Top 220 Exception Quotes

All parties without exception, when they seek for power, are varieties of absolutism.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Our safety net must reflect our country’s belief that – without exception – Americans are not liabilities to be written off but assets to be realized.
Todd Young
I’ve met many journalists who impress me with their ability to play it straight. I think they’re the exception to the rule.
Andrew Breitbart
My mom was the breadwinner in my family. I always thought, ‘That’s how it is.’ I never thought that was the exception.
Colin Jost
Repressive regimes do not endure change willingly – and Venezuela is no exception.
Leopoldo Lopez
I really can’t live without my In-N-Out burgers. Honestly, I can’t. Even when I’m doing the whole no-carb thing occasionally, I make an exception for these. They’re too delicious to count.
Nate Berkus
Until I was five, my immediate family lived near my grandfather’s farm where my mother had grown up and, with the exception of a few modern conveniences, had not changed a lot over the years.
Kary Mullis
When I recall today my early youth, I should take the boy that I then was, with the exception of a few individual features, for a different person, were it not for the existence of the chain of memories.
Ernst Mach
When listening to politicians, distinguish certain words. Look out for the expansive use of ‘terrorism’ and ‘extremism.’ Be alive to the fatal notions of ‘exception’ and ’emergency.’ Be angry about the treacherous use of patriotic vocabulary.
Timothy D. Snyder
Most writers adore their editors, and I’m no exception.
Linda Sue Park
I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House – with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.
John F. Kennedy
Hypersegregated inner-city schools – in which one finds no more than five or ten white children, at the very most, within a student population of as many as 3,000 – are the norm, not the exception, in most northern urban areas today.
Jonathan Kozol
With the sole exception of President Bill Clinton, whose ‘bridge to the 21st century’ evoked the vision and optimism of other great Democratic presidents of the 20th century, such as FDR and John F. Kennedy, pessimism about America’s economic future has been the hallmark of modern progressivism.
Bernard L. Schwartz
No one likes it when their personal life is talked about, and I am no exception. But I guess it’s the price an actor has to pay for being in the public eye.
Huma Qureshi
The Soviet Union was an exception, but even there chess players were not rich. Only Fischer changed that.
Boris Spassky
Obviously, I love Japanese food. My favorite TV show of all time, without exception, is ‘Iron Chef.’ Not the stupid American version; ‘Iron Chef’ Japanese; the real one, the one that was on in Japan… my DVR for years was set to record almost every single ‘Iron Chef’ episode.
Tucker Max
I was sort of shocked when it all of a sudden turned out that I got all A’s through college, with the exception of two B’s in the first term. I never envisaged myself as summa cum laude.
Alan Greenspan
Today, everybody is more or less conscious of the total failure of the Cuban revolution to produce wealth, to produce a better standard of living for the Cubans. With the exception of small radical parties, Latin Americans know that it’s a brutal dictatorship and the longest in Latin American history.
Mario Vargas Llosa
There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception.
James Thurber
But your questions, which are unanswerable without exception, all spring from the same erroneous thinking.
Hermann Hesse
Most people who aspire to be president don’t have a foreign policy and national security background. The exception was certainly Hillary Clinton.
Jack Keane
Well, first of all, we now have everybody with the exception of India, Pakistan, and Israel, and I don’t think these three countries are going to join by simply providing them an incentive, in terms of technology.
Mohamed ElBaradei
I am always loath to assign goalkeepers too much importance, but you have to make an exception for the greats.
Paul Scholes
I think power will do anything to survive and one of it

