Top 212 Bad Thing Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Bad Thing Quotes from famous people such as Billy Dee Williams, Lionel Shriver, Max Levchin, David Gauke, Dennis Haysbert, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Failure's not a bad thing. It builds character. It make

Failure’s not a bad thing. It builds character. It makes you stronger.
Billy Dee Williams
I might defend the reviewing trade, but a handful of haughty hired hands no longer having the last word on books is not a bad thing.
Lionel Shriver
We’re becoming slaves to our social networks – and that’s not a bad thing. You like your favorite networks, so do you friends, and pretty soon you have market winners.
Max Levchin
If the price of continuing my political career is to be complicit in a really bad thing then that’s not a price I’m prepared to pay.
David Gauke
I went through a phase where all I was doing was commercials, and not that it was a bad thing, but I was referred to as ‘the Allstate guy’ as I was walking the streets. Someone comes up to you on the street, you would like them to know your name.
Dennis Haysbert
Everybody gets too drunk sometimes; and even if everybody didn’t, I have gotten too drunk sometimes. I haven’t hurt anybody. In Ireland we drink a lot. It’s part of our culture. I like drinking. I don’t think it’s a bad thing.
Andrea Corr
Melancholy is no bad thing.
Fame is very agreeable, but the bad thing is that it goes on 24 hours a day.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
In Hollywood there’s a great openness, almost a voracious appetite for new people. In England there’s a great suspicion of the new. In cultural terms, that can be a good thing, but when you’re trying to break into the film industry, it’s definitely a bad thing.
Christopher Nolan
Flexibility isn’t a bad thing.
Steve Bruce
In Massachusetts, scientists have created the first human clone. The bad thing is that in thirty years, the clone will still be depressed because the Boston Red Sox will still have not won a World Series.
Craig Kilborn
Oprah’s got good politics, she’s got a good heart, and she’ll have us all up Jazzercising at six in the morning. This cannot be a bad thing, and reading a book while we’re Jazzercising. So America would be better off if Oprah were president.
Michael Moore
If you look at sculptures from hundreds of years ago, everyone’s naked. It’s not a bad thing.
Gigi Hadid
Seeing someone else perform and letting me be the critic for once… that’s not a bad thing.
Mats Sundin
I am the product of hustlers who taught me how to do it. They gave me a hustler’s ambition. Not a bad thing to get from your parents. But hustling only gets you so far. You have to trust yourself. And you have to be ready to fall on your face and be okay when it happens.
Jay Pharoah
I went through a phase where I thought nostalgia was a bad thing.
Dario Argento
Now that I think about it, I was arrested in 1992. Some people may think of that as a bad thing, but I feel good about it. I chained myself to the gate of a phone book factory, a GTE factory in Los Angeles. They were using thousand-year-old trees to make phone books. I think that’s a total waste of a tree.
Winona LaDuke
Debt certainly isn’t always a bad thing. A mortgage can help you afford a home. Student loans can be a necessity in getting a good job. Both are investments worth making, and both come with fairly low interest rates.
Jean Chatzky
The big difference between league football in England and Spain is that more teams compete here. In Spain, it is usually only two teams going for the title, which is not necessarily a bad thing because you get great matches between the two, but I think the English league is better for being more competitive.
David Silva
Being a great founder or early team member is a difficult dialectic – you have to be a bit overconfident, and a big ego isn’t always a bad thing. To change the world requires pushing really, really hard and believing you and your team know something others don’t.
Joe Lonsdale
I believe that God’s dream is that we be successful in our careers, and that we be able to send our kids to college. I don’t mean that everyone is going to be rich, and I preach a lot on blooming where you’re planted. But I don’t have the mindset that money is a bad thing.
Joel Osteen
It’s such an insult that foul gas comes out of a hole in our butt with a sound to announce itself. It’s the ultimate bad thing about being a person.
Kate McKinnon
I think doing things that scare you a little is a good thing. A little bit of fear is never a bad thing. A healthy amount of fear makes everything taste better.
Most of my players have come through academies with clubs. That’s not a bad thing, but it’s very different to what I grew up with.
Sol Campbell
I like shooting locations just because too much control on the stage can be a bad thing.
