Top 20 Self-Discovery Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Self-Discovery Quotes from famous people such as Jackson Pollock, Julian Barnes, Caroline Ghosn, Rory Kinnear, Julia Sawalha, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints wh

Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is.
Jackson Pollock
Reading and life are not separate but symbiotic. And for this serious task of imaginative discovery and self-discovery, there is and remains one perfect symbol: the printed book.
Julian Barnes
The genesis of the Thinking Talent app came from wanting to create a way to scale self-discovery with a framework that we, personally, inside of the company, have used really successfully.
Caroline Ghosn
Drama aids self-discovery like nothing else. In removing it from our schools, we remove the inestimable benefits of it from our society. No amount of studying oxbow lakes was ever going to help me emotionally through the death of my father.
Rory Kinnear
I’m on a constant path of self-discovery and change. I’m trying to become a better person, a nicer person. I love therapy – it’s brilliant.
Julia Sawalha
Ultimately, I want people to be inspired to go on their own journey of self-discovery.
Hannah Bronfman
I believe the arts are the best way to help people go on a journey of self-discovery toward their own compassion and empathy for humanity and themselves.
Asia Kate Dillon
I believe that self-discovery is an ongoing thing.
Kevin Abstract
After all these years, I am still involved in the process of self-discovery. It’s better to explore life and make mistakes than to play it safe. Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life.
Sophia Loren
It’s important to let kids be themselves and to let them make mistakes. Self-discovery goes a long way.
Kristin Cavallari
‘Huge’ is a show about self-discovery and follows kids at a weight loss camp. My character is shy, so when she meets Nikki Blonsky’s character Willamena Rader, who’s not, they become friends.
Raven Goodwin
I’m an interior designer from the soul. It’s not about just putting things in a room. It’s much deeper and broader. It’s about self-discovery.
Alexandra Stoddard
On my road to self-discovery, only certain terms were available – I didn’t use ‘trans’ or ‘transgender’ until junior high school, but I was living as trans much earlier.
Janet Mock
The feeling of self-discovery, for me, is perennial.
Jason Reynolds
It’s asking that never-ending question, ‘Who am I?’ which motivates me and takes me on a constant journey of self-discovery that teaches me so much. Will Everest make me more cautious? In reality, probably not.
Ant Middleton
I think self-discovery is the greatest achievement in life, because once you discover yourself and accept what you are, then you can fulfil your true potential and be happy.
Marco Pierre White
My advice to young people everywhere: Choose schools that encourage self-discovery early on. Don’t be afraid to buck convention. And when someone asks you what you want to do with the rest of your life, take the time to really think about it.
Jedediah Bila
I went to a motivational training course once, a course of self-discovery, and I found out after a week that my fear – it was not a fear of not being accepted – was a very violent fear of failure.
Emanuel Steward
I inhaled books. I loved Classics Illustrated comic books. These were books that I could afford to buy after I turned in pop bottles for change. ‘The Prince and the Pauper,’ ‘Robinson Crusoe,’ ‘A Journey to the Center of the Earth.’ Male narratives filled with adventure and self-discovery.
Jewell Parker Rhodes
I was always very academically focused when I was growing up, and music was something for which I really had no preconceptions or expectations for myself or really any rules. It kind of represented, at least for me, a divergent path of creativity and self-discovery.
K. Flay