I think power will do anything to survive and one of its main techniques is the rule of exceptions. So it makes an exception out of people and we worship them, whether that’s Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks. These people become beatified beyond recognition.
Jess Phillips
Public servants should be focused on serving the public – not any special interest group, and good governance should be an expectation – not an exception.
Abigail Spanberger
The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception.
Friedrich Nietzsche
I was 25 and the most popular celebrity in the world, with the possible exception of my friend Mary Pickford.
Gloria Swanson
I was afraid of just about everything in this world, with the possible exception of my mother and I wasn’t too sure about her.
G. Gordon Liddy
Monopoly controls have been the exception in free societies; they have been the rule in closed societies.
Lawrence Lessig
I suppose more than anything, it’s the way of life in this part of the country that influences my writing. In Eastern North Carolina, with the exception of Wilmington, most people live in small towns.
Nicholas Sparks
New York apartments are notoriously small, and my cute little studio is no exception – space is at a premium, which is one of the reasons that I only have a mini-fridge. Great for leftovers, cheese, and chilling Diet Coke.
Rachel Sklar
With the exception of the New York Times, Fox news, and Lou Dobbs of CNN, and talk radio, the rest of the mainstream media has basically been silenced like a bunch of dumb monkeys.
Curt Weldon
I live for playing live. All my records are live, since After the Gold Rush, with the exception of Trans and the vocals on Landing on Water.
Neil Young
Melancholy has ceased to be an individual phenomenon, an exception. It has become the class privilege of the wage earner, a mass state of mind that finds its cause wherever life is governed by production quotas.
Gunter Grass
There is just one exception to the FCC’s no-throttling rule – if a company can prove that throttling is ‘reasonable network management.’
Marvin Ammori
Oahu in the distance, a group of grey, barren peaks rising verdureless out of the lonely sea, was not an exception to the rule that the first sight of land is a disappointment.
Isabella Bird
The House is rooted in the principle of direct elections and is unique among all branches and bodies of the federal government as without exception, the people’s voice.
Charles W. Pickering
I’ve probably saved more black lives as mayor of New York City than any mayor in New York City with the possible exception of Mike Bloomberg, who was there for 12 years.
Rudy Giuliani
Be able to hiccup silently, or at least without alerting neighbors to your situation. The first hiccup is an exception.
Marilyn vos Savant
I had a great career and I enjoyed all of it, with the exception of losing.
Drew Bledsoe
It was exactly what was released two months later with the exception of a couple of reaction shots which we went back in to get. I liked the movie very much and asked him what the studio’s problem was. I felt that he was at a point where they might have worn him down.
Madeleine Stowe
The single outstanding exception was the broad yet precise mandate communicated by the General Assembly in 1946 to prepare as soon as possible the Charter of Human Rights which the San Francisco Conference had not had the time or the courage to draw up.
Rene Cassin
All the players want to play on the big stages – and I am no exception.
Bernardo Silva
I was surprised by the attention and visibility on me as a black woman CEO. I look forward to the day when this is the norm and not the exception.
Stacy Brown-Philpot
I think a lot of people secretly wish they were a rock star, and I’m no exception.
Cindy Crawford
Borrowing to pay for college used to be the exception; now it’s the rule.
Arne Duncan
With one terrible exception, the Civil War, law and the Constitution have kept America whole and free.
Anthony Lewis
As there is no spiking-the-football exception to our open-records laws, Judicial Watch initiated a federal court battle with the administration over the release of postmortem images of bin Laden and his alleged burial at sea.
Tom Fitton
I always liked Barbara Howar and admired her spunk. I know that she considered me – and Alice Roosevelt Longworth – an exception to her negative feelings about Washington widows and single women, whom she basically found dispensable.
Katharine Graham
Society understands the architecture of academia and knows there are relevant qualifications in different fields, and the media accepts the idea of specialisations and accords greater respect to those with greater expertise. With one exception: climate science.
Jay Griffiths
All political parties, organizations, and all people should abide by the constitution and laws without any exception. They must all act in accordance with the constitution and laws. I see that as a defining feature of modern political system development.
Wen Jiabao
You can only govern men by serving them. The rule is without exception.
Victor Kiam
I only like luxury fashion. You have to decide where you stand. I like well-made, authentic clothes, well-crafted tailoring. I also like the dream and fantasy of luxury, the exception and rarity of it. I have no interest at all in fast retail. It is ambiguous.
Hedi Slimane
I and haven’t been unemployed for 20 years. I’m an exception to the rule.
Denzel Washington
I have made all my films for my children with the excep

I have made all my films for my children with the exception of my first film because my oldest daughter wasn’t born when I was making the film about the Brooklyn Bridge.
Ken Burns
Big city mayors don’t play well with voters outside their city anymore. Just ask John Lindsay, Ed Koch, Kevin White, Tom Bradley, Dick Riordon. Rudy Giuliani is no exception.
Lawrence O’Donnell