Hiro Murai
Occasionally if I look back at something I’ve written I’ll find one of those that I don’t understand, but that’s a bad thing – the unconscious has dealt me a bad hand.
William Gibson
I really didn’t even have time to get that many lessons, to be honest, because I was suddenly on the road. I was kind of thrown in the deep end. But that wasn’t a bad thing when I look back at it.
Caroline Corr
I don’t think it’s such a bad thing to have internal debate between coach and leading players.
Joachim Low
Apparently, there’s a little red demon dwarf that haunts the city, and before every major bad thing that’s happened, it’s appeared to somebody. Last time, he appeared in a Cadillac.
Meg White
I wish I could unknow this, but there is a perception of me that I’m super-sensitive and fragile. And I am super-sensitive, and I don’t think that that’s a bad thing. To do what I do, I have to remain open.
Winona Ryder
Growing up as a young kid, I was in a restaurant. So, you know, I always had a very good understanding of the nuances. And in a way, that was a bad thing. Because it kind of programmed me to believe that if you’re going have a restaurant, this is what you need to do, and this is the way it’s going to be run.
Grant Achatz
But by showing us live coverage of every bad thing happ

But by showing us live coverage of every bad thing happening everywhere in the world, cable news makes life seem like it’s just an endless string of disasters – when, for most people in most places today, life is fairly good.
Gregg Easterbrook
Being stubborn can be a good thing. Being stubborn can be a bad thing. It just depends on how you use it.
Willie Aames
There are always people who are into the old way of doing things. I don’t think it’s a bad thing necessarily, but things change – nothing stays the same. If you can stay true to yourself, you’re always going to be legendary.
Lil Uzi Vert
If you join the Boy Scouts without understanding the underlying agendas and biases of the organization, you might grow up to believe that being gay is a bad thing.
Douglas Rushkoff
I am an ambitious person. In the West, being ambitious isn’t a bad thing. You work hard and you have a purpose in life. But in North Korea, you can never be individualistic. You can never live for yourself. You have to live for the regime.
Park Yeon-mi
Everyone who’s recognized me has been very nice, which I’m very grateful for. It’s kind of thrust me into this world of being known, which is a good thing and a bad thing.
Bella Ramsey
You can just start shooting things and see how it goes. But time is still money, so you have to know when you are finished. It’s not like painting a picture which you could go on refining for 20 years – with a film you have to stop at some point, and that is no bad thing.
James Ivory
I love how feminism is often blamed for giving women too many choices. Like this is a bad thing.
Justine Musk
It is not a bad thing that children should occasionally, and politely, put parents in their place.
Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
I want people to understand, gambling is not a bad thing if you do it within the framework of what it’s meant to be, which is fun and entertaining.
Michael Jordan
Yeah, I’m certainly a lot more confident on this one than I was one the last one, which I think can be a good thing and a bad thing. But, at least I slept while making this film.
Guy Ritchie
America used to say that hip-hop was a cancer. Then it embraced that cancer and realized, ‘Hey, this isn’t a bad thing. It is part of us, just more America.’
Charlamagne tha God
I was told at first that being different was a bad thing. Everywhere I went, it was just, ‘You’re too different’… And it turned out that being different was the best thing that ever happened to my career. It is why people travel to my shows. It’s why people want to hear my story and buy my book.
Lindsey Stirling
You can tell when a writer moves out of a place of struggle and into a place of comfort, and it’s always a bad thing.
Eleanor Catton
The only bad thing is that we didn’t win at Tennessee. Kiffin left that program in a bad position.
Malik Jackson
I don’t think I look like a boy, but I don’t think androgyny is such a bad thing.
Katherine Moennig
When I went up there it was with one goal was to win a championship. Obviously that didn’t happen but I don’t have one bad thing to say about my time in Boston.
Al Horford
People say jargon is a bad thing, but it’s really a shortcut vocabulary professionals use to understand one another.
Erin McKean
Oftentimes, my career as a model is based around glamour or creating a fantasy world. That in itself is not a bad thing, as I think art and inspiration has its place in society.
Coco Rocha
I think we will always have the impulse towards visual poetry with us, and I wouldn’t agree with Bly that it’s a bad thing. It depends on the ability of the individual poet to do it well, and to make a shape which is interesting enough to hold your attention.
