Top 20 Jeanne Shaheen Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Jeanne Shaheen Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

We're only going to be able to compete in the world if

We’re only going to be able to compete in the world if we continue to be innovative.
Jeanne Shaheen
Religion and morality are critical to how students think about politics and form opinions on political issues.
Jeanne Shaheen
One of the things we need to do with North Korea, which is a rogue nation, is to get the international community in support of further sanctions, of keeping pressure on the North Korean regime.
Jeanne Shaheen
We need to invest in a way that makes sure we’ve got the workforce we need in the future.
Jeanne Shaheen
We need to strike better trade deals, but we need to do it in a way that ensures that we are at the table on these deals.
Jeanne Shaheen
I think we need to continue to engage with our allies and with the world situation both on trade. I’m concerned that by pulling out of TPP, while we all want fair and competitive trade, the fact is what we have done is left the playing field to the Chinese to engage with those partners.
Jeanne Shaheen
We need to get young people excited about politics, excited about government.
Jeanne Shaheen
When I got involved in politics and started running, there were questions about whether a woman could take care of her kids and serve in office. And that was never an issue when I ran.
Jeanne Shaheen
NATO is indispensable to America’s national security.
Jeanne Shaheen
We know that over a billion people live in poverty around the world, and most of them are women and girls. If we can improve their lives, that has a positive effect on their communities, on their families, on their countries.
Jeanne Shaheen
Let’s create jobs by bringing the Shaheen-Portman bipartisan energy efficiency bill to the floor.
Jeanne Shaheen
We need to get answers to who in the Trump campaign was talking to the Russians throughout that campaign effort and what Donald Trump knew about any conversations that happened.
Jeanne Shaheen
For me, getting young people engaged in politics and public service is really one of the most fun things that I get to do.
Jeanne Shaheen
Any Democratic statement of core beliefs about the importance of families must include all our families, gay and straight. Our party has a long tradition of leading the charge on important questions of justice.
Jeanne Shaheen
Low-wage jobs have gone offshore. We need to innovate to stay competitive.
Jeanne Shaheen
If we really care about impacting countries around the world and their economic futures, then what we need to do is empower women.
Jeanne Shaheen
By protecting our Afghan friends from reprisals and welcoming them into our American family, we can assert that the United States is still a great and good country – and that we do not abandon those who risked their lives to serve with us.
Jeanne Shaheen
There’s definitely a world view among college students that appreciates the need to act in the international community.
Jeanne Shaheen
Americans were outraged by Russia’s interference in our presidential election, but a wider threat is Russia’s doctrine of hybrid warfare, which includes cybersabotage of critical American infrastructure from nuclear plants to electrical grids.
Jeanne Shaheen
When I had a group of undergraduates in the room, I would say to them, ‘How many of you want to run for office someday?’ And almost every male hand in the room would go up. And very few of the young women.
Jeanne Shaheen