Top 200 Attorney Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Attorney Quotes from famous people such as Charles Krauthammer, Eric Holder, Pam Bondi, Al Sharpton, Gray Davis, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Trump's relentless public humiliation of Attorney Gener

Trump’s relentless public humiliation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions was clearly intended to get him to resign.
Charles Krauthammer
Any attorney general who is not an activist is not doing his or her job.
Eric Holder
I’m very happy being attorney general.
Pam Bondi
We are engaged in immediate conversations with the White House on deliberations over a successor whom we hope will continue in the general direction of Attorney General Holder.
Al Sharpton
I know that Duke made a number of demands, including that the attorney general drop its investigation. We have no intention of asking the attorney general to do that.
Gray Davis
As an attorney, judge, state representative, two-term Lieutenant Governor, and an athlete inducted into the LSU Athletic Hall of Fame as a member of the LSU Boxing Team, Bobby Freeman’s passion for serving the people of Louisiana and his talent were on display in everything he did throughout his life.
John Bel Edwards
I served as Attorney General John Ashcroft’s chief adviser on immigration law at the U.S. Department of Justice during 2001-03.
Kris Kobach
In a democratic country, when a man is accused, he’s accused from a document issued by the public attorney.
Jacques Verges
We should never again have an attorney general capable of saying virtually nothing as the law of major intelligence programs and the integrity of his department’s work in overseeing these programs are assailed over a protracted period of time.
Benjamin Wittes
Hey, I’m a former union president myself and also an attorney that represented a lot of unions.
Stephen F. Lynch
The Manhattan district attorney has closed the well-publicized investigation of the handling of the $300 million fortune of reclusive heiress Huguette Clark – without charging anyone with a crime.
Bill Dedman
The Attorney General is not above the law.
Scott DesJarlais
Most of the time when I receive a script, it says something like ‘Rosenberg is the fat, slovenly Mayor, who doesn’t want the kids to use the Skateboard Park’, or ‘Stein is a pompous, rotund attorney, imposing to all.’ It would be so freeing to get a script where my character is simply described as ‘A Man.’
Fred Melamed
Writing fueled me, and my task was to make it fit into my life. I practiced my trade as an attorney, and on weekends and holidays, I typed away. I assumed a nom de plume, Selena Montgomery, to separate my fiction from more academic publications.
Stacey Abrams
Some commentators have attacked the special counsel regulations as giving the attorney general the power to close a case against the president, as Mr. Barr did with the obstruction of justice investigation into Donald Trump. But the critics’ complaint here is not with the regulations but with the Constitution itself.
Neal Katyal
I always received much more satisfaction as a defense attorney in obtaining an acquittal for a client than I ever have as a D.A. in obtaining a conviction. All my interests and sympathies tend to be on the side of the individual as opposed to the state.
Jim Garrison
Like many Kentuckians, I’ve seen too many families torn apart by drug abuse. The attorney general should be the leading voice in confronting this challenge, and I believe that I am the right candidate for the job.
Daniel Cameron
On my first day in office as Ohio attorney general, I authorized Ohio to join the multistate lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare.
Mike DeWine
In 2007, Michael Grimm, former Marine, former FBI agent, accountant and attorney, was poised for success as a small business owner. Instead, as alleged, Grimm made the choice to go from upholding the law to breaking it. In so doing, he turned his back on every oath he had ever taken.
Loretta Lynch
It simply cannot be that the president can name his own temporary attorney general to supervise an investigation in which he and his family have a direct, concrete interest.
Neal Katyal
When I first served as Attorney General back in the early 90s, crime was at its highest in American history, with its peak in 1992.
William Barr
I’ll trust an attorney before I’ll trust a doctor.
Tommy Morrison
Our laws are very clear on a woman’s reproductive health care. I will not only enforce those laws as attorney general, I will take the appropriate action against anyone who tries to interfere with a woman’s right to choose her reproductive health care.
Dan Donovan
Mr. Sessions’ conduct as a U.S. Attorney, from his politically-motivated voting fraud prosecutions to his indifference toward criminal violations of civil rights laws, indicated that he lacks the temperament, fairness and judgment to be a federal judge.