James Laughlin
It’s not a bad thing for independent traders to come into a high street to mix things up, but what shouldn’t happen is that the traders who were there before are priced out.
Sadiq Khan
Listen: when you work for an employer for six years, are you gonna sit here and tell me you ain’t gotta bad thing to say about them?
Enzo Amore
If all the economists in the world were laid end to end, it wouldn’t be a bad thing.
Peter Lynch
When you’re old, you are more certain of who you are, and that may be a good thing or a bad thing.
Sally Field
I think encouraging young people to twerk might be a bad thing. It’s a stripper’s move. If I had a daughter of nine, I wouldn’t want her twerking.
Ed Sheeran
The good and bad thing about online trolling: it’s not on the street, and it’s not on the street! The good: nothing physical erupts; the bad: there are no brakes to stop it.
Greg Gutfeld
First thing I said to him was, ‘LeBron, you know this is true. We had five good years and one bad night’. Like a marriage that’s good, and then one bad thing happens, and you never talk to each other again.
Dan Gilbert
You can read 50 great things about yourself, but the one bad thing will be what you remember most.
Luke Evans
Like any group that has endured much, African Americans have created a strong and mutually reinforcing sense of group identity. That’s not a bad thing in and of itself.
J. C. Watts
Whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing, the higher your profile, the more castable you are in TV dramas.
Cherie Lunghi
Being lonely is not a bad thing for a writer.
Chuck Palahniuk
My protagonists have problems that a new pair of shoes

My protagonists have problems that a new pair of shoes won’t solve. Retail therapy is not a bad thing, but it’s not going to fix their lives.
Mary Kay Andrews
Walking down the street in any town or city in the world and having people look at you and start talking to you, convinced that they know you as well or better than they do members of their own family, that’s just an odd phenomenon. But I mean, I wouldn’t say it was a bad thing. It’s an interesting thing.
Viggo Mortensen
I don’t see it as a bad thing that I surround myself with edgy people. Because they’re interesting.
Milo Yiannopoulos
Sometimes getting beaten isn’t such a bad thing. It gives me a chance to look at myself in a new way.
Phil Taylor
We have to lower our guard and know saying something’s wrong isn’t a bad thing.
Eric Reid
The trade deficit is the capital surplus and don’t ever think of having a capital surplus as being a bad thing for our country.
Arthur Laffer
I don’t think paper will go away. I do believe that the value of paper will change, and Xerox is working on changing that value. Consider a color page. Actual life is in color, but you keep reproducing it in black and white. You remove value. It’s a bad thing to do.
Ursula Burns
If there’s one kind of music that makes somebody happy, how is that a bad thing? And if there’s another kind that makes somebody else happy, how is that a bad thing? I don’t get why anybody cares about what they don’t like so much.
Chris Stapleton
A little recognition is not a bad thing because it means people appreciate your work. The only problem is when you can’t walk down the street or have a meal without people looking at you. I want to be the one looking at people.
Viggo Mortensen
I think having a back-up plan is never a bad thing. I would hate to be a male footballer and look back on 15 years of my career and think, ‘Oh well, I’ve got a lot a money but what now?’
Eniola Aluko
There are so many startups out there raising money. I don’t think this is a bad thing. It’s a good thing. Entrepreneurship is in vogue. Innovators are innovating. Makers are making.
Fred Wilson
In a way, and I don’t like to use this word, but delusion can be a good thing, it can be a bad thing, but when you genuinely believe in something, if you’re putting in the effort to progress, you’re going to progress more than someone who doesn’t think they can do it.
Anthony Yarde
I don’t really view communism as a bad thing.
Whoopi Goldberg
I think as far as the music industry is concerned, it’s kind of been the wild, wild West in a way with the Internet, which is not necessarily a bad thing to me.
Queen Latifah
Actors, by nature, are insecure. I don’t see that as necessarily a bad thing. It is good to question yourself, be self-analytical. You get a better performance if you challenge yourself. If you go around thinking you’re great, you’re never going to challenge or scare yourself.
Sarah Greene
The bad thing about galvanized pipes is they rust, and over the years they can get corroded. It’s just kinda gross.
