Top 215 Dancers Quotes

The ‘All My Children’ studio was near Lincoln Center, and I used to see all the ballerinas and the dancers, and I thought, I don’t want to bulk up; I want to have long, lean, toned muscles. And I found out that through Pilates, you can achieve those strong, lean dancer muscles.
Susan Lucci
A producer wouldn’t think of making a film about ballet dancers without using real dancers, but they will cast actors who have never held a bat in baseball films.
D. B. Sweeney
On a TV show, for instance, dancers have to be paid for a week and a half rehearsal time. So unless they’re vital to a production, they’re just not used.
Toni Basil
Ballet needs figures that people can recognize and relate to. People don’t know ballet dancers as well as they know other artists.
David Hallberg