed with which we get alternative technologies to deal with climate change.
Bjorn Lomborg
The failure of world leaders to act on the critical issue of global warming is often blamed on economic considerations.
David Suzuki
There is no significant man-made Global Warming underway and the science on which the computer projections of weather chaos are based is badly flawed.
John Coleman
It is unfortunately true that our generation and that of your parents have left you with a big mess that will now be yours to clean up: wars, budget challenges, pollution, global warming, battles of health care, natural disasters. They’re all there for you. We’re willing those to you. Are you ready?
John Morgridge
I was with – he wasn’t the president then, but – Barack Obama, when he was running, in Washington, during Black Congressional Caucus Weekend, and did a panel about global warming with him. It was almost as if I switched careers for a while, and became a political activist.
Lawrence Bender
Science has been quite embattled. It’s the most important thing there is. An arts graduate is not going to fix global warming. They may do other valuable things, but they are not going to fix the planet or cure cancer or get rid of malaria.
Bill Bryson
Now, I do not, on any level, possess the expertise to argue about the science of anthropological global warming. Nor do you, most likely. This certainly doesn’t mean an average citizen has the duty to do the lock step.
David Harsanyi
What is innovation if not our ticket to every business interest in the world? It’s the ticket to solving the world’s problems – the energy problems, the pollution problems, the global warming problems. If it isn’t for science and engineering, how will we compete in the new world?
David Pogue
So we are now still dependent on foreign oil, have a problem with global warming, and are losing jobs rapidly to the Japanese in fuel-efficient vehicles as a result of that very shortsighted progress.
Jay Inslee
I’ve been producing documentaries on global warming for 20 years and have seen the early warnings of extreme weather events come true.
Bill Kurtis
My family and I want to start our own organization to work on global warming and a couple of other things.
Selena Gomez
Ocean acidification is caused by the ocean absorbing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the same carbon dioxide that is the primary cause of global warming, hence the nickname ‘the other carbon problem.’ As they do so, the oceans become more acidic with terrible consequences.
Philippe Cousteau, Jr.
All cities do face similar, significant trends in the future… most importantly global warming and climate change.
Cate Blanchett
Unlike many in the conservative camp, I accept theories of global warming, and accept that man-made activity has played a part in global warming. My differences have only been on what the solutions should be.
Bradley A. Smith
Would you bet your paycheck on a weather forecast for tomorrow? If not, then why should this country bet billions on global warming predictions that have even less foundation?
Thomas Sowell
‘Ecological sensitivity’ is not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Donald Trump. He doesn’t even believe in global warming. But this is because he is a city boy.
Alex Shoumatoff
We need to treat the planet as a system, and up until now, we’ve operated more as if the world were made of separate parts – this part is environment, this part is economy. But everything is connected. You can’t fix global warming with a Ph.D. in thermodynamics!
Neri Oxman
We not only need a rapid transition to a low-carbon economy that prevents the most cataclysmic consequences of global warming, we need real dollars and real planning for coastal protection to combat the consequences that are already inevitable.
Bill de Blasio
As a conservative, I maintain a healthy skepticism of the theory of man-made global warming. I also believe that more people enjoying the fruits of modernity and economic development is a good thing – as long as those people arrived legally and obey the law.
Gary Bauer
So it’s mainly a question of helping the Third World overcome the effects of global warming.
Bjorn Lomborg
There isn’t a more important issue in the world than global warming. Even the Cold War and the Bay of Pigs crisis were a notional threat.
Simon Beaufoy