Christina Anstead
The bad thing about young people starting a company is that sometimes they do it for the wrong reasons or because they have the wrong skill set, but the good thing is that they don’t have any of the old paradigms baked into them, so they have a lot of the bright new ideas that are harder to come by as you get older.
Ben Horowitz
Children should always feel like the adults are living in this world to nurture them, to take care of them, to protect them from any bad thing that might come.
Chris Cornell
So many people subconsciously shy away from getting rich because they believe they’ll be judged, they’ll lose the people they love, they believe that desiring money is a bad thing, money is the root of all evil, etc.
Jen Sincero
It might be a bad thing to be first , if you stop and think about it. It might be better to be second or third because then you can enjoy it and disappear – return to the society you came out of without someone always poking you in the side and saying you were first.
Guion Bluford
In the United States of America, we are so liberal-minded on so many different aspects, but for some reason there’s always going to be this weird connection with nudity being a bad thing. Americans can be so prude sometimes.
Erin Wasson
I love a bit of drama. That’s a bad thing. I can flip really quickly.
We could walk 3 minutes and be on the beach. I think the music kind of suffered because of it. It kind of smelled like Jimmy Buffett, which is a bad thing.
John Mellencamp
I never write with constraints, which I don’t know if it is a good thing or a bad thing.
David Cage
Some stimulus is not a bad thing.
Ron Johnson
I think a bit of jewellery that cheers you up for the day isn’t a bad thing.
Giles Deacon
What I try to do is to look ahead of me and not look back. Whether that’s a good thing or bad thing, I’m just focused on trying to get better.
Luol Deng
I don’t think kneeling during the anthem is such a bad thing.
Jose Feliciano
I was singing before I acted, but I was also attracted to drama, and, y’know, I got successful at that, which isn’t a bad thing.
Juliette Lewis
I’m not running about playing romantic leads. I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing, but it’s the way it’s sort of working out.
Jack Lowden
We’ll always have bureaucracies, but bureaucracies led by bureaucrats might be too much of a bad thing.
John Sununu
I like how calm and chill it is in Utah. It's a good th

I like how calm and chill it is in Utah. It’s a good thing and it’s a bad thing. The bad part is, maybe after a big game you want to go out and hang out or whatever, and there’s really not too many spots like that in Utah.
Derrick Favors
You know, conservatism is not a bad thing. It’s not a pejorative.
Michael Steele
After I finish with football, I will definitely go home. I won’t stay in England, but I like it here, and I’m happy I’m doing what’s best to give everything on the pitch, and then when I can, I relax. But the only bad thing is here maybe the rain is much more than in my country, but everything else I am happy with.
Edin Dzeko
Is self-interest a bad thing? We want our leaders to be pure and good, but at the same time we want them to be effective, and to be effective you often have to be ruthless and not bound by ideology or the same morals that we pretend to hold ourselves to.
Beau Willimon
In and of itself, keeping the country safe for business is not a bad thing.
Peter Schuyler
An agenda is not a bad thing.
Kathy Ireland
It’s not a bad thing fighting for equality and helping the poor. It’s not a bad thing to have on your professional tombstone: ‘He believed in equality and he helped the poor.’
Joe Jamail
Changing what you don’t like about yourself can be empowering, and that’s not a bad thing. Feeling secure enough to own what is weak and missing from either your body, mind or spirit and to commit to action to change it is a good thing.
Teri Hatcher
It’s not a bad thing to be able to do many things onstage. If you’re an entertainer, you should be able to entertain. I’m proud to say that I’m not a one-trick pony.
Carol Burnett
In one world, effort is a bad thing. It, like failure, means you’re not smart or talented. If you were, you wouldn’t need effort. In the other world, effort is what makes you smart or talented.
Carol S. Dweck
Email has the virtue – sounds like a bad thing, but it’s the virtue of being the lowest common denominator messaging protocol. Everyone can have it. It can cross organizational boundaries. No one owns it. It’s not some particular company’s platform.
Stewart Butterfield
There is a line in which populism can cross over into demagoguery. Demagoguery is the crossover where populism becomes a bad thing, and people make things up, and they assign responsibilities that aren’t fair and justified, and scapegoat communities. And then it becomes a very bad thing.
Lloyd Blankfein
I couldn’t see passion as a bad thing.
Joni Mitchell
Even were sleep is concerned, too much is a bad thing.