Coretta Scott King
I actually was a defense attorney first.
Marcia Clark
At the end of the day, you realize that this is important stuff, but it isn’t as important as how my kids feel about me. That’s how I’m going to measure my success – not how I did as counsel to the president or as attorney general. How did I do as a dad?
Alberto Gonzales
Kentuckians can see how I’ve lived my values by looking at my priorities as attorney general.
Andy Beshear
When a New York attorney general brings a lawsuit against a prominent business person, there are two things you can count on out of that office – lots of political bluster and little accountability.
Kenneth Langone
If I am going to pick and choose the laws I defend, I wouldn’t be doing my duty as attorney general.
Kelly Ayotte
I started my career in the private sector and then became U.S. attorney. I think I was a stronger U.S. attorney, and I frankly think I am a stronger Chair of the SEC, because of that experience.
Mary Jo White
I would be loath to speak ill of any person who I do not know deserves it, but I am afraid he is an attorney.
Samuel Johnson
Even someone as lowly as an assistant U.S. attorney has

Even someone as lowly as an assistant U.S. attorney has to undergo a background check, and you’re asked a series of very invasive questions, and you’re expected to tell the truth and they’re under penalty of perjury. And you’re asked those questions so you can’t be blackmailed or extorted.
Trey Gowdy
I think what Trump will be judged on by the folks that voted for him… is whether things start to get a little bit better over the next few years. And ultimately, that doesn’t depend on whether Jeff Sessions is the attorney general.
J. D. Vance
My top priority as Attorney General is to continue the fight against violent crime, and step it up wherever needed.
William Barr
The attorney general is the only one who can authorize what’s called an emergency FISA.
Michael Hayden
I was a prosecutor in Brooklyn in the homicide division and then as a senior assistant district attorney.
Star Jones
Americans deserve an attorney general that will be honest with them, they deserve an attorney general who will uphold the basic standards of political independence and accountability.
John Cornyn
I was raised – professionally – in the Public Integrity Section. I started in 1976, stayed there for 12 years. It was formed after Watergate by then-head of the Criminal Division Dick Thornburgh, who ultimately became Attorney General.
Eric Holder
Claire Hodgson, born Clara Mae Merritt, was the daughter of a prominent Georgia attorney who had once represented Ty Cobb. She was still a teenager when she married Frank Hodgson, a gentleman caller nearly twice her age.
Jane Leavy
My dad is a judge, but he started off as an attorney. He is one of my biggest role models; both of my parents are. So, from a young age, I said I wanted to be an attorney.
Rachel Lindsay
As attorney general, I have a duty to defend the laws and constitution of the State of Missouri.
Josh Hawley
The phrase ‘All is fair in love and war’ must have been penned by a divorce attorney.
Paul Nassif
As a former U.S. attorney, I would only align myself with a first-class organization. World Patent Marketing goes beyond making statements about doing business ‘ethically’ and translates them into action.
Matthew Whitaker
I am not a member of any organization listed by the Attorney General as subversive. In any instance where I lent my name in the past, it was certainly without knowledge that such an organization was subversive. I have always been essentially and foremost an American.
Judy Holliday
Though the Attorney General of the United States carries many responsibilities and undertakes many tasks, there can be none more important than the pursuit of civil rights on behalf of all the people of this country.
Janet Reno
After Huguette Clark died in 2011 at age 104, 19 relatives challenged her will, claiming she was mentally ill and had been defrauded by her nurse, attorney and accountant.
Bill Dedman
I agree with President Obama and Attorney General Holder that we need to reform our criminal sentencing laws.
Raul Labrador
The defendant wants to hide the truth because he’s generally guilty. The defense attorney’s job is to make sure the jury does not arrive at that truth.
Alan Dershowitz
Prior to any questioning, the person must be warned that he has a right to remain silent, that any statement he does make may be used as evidence against him and that he has a right to the presence of an attorney, either retained or appointed.
Earl Warren
To criticize the attorney general for permitting justice to be done without regard to political party is very disturbing.
