Top 210 Allies Quotes

What does it mean to have a mayor who has an organizing background? It means I have allies and partners on whom I can call for advice – and that are also holding my feet to the fire already.
Betsy Hodges
Whatever advantage Trump thinks he will gain by positioning the U.S. in opposition to its natural allies will be dwarfed by the losses.
Michael Spence
If we truly seek diversity in fiction, we have to let the needs of others come before our need to define ourselves as social justice allies.
Jennifer Armintrout
Where he was, where his cells were, where his logistical channels were, how he communicated. Who his allies were. Who donated to them. I think it’s fair to say the entire range of sources were brought to bear.
Michael Scheuer
We must continue to ensure law enforcement has the necessary tools to combat terrorism here at home. We must also work with our allies and provide our military with the weapons and protective gear they need to defeat terrorism abroad.
Timothy Murphy
We have built up, through our global engagement, a set of institutions that have been built on trust, fundamentally on trust, where allies had trust in the United States to do the right thing when it really came down to it.
Ivo Daalder
Republicans used to bash President Barack Obama for alienating American allies, but Trump is turning off our partners like no one ever has.
Max Boot
However, the Bible is called the Word of God because the whole transcript is an inspired, faithful, and infallible record of what God determined essential for us to know about Himself, the cosmos in which we live, our spiritual allies and adversaries, and our fellow man.
Walter Martin
What President Bush did in his doctrine of preemptive strike and in his war in Afghanistan and in Iraq was to turn even his allies in Europe negatively toward America.
Louis Farrakhan
Whether you’re dealing with your allies in Europe or you’re dealing with a resurgent Russia, whether you’re dealing with Iran or North Korea, you have to use the whole panoply of national tools of power to deal with the challenges the world faces.
Sebastian Gorka
Deterrence is still fundamentally about influencing an actor’s decisions. It is about a solid policy foundation. It is about credible capabilities. It is about what the U.S. and our allies as a whole can bring to bear in both a military and a nonmilitary sense.
C. Robert Kehler
The jealousy and resentment that animate the terrorists also affect many of our former cold war allies.
Richard Perle
What I loved about playing Ms. Albright in 'Love, Simon