Writing is one of those jobs that everyone has an opinion on. I don’t think this is a bad thing.
Jack Thorne
Selfishness is a quality and not necessarily a bad thing.
Arjen Robben
I think people look at dance music and see it as kind of a bad thing, and bad people hang out in nightclubs, but it never felt that way for me. Growing up in Chicago, music was the thing that saved me, that kept me on the straight and narrow.
Time never stood still for me. It went too fast; that was the bad thing about it!
Roberto Baggio
It’s true, I used to be so shy. I used to never talk, just sit back and do my thing. I was never bullied, though, and it was never like it was something that needed to be ‘fixed’, like being shy is a bad thing.
Kendall Jenner
Salt is a more-ish sort of thing. But it can be a bad thing if there’s too much salt. It’s awful.
Adriano Zumbo
To come up short when you reach too far is not such a bad thing rather than not to reach at all, right?
David Twohy
You become so obsessed, and that’s not a bad thing for a movie. Serve it with that sense that it’s the whole world.
James L. Brooks
I would say it’s part tomboy, part hipster, definitely part want-to-be-very-comfortable. Fashion is a way for me to express myself. I guess I’m vain in that sense. It’s not a bad thing.
Megan Rapinoe
Killing people because you don’t like their ideas – it’s a bad thing.
Salman Rushdie
You don’t get to rehearse much on TV. You are kind of rehearsing on film. Depending on the way you work, that’s either a good thing or a bad thing.
Chris Messina
The good thing about working alone is I get a lot done and I can experiment more. The bad thing is I miss out on the gregarious, social way that most musicians work.
I’m a sucker for giving people money on the street. I don’t know if it’s a good or a bad thing, but I can’t help myself.
Jennifer Morrison
Swans sing before they die – ’twere no bad thing should certain persons die before they sing.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Every now and then you might have to change things around. It’s not something that is good to do a lot – especially with your batting – but every now and then, I don’t think it’s a bad thing.
Joe Root
You have to have honesty to the product. You have to meet consumer expectations. You give them value for their money and give them a product that they need. I don’t see anything wrong with all these things. And I don’t think it’s a bad thing to meet consumers’ expectations.
Janet Evanovich
People talk about drones like they’re a bad thing, but they forget there are people behind them. It’s a lot easier to blame the technology than to accept that people are a cancer on this planet.
David Hewlett
I've started doing book reviews for Barnes & Noble! The

I’ve started doing book reviews for Barnes & Noble! They saw that I did a lot of book reviews on the site, and they figured that it might not be a bad thing if they got me to do some for them as well. I gave them five categories I’d be interested in reviewing, from art to fiction to music.
David Bowie
The one bad thing sometimes when you switch 1 through 5, guys think it’s easier and they relax. You have to be just as aggressive. If we’re going to switch 1 through 5 we got to meet that point of entry at the ball and be physical.
Tristan Thompson
You can’t let every bad thing that happens to you in your life overtake you.
Margo Price
‘Scott Pilgrim’ is something that was a little bit more difficult to put in one box. But, to me, that’s not necessarily a bad thing about the movie.
Edgar Wright
Bitcoin has the potential to destroy credit cards and banks as we know it. Maybe that is a good thing or a bad thing, but I like the idea that if someone needs to remit payments, they can do it without being gouged.
Garry Tan
When I was young, I colored in the line drawings in vintage editions of the Oz books that had been handed down through generations in my family. This was a bad thing to do.
Andrew Rosenthal
The simplest and clearest motivation for taking animal welfare seriously is the recognition that pain is in and of itself a bad thing, and that to inflict significant amounts of it unnecessarily is wrong.
Julian Baggini
I hate that people have made the term SoundCloud rapper into a bad thing, because a lot of artists are underground and they don’t have a way to put their music on. But to get that clout, to get that popularity, you might want to upload your music to SoundCloud – because how else is everybody going to hear it?
Megan Thee Stallion
Sometimes a little compromise isn’t a bad thing. You don’t need to be precious about it.
David Sylvian
I used to think I was tough, but there’s a difference between bravado and courage, and I only started to show courage when I began to get help. So now I make a point of telling people, ‘Hey, it’s a good thing to ask for help, not a bad thing.’