George T. Conway III
The nature of the job of attorney general has changed – irrevocably. And we should never again have an attorney general, of either party, capable of expressing surprise at the role that national security issues now play in the life of the Justice Department or in the role of its chief.
Benjamin Wittes
As attorney general, I’m helping lead a national effort to protect coverage for pre-existing conditions.
Andy Beshear
Maggie is my sister-in-law, married to my brother David. She is a defense attorney who devotes 25 percent of her practice to pro bono wrongful-incarceration cases.
Lisa Lutz
My first job paid well for a young attorney. I was making over $50,000, which was more than either of my parents had ever made. I thought I was rich.
Marco Rubio
Before I was a prosecutor, I was a defense attorney. I took a cut in pay because I wanted to stand up for the victims.
Marcia Clark
I ran for attorney general to be attorney general.
Ken Cuccinelli
My father and his brothers were all lawyers, so I think that the expectation was probably for me to grow up to be an attorney, but it never really fascinated me that much. I was more interested in building things.
Steve Case
The attorney general should be enforcing the law, not policy.
Michael Moriarty
Do we want an Attorney General who will play politics with the law, play politics with the court and just play politics with international conventions designed to protect our troops? I do not want to play that kind of politics. I am going to vote against Alberto Gonzales.
Barbara Mikulski
As attorney general, I don’t get to pick and choose the laws I like and don’t like.
Luther Strange
As Attorney General, my most important responsibility is keeping New Yorkers safe by enforcing the laws that protect our people from harm. But another fundamental part of my job is to seek to advance the basic American principle of equal justice under law.
Eric Schneiderman
Being a Raiderette is a part-time commitment but we call it a ‘part-time full-time commitment.’ It ends up almost taking more time than being an attorney.
Emily Compagno
If the events of September 11, 2001, have proven anythi

If the events of September 11, 2001, have proven anything, it’s that the terrorists can attack us, but they can’t take away what makes us American – our freedom, our liberty, our civil rights. No, only Attorney General John Ashcroft can do that.
Jon Stewart
The responsibility of the attorney general is to change things and bring us closer to the ideals expressed in our founding documents.
Eric Holder
These are people – I’m for immigration – legal immigration. I’ve been an immigration attorney. But people who have come to our country and violated laws, we should not be providing full health care services.
Joe Wilson
It is the honor of a lifetime to serve as Director. I long ago grew to know and admire the FBI from my earliest days as a line prosecutor to my years as assistant attorney general.
Christopher A. Wray
Look, Bill Barr can choose to be a lying partisan hack. It just means he needs to go work for the Trump campaign but he can’t be attorney general. That’s a position that requires independence, integrity, an oath to the constitution.
Ted Lieu
Having served as North Carolina Attorney General for 16 years, I am all too familiar with the racism, bigotry and full-out white supremacy that exist in corners of our society.
Roy Cooper
The political status legislation which emerged in Congress in 1990 and 1991 did not receive the support needed for enactment into law during my tenure as Attorney General.
Dick Thornburgh
The Office of Attorney General should be independent and the Office of Attorney General should have the power to investigate without the approval of the governor of the state of New York. It’s absolutely critically important.
Letitia James
When we watch courtroom dramas, we tend to identify with the kindhearted defense attorney, but give us the power, and we become like hanging judges.
Jon Ronson
I have always wanted to run for Attorney General, and I always wanted to have a baby, but I did not think I would be doing them at the same time.
Zephyr Teachout
My job as attorney general has been, in regard to guns, to have oversight in regard to concealed-carry licenses.
Mike DeWine
As attorney general, I’ve led a victim-centered office.
Andy Beshear
William Barr has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate four times, has served two U.S. presidents, and has proven himself to be a consummate professional who deeply respects the great responsibilities and boundaries of the office of the attorney general.
Mike Braun
I’m a trial attorney and I specialize in defense civil litigation. My firm represents businesses and organizations in whatever aspect they get sued, whether it’s commercial litigation, to personal injury, liability, contracts, we litigate for them on their behalf.
Rachel Lindsay
It’s always been my dream to be an attorney, and I’m that weird breed of human being that loves being in a courtroom.
