Top 22 Charles Soule Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Charles Soule Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The decision to work with Marvel for a while isn't any

The decision to work with Marvel for a while isn’t any sort of denigration of DC. I had a fantastic time there, I was treated extremely well, I have strong positive feelings about all of my editors and the DC universe of characters, and I look forward to hopefully working with them at some point down the road.
Charles Soule
It’s kind of like when you have guests coming over to your house, and you haven’t really picked up in awhile, and you look around and say, ‘Wow, my place is kind of a mess, but I never noticed it because it’s what I’ve been living in every day.’ That’s kind of what Supergirl is to the Red Lanterns.
Charles Soule
‘Thunderbolts’ I was mostly attracted to because I really wanted to write Punisher and Elektra and Deadpool, who are characters I have always really enjoyed. But the funny thing is that over time, I came to really like Red Leader; he became one of my favorite guys in the book. Sometimes characters surprise you.
Charles Soule
This might seem impossible to believe, but some lawyers actually like lawyering.
Charles Soule
I’ve always loved the idea of mythologies linked to or underlying everyday life, like the kami gods of Shintoism, where every rock, tree and stream has its own little god associated with it.
Charles Soule
I’m an attorney when I’m not writing comics, and have been for years. That’s a side of my life I don’t always associate with pure creativity, but it’s all worked out nicely.
Charles Soule
I think to this day, ‘Superman/Wonder Woman’ is probably one of the trickiest things I’ve been working on. It’s like being asked to write a ‘Star Wars’ movie or something like that. You don’t know how you’re going to handle it; you don’t know if you can. You don’t know if you should be the guy.
Charles Soule
I actually imagined ‘Thunderbolts’ as a straight-up comedy book in a lot of ways, like a very dark comedy book, whereas ‘Red Lanterns’ is more of a cosmic saga that has some jokes every once in a while.
Charles Soule
There are fantastic stories yet to be told featuring Marvel’s characters, old and new, and I’m thrilled to be part of them.
Charles Soule
I’ve been a Marvel reader since I was just a kid, and I’ve dreamed of being a Marvel writer for almost as long, so being tapped to officially join the team is truly something.
Charles Soule
The thing about Red Lanterns is that, while they have light powers and they have a power battery, they also have this weird shamanistic kind of blood magic side to them.
Charles Soule
The Marvel universe is a deep, weird, woolly place, and getting to expose strange corners of it is part of the fun of ‘She-Hulk.’ Honestly, it’s part of the fun of any Marvel book.
Charles Soule
‘Superman/Wonder Woman,’ people expected, I guess, a lot of romance, or maybe something that wasn’t emotionally deep. Who knows?
Charles Soule
I make no secret of the fact that writing She-Hulk can serve as an opportunity for me to sneak in some really cool characters that I personally love. Some will be obvious fits, but others will come out of left field – but that’s what’s fun about the Marvel U – the bench is deep.
Charles Soule
Black Bolt is typically a stoic leader, part of a larger cast of Inhumans who get their hands dirty in ways that he doesn’t.
Charles Soule
I had always thought that I would do something that was connected to music as a career, or possibly Chinese, which was my major.
Charles Soule
Of all the things I’ve done, the first ‘Strongman’ story was one of the easiest things to write. It was almost fully formed from the get-go. It’s almost a ‘Dark Knight Returns’ riff, except you have a battle-worn Mexican wrestler instead of Batman.
Charles Soule
The Inhumans are almost a mythological creation unto themselves. They’re royalty, and are always involved in Marvel’s cosmic events. But with the explosion of the Terrigen bomb and these new Inhumans coming to light, it brings a new street level aspect to add to the royalty aspect.
Charles Soule
I was an enormous fan of Dan Slott’s run, and John Byrne’s run was a big deal for me. I found Slott’s version of ‘She-Hulk’ first, and then I went back and looked up some of the older stuff because I liked it so much. And it was so good. It was perfect. It was my perfect comic book at the time that I found it.
Charles Soule
We’ll see She-Hulk fighting evil everywhere from the boardroom to the Bowery, using her mind as much as her fists.
Charles Soule
For ‘Inhuman,’ it’s a ‘chess game’ series. You have a lot of pieces moving different ways at once, and it’s about what they do on their own and what happens when they collide into one another. It’s about long-range planning, new character creation, and trying to really build things.
Charles Soule
One of the things that’s been really fun about my run on ‘Swamp Thing’ is putting him in all kinds of different locations around the world, and seeing how his exterior foliage changes based on his location.
Charles Soule