Jimmy Barnes
Smaller tax refunds are not a bad thing – they’re a sign that people are keeping more of their money as they earn it, rather than letting Uncle Sam keep it under his mattress for them.
Kayleigh McEnany
I can’t put much weight into whether the public likes me because the more important thing is that, as an actor, I can truly say that there’s not a single director or actor who I’ve worked with who’d have a bad thing to say about me.
Miles Teller
Businesses have moved from doing business to doing lobbying, and I think that’s a very bad thing.
Angus Deaton
I’ve seen my own blood and broken a few bones. I’ve been hit, which isn’t an entirely bad thing, as at least you have a glimpse of the suffering endured by the people you are photographing. And in a sense, crumbling empires and war have been with me all my life.
Don McCullin
When you model, you don’t really have control over your image. It can be a good thing, it can be a bad thing. It can be a good thing in the sense that, actually, you have to get reintroduced to yourself. You don’t always get that opportunity in your normal life. You can kind of hide from yourself.
Philomena Kwao
I can’t say this enough, I’m totally comfortable with my body. I like my body, I don’t think it’s a bad thing, I think I have a nice body, I’m happy with it.
Cameron Diaz
When you label so much of what happens to you as ‘bad,’ it reinforces the feeling that you are a powerless pawn at the mercy of outside forces over which you have no control. And – this is key – labeling something a bad thing almost guarantees that you’ll experience it as such.
Srikumar Rao
I would love to be an example to young LGBTQ kids everywhere. I remember growing up and feeling like nobody in the media accurately represented me, and when they did, it was always made to seem like a bad thing.
Brianna Hildebrand
I would go into practice pushing the body despite any injuries. It’s a good thing but a bad thing. It’s good because your body is quick to adapt, but it’s a bad thing because you are forcing your body, and it can’t recover as well.
Cain Velasquez
Globalization doesn’t have to be a bad thing as long as government provides us all with the tools to cope in a changing world.
John B. Larson
The less you think counterfactually, the less you experience stress. Stress, in this light, isn’t a bad thing. It’s simply a warning system telling you that your mind has lost touch with what’s real.
Andrew J. Bernstein
As an actor, I don’t really think you find yourself. I mean, once you find yourself, I think it becomes boring and you become set in your ways. I think, as an actor I think it’s not a bad thing but more of a gift. It’s something you’re always doing as an actor. You’re adjusting constantly.
Justin Chon
Is science of any value? I think a power to do something is of value. Whether the result is a good thing or a bad thing depends on how it is used, but the power is a value.
Richard P. Feynman
Fear and hatred can be the things that drive you. I don’t always think of fear as a bad thing, it gives you fight-or-flight.
Jess Phillips
I didn’t say a bad thing about ‘Politico’ in my book.
David Brock
I don’t have any answers as to whether the Internet is a good or a bad thing, but it’s certainly an important thing for the novel because novels are so much about communication, and when communication changes, the novel has to change.
Sally Rooney
Sex is a bad thing because it rumples the clothes.
Jackie Kennedy
Once you win, you get used to winning, and that’s not a bad thing.
David Silva
It would be nice to redefine ourselves – at the moment we are drowning in diversity. That’s not a bad thing, its just going to take a while before we refocus.
Harvey Fierstein
I don’t think it’s a bad thing to say everybody pays $10 and if you go to vote you get your $10 back. And if you don’t vote that money goes to support the election process.
Michael Capuano
From what I understand about Shakespeare – which isn’t a lot – there was no copyright law when he was writing. He sampled at will, and it wasn’t seen as a bad thing.
Mike Posner
The Church controlled so much in Ireland for so long. I

The Church controlled so much in Ireland for so long. I’m not going to get into whether or not religion per se is a bad thing, but my point is the political aspect in Ireland was way out of kilter, and it wasn’t right.
Roisin Murphy
Not that being so mature is a bad thing, but there are times to be mature and there are times to be loose.
David Gallagher
I feel matured in a way that I’m happy about. I’m at this other stage in my life – and it’s not a bad thing at all.
Angelina Jolie
Life is insanely robust, though we can make species go extinct, and this is the bad thing. So I always make the point that you can’t say, ‘Is it too late?’ That is the terrible question, because either answer promotes inaction. If it’s too late, you don’t need to act; if it’s not too late, you don’t need to act.