Kimberly Bryant
Politics is still the No. 1 sport in town and the scoreboard shows the U.S. attorney’s office leading.
Bill Kurtis
I think when you play a role, you always have to be a defense attorney for that character.
Matt Bomer
Over the last few years, we have seen too many politicians disregard the Constitution as they voted to increase the size and scope of government. I will use my legal experience gained as a federal attorney to hold them accountable.
Matthew Whitaker
On March 12, 2004, acting attorney general James B. Comey and the Justice Department’s top leadership reached the brink of resignation over electronic surveillance orders that they believed to be illegal.
Barton Gellman
Before I was elected to Congress, I helped to create the public corruption unit in the office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan. Unfortunately, business was good. Among the usual suspects were government contracts steered to insiders – leaving Illinois taxpayers holding the bag.
Raja Krishnamoorthi
I have huge respect for Preet Bharara, a great U.S. Attorney by any measure. But even great men can make mistakes.
Jed S. Rakoff
I will be the defense attorney for all Italians.
Giuseppe Conte
When you have an attorney giving you advice, it would be nice to know what their financial relationship is to the advice.
Lowell Bergman
All I want to do is be the best attorney general that I can be.
Pam Bondi
My mother was the only girl in the family. One brother was District Attorney of Odessa or something; another was teaching classical languages; another was a captain of a battleship of the Black Navy; and still another was a chemist and icthyologist.
George Gamow
Historically, the Justice Department has been Congress’ ally in fighting wrongdoing in government, but under this Justice Department and Eric Holder, rather than being the people’s attorney, Eric Holder sees himself as the president’s attorney and he’ll do anything to defend the president.
Blake Farenthold
Having served as both attorney general and deputy attorney general in the Justice Department, I had responsibility for supervising the FBI, working on virtually a daily basis with its senior leadership.
William Barr
I was the first attorney general to court to fight Obamacare – about 30 minutes after the president signed the bill.
Ken Cuccinelli
Here, I am looking for a document issued by a public attorney. I don’t find. He is accused by the political leaders of the coalition, by his enemies, who said that he is guilty. That he deserves to be killed.
Jacques Verges
If you’re a prosecutor, and you believe the defendant is guilty, you only talk about ultimate truth, but not intermediate truth. If you’re the defense attorney, you care deeply about intermediate truth, but you tend to neglect ultimate truth.
Alan Dershowitz
It’s not so much the attorney general’s job to decide what laws to enforce. We should do our jobs and enforce laws effectively as we’re able.
Jeff Sessions
When I wanted to be an attorney, I think I wanted to be

When I wanted to be an attorney, I think I wanted to be a litigator; I wanted to be in a courtroom.
Daniel Dae Kim
I have a J.D., but I’m not a practicing attorney as far as entertainment law goes.
Adrian Younge
You get a lawyer whether you’re in a military tribunal or whether you’re in a federal court, number one. The attorney general decided that the court with the biggest – with the greatest venue, with the best jurisdiction was the New York court. That was the right decision to make.
Joe Biden
I am an attorney.
Emily Compagno
As a young prosecutor, I used the Bureau of Criminal Investigation extensively. I saw that there were problems with BCI. Frankly, I thought I could fix them. I thought if I was successful, I could really make a difference as attorney general.
Mike DeWine
My father was an attorney in the state of New York, which is where I came up with the term ‘advocate.’
Paul Heyman
Attorney General Becerra was the leading force behind the lawsuit to protect the Affordable Care Act. Yes, he had the audacity to maintain protections for people with pre-existing conditions and for those suffering from mental illness.
Alex Padilla
I enjoy a good fight, and always have, and really just said to myself, ‘Look, at the end of my term, it’ll be 16 years as attorney general, and I’m ready for new challenges. I’m ready to use my skills in a different way to continue to help people.’
Lisa Madigan
Since my election as Oklahoma attorney general in 2010, I have been a proud member of a group of federalism-minded state attorneys general who have methodically, indeed relentlessly, worked to restore the proper balance of power between the federal government and the states.