What I loved about playing Ms. Albright in ‘Love, Simon’ is that, so often, when we speak of allies in the queer community, we don’t really get to see what it means be an active ally. I love that she can step into this world with these kids and be a truth teller.
Natasha Rothwell
While our goals in Syria were never clearly enumerated by then-President Obama or President Trump, throughout the war one of our most committed and effective allies in the fight has been the Kurds.
S.E. Cupp
General McChrystal had to go. Whatever his virtues as a strategist and commander, the ‘Rolling Stone’ interview fatally compromised his ability to represent the United States in dealing with allies and to act within the circle of people who must make decisions in Afghanistan.
Jim Talent
I have worked closely with my Democratic allies. Elijah Cummings is a good friend.
Jason Chaffetz
Fossil fuel companies and their allies are funding a massive and sophisticated campaign to mislead the American people about the environmental harm caused by carbon pollution.
Sheldon Whitehouse
India can make rapid economic progress to become a developed country only through a globally competitive economy, which requires assured access to the markets and technological innovations of the United States and some of its allies such as Israel and Japan.
Subramanian Swamy
President Trump has called on other nations to do more, and they have responded. By the end of 2020, our NATO allies will spend an additional $100 billion on defense, an unprecedented increase that will make the alliance stronger.
Mark Esper
Canada remains alienated from its allies, shut out of the reconstruction process to some degree, unable to influence events. There is no upside to the position Canada took.
Stephen Harper
The American people and our allies around the world can rely on CIA’s vigilance, excellence, and determination to proudly serve.
Gina Haspel
During the Second World War, the Cote d’Azur as a holiday destination closed down, but once the Allies had liberated the coast in 1944, the Riviera’s infrastructure grew rapidly.
Carol Drinkwater
When you’re focused on your enemy, then you are ignoring your allies.
Stacey Abrams
Trump’s executive order on refugees, his endless petty feuds – with allies, with judges, with Arnold Schwarzenegger – his constant stream of up-is-down and down-is-up fabrications is outrageous.
Arianna Huffington
If we’re constantly giving every one of our allies the woke test instead of inviting them to be more woke, we’re doomed. You can be the most woke person of all time and be alone.
W. Kamau Bell
Fortunately, the world is full of people with information compulsion who want to tell you their stories. They want to tell you things that you don’t know. They’re some of the greatest allies that any writer has.
Tom Wolfe
America and its allies are engaged in a war against a terrorist movement that spans all corners of the globe. It is sparked by radical ideologues that breed hatred, oppression, and violence against all of their declared enemies.
Kenny Marchant
We have to learn to be allies to each other. We are in a deficit of financial and social capital, and TransTech aims to help trans people reverse that.
Angelica Ross
If you ask the people in Europe who won World War II, they don’t say the Allies; they say the United States won the war and saved the world.
Bob Feller
I think it is wrong that we went against The U.N. and that we have alienated our allies and invaded a country that hasn’t threatened us, that it is a pre-emptive strike.
Rosanne Cash
Britain has been responsible for the undermining of democracy, turning a blind eye to abuses by its allies, using extraordinary rendition to get around the rule of law, passing over the denial of individual liberties to dissidents, and the evasion of the dismal situation for religious minorities.
Deeyah Khan
Provision was also made for the distribution of Germany’s foreign assets among the Allies.
James F. Byrnes
Don’t take for granted that the worthiness of your cause will win you allies; bring it down to a scale that people can relate to.
Samantha Power
When you are close allies and good friends, like Denmark and the U.S. are, there should also be room for disagreements along the way.
Mette Frederiksen
Those who are able to climb up the ladder will find ways to pull it up after them, or selectively lower it down to allow their friends, allies, and kin to scramble up. In other words: ‘Who says meritocracy says oligarchy.’
Chris Hayes
The United States expects a lot of its partners and allies, including joint patrolling, significant contributions to armed conflicts, and a strict adherence to human rights, among other things.
John McCain
As president, Governor Romney would handle the Syrian conflict much differently. A President Romney would not ignore a growing conflict in a dangerous region involving allies the way Obama has, especially when chemical weapons could possibly be used.
Richard Grenell
The United States and our allies across the world are working every day to fight terrorism. We must continue those efforts, and we must promote peace and freedom.
Jan Schakowsky
The tragedy is that the police and inner city communities should be allies. Who suffers most from violent crime in America? Inner city communities. Who has a personal and professional interest in lowering that violence? Cops.
Don Winslow
Veterinarians are essential allies to the millions of us who experience the human-animal bond.
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
The U.S. dropped more high explosives on Vietnam than the Allies used on Germany and Japan together in the Second World War.
Nick Davies
I was talking to my publisher, Jamie Ceretta, who’s one of my closest confidants and allies when I’m working on new music. I feel like I can always count on his judgement because he’ll tell me if he doesn’t like something. It’s sometimes hard to get people to tell you if they don’t like something.
Jim James
Obama’s foreign policy is strangely self-centered, focused on himself and the United States rather than on the conduct and needs of the nations the United States allies with, engages with, or must confront.
Elliott Abrams
As I explain at some length in my book 'Energy Victory,

As I explain at some length in my book ‘Energy Victory,’ during World War II, the American strength in oil production was a decisive advantage for the Allies. Airplanes, ships, and tanks all ran on oil, and we controlled the supply.
Robert Zubrin
In the non-Greek stories, Persia, Egypt, even China, Central Asia, in oral traditions and written literature, anyone who fights Amazons admires their courage and beauty, and they want to be allies of the Amazon; they don’t wanna kill them.
Adrienne Mayor
When male allies make space for women, they’re not diminishing their own power. Rather, they’re enhancing everyone’s.
Meena Harris
It is reckless for a presidential candidate to publicly raise doubts about honoring treaty commitments with our allies.
Susan Collins
Nato allies have been looking at various missile-defence options for some time. Nato itself is developing protections for our deployed troops.
Anders Fogh Rasmussen
People tend to think of the quest as a sort of fanciful or fantastical form, but actually, I think it’s pretty realistic. I think that story of gathering allies to your side – recruiting your band of companions – actually matches the shape of most great careers, most great lives.
Robin Sloan
The Chinese, our allies, have been allies with North Korea.
John Dickerson
America has lost the moral high ground with the rest of the world, and we have fewer allies as a result. President Bush and his administration have undermined the war on terror by using tactics outlawed by international treaty and condemned by even our closest friends.
John Olver