Kim Stanley Robinson
I used to feel guilty about having nice things, because there was so much good I could be doing with that money. I always tell people that, if you can afford what I’m wearing, then you can afford to make a difference. But fashion has taught me that it’s not a bad thing to love yourself and take care of yourself.
Rain Dove
It’s good that everyone has an opportunity to take pictures, the chance to be a photographer. Some are good, too. But the bad thing is that it’s very, very difficult to take a great picture. Everyone can take a good picture – even a child – but it’s hard to make a great one.
Mary Ellen Mark
Being a Paul Heyman Guy wouldn’t be such a bad thing!
Drew McIntyre
I’ve never had an acting lesson in my life. I don’t know whether that’s a good or bad thing.
Jason Statham
I guess I don’t think sometimes, and sometimes that’s a good thing and sometimes that’s a bad thing.
Joe Thornton
My name don’t ever come up unless it’s light, a joke, laughs behind it. I’m not saying it’s all the way a bad thing, but it’s not great.
Michael Beasley
For me, growing up felt like a roller coaster ride at times, but looking back, I don’t think that it was such a bad thing. It was all part of the excitement of being young.
Jameela Jamil
I’m still very much an atheist, except that I don’t necessarily see religion as being a bad thing. So, that’s a weird thing that I’m struggling with that seems to be offending both atheists and people that are religious.
Patton Oswalt
I’m very tech-forward. However, I also think hitting the pause button is not a bad thing, and really connecting with people one-to-one viscerally, having a connection with someone, is really important.
Ashton Kutcher
It can never be a bad thing encouraging people to exercise.
Scarlett Moffatt
We might depend on each other a bit too much and use that as a crutch, but it’s not entirely a bad thing.
Jessica Origliasso
I think that, when you die, you go back to where you came from before you were born. So I don’t think death is a bad thing.
David Blaine
I’ve always kind of ripped from real life to some degree or at least how I’m feeling in the moment. In fact, maybe that’s really it. In anything I’ve ever written, all the characters sound like me, which I don’t think is a bad thing.
Kevin Smith
I just don’t believe the hype. I just don’t take myself too seriously. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
Khloe Kardashian
Treating people fairly and with civility is not a bad thing… It would be good for our country if political leaders actually took that to heart.
Jeb Bush
It’s not a bad thing for a writer not to feel at home. Writers – we’re much more comfortable at parties standing in the corner watching everybody else having a good time than we are mingling.
Neil Gaiman
Theater is so precious about each word – not that it’s a bad thing, but you definitely never stray from the script.
Sarah Steele
The beginning of a friendship, the fact that two people out of the thousands around them can meet and connect and become friends, seems like a kind of magic to me. But maintaining a friendship requires work. I don’t mean that as a bad thing. Good art requires work as well.
Charles de Lint
I don’t think it’s a bad thing to go out there and challenge yourself as an actor.
Matt Bomer
Yeah, the first contract I signed, that was the first time I realized, Oh man, never mind, I don’t want to do this anymore, but it was too late. I realized it was a bad thing because I wanted to try out for ‘American Idol’ and all these different things couldn’t do that because I was in this contract.
Ari Lennox
I think that as television is evolving, the line between TV and film is becoming more and more blurred. This is both a good and bad thing.
Miguel Sapochnik
People think the end of a relationship is a bad thing, but it can be a natural thing.
Angus Deayton
A lot of the shows I have done, I’m often the only black guy and I have often had to play second or third fiddle. It isn’t necessarily a bad thing if it is a strong ensemble cast. But I feel people have overlooked my abilities.
Malik Yoba
There is undoubtedly a lot of pressure that comes with recognition, which can be a good thing and bad thing all at the same time. But if you stay focused and don’t lose sight of what you’re doing and who you are, you can rise above it.
Prabal Gurung
‘Formation’ and ‘Lemonade’ speak to experiences that are too under-represented in our culture. But there are costs to certain forms of visibility. I don’t think it is a bad thing to discuss what these costs are.
Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
Tribalism isn’t a bad thing. If you’re a Facebook user, or Twitter user or Foursquare user or LinkedIn user, those are all tribes… and they may even have sub-tribes. It’s not pejorative, it’s declarative.