Scott Pruitt
My father was an attorney.
Judge Reinhold
While I have supported marriage equality since my days as a state senator over a decade ago, I have since conducted an extensive legal analysis that has only emboldened my support as attorney general.
Lisa Madigan
You can’t be a practicing attorney without being very disciplined and detail-oriented and having good time management.
Charles Soule
I don’t believe newspaper reporters can substitute for a district attorney, but a newspaper has a very valid investigative role. Newspaper reports on corruption in government, racketeering and organized crime conditions can be very helpful to your communities and the whole country.
Robert Kennedy
I wasn’t meant to be an attorney, but I was meant to go to law school.
Eddie Huang
It’s too late for that – trying to second guess it. It’s over. I’m worried about how to get the kids through school and still write and practice law and take power of attorney.
Christopher Darden
I don’t know what he meant by ‘they’re after me.’ And then I said, ‘You know, Bobby, I’m here for you. If you need any help, give me a call.’ And then he did call me about a week later, and wanted to know if I had a good attorney.
Tommy Bond
I was raised in a Bronx public housing project, but studied at two of the nation’s finest universities. I did work as an assistant district attorney, prosecuting violent crimes that devastate our communities.
Sonia Sotomayor
I sit here as the first African-American attorney general, serving the first African-American President of the United States. And that has to show that we have made a great deal of progress. But there’s still more we have to travel along this road so we get to the place that is consistent with our founding ideals.
Eric Holder
I was a crown attorney in my home town in Nova Scotia, and I learned that victims of crime needed better laws to better protect them. I saw politics as a means to improve this protection for them.
Peter MacKay
I wanted to be an attorney. My mother would say I never stopped talking. I always had a lot of questions to ask, and I was never satisfied with the answer. A lot of things I wasn’t satisfied by.
Claudette Colvin
The Attorney General is the state’s chief consumer advocate, fighting to protect the financial security of all Illinoisans.
Lisa Madigan
My mom is an entertainment attorney, and she brought me to a BMI panel for people who were interested in becoming artists. While I was there, her friends kept peer pressuring me to go and sing in front of everyone because I was a very, very shy girl.
Justine Skye
I see how attorneys are, and nobody is really on your side. It’s about money. The attorney is not chasing after your money; he’s chasing after his fee.
Mannie Fresh
I’m happy every time I stand up in court and say, ‘George Brauchler for the people of Colorado…’ I take no shame in that; I take pride in that. My mom took pride in being an attorney, too.
George Brauchler
Every state in America has an end of life directive or durable power of attorney provision. For the peace of mind of your children and your spouse as well as the comfort of knowing the government won’t make these decisions, it’s a very popular thing. Just not everybody’s aware of it.
Johnny Isakson
And, as you recall, last year, people were asking us, don’t vote on the bill until you read every part of the bill. So, as a good attorney and as a good legislator, I think it’s my responsibility to read the amendments.
Henry Cuellar
We need an attorney general for the people, not a presidential protector and puppet of the administration.
John Barrasso
I initiated the State’s investigation of Governor Blagojevich and have prosecuted public officials, including a sitting democratic state representative and democratic State’s Attorney.
Lisa Madigan
As Attorney General of Alabama, I have never hesitated to stand up to the EPA before when it was wrong.
Luther Strange
When I was attorney general, we had the strongest public integrity unit in the country.
Luther Strange
Unfortunately, from what I can see from my vantage point as the U.S. Attorney here, illegal insider trading is rampant and may even be on the rise.
Preet Bharara
President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessio

President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions want to change the false Black Lives Matter narrative, but it doesn’t look like they will have many allies among liberal mayors and their police commanders.
Heather Mac Donald
I am humbled to have been asked by President-elect Trump to serve as Attorney General of the United States.
Jeff Sessions
It costs more money to put a person on death row than it does to lock them up for the rest of their lives because of attorney fees.
Gary Johnson
Our country is fortunate to have Bill Barr, a man of integrity who has served two U.S. Presidents, as our Attorney General.
Mike Braun
I was an attorney general. That was – that matters to me, and if you won’t obey your own rules, there’s no reason to think you’ll obey any others.
Ken Cuccinelli
I couldn’t do that as attorney general. Why? Because they are my clients. You can’t say they’re not doing what they ought to be doing when you are the attorney general.
Christine Gregoire
I’ve given everything I’ve got as attorney general.
Andy Beshear
I’m honored to have the support of Attorney General Bondi. She has been a champion for constitutionally limited government in Florida and across the nation. Our state is fortunate to have a leader so dedicated to the rule of law.
Ron DeSantis
When states like Alabama and Arizona passed some of the harshest immigration laws in history, my Attorney General took them on in court and we won.
Barack Obama
Shame on Congressman Brooks for his lack of faith in President Trump’s and Attorney General Sessions’ commitment to work together to make America great again.
Luther Strange
During the periods in my marriage when I chose to stay home with my kids rather than work as an attorney, it caused me no end of anxiety. Despite the fact that I knew I was contributing to our family by caring for our children, I still felt that my worth was less because I wasn’t earning.
Ayelet Waldman
When I took office in 2011, I made a commitment that the Office of Attorney General would find ways to do more while spending fewer taxpayer dollars.
Scott Pruitt
As you may know, previously as Attorney General and now as Governor, I have supported legislation to close the gun show loophole in North Carolina.
Michael F. Easley
I think if I weren’t an actress, I might have made a halfway decent attorney! I like the way they think.
Lorraine Toussaint
I’ll tell ya this: I come from an educated family. My father was an attorney representing blue collar workers, and my uncle was a chemical engineer… on my mom’s side, all my uncles were engineers – all ten of them.
Joe Piscopo
I saw the legal system close up, and I understood that it was built by lawyers for lawyers, and unless you have an attorney to navigate it, you’re not going to be successful.
Shari Redstone
For a lawyer to shade or slant his legal advice to advance a private agenda is among the gravest betrayals of his solemn duty as an attorney.
Eugene Scalia
Mr. Gonzales’ failure to respond to questions legitimately posed to him by the Senate raises grave doubts in my mind as to his fitness to serve the people of the United States as their Attorney General.
Daniel Inouye
As attorney general, I’ve launched a specialized unit to protect voting rights.
Andy Beshear
The U.S. Attorneys who comprise the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee play a critical role in carrying out the Department of Justice’s important work, including its efforts to reduce violent crime, combat the opioid crisis, protect the most vulnerable, and enforce the rule of law.
William Barr
I was assigned to do a job by the attorney general, and that was to find out whether crimes were committed.
Ken Starr
There are a whole variety of reasons I want to be attorney general, a whole variety of things that I do as attorney general that go beyond national security.
Eric Holder
As attorney general of Missouri, I am my state’s chief law enforcement officer. I swore an oath to uphold the rule of law, and that means fighting violence and oppression wherever it exists, especially violence against the poor and vulnerable.
Josh Hawley
Days after being sworn in as the nation’s top law enforcement officer, Trump’s attorney general, the virulently anti-LGBTQ Jeff Sessions, revoked lifesaving guidance promoting the protection and dignity of transgender students.
Sarah McBride
When then-New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer sued me in 2003 over my stewardship as a director of the New York Stock Exchange, the NYSE’s legal expenses were more than $100 million, which made it perhaps the priciest litigation in the state’s history.
Kenneth Langone
I found poetry at 12 and 13 and, lo and behold, learned that my attorney father had a background in poetry – as he wore dashikis and Afros in the ’70s and named his kids Arabic names. He was a poet and a lot like The Last Poets and Gil Scott-Heron and all of these folks. He definitely was an artist.
Omari Hardwick
And while I might not always agree with the viewpoint I have to portray, because I play a district attorney, as an actress I can always tell myself that my character is trying to take the moral high ground.
Lara Flynn Boyle
I don’t get into conversations or information about anything that the president does with his personal attorney.
Stephanie Grisham
The inattention of the Bush administration to the threat from al Qaeda had results. Shortly before 9/11, Bush’s attorney general, John Ashcroft, turned down FBI requests for some 400 additional counterterrorism personnel.