Peter Guber
‘Lost’ was filmed in Hawaii, so we stayed there and loved it, so we thought, ‘Why would we leave?’ It is a bit like growing up in a bubble, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing, as you will eventually get out and see the real world.
Henry Ian Cusick
You know, photo conversations are replacing verbal conv

You know, photo conversations are replacing verbal conversations. I don’t know if that’s a bad thing. A photo is worth a thousand words.
Ashton Kutcher
Growth doesn’t hurt. This is what I’ve learned. In the end, it doesn’t hurt. It hurts while it’s happening. But in the end, you know, for life, for parenting, and for the arts, it’s not a bad – not a bad thing to try for.
Laura Dern
‘Elitist’ doesn’t need to mean wealthy and conservative; it can also mean specialised and rarefied, and that’s no bad thing.
Mark Morris
As long as I can make an audience feel something, I don’t care whether it’s a good thing or bad thing, just to feel something is important to me.
Elisha Cuthbert
Being a nerd is not always a bad thing. It’s actually cool to be a nerd.
Grizz Chapman
Everybody think they’re an outsider – that word’s over! When I was young, being an outsider, I thought it was a bad thing you didn’t want to be.
John Waters
Hype is a good thing, but it can also be a bad thing if you aren’t prepared to back it up.
Chet Faker
Partisanship is not necessarily a bad thing. It leads to new leadership and new opportunities.
Gary Herbert
A bit of perspective and life experience isn’t a bad thing.
Gail Honeyman
I don’t subscribe to the thinking that being typecast is a bad thing.
Katee Sackhoff
I don’t agree with all-male leaderships. Men cannot be left to run things on their own. I think it’s a thoroughly bad thing to have a men-only leadership.
Harriet Harman
Imagining living in a universe without purpose may prepare us to better face reality head on. I cannot see that this is such a bad thing.
Lawrence M. Krauss
Not everybody wants to be Mark Zuckerberg, but everybody wants to create a little piece of the American dream, the Silicon Valley version. I don’t think that’s a bad thing.
Dave McClure
We know humans have most flourished during times of what? Warming trends. So I think there’s assumptions made that because the climate is warming, that that necessarily is a bad thing. Do we really know what the ideal surface temperature should be in the year 2100, in the year 2018?
Scott Pruitt
It’s not such a bad thing to bring some naive optimism to Washington.
Rod Lurie
Naturally, in a band or duo, it’s really about compromise which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Curt Smith
I think to visualize failure as you’re starting off is really a bad thing to do.
Marcia Gay Harden
Being stubborn has helped, being selfish is not a bad thing.
Herbie Mann
As an American, and especially as a Christian, I am convinced that a love for our own people is not a bad thing, but love doesn’t stop at borders. Love is infinitely boundless and all about holy trespassing and offensive friendships.
Shane Claiborne
Baseball is a game of averages, but over a short period of time, to have a little luck going is not a bad thing.
Bill Buckner
It’s so weird, like, it’s not like Gamergate is the only bad thing to happen to me. I’ve been homeless before, I’ve had to come through other stuff. A profoundly abusive childhood, but at least that stuff feels like I got to move on from it, that stuff is in the past.
Zoe Quinn
If something comes that it is so extreme that you have difficulty thinking of it as a good thing, don’t think of it as a good thing and kid yourself. To the extent that you can, don’t label it a bad thing. Refusing to label something a bad thing opens you up to possibilities you would not have even considered otherwise.
Srikumar Rao
To walk around with an ego is a bad thing. To have confidence in yourself is a great thing.
Fred Durst
With ‘Rage,’ it was a little bit different because this was going to be the public’s first interaction with the ‘Rage’ IP. Early on, right after the tech demo, there was some marked concern internally how much of a bad thing it would be if the game went out and it wasn’t well released and people got a bad taste off it.
John Carmack
Everyone focuses in football now on the managers a bit more than the players. I think that’s a bad thing.
Reece Oxford
My father said, ’10 minus one is zero.’ It means that even if you do good things 10 times, it is no use when you do some bad thing once. But it doesn’t mean that I think I have positive image, so I always need to be careful about what I’m doing. I don’t want to frame myself.
Park Bo-gum