Peter Bergen
When Marvel approached me about possibly bringing back a She-Hulk solo series, a few touchstones for a take immediately popped into my head – make her an attorney. Make her charming and fun, not weighed down by the various things life will throw at her. Give her a vibrant social life.
Charles Soule
Your job as a trial attorney is to try to convey to the jury the essence of the people you represent.
Kenneth Frazier
An attorney general's duty is to render her opinion and

An attorney general’s duty is to render her opinion and honest advice; she cannot set herself up as a judge overruling the president’s decision. The president need not ‘convince’ his subordinate that his decision reflects the best view of the law.
William Barr
I’m not against the government. I’m against this ever-expanding government that doesn’t know its limits. And that’s how I see the role of the attorney general, as someone in an office that can protect you and defend the Constitution and defend state sovereignty and our individual liberty.
Alan Wilson
I spoke bluntly about what I had seen in a little over a year as United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. To the apparent surprise of many in the room, I observed publicly that insider trading appeared to be rampant.
Preet Bharara
Teaching does allow me to keep one foot in the youthful waters I tend to occupy in my novels, so I’m thankful for that. My students also remind me on a daily basis that the stories I collected during my district attorney days are actually interesting to people who haven’t had that experience.
Alafair Burke
While I’m the Attorney General, we will address each issue with one question: What’s the right thing to do?
Janet Reno
I call my attorney three times a day.
It was a privilege to serve as the assistant attorney general for civil rights, a role that allowed me to enforce the Civil Rights Act and help make its promise a reality.
Tom Perez
Thousands of people go to jail, go to prison, every year without even meeting with an attorney.
Michelle Alexander
Given my last position, that I was the first U.S attorney post 9/11 in New Jersey, I understand acutely the pain and sorrow and upset of the family members who lost loved ones that day at the hands of radical Muslim extremists. And their sensitivities and concerns have to be taken into account.
Chris Christie
Protecting the rights of service members was an important part of my work as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights.
Tom Perez
The Attorney General of the United States is, of course, not the president’s lawyer. The AG is supposed to be the attorney for the United States, protecting the rule of law.
Heather Cox Richardson
No cabinet official has delivered on Donald Trump’s key campaign promises more resoundingly than Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Heather Mac Donald
During my time as a judge, as a justice, and as attorney general, I’ve had one overarching goal, and that is a strict interpretation and application of the laws and the Constitution. I would be Madisonian.
Greg Abbott
I will not vote in favor of Senator Sessions’ nomination for attorney general.
Amy Klobuchar
I see the job of attorney general as the single most important legal office in the country when you can’t trust the federal government.
Zephyr Teachout
This is a true story. The day after Reagan won, I was walking into the courthouse when someone said that they’d bet Reagan would appoint me U.S. attorney.
Asa Hutchinson
As attorney general I see my role as defender both of press freedom and of the fair administration of justice.
Dominic Grieve
The economy is governed through cartel agreements and monopoly. The attorney general is the one who’s controlling funds. There is no free business in Georgia.
Bidzina Ivanishvili
Although the attorney general is a part of the president’s team, you’re really separate and apart. You have a special responsibility as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer. There has to be a distance that you keep – between this department and the White House.
Eric Holder
Especially in local elections, because hardly anybody pays attention to those – but it’s really important who’s mayor and who’s on the city council, county commissioners, sheriffs, district attorney, and of course the school board.
Jello Biafra
Running for attorney general troubled me. Because I was worried I would simply become just a figurehead and that’s not me.
Pam Bondi
When I left the San Francisco DA’s office, I went down to the Los Angeles district attorney’s office, and I was able to try a tremendous amount – very serious cases and working in gang neighborhoods, impoverished neighborhoods – really make a difference and be impactful in those communities.
Kimberly Guilfoyle
We’ve done amazing things for the state. Some of them have had a national impact, but I’m going to be ready for some new challenges, and so I’m not going to seek a fifth term as attorney general.
Lisa Madigan
Everybody knows now that Marie Lightfoot, the true crime writer, is dating Franklin DeWeese, the state attorney of Howard County, Florida. They know I’m a white woman; they know he’s a black man. That’s not news anymore.
Nancy Pickard
Somebody said something really smart: It’s like you end up being the defense attorney for your role. Your job is to defend their point of view. You’re fighting for what they want. You learn that in acting school – it’s Acting 1A: ‘What do you want? What’s in the way?’
Annette Bening
There’s something about sitting face-to-face with an attorney in an office that enables people to come to grips with the very idea of divorce – or to reconsider the idea. Like a number of my colleagues – not all – I offer that preliminary consultation for free.
Laura Wasser
In my roles as Deputy State Treasurer and Special Assistant Attorney General, I strove to make government more responsive, transparent, efficient, and proactive.
Raja Krishnamoorthi
Being attorney general has truly allowed me to be a voice for justice for the people of Illinois and oftentimes the country – and I love it.
Lisa Madigan
I have the best job in politics in Alabama. As the attorney general, I just go to work every day and think of a way to sue the Obama Administration. If you don’t think that is fun, that is a full-time job.
Luther Strange
I started off as a prosecutor and I would be sitting there, waiting for the defense attorney to come, and they would either bypass me because they would assume that I’m not the attorney or they would assume that I was the legal secretary or a paralegal – never the attorney.
Rachel Lindsay
When I was a young man, I used to dream maybe someday I could be an alderman. Instead of that I became an attorney general, a senator, a vice president, a Democratic nominee.
Walter F. Mondale
I couldn't vote to confirm any candidate who supports e

I couldn’t vote to confirm any candidate who supports executive amnesty. The attorney general is a top law enforcement officer in this country – the senior person – and anyone who occupies that office must have fidelity to the laws of the United States duly passed, and to the Constitution of the United States.
Jeff Sessions
There’s only so much you can do with an attorney on a show that’s about New York policemen.
Sherry Stringfield
It was hard to imagine a little boy who looked like me could someday help a president confirm a Supreme Court justice, or even run for attorney general. But here we are.
Daniel Cameron
After getting a law degree, I spent five unhappy months as a corporate attorney.
Andrew Yang
I was approached by friends who encouraged me to run for an open seat – attorney general of Michigan. It was a big risk.
Jennifer Granholm
The idea that the special counsel regulations, which were written to provide the public with confidence against a coverup, would empower an attorney general to restrict disclosure in an investigation of the president is a nonstarter.
Neal Katyal
I do want to make clear that I am personally committed to the integrity of the Department of Justice. Since becoming acting attorney general, I have run the department to the best of my ability, with fidelity to the law and to the Constitution.
Matthew Whitaker
New Yorkers have been fortunate to have Andrew Cuomo as our Attorney General – protecting working New Yorkers against the banks, insurance companies and big corporations.
Eric Schneiderman
If you could make something one percent smarter than a human, your artificial attorney or accountant would be better than all the attorneys or accountants out there. You would be the richest person in the world. People are chasing that.
Anthony Levandowski
Liberal members of Congress and their media allies are furious with Attorney General William Barr because he blew up the Mueller report smear job before it was out of the box.
Tom Fitton
Wells Fargo’s internal review only covers unauthorized accounts dating back to 2011. News reports and court documents suggest these problems might have existed long before then. The 2013 ‘Los Angeles Times’ articles led to the L.A. city attorney’s office investigation into Wells Fargo’s sales practices.
Richard Shelby
The public has every right to see Robert S. Mueller III’s conclusions. Absolutely nothing in the law or the regulations prevents the report from becoming public. Indeed, the relevant sources of law give Attorney General P. William Barr all the latitude in the world to make it public.
Neal Katyal
It is no secret that I believe my son, Attorney General Beau Biden would make a great United States Senator – just as I believe he has been a great Attorney General. But Beau has made it clear from the moment he entered public life, that any office he sought, he would earn on his own.
Joe Biden
While President Obama may not have ordered any surveillance of Trump or his advisors, the real question is whether he or Attorney General Loretta Lynch were aware of or approved of any surveillance of Trump and his staff during the campaign.
Pat Buchanan